Serum Immunoglobulin (serum + immunoglobulin)

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Terms modified by Serum Immunoglobulin

  • serum immunoglobulin e
  • serum immunoglobulin g
  • serum immunoglobulin level

  • Selected Abstracts

    Semi-purification of the immunoglobulin E-sweat antigen acting on mast cells and basophils in atopic dermatitis

    A. Tanaka
    Background:, Sweating aggravates the symptoms of atopic dermatitis (AD). We have recently reported positive skin reactions and histamine release from basophils in response to autologous sweat in patients with AD. Objective:, To characterize the biochemical and immunological properties of the substance in sweat that evokes histamine release and to study the usability of the basophil-histamine release test with the sweat antigen for AD. Methods:, Sweat collected from healthy volunteers was purified using chromatographies. Serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E of four patients with AD were purified using an affinity-chromatography column with anti-IgE antibodies. The amount of semi-purified sweat antigen (138 ng protein/ml) that induced a half-maximum reaction of basophils of a patient with AD was utilized for the basophil histamine release test. The involvement of specific IgE and high-affinity IgE receptor (Fc,RI) in the reactions was examined using basophils of healthy volunteers, a human mast cell line (LAD2), and a rat basophilic leukemia cell line transfected with human ,-subunit of Fc,RI (RBL-48). Results:, The semi-purified sweat antigen induced histamine release from the basophils of 47 of 61 (74.6%) patients with AD and four of 46 (8.7%) healthy controls. Both basophils and mast cells sensitized with the patient-derived IgE showed degranulation upon stimulation with the sweat antigen. However, no reaction was observed when cells were sensitized with myeloma IgE or the antigen was treated with proteases. Conclusion:, The semi-purified standardized sweat antigen consists of a protein that induces degranulation of basophils and mast cells via antigen-specific IgE and Fc,RI in patients with AD. [source]

    Antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis heat shock proteins Hsp60 and Hsp10 and subfertility in general population at age 31

    L. Karinen
    Problem:, To assess the association between antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis heat shock proteins 60 and 10 (Hsp60 and Hsp10) and subfertility in a general population sample. Method of Study:, A nested case (n = 146),control (n = 278) study in a population-based birth cohort. Serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgA antibodies against C. trachomatis Hsp60 and Hsp10, explanatory factors, were measured by enzyme immunoassay, using recombinant proteins as antigens. The main outcome variable was subfertility (time to pregnancy ,12 months). Results:, The prevalence and medians of serum IgA antibodies to Hsp60 and Hsp10 were significantly higher in the female partners of subfertile couple than in their fertile controls. On the contrary, among male partners of subfertile couple, especially among smokers serum antibody levels to Hsp antigens were lower than in the controls. Conclusion:, The results indicate a serological association of antibodies to chlamydial Hsp antigens with female subfertility in a population-based sample. [source]

    Lack of detection of agonist activity by antibodies to platelet-derived growth factor receptor , in a subset of normal and systemic sclerosis patient sera

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM, Issue 4 2009
    Nick Loizos
    Objective To investigate whether agonist anti,platelet-derived growth factor receptor , (anti-PDGFR,) antibodies are present in the serum of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc; scleroderma). Methods Sera were obtained from healthy subjects and scleroderma patients. An electrochemiluminescence binding assay was performed for detection of serum autoantibodies to PDGFR,, PDGFR,, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and colony-stimulating factor receptor 1 (CSFR1). Serum immunoglobulin was purified by protein A/G chromatography. To assess Ig agonist activity, PDGFR,-expressing cells were incubated with pure Ig and the level of receptor phosphorylation determined in an enzyme-linked immunoassay, as well as by Western blotting. Ig agonist activity was also assessed in a mitogenic assay and by MAP kinase activation in a PDGFR,-expressing cell line. Results Sera from 34.3% of the healthy subjects and 32.7% of the SSc patients contained detectable autoantibodies to PDGFR, and PDGFR,, but not EGFR or CSFR1. Purified Ig from these sera was shown to retain PDGFR binding activity and, at 200-1,000 ,g/ml, exhibited no agonist activity in a cell-based PDGFR, phosphorylation assay and did not stimulate a mitogenic response or MAP kinase activation in a PDGFR,-expressing cell line. Two purified Ig samples that were unable to bind PDGFR, did exhibit binding activity to a nonglycosylated form of PDGFR,. Conclusion Although approximately one-third of sera from scleroderma patients contained detectable autoantibodies to PDGFR, these antibodies were not specific to scleroderma, since they were also detected in a similar percentage of samples from normal subjects. PDGFR, agonist activity was not demonstrated when purified Ig from these sera was tested in cell-based assays. [source]

    Analysis of ,-globulin mobility on routine clinical CE equipment: Exploring its molecular basis and potential clinical utility

