Spatial Distance (spatial + distance)

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Selected Abstracts

A latitudinal gradient of beta diversity for exotic vascular plant species in North America

Hong Qian
ABSTRACT Determining relationships between the ranges of introduced species and geographical and environmental factors is an important step in understanding the mechanisms and processes of the spread of introduced species. In this study, I examined the beta diversity and latitude relationship for all naturalized exotic species of vascular plants in North America at a continental scale. Beta diversity was calculated as the absolute value of the slope of the relationship between the natural logarithm of the Simpson index of similarity (lnS) and spatial distance between pairs of state-level exotic floras within four latitudinal zones examined. Relative contributions of spatial distance and environmental difference to species turnover between exotic floras were examined. I found that beta diversity decreased monotonically from low to high latitudes: beta diversity for the southernmost zone was shallower than that for the northernmost zone by a factor of 2.6. Regression models of lnS in relation to spatial distance and environmental (climatic and topographical) difference for each latitudinal zone demonstrated that the explanatory power of these variables diminishes monotonically with latitude: the explained variance in lnS is 70.4%, 62.1%, 53.9%, and 33.9%, respectively, for the four latitudinal zones from south to north. For the southernmost zone, 58.3% of the variance in lnS is explained by climate variables and topography, and spatial distance explains only 2.3% of the variance. In contrast, for the northernmost zone, more than half the amount (22.5%) of the explained variance in lnS is attributable to spatial distance, and the remaining (18.9%) of the explained variance is attributable to climate variables and topography. [source]

Breeding in high-elevation habitat results in shift to slower life-history strategy within a single species

H. Bears
Summary 1Elevational gradients create environmental variation that is hypothesized to promote variation in life-history strategies. We tested whether differences in life-history strategies were associated with elevation in a songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis; Aves; A.O.U. 1998). 2We monitored birds in four replicated sites per elevation, at 2000 m a.s.l. (high elevation) and 1000 m a.s.l. (low elevation), in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. 3Over 5 years, we measured the following traits and vital rates: egg-laying schedules, morphological indicators of reproductive stage, seasonal reproductive success, indicators of competitive class (age, size, arrival time), and survival rates. 4We found two main patterns: with an increase in breeding elevation, dark-eyed juncos delayed the development of structures necessary for reproduction (e.g. cloacal protuberance in males) and reduced the duration of their reproductive period to less than half of the time used by low-elevation birds; and 5Juncos at high-elevation sites had 55,61% lower annual reproductive success and 15 to 20% higher survival rates. While adult juncos at high elevations produced fewer offspring, those offspring were in better condition. Proportions of age and size classes in high- compared to low-elevation populations were similar, suggesting that a life-history trade-off is present, rather than competition forcing inferior competitors to breed in a peripheral habitat. The apparent trade-off between reproduction and survival corresponded to a shorter period of favourable weather and available food in high- compared to low-elevation habitats. 6Thus, elevation had a strong influence on life-history characteristics of a single species over a short spatial distance, suggesting a shift in life history from a high reproductive strategy at lower elevations to a high survivor strategy at high elevations. 7This is the first paper to show a shift in avian life-history strategies along an elevational gradient (in both genders, of multiple age classes) when region (latitude) and phylogenetic histories are controlled for. [source]

Spatial patterns of benthic diversity: is there a latitudinal gradient along the Norwegian continental shelf?

Summary 1We examined data on soft-sediment macrobenthos (organisms retained on a 1-mm sieve) from a transect of c. 1960 km along the Norwegian continental shelf (56,71°N), covering a range of water depths (65,434 m) and varying sediment properties. 2A total of 809 species was recorded from 101 sites. Of these, 36% were restricted to one or two sites, and 29% were represented by one or two individuals. No species spanned the entire transect. Polychaetes were the dominant taxonomic group, followed by crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms. 3Alpha diversity (sample species richness) was highly variable (35,148 species) but showed no evidence of a relationship to latitude or other environmental variables. 4Beta diversity was measured as Whittaker's ,W, the number of shared species, complementarity (biotic distinctness) and Bray,Curtis similarity, and there was no evidence of a latitudinal trend on the shelf. Beta diversity increased with the level of environmental variability, and was highest in the southern-central area, followed by the most northern area. Change in environmental variables had a stronger effect on beta diversity than spatial distance between sites. 5Gamma diversity was computed by pooling samples over large areas. There was no convincing evidence of a latitudinal cline in gamma diversity, but gamma diversity increased with the level of environmental heterogeneity. Mean alpha diversity and gamma diversity were not significantly correlated. Whereas mean complementarity and mean Bray,Curtis similarity were related to gamma diversity, ,W was not. [source]

The inselberg flora of Atlantic Central Africa.


