Tumour Excision (tumour + excision)

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Selected Abstracts

Outcome of craniopharyngioma in children: long-term complications and quality of life

Andrea Poretti MB BS
Childhood craniopharyngiomas are histologically benign tumours arising from remnants of Rathke's pouch in the hypothalamic,pituitary region. The two common treatment approaches are primary total resection or limited resection followed by radiotherapy. To study the outcome after a primary surgical approach, we followed 25 consecutive patients (10 females, 15 males) under 16 years of age who were treated in a single institution with a management policy of radical tumour excision (mean age at diagnosis 9 years 2 months, SD 4 years 3 months; range 2 years 9 months to 15 years 11 months). Mean follow-up after primary surgery was 11 years 3 months (SD 7 years 7 months). Tumour control, and neurological, endocrine, and hypothalamic complications and their impact on health-related quality of life were assessed (medical follow-up, semi-structured interview, and questionnaires). Results of tumour control were generally good, however, local failure was observed in 6 of 25 patients, and severe late-treatment complications decreased quality of life for many long-time survivors. Endocrine deficiency occurred in 24/25, visual complications in 16/24, neurological complications in 8/24, obesity in 14/23, increased daytime sleepiness in 6/21, and significant school problems in 10/20. Patients with craniopharyngioma rated their health-related quality of life as considerably lower than healthy controls; the domains of social and emotional functioning were particularly affected. Parents'ratings were considerably lower than those of the patients. Poor functional outcome was associated with large tumours infiltrating or displacing the hypothalamus, the occurrence of hydrocephalus, and young age at diagnosis, but also with multiple operations due to tumour recurrence. Alternative treatment strategies should be considered, especially in very young patients with large tumours. [source]

Wound conditioning of a deep tissue defect including exposed bone after tumour excision using PROMOGRAN* Matrix, a protease-modulating matrix

