Thermophilic Proteins (thermophilic + protein)

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Selected Abstracts

Lessons in stability from thermophilic proteins

Abbas Razvi
Abstract Studies that compare proteins from thermophilic and mesophilic organisms can provide insights into ability of thermophiles to function at their high habitat temperatures and may provide clues that enable us to better define the forces that stabilize all proteins. Most of the comparative studies have focused on thermal stability and show, as expected, that thermophilic proteins have higher Tm values than their mesophilic counterparts. Although these comparisons are useful, more detailed thermodynamic analyses are required to reach a more complete understanding of the mechanisms thermophilic protein employ to remain folded over a wider range of temperatures. This complete thermodynamic description allows one to generate a stability curve for a protein that defines how the conformational stability (,G) varies with temperature. Here we compare stability curves for many pairs of homologous proteins from thermophilic and mesophilc organisms. Of the basic methods that can be employed to achieve enhanced thermostability, we find that most thermophilic proteins use the simple method that raises the ,G at all temperatures as the principal way to increase their Tm. We discuss and compare this thermodynamic method with the possible alternatives. In addition we propose ways that structural alterations and changes to the amino acid sequences might give rise to varied methods used to obtain thermostability. [source]

Contributions of folding cores to the thermostabilities of two ribonucleases H

Srebrenka Robic
Abstract To investigate the contribution of the folding cores to the thermodynamic stability of RNases H, we used rational design to create two chimeras composed of parts of a thermophilic and a mesophilic RNase H. Each chimera combines the folding core from one parent protein and the remaining parts of the other. Both chimeras form active, well-folded RNases H. Stability curves, based on CD-monitored chemical denaturations, show that the chimera with the thermophilic core is more stable, has a higher midpoint of thermal denaturation, and a lower change in heat capacity (,Cp) upon unfolding than the chimera with the mesophilic core. A possible explanation for the low ,Cp of both the parent thermophilic RNase H and the chimera with the thermophilic core is the residual structure in the denatured state. On the basis of the studied parameters, the chimera with the thermophilic core resembles a true thermophilic protein. Our results suggest that the folding core plays an essential role in conferring thermodynamic parameters to RNases H. [source]

Lessons in stability from thermophilic proteins

Abbas Razvi
Abstract Studies that compare proteins from thermophilic and mesophilic organisms can provide insights into ability of thermophiles to function at their high habitat temperatures and may provide clues that enable us to better define the forces that stabilize all proteins. Most of the comparative studies have focused on thermal stability and show, as expected, that thermophilic proteins have higher Tm values than their mesophilic counterparts. Although these comparisons are useful, more detailed thermodynamic analyses are required to reach a more complete understanding of the mechanisms thermophilic protein employ to remain folded over a wider range of temperatures. This complete thermodynamic description allows one to generate a stability curve for a protein that defines how the conformational stability (,G) varies with temperature. Here we compare stability curves for many pairs of homologous proteins from thermophilic and mesophilc organisms. Of the basic methods that can be employed to achieve enhanced thermostability, we find that most thermophilic proteins use the simple method that raises the ,G at all temperatures as the principal way to increase their Tm. We discuss and compare this thermodynamic method with the possible alternatives. In addition we propose ways that structural alterations and changes to the amino acid sequences might give rise to varied methods used to obtain thermostability. [source]

Helix-coil energetics for helix formers and breakers reflect context and temperature: Mutants of helically robust, guest-sensitive homopeptide hosts

BIOPOLYMERS, Issue 5 2009
Khaled A. Nasr
Abstract The natural amino acids are primarily helix breakers at the low assignment temperatures characteristic of many studies, but recent genomic analyses of thermophilic proteins suggest that at high temperatures, some breakers may become strong helix formers. Moreover, the breaker/former inventory has not been previously characterized at the physiologically relevant temperature of 37°C. The versatility of 13CO NMR chemical shifts as helicity reporters allows construction of two mutant peptide series, tailored to expand the range of temperature assignments for helical propensities and derived from the core hosts tL-Ala9XxxAla9 - tL and tL-AlaNva4XxxNva4Ala9 - tL, Nva = norvaline. For three limiting guests Xxx, the helix former Nva and the breakers Gly and Pro, we report wXxx[T] assignments at seven temperatures from 2 to 80°C, validating our reasoning and paving the way for assignment of a definitive wXxx[T] data-base. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 311,320, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at [source]