Abstract Aims, To identify the relative contributions of environmental determinism, dispersal limitation and historical factors in the spatial structure of the floristic data of inselbergs at the local and regional scales, and to test if the extent of species spatial aggregation is related to dispersal abilities. Location, Rain forest inselbergs of Equatorial Guinea, northern Gabon and southern Cameroon (western central Africa). Methods, We use phytosociological relevés and herbarium collections obtained from 27 inselbergs using a stratified sampling scheme considering six plant formations. Data analysis focused on Rubiaceae, Orchidaceae, Melastomataceae, Poaceae, Commelinaceae, Acanthaceae, Begoniaceae and Pteridophytes. Data were investigated using ordination methods (detrended correspondence analysis, DCA; canonical correspondence analysis, CCA), Sřrensen's coefficient of similarity and spatial autocorrelation statistics. Comparisons were made at the local and regional scales using ordinations of life-form spectra and ordinations of species data. Results, At the local scale, the forest-inselberg ecotone is the main gradient structuring the floristic data. At the regional scale, this is still the main gradient in the ordination of life-form spectra, but other factors become predominant in analyses of species assemblages. CCA identified three environmental variables explaining a significant part of the variation in floristic data. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that both the flora and the environmental factors are spatially autocorrelated: the similarity of species compositions within plant formations decreasing approximately linearly with the logarithm of the spatial distance. The extent of species distribution was correlated with their a priori dispersal abilities as assessed by their diaspore types. Main conclusions, At a local scale, species composition is best explained by a continuous cline of edaphic conditions along the forest-inselberg ecotone, generating a wide array of ecological niches. At a regional scale, these ecological niches are occupied by different species depending on the available local species pool. These subregional species pools probably result from varying environmental conditions, dispersal limitation and the history of past vegetation changes due to climatic fluctuations. [source]

Fine-scale genetic structure and gene dispersal inferences in 10 Neotropical tree species

Abstract The extent of gene dispersal is a fundamental factor of the population and evolutionary dynamics of tropical tree species, but directly monitoring seed and pollen movement is a difficult task. However, indirect estimates of historical gene dispersal can be obtained from the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of populations at drift,dispersal equilibrium. Using an approach that is based on the slope of the regression of pairwise kinship coefficients on spatial distance and estimates of the effective population density, we compare indirect gene dispersal estimates of sympatric populations of 10 tropical tree species. We re-analysed 26 data sets consisting of mapped allozyme, SSR (simple sequence repeat), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) or AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) genotypes from two rainforest sites in French Guiana. Gene dispersal estimates were obtained for at least one marker in each species, although the estimation procedure failed under insufficient marker polymorphism, limited sample size, or inappropriate sampling area. Estimates generally suffered low precision and were affected by assumptions regarding the effective population density. Averaging estimates over data sets, the extent of gene dispersal ranged from 150 m to 1200 m according to species. Smaller gene dispersal estimates were obtained in species with heavy diaspores, which are presumably not well dispersed, and in populations with high local adult density. We suggest that limited seed dispersal could indirectly limit effective pollen dispersal by creating higher local tree densities, thereby increasing the positive correlation between pollen and seed dispersal distances. We discuss the potential and limitations of our indirect estimation procedure and suggest guidelines for future studies. [source]

Deficits of temporal discrimination in dystonia are independent from the spatial distance between the loci of tactile stimulation

Michele Tinazzi MD
Abstract To assess whether spatial variables influence deficits of temporal somesthetic discrimination in dystonic patients, 10 patients with idiopathic dystonia and 12 healthy controls were tested with pairs of non-noxious electrical stimuli separated by different time intervals. Stimuli were delivered: (1) to the pad of the index finger (same-point condition), (2) to the pad and to the base of the index finger (same-finger condition), and (3) to the pad of the index and ring fingers (different-finger condition). Subjects were asked to report whether they perceived single or double stimuli in the first condition and synchronous or asynchronous stimuli in the second and third conditions. Somesthetic temporal discrimination thresholds (STDTs) were obtained by computing the shortest time interval at which stimuli, applied to the left or the right hand, were perceived as separate in the first condition or asynchronous in the second and third conditions. STDTs were significantly higher in dystonic patients than controls in all three conditions. In both dystonia patients and controls, STDTs resulted highest in conditions whereby stimuli were maximally separated in space. Results extend current knowledge of deficits of somesthetic temporal discrimination in dystonia by showing that temporal deficits are not influenced by spatial variables. © 2002 Movement Disorder Society. [source]

Adaptive thinning of atmospheric observations in data assimilation with vector quantization and filtering methods

T. Ochotta
Abstract In data assimilation for numerical weather prediction, measurements of various observation systems are combined with background data to define initial states for the forecasts. Current and future observation systems, in particular satellite instruments, produce large numbers of measurements with high spatial and temporal density. Such datasets significantly increase the computational costs of the assimilation and, moreover, can violate the assumption of spatially independent observation errors. To ameliorate these problems, we propose two greedy thinning algorithms, which reduce the number of assimilated observations while retaining the essential information content of the data. In the first method, the number of points in the output set is increased iteratively. We use a clustering method with a distance metric that combines spatial distance with difference in observation values. In a second scheme, we iteratively estimate the redundancy of the current observation set and remove the most redundant data points. We evaluate the proposed methods with respect to a geometric error measure and compare them with a uniform sampling scheme. We obtain good representations of the original data with thinnings retaining only a small portion of observations. We also evaluate our thinnings of ATOVS satellite data using the assimilation system of the Deutscher Wetterdienst. Impact of the thinning on the analysed fields and on the subsequent forecasts is discussed. Copyright © 2005 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Spatial scale of GIS-derived categorical variables affects their ability to separate sites by community composition