Article first published online: 7 SEP 200
Conditionnement d'une plaie créant un défect tissulaire exposant l'os après excision tumorale par Matrice de PROMOGRAN, une matrice modulant les protéases. L'étude d'un cas clinique rapportant le succès thérapeutique sur un patient atteint d'un carcinome baso-cellulaire est relatée. Du fait d'une infiltration cancéreuse profonde, une excision large incluant la résection du tissu osseux, était nécessaire. .Le défect tissulaire profond a été traité par Matrice PROMOGRAN, une matrice modulant les protéases, pour promouvoir le tissu de bourgeonnement et s'assurer que la peau greffée prenne de façon normale. Dans le cas clinique décrit ici, un rapide développement du tissu de bourgeonnement sur la surface osseuse exposée a été observée. Les bénéfices de ce type de pansement ont permis à la greffe de peau d'épaisseur partielle de prendre rapidement et d'aboutir à un résultat satisfaisant sur le plan esthétique et fonctionnel. Wundkonditionierung eines tiefen Gewebedefekts mit freiliegenden Knochen nach Tumorentfernung durch Anwendung einer Promogron Matrix- einer proteasenmodulierenden Matrix Berichtet wird eine Fallstudie nach erfolgreicher Behandlung eines Patienten mit Basalzellcarcinom. Aufgrund der ausgedehnten Tumorinfiltration war eine ausgedehnte Excision des Gewebes unter Einschluss von Knochengewebe erforderlich. Der Tiefe Gewebedefekt wurde mit Promogran, einer proteasemodulierenden Matrix behandelt, um die Granulation zu fördern und eine erfolgreiche Hautransplantation anzuschließen. In dem berichteten Fall konnte eine rasche Ausbildung von Granulationsgewebe auf der Knochenoberfläche beobachtet werden. Dadurch war eine erfolgreiche Spalthauttransplantation mit einem sehr guten ästhetischen und funktionalen Ergebnis möglich. Decorso di una ferita con difetto tessutale profondo, incluso l'esposizione di tessuto osseo dopo escissione di un tumore, dopo utilizzo della matrice Promogran®, una matrice che modula le proteasi. Viene messo in risalto un caso clinico di un paziente trattato con successo per un carcinoma basocellulare. Dal momento che il carcinoma era infiltrato in profondità, è stata necessaria una escissione molto ampia che includesse la rimozione di tessuto osseo. La profonda soluzione di continuo che si è creata è stata trattata con la matrice Promogran®, una matrice che modula le metalloproteasi, per promuovere il tessuto di granulazione ed assicurare che la cute trapiantata avesse buon attecchimento. In questo caso è stato osservato un rapido sviluppo di tessuto di granulazione sulla parte esposta dell'osso. I vantaggi della medicazione hanno consentito l'applicazione di un innesto a spessore parziale che ha portato ad un risultato funzionale ed estetico molto buoni. Acondicionamiento de la herida de un defecto tisular profundo, incluyendo hueso expuesto, tras la escisión de un tumor mediante la matriz PROMOGRAN*, una matriz moduladora de proteasas Se presenta el estudio de un caso informando sobre el tratamiento satisfactorio de un paciente afecto de un carcinoma basocelular. Dado que el carcinoma había causado una infiltración profunda, fue necesario practicar una escisión amplia incluyendo la extirpación de tejido óseo. El defecto tisular profundo fue tratado con la matriz PROMOGRAN*, una matriz moduladora de proteasas, para fomentar la granulación y asegurar que la piel transplantada actuara con éxito. En el estudio de este caso se observó un rápido desarrollo de tejido de granulación sobre la superficie ósea expuesta. Los beneficios del apósito permitieron la realización de un injerto de piel laminar satisfactorio que proporcionó muy buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales. Sårbetingning vid djup vävnadsskada med blottställt ben efter tumör excision, med hjälp av PROMOGRAN* Matrix, ett proteas-modulerande matrix En fallstudie som rapporterar lyckad behandling av en patient med basalcellcancer framställs. En omfattande excision, som inkluderar avlägsnandet av benvävnad, var nödvändig emedan cancern hade infiltrerat djupt. Den djupa vävnadsskadan behandlades med PROMOGRAN* Matrix, ett protease-modulerande matrix, för att befrämja granulation och för att säkerställa lyckad inläkning av hudtransplantatet. I denna fallstudie iakttogs en snabb uppkomst av granulationsvävnad på den blottställda benytan. Den fördelaktiga effekten av sårförbandet möjliggjorde en lyckad ,split-thickness' hudtransplantation med mycket gott estetiskt och funktionellt resultat. [source]

Wound conditioning of a deep tissue defect including exposed bone after tumour excision using PROMOGRAN* Matrix, a protease-modulating matrix

Anne-Kathrin Tausche MD
Abstract A case study reporting on the successful treatment of a patient affected by a basal cell carcinoma is submitted. Because the carcinoma had infiltrated deeply, a wide excision was necessary, including the removal of bone tissue. The deep tissue defect was treated with PROMOGRAN* Matrix, a protease-modulating matrix, to promote granulation and ensure that the skin graft do survive and heal successfully. In this case study, a rapid development of granulation tissue on the exposed surface of the bone was observed. The benefits of the dressing enabled a successful split-thickness skin grafting to be carried out which gave very good aesthetic and functional results. [source]

Continuous cervical plexus block for carotid body tumour excision in a patient with Eisenmenger's syndrome

ANAESTHESIA, Issue 12 2006
H. G. Jones
Summary A patient with Eisenmenger's syndrome presented for removal of a carotid body tumour. Continuous cervical plexus blockade was successfully used to provide peri-operative and postoperative analgesia. The risks and benefits of regional and general anaesthesia in this high risk patient are discussed. [source]

