Spike Frequency (spike + frequency)

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Selected Abstracts

Control of flexor motoneuron activity during single leg walking of the stick insect on an electronically controlled treadwheel

Jens Peter Gabriel
Abstract In the present study, motoneurons innervating the flexor tibiae muscle of the stick insect (Cuniculina impigra) middle leg were recorded intracellularly while the single leg performed walking-like movements on a treadwheel. Different levels of belt friction (equivalent to a change in load) were used to study the control of activity of flexor motoneurons. During slow leg movements no fast motoneurons were active, but a recruitment of these neurons could be observed during faster leg movements. The firing rate of slow and fast motoneurons increased with incremented belt friction. Also, the force applied to the treadwheel at different frictional levels was adapted closely to the friction of the treadwheel to be overcome. The motoneurons innervating the flexor tibiae were recruited progressively during the stance phase, with the slow motoneurons being active earlier than the fast (half-maximal spike frequency after 10,15% and 50,60% of the stance phase, respectively). The resting membrane potential was more hyperpolarized in fast motoneurons (64.6 ± 6.5 mV) than in slow motoneurons (,52.9 ± 5.4 mV). However, the threshold for the initiation of action potentials was not statistically significantly different in both types of flexor motoneurons. Therefore, action potentials were generated in fast motoneurons after a longer period of depolarization and thus later during the stance phase than in slow motoneurons. We show that motoneurons of the flexor tibiae receive substantial common excitatory inputs during the stance phase and that the difference in resting membrane potential between slow and fast motoneurons is likely to play a crucial role in their consecutive recruitment. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 56: 237,251, 2003 [source]

Interictal EEG spikes identify the region of electrographic seizure onset in some, but not all, pediatric epilepsy patients

EPILEPSIA, Issue 4 2010
Eric D. Marsh
Summary Purpose:, The role of sharps and spikes, interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs), in guiding epilepsy surgery in children remains controversial, particularly with intracranial electroencephalography (IEEG). Although ictal recording is the mainstay of localizing epileptic networks for surgical resection, current practice dictates removing regions generating frequent IEDs if they are near the ictal onset zone. Indeed, past studies suggest an inconsistent relationship between IED and seizure-onset location, although these studies were based upon relatively short EEG epochs. Methods:, We employ a previously validated, computerized spike detector to measure and localize IED activity over prolonged, representative segments of IEEG recorded from 19 children with intractable, mostly extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Approximately 8 h of IEEG, randomly selected 30-min segments of continuous interictal IEEG per patient, were analyzed over all intracranial electrode contacts. Results:, When spike frequency was averaged over the 16-time segments, electrodes with the highest mean spike frequency were found to be within the seizure-onset region in 11 of 19 patients. There was significant variability between individual 30-min segments in these patients, indicating that large statistical samples of interictal activity were required for improved localization. Low-voltage fast EEG at seizure onset was the only clinical factor predicting IED localization to the seizure-onset region. Conclusions:, Our data suggest that automated IED detection over multiple representative samples of IEEG may be of utility in planning epilepsy surgery for children with intractable epilepsy. Further research is required to better determine which patients may benefit from this technique a priori. [source]

EEG Characteristics Related to Educational Impairments in Children with Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes

EPILEPSIA, Issue 11 2007
Joost Nicolai
Summary Purpose: Learning and behavioral difficulties often occur in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS). In recent years, several electroencephalogram (EEG) characteristics have been related to the occurrence of learning and behavioral problems. Methods: From 28 children medical, school and psychological reports were present and children were rated according to a 4-point scale for educational and behavioral impairment (Part 1). Thirty 24-h EEG recordings were reanalyzed for spike frequency, the presence of atypical EEG criteria, and the presence of a nondipole spike. EEGs were scored during wakefulness, first hour of sleep and whole night sleep (minus the first hour of sleep) separately (Part 2). Results: The presence of I: an intermittent slow-wave focus during wakefulness, II: a high number of spikes in the first hour of sleep (and during whole night sleep), and III: multiple asynchronous bilateral spike-wave foci in the first hour of sleep correlates significantly with a sum score , 3 which indicates a complicated course with educational or behavioral impairment. It is sufficient to analyze an EEG during wakefulness and a sleep EEG for only the first hour of sleep instead of a whole night recording to demonstrate those EEG criteria. Conclusions: On basis of our reanalysis we can possibly conclude that the aforementioned EEG characteristics correlate with educational impairments, and that analysing an EEG recording during wake and the first hour of sleep is sufficient to look adequately for those EEG criteria in children with BCECTS. [source]

Felbamate in Experimental Model of Status Epilepticus

EPILEPSIA, Issue 2 2000
Andrey M. Mazarati
Summary: Purpose: To examine the putative seizure-protective properties of felbarnate in an animal model of self-sustaining status epilepticus (SSSE). Methods: SSSE was induced by 30-min stimulation of the perforant path (PPS) through permanently implanted electrodes in free-running male adult Wistar rats. Felbarnate (FBM; 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg), dizepam (DZP; 10 mg/kg), or phenytoin (PHT; 50 mg/kg) were injected i.v. 10 min after SSSE induction. Electrographic manifestations of SSSE and the severity of SSSE-induced neuronal injury were analyzed. Results: Felbamate injected during the early stages of SSSE (10 min after the end of PPS), shortened the duration of seizures in a dose-dependent manner. Total time spent in seizures after FBM and 290 ± 251 min (50 mg/kg), 15.3 ± 9 min (100 mg/kg), and 7 ± 1 min (200 mg/kg), whereas control animals spent 410 ± 133 min seizing. This effect of FBM was stronger than that of DZP (10 mg/kg, 95 ± 22 min) and comparable to that of PHT (50 mg/kg, 6.3 ± 2.5 min). In the applied doses, FBM (200 mg/kg) was more effective than PHT (50 mg/kg) or DZP (10 mg/kg) in shortening seizure duration and decreasing spike frequency, when administered on the pleateau of SSSE (injection 40 min after the end of PPS). Anticonvulsant action of FBM was confirmed by milder neuronal injury compared with control animals. Conclusions: Felbamate, a clinically available AED with a moderate affinity for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor, displayed a potent seizure-protective effect in an animal model of SSSE. These results suggest that FBM might be useful when standard AEDs fail in the treatment of refractory cases of SE. [source]