    ELECTROPHORESIS, Issue 15 2009
    Dieter Vanderschaeghe
    Abstract A study was conducted on the variability of ,-globulin mobility in serum protein electrophoresis and its molecular basis. We found that the migration time of ,-globulins can be reproducibly determined (CV=1.1%) on clinical CE equipment. Moreover, we found a significant difference (p<0.001) in the migration of ,-globulins between chronic liver disease patients (n=98) and a healthy reference group (n=47). Serum immunoglobulins were purified from these patients' sera using protein L -agarose and their glycosylation was studied using CE on a DNA sequencer. This glycomics approach revealed that several non-sialylated N-glycans show a moderate Pearson correlation coefficient (r=0.2,0.4) with the migration time of ,-globulins. Their sialylated structures correlate negatively (r=,0.2 to ,0.3). Immunoglobulins are significantly more sialylated in the healthy reference group compared with the patients (p<0.001). We estimated that sialylation heterogeneity contributes about 36% to the molecular variance (carbohydrates and amino acid composition) that affects the electrophoretic mobility of immunoglobulins. This is the first report on the migration time of ,-globulins on a clinical CE instrument and its potential clinical value to the routinely analyzed serum protein CE profiles. [source]

    Depressed humoral immunity after weight reduction in competitive judoists

    Seikou Ohta
    Abstract We studied changes in serum opsonic activity (SOA) in male judoists who were engaged in active weight reduction. Serum immunoglobulins, complements and SOA, measured by neutrophil-associated chemiluminescence responses, were investigated 20 days, 7 days and 1 day before a competition and 5 days after the competition. In addition, muscle strength and anaerobic work capacity, as well as body composition, were also determined. A dietary survey was conducted daily during the observation period. Body weight decreased by 4.2 kg over 19 days. SOA significantly decreased 5 days after the competition, as well as the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins, complements and total proteins. These trends were noted in the marked weight reduction group (i.e. reduction weight of body fat/body fat weight before weight reduction ,25%) more than the slight reduction group (<25%). Depressed SOA was closely correlated with the decreased concentrations of immunoglobulins and complements. These results suggest that the decrease in immunoglobulins and complements following weight reduction is associated with reduced SOA, which might cause susceptibility to infections. This study demonstrated that such immunosuppression appeared in the recovery period after the competition rather than immediately before the competition. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Allergic diseases and asthma in relation to serum immunoglobulins and salivary immunoglobulin A in pre-school children: a follow-up community-based study

    B. R. Lúðvíksson
    Summary Background We have previously reported an association between low IgA and allergic manifestations in early childhood (0,2 years) and have now followed our cohort for an additional 2 years. Objective To evaluate in a longitudinal community-based cohort study the association between maturation of Ig production and allergic manifestations in the first 4 years of life. Methods A cohort of 161 randomly selected children was followed from birth to the age of 42,48 months and evaluated at 18,23 months (EV1; n=179) and again at the age of 42,48 months (EV2; n=161). Diagnoses were made with the help of a clinical questionnaire, physical examination and skin prick tests (SPTs) to 10 common allergens. Serum immunoglobulins were measured at EV1 and EV2, and salivary IgA (sal-IgA) at EV2. Results Serum IgA, IgE, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 increased from 2 to 4 years of age (P<0.001) and their levels showed close correlations (P0.01 for most comparisons). Children with one or more positive SPTs had lower serum IgA (P=0.004) and IgG4 (P=0.05) at EV2 than those who did not respond, and children who developed allergic rhinitis between EV1 and EV2 had low sal-IgA (P=0.006) and IgG3 (P<0.05) at EV2. Atopic eczema was associated with low sal-IgA at EV2, and children who developed eczema between EV1 and EV2 had significantly lower sal-IgA than those who recovered after EV1 (P=0.02). Conclusion Allergic manifestations in predisposed children may be influenced by the rate of maturation of immunological components that counteract sensitization or inhibit effector mechanisms of allergy. [source]

    Impaired nutritional status in common variable immunodeficiency patients correlates with reduced levels of serum IgA and of circulating CD4+ T lymphocytes

    M. Muscaritoli
    Background Common variable immunodeficiency (CVI) is a primary defect of the immune system. Infections, persistent diarrhoea and malabsorption may result in malnutrition, which may in turn contribute to increased morbidity. In this paper, the prevalence of malnutrition in CVI was evaluated. Patients and methods Forty CVI patients (20 male, 20 female, aged 17,75 years) underwent anthropometric measurements from which body mass index, arm fat and muscle area were calculated. Body mass index values <,18·5 and arm fat and muscle area values <,10th percentile were considered indicative of malnutrition. Patients were divided into four groups according to circulating CD4+ T cells (lower or greater than 300 µL,1) and serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels (detectable and undetectable). Results Body mass index <,18·5, arm fat and muscle area <,10th percentile were observed in 23%, 58% and 44%, respectively, of patients. Lower values of body mass index, arm fat and muscle area were more frequent in patients with low CD4+ cells and undetectable IgA. Low arm fat values were more frequent in patients with diarrhoea (P = 0·03). Infectious episodes were more frequent in undetectable IgA than in detectable IgA patients (P = 0·04). Conclusions Anthropometric measurements revealed an increased rate of malnutrition in CVI patients, particularly in those with low CD4+ and undetectable IgA, suggesting that selected CVI subjects could be considered for standard or specialized nutritional support. [source]

