Temporal Extent (temporal + extent)

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Selected Abstracts

Seasonal variability in the response of the airflow characteristics to the changes in the macro-scale westerly flow intensity over Europe, 1971,2000

Michal Marosz
Abstract The aim of the research was to identify the seasonal variability of correlation between the air motion characteristics and common zonal circulation index (Rossby's Index). Air flow characteristics comprised divergence and vorticity. The spatial coverage of the research was the so called Euro-Atlantic Region covering parts of North Atlantic and Europe (40W,40E, 35N,75N). Temporal extent was 1971,2000 thus matching the latest WMO normal period. The data used was the components of the wind vector (u,zonal component, v,meridional component) and geopotential heights (hgt) from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis. The response of the vorticity field is apparent and the greatest variability is noted at 1000 hPa. The mid and upper levels in the troposphere reveal quite homogenous response of vorticity to the macro-scale forcing. The response of the divergence field is also apparent though more complex in the vertical profile of the troposphere. The analysis of correlation was followed by the description of annual as well as seasonal shape of vorticity and divergence fields in the extremes of Rossby Index. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Influence of Temporal Scale of Sampling on Detection of Relationships between Invasive Plants and the Diversity Patterns of Plants and Butterflies

But monitoring is often neglected because it can be expensive and time-consuming. Accordingly, it is valuable to determine whether the temporal extent of sampling alters the validity of inferences about the response of diversity measures to environmental variables affected by restoration actions. Non-native species alter ecosystems in undesirable ways, frequently homogenizing flora and fauna and extirpating local populations of native species. In the Mojave Desert, invasion of salt-cedar (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.) and human efforts to eradicate salt-cedar have altered vegetation structure, vegetation composition, and some measures of faunal diversity. We examined whether similar inferences about relationships between plants and butterflies in the Muddy River drainage (Nevada, U.S.A.) could have been obtained by sampling less intensively (fewer visits per site over the same period of time) or less extensively (equal frequency of visits but over a more limited period of time). We also tested whether rank order of butterfly species with respect to occurrence rate (proportion of sites occupied) would be reflected accurately in temporal subsamples. Temporal subsampling did not lead to erroneous inferences about the relative importance of six vegetation-based predictor variables on the species richness of butterflies. Regardless of the temporal scale of sampling, the species composition of butterflies was more similar in sites with similar species composition of plants. The rank order of occurrence of butterfly species in the temporal subsamples was highly correlated with the rank order of species occurrence in the full data set. Thus, similar inferences about associations between vegetation and butterflies and about relative occurrence rates of individual species of butterflies could be obtained by less intensive or extensive temporal sampling. If compromises between temporal intensity and extent of sampling must be made, our results suggest that maximizing temporal extent will better capture variation in biotic interactions and species occurrence. Resumen:,El monitoreo es un componente importante de los esfuerzos de restauración y de manejo adoptivo. Pero el monitoreo a menudo es desatendido porque puede ser costoso y consume tiempo. En consecuencia, es valioso determinar si la extensión temporal del muestreo altera la validez de inferencias sobre la respuesta de medidas de diversidad a variables ambientales afectadas por acciones de restauración. Las especies no nativas alteran a los ecosistemas de manera indeseable, frecuentemente homogenizan la flora y fauna y extirpan poblaciones locales de especies nativas. En el Desierto Mojave, la invasión de Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. y los esfuerzos humanos para erradicarla han alterado la estructura y composición de la vegetación y algunas medidas de diversidad de fauna. Examinamos si se podían obtener inferencias similares sobre las relaciones entre plantas y mariposas en la cuenca Muddy River (Nevada, E.U.A.) muestreando menos intensivamente (menos visitas por sitio en el mismo período de tiempo) o menos extensivamente (igual frecuencia de visitas pero sobre un período de tiempo más limitado). También probamos si el orden jerárquico de especies de mariposas con respecto a la tasa de ocurrencia (proporción de sitios ocupados) se reflejaba con precisión en las submuestras temporales. El submuestreo temporal no condujo a inferencias erróneas acerca de la importancia relativa de seis variables predictivas basadas en vegetación sobre la riqueza de especies de mariposas. A pesar de la escala temporal del muestreo, la composición de especies de mariposas fue más similar en sitios con composición de especies de plantas similar. El orden jerárquico de ocurrencia de especies de mariposas en las muestras subtemporales estuvo muy correlacionado con el orden jerárquico de ocurrencia de especies en todo el conjunto de datos. Por lo tanto, se pudieron obtener inferencias similares de las asociaciones entre vegetación y mariposas y de las tasas de ocurrencia relativa de especies individuales de mariposas con muestreo temporal menos intensivo o extensivo. Si se deben hacer compromisos entre la intensidad y extensión de muestreo temporal, nuestros resultados sugieren que la maximización de la extensión temporal capturará la variación en interacciones bióticas y ocurrencia de especies más adecuadamente. [source]

Species prioritization for monitoring and management in regional multiple species conservation plans

Helen M. Regan
ABSTRACT Successful conservation plans are not solely achieved by acquiring optimally designed reserves. Ongoing monitoring and management of the biodiversity in those reserves is an equally important, but often neglected or poorly executed, part of the conservation process. In this paper we address one of the first and most important steps in designing a monitoring program , deciding what to monitor. We present a strategy for prioritizing species for monitoring and management in multispecies conservation plans. We use existing assessments of threatened status, and the degree and spatial and temporal extent of known threats to link the prioritization of species to the overarching goals and objectives of the conservation plan. We consider both broad and localized spatial scales to capture the regional conservation context and the practicalities of local management and monitoring constraints. Spatial scales that are commensurate with available data are selected. We demonstrate the utility of this strategy through application to a set of 85 plants and animals in an established multispecies conservation plan in San Diego County, California, USA. We use the prioritization to identify the most prominent risk factors and the habitats associated with the most threats to species. The protocol highlighted priorities that had not previously been identified and were not necessarily intuitive without systematic application of the criteria; many high-priority species have received no monitoring attention to date, and lower-priority species have. We recommend that in the absence of clear focal species, monitoring threats in highly impacted habitats may be a way to circumvent the need to monitor all the targeted species. [source]


Shreeram Inamdar
ABSTRACT: This paper presents key challenges in modeling water quality processes of riparian ecosystems: How can the spatial and temporal extent of water and solute mixing in the riparian zone be modeled? What level of model complexity is justified? How can processes at the riparian scale be quantified? How can the impact of riparian ecosystems be determined at the watershed scale? Flexible models need to be introduced that can simulate varying levels of hillslope-riparian mixing dictated by topography, upland and riparian depths, and moisture conditions. Model simulations need to account for storm event peak flow conditions when upland solute loadings may either bypass or overwhelm the riparian zone. Model complexity should be dictated by the level of detail in measured data. Model algorithms need to be developed using new macro-scale and meso-scale experiments that capture process dynamics at the hillslope or landscape scales. Monte Carlo simulations should be an integral part of model simulations and rigorous tests that go beyond simple time series, and point-output comparisons need to be introduced. The impact of riparian zones on watershed-scale water quality can be assessed by performing simulations for representative hillsloperiparian scenarios. [source]