Lateral mammaplasty reconstruction after surgery for breast cancer,

M. Ballester
Background: Up to 60 per cent of cancers develop laterally in the breast and breast-conserving surgery frequently produces superolateral nipple,areolar complex (NAC) distortion aggravated by postoperative irradiation. Correction is technically demanding and the outcomes are variable. Lateral mammaplasty may allow wider excision margins and prevent such deformities. Methods: This was a review of 86 consecutive patients who had lateral mammaplasty: combined wide tumour excision with NAC repositioning on a reliable dermoglandular pedicle. Simultaneous axillary surgery was performed via a separate or combined incision. Aesthetic outcomes were assessed. Results: The median age of the women was 54 (range 29,75) years; 55 (64 per cent) had palpable tumours and 73 (85 per cent) underwent simultaneous axillary surgery. Median radiological and histological tumour sizes were 29·8 and 33·6 mm, respectively, and median weight of excised tumour was 150 g. Two patients required haematoma evacuation. Eleven women required revisional surgery for involved or close margins. Aesthetic outcomes were excellent or good in 93 per cent. Conclusion: Lateral mammaplasty produced clear margins in 87 per cent of women. It is an option when a deformity is anticipated after breast-conserving surgery, and is particularly valuable when neoadjuvant chemotherapy has downgraded a large tumour. Copyright © 2009 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Detection of micrometastases in lymph nodes from patients with breast cancer

G. Branagan
Background: Sentinel node biopsy affords the opportunity of focused examination of lymph nodes, including the use of the reverse transcriptase,polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The mammaglobin gene is expressed by breast cancers but has not been detected in histologically normal lymph nodes. This study compared mammaglobin RT-PCR with routine histology in the sentinel and non-sentinel nodes of patients with breast cancer. Methods: Patients with breast cancer underwent tumour excision, sentinel node biopsy and axillary dissection. All nodes were bisected and half of each node was sent for routine histological examination. The other half underwent RNA extraction and mammaglobin RT-PCR. Results: Sentinel node biopsy was successful in 50 (96 per cent) of 52 patients. Mammaglobin expression was detected in nine (8 per cent) of 119 histologically negative sentinel nodes (Clopper,Pearson 95 per cent confidence interval (c.i.) 4 to 14 per cent) and in 13 (5 per cent) of 247 histologically negative non-sentinel nodes (95 per cent c.i. 3 to 9 per cent). Mammaglobin expression was detected in four (13 per cent) of 31 patients with histologically negative sentinel nodes (95 per cent c.i. 4 to 30 per cent) and in six (14 per cent) of 44 patients with histologically negative non-sentinel nodes (95 per cent c.i. 5 to 27 per cent). The false-negative rate for sentinel node biopsy was zero using histology results and 10 per cent using RT-PCR. Conclusion: RT-PCR screening of axillary nodes for mammaglobin expression increased the detection of breast cancer metastases compared with routine histology. © 2002 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd [source]

Analysis of human mammary fibroadenoma by Ki-67 index in the follicular and luteal phases of menstrual cycle

M. F. Rego
Objectives:, Fibroadenoma is the most common benign mammary condition among women aged 35 or younger. Expression of Ki-67 antigen has been used to compare proliferative activity of mammary fibroadenoma epithelium in the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. Materials and methods:, Ninety eumenorrheic women were selected for tumour excision; they were assigned to either of the two groups, according to their phase of menstrual cycle. At the end of the study, 75 patients with 87 masses were evaluated by epithelial cell Ki-67 expression, blind (no information given concerning group to which any lesion belonged). Results:, Both groups were found to be homogeneous relative to age, menarche, body mass index, previous gestation, parity, breastfeeding, number of fibroadenomas, family history of breast cancer and tabagism. Median tumour size was 2.0 cm and no relationship between proliferative activity and nodule diameter was observed. No typical pattern was observed in the expression of Ki-67 in distinct nodules of the same patient. Average values for expression of Ki-67 (per 1000 epithelial cells) in follicular and luteal phases were 27.88 and 37.88, respectively (P = 0.116). Conclusion:, Our findings revealed that proliferative activities in the mammary fibroadenoma epithelium did not present a statistically significant difference in the follicular and luteal phases. The present study contributes to clarifying that fibroadenoma is a neoplasm and does not undergo any change in the proliferative activity during the menstrual cycle. [source]