Small Juveniles (small + juvenile)

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Selected Abstracts

Ontogeny of Acoustic and Feeding Behaviour in the Grey Gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus

ETHOLOGY, Issue 3 2005
M. Clara P. Amorim
Although sound production in teleost fish is often associated with territorial behaviour, little is known of fish acoustic behaviour in other agonistic contexts such as competitive feeding and how it changes during ontogeny. The grey gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus, frequently emits knock and grunt sounds during competitive feeding and seems to adopt both contest and scramble tactics under defensible resource conditions. Here we examine, for the first time, the effect of fish size on sound production and agonistic behaviour during competitive feeding. We have made sound (alone) and video (synchronized image and sound) recordings of grey gurnards during competitive feeding interactions. Experimental fish ranged from small juveniles to large adults and were grouped in four size classes: 10,15, 15,20, 25,30 and 30,40 cm in total length. We show that, in this species, both sound production and feeding behaviour change with fish size. Sound production rate decreased in larger fish. Sound duration, pulse duration and the number of pulses increased whereas the peak frequency decreased with fish size, in both sound types (knocks and grunts). Interaction rate and the frequency of agonistic behaviour decreased with increasing fish size during competitive feeding sessions. The proportion of feeding interactions accompanied by sound production was similar in all size classes. However, the proportion of interactions accompanied by knocks (less aggressive sounds) and by grunts (more aggressive) increased and decreased with fish size, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that smaller grey gurnards compete for food by contest tactics whereas larger specimens predominantly scramble for food, probably because body size gives an advantage in locating, capturing and handling prey. We further suggest that sounds emitted during feeding may potentially give information on the motivation and ability of the individual to compete for food resources. [source]

From egg to juvenile in the Bay of Biscay: spatial patterns of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) recruitment in a non-upwelling region

Abstract In this study the spatial distribution of eggs, larvae and juveniles of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) was followed in 2004 and 2005 during three consecutive cruises each year in spring,summer to test what the limits of retention are in a non-upwelling area. Eggs, small larvae and large juveniles were mainly distributed over the shelf, whereas large larvae and small juveniles were found mainly off the shelf. Although overall distributions were similar, the 2 yr differed in that there was more of a coastal distribution of individuals in 2004, whereas in 2005 more individuals were found off the shelf. There were no significant differences in the length,weight relationships for individuals found on and off the shelf or between years. The correspondence in circulation patterns and the lack of difference in the length,weight relationships suggest that a single population is present, larvae drifting off the shelf due to currents and returning as mobile juveniles. Quantile regression analysis of the long-term recruitment index suggests that transport off the shelf may favour good recruitments. This would suggest that in non-upwelling regions the retention area resulting in good recruitment may not be restricted to the shelf. [source]

Feeding habits and trophic levels of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus of different size classes in the Mediterranean Sea

G. Sarà
Summary Possible changes in diet and trophic levels in relation to size of Mediterranean bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, were investigated using labelled carbon (,13C) and nitrogen (,15N) stable isotopes. Samples were obtained from two locations in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea) in May and October 2004. The ,13C and ,15N analyses revealed at least three significant isotopic groups [small juveniles (0.7,2.2 kg), sub-adults (15,50 kg) and adults (70 to 225 kg)]. ,13C was negatively dependent on weight, while ,15N was positively dependent on weight [TW = 8.2 (±0.16) + 0.03 (± 0.0) *,15N (n = 49; r = 0.91; P < 0.001)]. Different prey contribution to the diet was highlighted for each class. The diet of juveniles comprised zooplankton, small pelagic fish and some coastal fish; sub-adults relied on medium pelagic fish, shrimps and cephalopods, and adults relied mainly on cephalopods and larger fish. The trophic level (TL) of tunas belonging to each size class was closely correlated to weight, starting from ca 3.0 TL for Group I and reaching 4.4,4.8 TL for the giants. Bluefin tuna, from small juveniles to giants, showed a shift in feeding preferences due to different use of habitats and food items as a function of the life stage. [source]

