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Selected Abstracts

Microscopic Structure of Opalescent and Nonopalescent Pecans

L.T. Wakeling
ABSTRACT: The ultrastructure of pecans was investigated using light microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Specific methodology for the sample preparation of pecans for electron microscopy investigations was developed. Electron microscopy of the ultrastructure of opalescent (discoloration of the interior) and nonopalescent kernels revealed that cellular damage was occurring in opalescent kernels. The damage was due to cell wall and membrane rupture, which accounted for the release of oil throughout the kernel. This rupture is due to the lower level of calcium in the cell membranes of opalescent pecans, as shown by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, making them more susceptible to damage. [source]

Sraffa's Legacy in Economics: Some Critical Notes

Sergio Parrinello
On the basis of a specific methodology attributed to Sraffa, I present a critical assessment of certain conflicting positions that characterize the book Critical Essays on Piero Sraffa's Legacy in Economics (ed. H. Kurz, 2000). A criticism is addressed to Samuelson's view according to which the assumption of constant returns is an essential ingredient of Sraffa's theory of prices. It is argued that the defence against Samuelson's attack from the Sraffian side could be strengthened following the above methodology and a certain neoclassical literature. Some questions are raised about the constructive scope of the theoretical work developed along the guidelines of Sraffa's book. [source]

Teaching Instructional Design: An Action Learning Approach

Brenda Bannan-Ritland
ABSTRACT Many theorists and practitioners are calling for more authentically based teaching approaches in the preparation of instructional designers and performance technologists to address the complexity of the field's practice. Although many innovative methods have been incorporated into the study of instructional design and development and human performance technology, including case studies and applied experiences with collaborative groups, among others, the majority of teaching approaches are limited to the time constraints and format of the traditional university classroom setting. This paper discusses an alternative teaching approach that incorporates action learning principles along with authentic project-based methods into the full-time study of instructional design. The paper reviews action learning principles and highlights the commonalties between these principles and the application of the practice and teaching of the instructional design process in an authentic manner. Finally, the implementation of action learning principles within a graduate program in instructional technology is described. Action learning principles may be applied to many content areas; however, the highly complementary nature of this specific methodology to the teaching and practice of instructional design may have the potential to improve greatly our preparation of professionals in the complex work environments characteristic of this and related disciplines. As a valuable component of performance technology skills, training in instructional design methods based on an action learning approach may have broad implications for both the preparation of instructional designers and performance technologists. [source]

Modélisation spatiale de la pauvretéà Montréal: apport méthodologique de la régression géographiquement pondérée

Spatial Modeling of Poverty in Montréal: Methodological Contribution of the Geographically Weighted Regression The Island of Montréal is particularly concerned with the issue of poverty. In 2000, 29 percent of its inhabitants lived under the low income cut-offs as defined by Statistics Canada. However, poverty is not a homogeneous phenomenon at the intra-urban scale, and identifying and categorizing spaces of poverty has become a main concern for ongoing researches. According to this way of thinking, this paper proposes an analysis of the factors influencing the geographical distribution of poverty on the Island of Montréal. To be able to identify properly the various profiles of poverty, this analysis uses a specific methodology, the geographically weighted regression (GWR), and compares its results with the ones of a classical regression model. At the global level, the most important factors to explain poverty are in order: unemployment, lone-parent families, one person households, recent immigrants, part time or part year workers, school dropouts. At the local level, L'île de Montréal est particulièrement touchée par la pauvreté, puisqu'en 2000 29 pour cent de sa population vivait sous le seuil de faible revenu tel que défini par Statistique Canada. La pauvreté ne constituant pas toutefois un phénomène homogène à l'échelle intra-urbaine, l'identification et la qualification des zones de pauvreté deviennent des enjeux de recherche de première importance. Dans cette perspective, cet article propose une analyse des facteurs qui déterminent la distribution spatiale de la pauvreté au niveau des secteurs de recensement de l'île de Montréal. Pour ce faire, l'analyse mobilise un outil méthodologique particulier: la régression géographiquement pondérée, et en compare les résultats avec un modèle de régression multiple global. Au niveau global, on constate que les facteurs classiques conduisant à la pauvreté sont à l',uvre sur le territoire de l'île de Montréal. Dans l'ordre, ces facteurs sont: le chômage, la monoparentalité, le fait de vivre seul, le fait d'être un immigrant récent, le travail atypique et la non-fréquentation scolaire des jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Au niveau local, s'il est vrai we observe that variables employment and lone-parents families play significantly in almost all the census tracts, the four other factors are significant only in some census tracts in the center of the Island. At the end of this analysis, the advantages of the GWR methodology appear clearly, as its capacity to take into account the geographical variations of the phenomenon allows a better identification and categorization of poverty areas in Montréal. que le chômage et la monoparentalité agissent significativement dans presque tous les secteurs, les quatre autres facteurs sont uniquement significatifs dans certains secteurs du centre de l'île. Au terme de l'analyse, les avantages de la régression géographiquement pondérée apparaissent clairement, sa plus grande sensibilité aux variations spatiales du phénomène permettant de mieux identifier et qualifier les zones de pauvreté montréalaises. [source]