    Necrotizing vasculitis with a polyarteritis nodosa-like pattern and selective immunoglobulin A deficiency: case report and review of the literature

    Sabela Paradela
    Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) is a primary immunodeficiency disease characterized by low levels (< 7 mg/dl) of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) A and normal serum levels of IgG and IgM. Patients with IgAD have increased risk for recurrent respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, autoimmune disease, asthma and allergy. A 26-year-old woman was admitted with sudden onset of painful cutaneous lesions on her lower extremities, pyrexia and arthromyalgia. Her medical history was remarkable for recurrent respiratory tract infections, self-limited episodes of acute diarrhea, atopy, splenomegaly and a 4-year history of a lung granulomatous lesion. Laboratory and imaging tests ruled out severe life-threatening infection, connective tissue disease and neoplasm. Serum protein electrophoresis showed a low IgA serum level (6.67 mg/dl), with normal serum levels of IgG and IgM, conducting to a diagnosis of selective IgAD. A skin biopsy showed necrotizing vasculitis without any sign of internal organ disease. We report a patient with IgAD and granulomatous involvement of lungs, spleen and medium-sized arteries of the skin. Although IgAD results from a failure of B-cell differentiation, we propose that deregulated immune response with production of cross-reactive antibodies and hyperstimulation of T cells and macrophages could contribute to this widespread granulomatous reaction. [source]

    Immune responses and host protection of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis after immunization with live theronts and sonicated trophonts

    D-H Xu
    Abstract The humoral immune responses and host protection of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) were determined after immunization with live theronts and sonicated trophonts. Immunizations with live theronts or sonicated trophonts were carried out by both bath immersion and intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. Cutaneous and serum immunoglobulin (Ig) levels and anti-Ich antibodies were measured 12 and 21 days post-immunization. The level of Ich infection and survival of catfish were determined after theront challenge. Cutaneous and serum anti-Ich antibodies were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in fish immunized with live theronts by immersion or i.p. injection, or with sonicated trophonts administered by i.p. injection, than in fish immunized with sonicated trophonts by immersion, with bovine serum albumin by i.p. injection, or non-immunized controls. Host protection was noted only in fish immunized with live theronts by immersion or i.p. injection or with sonicated trophonts by i.p. injection. There was a positive correlation between higher levels of anti-Ich antibodies and host survival in the immunized fish. [source]

    Prevalence, human leukocyte antigen typing and strategy for screening among Asian first-degree relatives of children with celiac disease

    Anshu Srivastava
    Abstract Background and Aim:, Data on prevalence, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing and small bowel histology among first-degree relatives of subjects with celiac disease (CD) is scarce. This prospective study evaluated the prevalence and role of HLA DQ2/8 testing in screening of first-degree relatives of children with CD. Methods:, Thirty confirmed children with CD and 91/94 first-degree relatives (parents and siblings) were enrolled. HLA DQ2/8 testing was carried out in all index CD cases. Clinical evaluation with a questionnaire, total serum immunoglobulin A (IgA), human IgA-tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTGA) and HLA DQ2/8 testing was carried out in all first-degree relatives. Subjects who were positive for IgA-tTGA were recommended endoscopic duodenal biopsy to document histological changes of CD. Results:, Nine first-degree relatives were positive for IgA-tTGA, seven underwent duodenal biopsy and four subjects had Marsh IIIa changes suggestive of CD. The prevalence of histologically confirmed CD in first-degree relatives was 4.4%. The prevalence of potential CD was 9.8%. IgA-tTGA-positive subjects (4/9) were significantly more often symptomatic than IgA-tTGA-negative first-degree relatives (2/82). Twenty-nine (96.6%) index cases of CD and all IgA-tTGA-positive first-degree relatives were positive for HLA DQ2. None of the index CD cases or first-degree relatives were HLA DQ8-positive. A total of 85% of the first-degree relatives were positive for HLA DQ2 and thus at risk of developing CD. Conclusions:, In this first Asian study on a limited number of families of children with CD, 4.4% of the first-degree relatives had CD. Only 15% of the first-degree relatives were negative for HLA DQ2/DQ8. Initial evaluation with HLA and serology followed by only serial serology in HLA-positive relatives is recommended. [source]