IP3 receptor in the hair cells of frog semicircular canal and its possible functional role

Maria Lisa Rossi
Abstract The presence and functional role of inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) was investigated by electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry in hair cells from the frog semicircular canal. Intracellular recordings were performed from single fibres of the posterior canal in the isolated, intact frog labyrinth, at rest and during rotation, in the presence of IP3 receptor inhibitors and drugs known to produce Ca2+ release from the internal stores or to increase IP3 production. Hair cell immunolabelling for IP3 receptor was performed by standard procedures. The drug 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2APB), an IP3 receptor inhibitor, produced a marked decrease of mEPSP and spike frequency at low concentration (0.1 mm), without affecting mEPSP size or time course. At high concentration (1 mm), 2APB is reported to block the sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase (SERCA pump) and increase [Ca2+]i; at the labyrinthine cytoneural junction, it greatly enhanced the resting and mechanically evoked sensory discharge frequency. The selective agonist of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (RS)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG, 0.6 mm), produced a transient increase in resting mEPSP and spike frequency at the cytoneural junction, with no effects on mEPSP shape or amplitude. Pretreatment with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA, 0.1 mm), a SERCA pump inhibitor, prevented the facilitatory effect of both 2APB and DHPG, suggesting a link between Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and quantal emission. Consistently, diffuse immunoreactivity for IP3 receptors was observed in posterior canal hair cells. Our results indicate the presence and a possibly relevant functional role of IP3-sensitive stores in controlling [Ca2+]i and modulating the vestibular discharge. [source]

Evidence for functional compartmentalization of trigeminal muscle spindle afferents during fictive mastication in the rabbit

K. -G.
Abstract Primary afferent neurons innervating muscle spindles in jaw-closing muscles have cell bodies in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (NVmes) that are electrically coupled and receive synapses. Each stem axon gives rise to a peripheral branch and a descending central branch. It was previously shown that some spikes generated by constant muscle stretch fail to enter the soma during fictive mastication. The present study examines whether the central axon is similarly controlled. These axons were functionally identified in anaesthetized and paralysed rabbits, and tonic afferent firing was elicited by muscle stretch. For the purpose of comparison, responses were recorded extracellularly both from the somatic region and from the central axon in the lateral brainstem. Two types of fictive masticatory movement patterns were induced by repetitive stimulation of the masticatory cortex and monitored from the trigeminal motor nucleus. Field potentials generated by spike-triggered averaging of action potentials from the spindle afferents were employed to determine their postsynaptic effects on jaw-closing motoneurons. Tonic firing of 32% NVmes units was inhibited during the jaw-opening phase, but spike frequency during closing was almost equal to the control rate during both types of fictive mastication. A similar inhibition occurred during opening in 83% of the units recorded along the central branch. However, firing frequency in these was significantly increased during closing in 94%, probably because of the addition of antidromic action potentials generated by presynaptic depolarization of terminals of the central branch. These additional spikes do not reach the soma, but do appear to excite motoneurons. The data also show that the duration and/or frequency of firing during the bursts varied from one pattern of fictive mastication to another. We conclude that the central axons of trigeminal muscle spindle afferents are functionally decoupled from their stem axons during the jaw-closing phase of mastication. During this phase, it appears that antidromic impulses in the central axons provide one of the inputs from the masticatory central pattern generator (CPG) to trigeminal motoneurons. [source]

Objective assessment of neurotoxicity while shifting from carbamazepine to oxcarbazepine

B. Clemens
Objectives , Objective assessment of non-overt neurotoxicity of carbamazepine (CBZ) vs oxcarbazepine (OXC) in patients with difficult-to-treat partial epilepsy, who were resistant to CBZ treatment and were converted from CBZ monotherapy to OXC monotherapy. Material and methods , Therapeutically equivalent doses (150 mg OXC for every 100 mg CBZ) were compared in 20 adult patients. Neurological investigation, conventional and spectral EEG analysis, brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER) were carried out in both treatment conditions. EEG and BAER data of 20 age-matched healthy controls helped interpretation. Primary target variables (electrophysiological parameters) were evaluated blindly. Results , There were no significant differences between treatment conditions concerning the neurological condition, lack of clinically evident neurotoxicity, seizure frequency and EEG spike frequency. OXC treatment was characterized by less delta, theta, and alpha power, more beta power, and significantly greater mean alpha frequency (P = 0.03 and 0.05 for the left and right occipital leads, respectively), than CBZ treatment. Interpeak latencies were prolonged in the CBZ condition as compared with normals (P = 0.01) and OXC (P = 0.02). Conclusion , In this cohort of patients substitution of OXC for CBZ was associated with significant normalization of electrophysiological parameters, indicating decreasing neurotoxicity while shifting from CBZ to OXC monotherapy. [source]