Energy allocation in juvenile sablefish: effects of temperature, ration and body size

S. M. Sogard
The lipid deposition of juvenile sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria was examined, in particular, the changes in allocation over time. Growth rates of early juveniles (initial size 36,50 mm total length, LT) were manipulated using two temperatures (10 and 20° C) and two rations (ad libitum and 3,4% body mass day,1). Fish LT, mass and lipid content were measured every 3 weeks for 15 weeks. Irrespective of treatment, the relationship of total lipid content with body size was clearly hyperallometric; small juveniles allocated relatively more energy to growth and less to lipid storage than large juveniles. After adjusting for the influence of body size, temperature and ration significantly influenced body composition but these effects varied over the course of the experiment. In the first 3 week time period, fish on the high ration, high temperature treatment had reduced lipid storage relative to other treatments, but in all subsequent time periods their lipid concentrations were similar to or higher than those of fish on other treatments. In contrast, fish held at low rations and low temperatures initially had average levels of lipid concentration, but after 6 weeks their levels were lower than other treatments. Estimation of allocation to lipid storage over time (proportion of dry mass increase comprised of lipid) suggested that fish in all of the treatments were approaching an asymptotic level of lipid concentration (c. 50,60% of dry mass) but with different rates of lipid increase. Within a treatment, it was predicted that individual differences in allocation would result in trade-offs between somatic growth and storage. This trade-off was evident only for fish held on low rations at low temperatures. In contrast, fish held on high rations at high temperatures exhibited the opposite pattern of a positive correlation between somatic growth and storage. These results suggest that lipostatic regulation of appetite is unlikely in juvenile sablefish. When resources are unlimited, this species appears to adopt a maximizing strategy for both somatic growth and lipid accumulation. [source]

Life stages and reproductive components of the Marmorkrebs (marbled crayfish), the first parthenogenetic decapod crustacean

Günter Vogt
Abstract Recently, we briefly reported on the first case of parthenogenesis in the decapod Crustacea which was found in the Marmorkrebs or marbled crayfish, a cambarid species of unknown geographic origin and species identity. Curiously, this animal is known only from aquarium populations, where it explosively propagates. By means of light and electron microscopic techniques we have now investigated the reproductive components of this crayfish, using more than 100 specimens ranging from hatchling to repeatedly spawned adult. Additionally, we documented its principal life stages. Our results revealed that the external sexual characters and also the gonads of the marbled crayfish are purely female, making this fast-reproducing species a good model for investigating female reproductive features in crayfish. Testicular tissues, ovotestes, or male gonoducts, gonopores, or gonopods were never found, either in small juveniles or large adult specimens, confirming the parthenogenetic nature of this crayfish. Parthenogenesis may have arisen spontaneously or by interspecific hybridization since Wolbachia -like feminizing microorganisms were not found in the ovaries. The external sexual characters of the marbled crayfish are first recognized in Stage 4 juveniles and are structurally complete ,2 months after hatching in specimens of ,2 cm total length. In the same life stage the ovary is fully differentiated as well, although the oocytes are in previtellogenic and primary vitellogenic stages only. The architecture of the mature ovary and also the synchronous maturation of cohorts of primary vitellogenic oocytes by secondary vitellogenesis are in general agreement with data published on ovaries of bisexual crayfish. New results were obtained with respect to the muscular nature of the ovarian envelope and its extensive proliferation after the first spawning, the distribution of hemal sinuses in the ovarian envelope and in the interstitium around the oogenetic pouches, the high transport activity of the follicle cells, and the colonization of oogenetic pouches by previtellogenic oocytes that originate in the germaria. Investigation of the nuclei of oocytes in the germaria and oogenetic pouches revealed no signs of meiosis, as usually found in females of bisexual decapods, suggesting that parthenogenesis in the marbled crayfish might be an apomictic thelytoky. The detection of new rickettsial and coccidian infections in the ovary and further organs raises fears that the marbled crayfish might endanger native European species by transmission of pathogens once escaped into the wild. J. Morphol. 261:286,311, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]