    Treatment with testosterone or estradiol in melatonin treated females and males MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice induces negative effects in developing systemic lupus erythematosus

    Antonio J. Jimenez-Caliani
    Abstract:, MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice is widely accepted as a valuable model of systemic lupus erythematosus. As described in a previous work, the incidence of lupus in this strain is determined by sex hormones, i.e., estrogens and androgens. Moreover, we reported that the immunomodulatory action of melatonin in these mice was gender-dependent probably through modulation and inhibition of sex hormones. Herein, we performed an experiment using hormone therapy, by treating female MRL-lpr mice with testosterone and males with estradiol and with melatonin. A decrease in total serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgM immunoglobulin titers, anti-double-stranded DNA, and anti-CII autoantibodies in female mice treated with both melatonin and testosterone was revealed, along with an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines [interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, interferon-,, tumor necrosis factor-,, and IL-1,), nitrite/nitrate and a decrease in anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10). Melatonin and estradiol treatment exhibited a similar effect in male mice. Autoantibody titer elevation and pro-inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory cytokine prevalence degraded all immunological parameters. Similar results were obtained when spleen and lymph node lymphocytes were cultured. Again, melatonin and testosterone treatment stimulated pro-inflammatory and reduced anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by lymphocytes in females. The effect was similar in males treated with melatonin and estradiol. In summary, we observed that although melatonin alone prevents lupus development in females, adding testosterone, increased pro-inflammatory cytokine pattern. In contrary, estradiol-treated males did not show any decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines but showed an increase in regard to melatonin controls. These findings confirm that melatonin action in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice could be gender-dependent through modulation of sex hormones. [source]

    IgA Immune Responses Against Acetaldehyde Adducts and Biomarkers of Alcohol Consumption in Patients with IgA Glomerulonephritis

    ALCOHOLISM, Issue 7 2009
    Kati Kaartinen
    Background:, The pathogenesis of IgA glomerulonephritis (IgAGN) involves intense deposition of IgAs within the glomerulus. Although previous studies have shown that heavy drinking frequently leads to the generation of IgA antibodies against neo-antigens induced by ethanol metabolites and tissue deposition of IgAs, the associations between alcohol consumption, IgA immune responses, and kidney disease have not been examined. Methods:, A total of 158 IgAGN patients (96 men, 62 women) were classified as abstainers (n = 38), moderate drinkers (n = 114), and heavy drinkers (n = 6) based on self-reported alcohol consumption. The reference population included 143 individuals (99 men, 44 women) who were either apparently healthy abstainers (n = 31), moderate drinkers (n = 43), or heavy drinkers devoid of liver disease (n = 69). The assessments included various biomarkers of alcohol consumption: carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), glutamyl transferase, ,-CDT (combination of GGR and CDT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), tests for liver and kidney function, serum immunoglobulin A (IgA), and specific IgA antibodies against acetaldehyde,protein adducts. Results:, In male IgAGN patients, drinking status was significantly associated with MCV, p < 0.001; CDT, p < 0.01; and , -CDT, p < 0.05. In the reference population, all biomarkers and anti-adduct IgA levels were found to vary according to drinking status. In IgAGN patients, anti-adduct IgA levels were elevated in 63% of the cases but the titers did not associate with self-reported ethanol intake. Conclusions:, These data indicate high levels of IgA antibodies against acetaldehyde-derived antigens in IgAGN patients, which may hamper the use of the immune responses as markers of alcohol consumption among such patients. Future studies on the pathogenic and prognostic significance of anti-adduct immune responses in IgAGN patients are warranted. [source]

    Association and interaction analyses of eight genes under asthma linkage peaks

    ALLERGY, Issue 11 2009
    M. A. R. Ferreira
    Background:, Linkage studies have implicated the 2q33, 9p21, 11q13 and 20q13 regions in the regulation of allergic disease. The aim of this study was to test genetic variants in candidate genes from these regions for association with specific asthma traits. Methods:, Ninety-five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in eight genes (CD28, CTLA4, ICOS, ADAM23, ADAMTSL1, MS4A2, CDH26 and HRH3) were genotyped in >5000 individuals from Australian (n = 1162), Dutch (n = 99) and Danish (n = 303) families. Traits tested included doctor-diagnosed asthma, atopy, airway obstruction, total serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E levels and eosinophilia. Association was tested using both multivariate and univariate methods, with gene-wide thresholds for significance determined through simulation. Gene-by-gene and gene-by-environment analyses were also performed. Results:, There was no overall evidence for association with seven of the eight genes tested when considering all genetic variation assayed in each gene. The exception was MS4A2 on chromosome 11q13, which showed weak evidence for association with IgE (gene-wide P < 0.05, rs502581). There were no significant gene-by-gene or gene-by-environment interaction effects after accounting for the number of tests performed. Conclusions:, The individual variants genotyped in the 2q33, 9p21 and 20q13 regions do not explain a large fraction of the variation in the quantitative traits tested or have a major impact on asthma or atopy risk. Our results are consistent with a weak effect of MS4A2 polymorphisms on the variation of total IgE levels. [source]