Emily A. Holt
Abstract. Questions: How well do GIS-derived categorical variables (e.g., vegetation, soils, geology, elevation, geography, and physiography) separate plots based on community composition? How does the ability to distinguish plots by community composition vary with spatial scale, specifically number of patch types, patch size and spatial correlation? Both these questions bear on the effective use of stratifying variables in landscape ecology. Location: Arctic tundra; Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, northwestern Alaska, USA. Methods: We evaluated the strength of numerous alternative stratifying variables using the multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP). We also created groups based on lichen community composition, using cluster analyses, and evaluated the relationship between these groups and groupings within categorical variables using Mantel tests. Each test represents different measures of community separation, which were then evaluated with respect to each variable's spatial characteristics. Results: We found each categorical variable derived from GIS separated lichen communities to some degree. Separation success ranged from strong (Alaska Subsections) to weak (Watersheds and Reindeer Ownership). Lichen community groups derived from cluster analysis demonstrated statistically significant relationships with 13 of the 17 categorical variables. Partialling out effects of spatial distance had little effect on these relationships. Conclusions: Greater number of patch types and larger average patch sizes contribute to optimal success in separating lichen communities; geographic distance did not appear to significantly alter separation success. Group distinctiveness or strength increased with more patch types or groups. Alternatively, congruence between lichen community types derived from cluster analysis and the 17 categorical variables was inversely related to patch size and spatial correlation. [source]

Analysis of spatial cross-correlations in multi-constituent volume data

Summary We investigate spatial cross-correlations between two constituents, both belonging to the same microstructure. These investigations are based on two approaches: one via the measurement of the cross-correlation function and the other uses the spatial distances between the constituents. The cross-correlation function can be measured using the fast Fourier transform, whereas the distances are determined via the Euclidean distance transform. The characteristics are derived from volume images obtained by synchrotron microtomography. As an example we consider pore formation in metallic foams, knowledge of which is important to control the foam production process. For this example, we discuss the spatial cross-correlation between the pore space and the blowing agent particles in detail. [source]

Spatial patterns of inventors' mobility: Evidence on US urban areas

Stefano Breschi
Inventor; mobility; knowledge spillovers; geographical proximity Abstract This paper aims at contributing to the research on knowledge spillovers and their spatial extent by presenting new empirical evidence on a key mechanism driving and directing knowledge diffusion processes, namely, the mobility of knowledge and highly-skilled workers. The analysis is based on a rich data set on US inventors and their patents filed at the European Patent Office from 1978 to 2004. Findings indicate that two distinctive spatial patterns can be detected: inventors move both at short and large spatial distances (i.e., three hours and more than 8 hours driving distance, respectively) in similar proportions. Interestingly, in the largest innovative urban areas inventors' inflows and outflows primarily involve distant rather than neighbour areas. Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es contribuir a la investigación sobre spillovers de conocimiento y su amplitud espacial ya que presenta nuevas pruebas empíricas sobre un mecanismo clave para impulsar y dirigir los procesos de difusión de conocimiento, concretamente la movilidad de conocimiento y de mano de obra altamente especializada. El análisis está basado en un conjunto de datos exhaustivo sobre inventores estadounidenses y las patentes inscritas por ellos en la Oficina Europea de Patentes desde 1978 a 2004. Los resultados indican que se pueden detectar dos patrones espaciales distintivos: los inventores se mueven tanto a distancias cortas como largas (concretamente tres horas y más de ocho horas en automóvil, respectivamente) en proporciones similares. Es interesante mencionar que, en las áreas urbanas innovadoras más grandes, los flujos de entrada y salida de inventores están asociados principalmente a áreas lejanas en vez de a áreas vecinas. [source]

Spatial patterns in pond invertebrate communities: separating environmental and distance effects

Robert A. Briers
Abstract 1.The nature and extent of spatial pattern in communities has important implications for their dynamics and conservation. Previous studies of pond ecosystems, over relatively small spatial scales, have found little evidence of spatial autocorrelation of community composition. Patterns in community composition over greater spatial distances have not been documented. 2.Here, data on macroinvertebrate communities and physico-chemical characteristics of 102 ponds over a 60 × 60 km area of Oxfordshire, UK, were used to examine evidence for spatial autocorrelation in community composition and to separate the effects of environmental similarity and physical distance on community similarity. 3.Overall similarity between communities was low, but showed significant positive spatial autocorrelation. There was evidence for both environmental and physical distance effects on spatial autocorrelation of community similarity. Community similarity was negatively related to differences in environmental conditions, but effects were only significant for large environmental differences. 4.When environmental effects were accounted for, there was significant positive spatial autocorrelation of community composition over inter-site distances of up to 13 km. These results suggest that interactions between pond sites, potentially through dispersal, are evident over larger spatial scales than has previously been appreciated, and emphasize the need to consider spatial issues when developing strategies for pond conservation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]