    Induction of immune responses and prevention of alveolar bone loss by intranasal administration of mice with Porphyromonas gingivalis fimbriae and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit

    Y. Takahashi
    Introduction:, Adult periodontitis is initiated by specific periodontal pathogens represented by Porphyromonas gingivalis; however, an effective measure for preventing the disease has not yet been established. In this study, the effectiveness of a vaccine composed of fimbriae of P. gingivalis and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (rCTB) was evaluated using BALB/c mice. Methods:, Fimbriae and rCTB were co-administered intranasally to BALB/c mice on days 0, 14, 21, and 28. On day 35, mice were sacrificed to determine immunoglobulin levels in serum, saliva, and nasal and lung extracts by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevention effect of the vaccine on P. gingivalis -induced periodontitis in mice was evaluated by measuring alveolar bone loss. Results:, The rCTB significantly increased serum immunoglobulin (Ig)A levels when mice were administered with a minimal amount (0.5 ,g) of the fimbrial antigen. The adjuvant effect on serum IgG production was indistinct because the minimal amount of the antigen still induced a large amount of IgG. In contrast to systemic responses, a fimbria-specific secretory IgA response was strongly induced by co-administration of rCTB and 0.5 ,g fimbriae; the same amount of the antigen alone scarcely induced a response. Histopathological examination revealed IgA-positive plasma cells in the nasal mucosal tissue but no observable mast cells in the area. In addition, nasal administration of the fimbrial vaccine significantly protected the mice from P. gingivalis -mediated alveolar bone loss. Conclusion:, Nasal vaccination with a combination of fimbriae and rCTB can be an effective means of preventing P. gingivalis -mediated periodontitis. [source]

    Differential immunoglobulin E and cytokine responses in BALB/c and C57Bl/6 mice during repeated infections with blood-stage Plasmodium chabaudi malaria

    Helena Helmby
    Repeated blood-stage Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS challenge infections in BALB/c and C57Bl/6 mice result in increased serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E levels and splenic cytokine production. The genetic background of the host influences both the cytokine response as well as the development of IgE antibodies. BALB/c mice showed high interleukin (IL)-4 secretion from splenocytes after in-vitro stimulation with malaria antigen after repeated P. chabaudi challenges and this was closely followed by higher levels of total IgE. Despite slightly elevated serum IgE levels, splenocytes from C57Bl/6 mice did not secrete any detectable IL-4 but produced interferon (IFN)-, in response to malaria antigen-stimulation in vitro. These data suggest that induction of IgE antibodies during murine malaria infection is genetically regulated. [source]

    Original Article: Clinical management of short children with low serum immunoglobulin but no immunodeficiency features

    Cristina Meazza
    Abstract Background:, In children of different ages investigated for failure to thrive, low (below the cut-off for age) immunoglobulin (Ig) values can be detected, without any clinical evidence of humoral immunodeficiencies. To better characterize infants presenting with diminished immunoglobulin levels, we studied IgG subclasses, in vitro Ig production and B cell subpopulation. Methods:, We monitored 17 children (12 boys and five girls, age range 1,18 years) with low serum levels of one or more Ig isotypes but without any clinical or laboratory features of immunodeficiency. Results:, Low IgM levels were frequent (52.9%). During the follow up, six of 17 cases (35.3%) normalized their immunoglobulin levels. Frequently, in the observed patients, low levels of immunoglobulins were not limited to the period of infancy. In all patients, in vitro Ig production and B lymphocyte subpopulations were within normal ranges. Conclusions:, We suggest a quantification of serum Ig levels in children who fail to thrive in order to identify patients with low Ig levels. These children should be monitored until Ig levels normalize to exclude any immunodeficiency status. Early recognition of children with persistent hypogammaglobulinemia would allow prompt and appropriate clinical interventions. [source]

    Clinical analyses of atopic dermatitis in the aged

    Ryoji TANEI
    ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to analyze the characteristics of atopic dermatitis (AD) in the senile phase. Subjects were comprised of 16 patients investigated for clinical features, serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E levels and skin manifestations. Mean age was 76.9 ± 6.2 years (range, 68,87), with a man : woman ratio of 3:1. Mean age at onset was 67.7 ± 15.7 years. Eight patients (50%) had personal histories of chronic eczema until the young adult phase and three patients (18.8%) showed the classic course of child AD. Eczematous erythroderma in 10 patients (62.5%) and unclassified chronic eczema in five patients (31.3%) were the predominant clinical presentations. Mean total IgE level in sera of the 16 patients was 8810 ± 13 511 IU/mL (range, 5,53 605). Fourteen patients showed positive results for antigen-specific IgE antibodies, and the mean total IgE level for these patients was 10 056 ± 14 044 IU/mL. Specific IgE to the main antigen, Dermatophagoides farinae, was observed in 12 patients (85.7%), representing the principal antibody in eight patients (57.1%). Eczematous dermatitis manifested predominantly in the face and neck, trunk and extensor and flexure sites of extremities, and less commonly in the antecubital and popliteal areas. Other stigmata of AD were observed as follows: red face in 10 patients (62.5%); Hertoghe's sign in six (37.5%); goose-skin in four (25%); facial pallor in three (18.8%); and dirty neck in one (6.3%). These results indicate that senile-type AD represents a characteristic subgroup of AD that appears in the last stage of life in AD patients. [source]

    A short course of BG9588 (anti,CD40 ligand antibody) improves serologic activity and decreases hematuria in patients with proliferative lupus glomerulonephritis

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM, Issue 3 2003
    Dimitrios T. Boumpas
    Objective CD40,CD40 ligand (CD40L) interactions play a significant role in the production of autoantibodies and tissue injury in lupus nephritis. We performed an open-label, multiple-dose study to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of BG9588, a humanized anti-CD40L antibody, in patients with proliferative lupus nephritis. The primary outcome measure was 50% reduction in proteinuria without worsening of renal function. Methods Twenty-eight patients with active proliferative lupus nephritis were scheduled to receive 20 mg/kg of BG9588 at biweekly intervals for the first 3 doses and at monthly intervals for 4 additional doses. Safety evaluations were performed on all patients. Eighteen patients receiving at least 3 doses were evaluated for efficacy. Results The study was terminated prematurely because of thromboembolic events occurring in patients in this and other BG9588 protocols (2 myocardial infarctions in this study). Of the 18 patients for whom efficacy could be evaluated, 2 had a 50% reduction in proteinuria without worsening of renal function. Mean reductions of 38.9% (P < 0.005), 50.1% (P < 0.005), and 25.3% (P < 0.05) in anti,double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibody titers were observed at 1, 2, and 3 months, respectively, after the last treatment. There was a significant increase in serum C3 concentrations at 1 month after the last dose (P < 0.005), and hematuria disappeared in all 5 patients with significant hematuria at baseline. There were no statistically significant reductions in lymphocyte count or serum immunoglobulin, anticardiolipin antibody, or rubella IgG antibody concentrations after therapy. Conclusion A short course of BG9588 treatment in patients with proliferative lupus nephritis reduces anti-dsDNA antibodies, increases C3 concentrations, and decreases hematuria, suggesting that the drug has immunomodulatory action. Additional studies will be needed to evaluate its long-term effects. [source]

    Serum immunoglobulin E levels predict human airway reactivity in vitro

    Background Airway hyperresponsiveness to non-specific stimuli is one characteristic feature of airway diseases such as bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. Until now, studies aiming to demonstrate a relationship between in vivo conditions associated with airway hyperreactivity and in vitro airway responsiveness have been inconclusive. Objective Since serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E is believed to be one determinant of airway reactivity in vivo, we studied whether in vitro airway reactivity in lung resection material from patients with elevated levels of serum IgE was increased as compared with patients with undetectable IgE. By this approach, we aimed to elucidate the role of circulating IgE for bronchial smooth muscle reactivity in vitro. Methods Bronchial rings from nine patients with total serum IgE levels above 200 U/mL and 10 patients with total serum IgE levels below 10 U/mL were passively sensitized, i.e. incubated overnight with buffer or sensitizing serum containing high levels of total IgE (> 250 U/mL). Afterwards, contractile responses to histamine were assessed in the organ bath. Results Histamine responsiveness was significantly increased in airways obtained from patients with IgE levels above 200 U/mL as compared with airways from patients with IgE levels below 10 U/mL (P < 0.05). Passive sensitization of bronchi from patients with low IgE significantly increased histamine responsiveness, as compared with non-sensitized controls from the same patients (P < 0.05). In contrast, passive sensitization of airways from patients with elevated IgE did not further increase responsiveness. There was no difference in histamine reactivity between non-passively sensitized and passively sensitized tissue preparations from patients with IgE above 200 U/mL and passively sensitized tissues from patients with IgE below 10 U/mL. Conclusion Our findings reveal that elevated levels of serum IgE predict airway hyperresponsiveness to histamine in vitro. At the same time, they indicate that the in vitro model of passive sensitization, in addition to its ability to induce allergen responses, also mimics conditions of non-specific airway hyperreactivity, which are relevant under in vivo conditions. [source]

    Immunomodulatory properties of human serum immunoglobulin A: anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory activities in human monocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells

    K. Olas
    Summary Our study investigated the immunomodulatory activities of human plasma-derived serum immunoglobulin (Ig)A. Previous findings seem contradictory indicating either pro- or anti-inflammatory activities. We used serum IgA purified from large plasma pools and studied the modulation of the release of cytokines and chemokines from resting and lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin)-stimulated human adherent monocytes and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Our results indicate that IgA down-modulates the release of the pro-inflammatory chemokines monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP) 1, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP) 1, and MIP1, from LPS-stimulated PBMC and the release of MCP1, MIP1, and MIP1, from LPS-stimulated monocytes. Furthermore, we confirmed previous reports that plasma-derived serum IgA down-modulates the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-,, from LPS-stimulated monocytes and PBMC, and up-regulates the release of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) from resting and LPS-stimulated monocytes and resting PBMC. This IgA-mediated up-regulation of IL-1RA is independent of the simultaneous up-regulation of IL-1, release, as shown by blocking the biological activity of IL-1, with a neutralizing antibody. On the other hand, we also found an IgA-induced pro-inflammatory activity, namely IgA-mediated up-regutation of the release of pro-inflammatory IL-1, as well as down-regulation of the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and IL-12p40 from LPS-stimulated monocytes and PBMC and a down-regulation of transforming growth factor (TGF)-, from resting and LPS-stimulated PBMC. We conclude that human serum IgA has both an anti-inflammatory and a pro-inflammatory capacity and this dual capacity might contribute to the feedback mechanisms maintaining a balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activities. [source]

    A case of necrobiotic xanthogranuloma without paraproteinemia presenting as a solitary tumor on the thigh

    Sung Eun Chang MD
    A 82-year-old Korean woman had had a 6-month history of an asymptomatic, flat, hard, red to brown tumor on her right thigh. This lesion had been slowly enlarging with an advancing margin. She had noted gradually developing pain associated with necrosis and ulceration on the lesion. Examination revealed a solitary, 8 × 7.5 cm, yellow to dark red, telangiectatic tumor with multiple areas of punched out ulceration and a peripheral elevated yellowish margin on the right inner upper thigh (Fig. 1). No clinically similar lesions on the periorbital area or other sites were seen. Histologic examination revealed a massive palisading granulomatous infiltration with several layers of extensive bands of necrobiotic zone in the entire dermis and deep subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 2a). In the granulomatous infiltrate in the dermis and subcutis, many various-shaped, some bizarre, angulated, foreign-body type multinucleated giant cells, many Touton giant cells, and a few Langhans giant cells were found to be scattered (Fig. 2b). There were numerous xanthomatized histiocytes. Dense infiltration of lymphoplasma cells was seen in the periphery of the granuloma and perivascularly. Conspicuous granulomatous panniculitis composed of lymphoplasma cells, polymorphonuclear cells, foam cells, and Touton and foreign-body giant cells was also seen. However, cholesterol clefts and lymphoid follicles were not seen. Subcutaneous septae were widened by necrobiotic change and fibrosis with thrombosed large vessels. Gram, Gomeri-methenamine silver and acid-fast stains were negative. The necrobiotic areas were positive to alcian blue. Laboratory investigation revealed elevated white blood cell counts, anemia and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The following parameters were within the normal range: lipids, glucose, renal and liver function tests, serum complements, serum immunoglobulins, cryoglobulins and antinuclear antibodies. The findings of chest X-ray, skull X-ray and ectorcardiography were normal. Serum electrophoresis and serum immunoelectrophoresis revealed no abnormality. The patient was diagnosed as having necrobiotic xanthogranuloma without paraproteinemia. She was treated with oral steroid (0.5,0.6 mg/kg) and NSAIDS for 1 month with partial improvement of pain and the lesion ceased to enlarge. In the following 1 year of follow-up, with only intermittent NSAIDS, her lesion did not progress and there were no signs of systemic involvement or new skin lesions. Figure Figure 1 . (a) A solitary, red to brown plaque with multiple ulcerations and a peripheral elevated yellowish margin on the inner upper thigh Figure 2. (a) A dermal and subcutaneous massive xanthogranulomatous infiltrate with zonal necrobiosis of collagen (× 20). (b) Prominent infiltrate of xanthomatized histiocytes and giant cells with perivascular lymphoplasma cells (H&E, × 100) [source]

    Depressed humoral immunity after weight reduction in competitive judoists

    Seikou Ohta
    Abstract We studied changes in serum opsonic activity (SOA) in male judoists who were engaged in active weight reduction. Serum immunoglobulins, complements and SOA, measured by neutrophil-associated chemiluminescence responses, were investigated 20 days, 7 days and 1 day before a competition and 5 days after the competition. In addition, muscle strength and anaerobic work capacity, as well as body composition, were also determined. A dietary survey was conducted daily during the observation period. Body weight decreased by 4.2 kg over 19 days. SOA significantly decreased 5 days after the competition, as well as the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins, complements and total proteins. These trends were noted in the marked weight reduction group (i.e. reduction weight of body fat/body fat weight before weight reduction ,25%) more than the slight reduction group (<25%). Depressed SOA was closely correlated with the decreased concentrations of immunoglobulins and complements. These results suggest that the decrease in immunoglobulins and complements following weight reduction is associated with reduced SOA, which might cause susceptibility to infections. This study demonstrated that such immunosuppression appeared in the recovery period after the competition rather than immediately before the competition. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Detection of allergen specific immunoglobulins by microarrays coupled to microfluidics

    Marina Cretich Dr.
    Abstract Allergen microarrays are under development for a component-resolved diagnosis of Type I (IgE-mediated) allergies. Here we report an improved microarray coupled to microfluidics for the detection of allergen specific immunoglobulin E (IgE). The signal intensity for IgE detection in serum has been improved by using glass slides coated with a novel poly[DMA- co -NAS] brush copolymer which is able to immobilize allergens in their native conformation and by carrying out the incubation step in dynamic conditions. The assay, fully automated, was performed in a microcell, using a software-controlled fluidic processor, to bring assay reagents on the surface of the array. Microfluidics turns the binding between serum immunoglobulins and immobilized allergens from a diffusion-limited to a kinetic-limited process by ensuring an efficient mixing of serum samples on the surface of the microarray. As a result of this, the binding of high affinity IgE antibodies is enhanced whereas that of low affinity IgG antibodies, which are present at higher concentration, is impaired paving the way to more accurate and sensitive results. [source]

    Polyphenol-enriched apple extract attenuates food allergy in mice

    A. W. Zuercher
    Summary Background The immune system may be modulated with nutrition to prevent the development or to treat the symptoms of allergy. Among other foods, consumption of apples has been linked to reduced incidence of atopic dermatitis and respiratory allergy. Objective We evaluated the efficacy and mechanisms of a polyphenol-enriched apple extract in reducing symptoms of food allergy. Methods In a model of food allergy to ovalbumin (OVA), BALB/c mice were fed with an apple extract either during sensitization or just before the challenge. After the challenge, allergic symptoms were scored, OVA-specific serum immunoglobulins were determined by ELISA, cytokine production by mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells was measured by a multiplex assay and gene expression profiles in the intestine were addressed using quantitative real-time PCR. Results Consumption of the apple extract reduced symptoms of food allergy upon challenge. This was paralleled by reduced levels of intestinal mast cell protease, diminished cytokine secretion by MLN cells and reduced local intestinal mRNA expression of various T-helper type-2 associated and pro-inflammatory genes. Mechanistic studies suggested decrease of mediator release by effector cells and reduction of allergenicity by protein,polyphenol interaction as potential mechanisms responsible for protection. Conclusion Polyphenol-enriched apple extract can attenuate food allergy symptoms in sensitized mice via two distinct possible mechanisms. [source]

    Allergic diseases and asthma in relation to serum immunoglobulins and salivary immunoglobulin A in pre-school children: a follow-up community-based study

    B. R. Lúðvíksson
    Summary Background We have previously reported an association between low IgA and allergic manifestations in early childhood (0,2 years) and have now followed our cohort for an additional 2 years. Objective To evaluate in a longitudinal community-based cohort study the association between maturation of Ig production and allergic manifestations in the first 4 years of life. Methods A cohort of 161 randomly selected children was followed from birth to the age of 42,48 months and evaluated at 18,23 months (EV1; n=179) and again at the age of 42,48 months (EV2; n=161). Diagnoses were made with the help of a clinical questionnaire, physical examination and skin prick tests (SPTs) to 10 common allergens. Serum immunoglobulins were measured at EV1 and EV2, and salivary IgA (sal-IgA) at EV2. Results Serum IgA, IgE, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 increased from 2 to 4 years of age (P<0.001) and their levels showed close correlations (P0.01 for most comparisons). Children with one or more positive SPTs had lower serum IgA (P=0.004) and IgG4 (P=0.05) at EV2 than those who did not respond, and children who developed allergic rhinitis between EV1 and EV2 had low sal-IgA (P=0.006) and IgG3 (P<0.05) at EV2. Atopic eczema was associated with low sal-IgA at EV2, and children who developed eczema between EV1 and EV2 had significantly lower sal-IgA than those who recovered after EV1 (P=0.02). Conclusion Allergic manifestations in predisposed children may be influenced by the rate of maturation of immunological components that counteract sensitization or inhibit effector mechanisms of allergy. [source]