Sector Development (sector + development)

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Kinds of Sector Development

  • private sector development

  • Selected Abstracts

    Deposit Insurance, Banking Reform, and Financial Sector Development in Several Nations of Southeastern Europe

    By Neil B. Murphy
    Deposit insurance has spread to many sections of the world. In the newly formed nations of the former Yugoslavia, this has occurred under conditions of post-conflict reconstruction, hyperinflation, and several different governmental structures. Three cases are examined; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia and Montenegro. They all have developed deposit insurance programs. The implementation process was compared to "best practice" recommendations. It is found that the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was difficult due to the fractured nature of the Dayton Accord government structure on the one hand but easier to the strong international presence supporting required actions. In the case of Croatia, a unified state emerged from the war, but it was somewhat isolated. Its bank restructuring was costly, and a fragmented deposit insurance program was introduced in the middle of a banking crisis. In the case of Serbia and Montenegro, the bank restructuring process is still underway, and implementation of a functioning deposit insurance program properly awaits its completion. [source]

    Financial Sector Development in Transition Economies: Lessons from the First Decade

    John Bonin
    First page of article [source]

    Financial Sector Development in the Pacific Rim , Edited by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose

    Ron Duncan
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Private Provision of Infrastructure in Emerging Markets: Do Institutions Matter?

    Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee
    Governments in developing countries have encouraged private sector investment to meet the growing demand for infrastructure. According to institutional theory, the role of institutions is paramount in private sector development. A longitudinal dataset of 40 developing economies between 1990 and 2000 is used to test empirically how different institutional structures affect private investment in infrastructure, in particular its volume and frequency. The results indicate that property rights and bureaucratic quality play a significant role in promoting private infrastructure investment. Interestingly, they also suggest that countries with higher levels of corruption attract greater private participation in infrastructure. [source]

    The Rapid Rise of Supermarkets in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for the Agrifood Sector and Rural Development

    Liesbeth Dries
    During the 1990s transition period in Central and Eastern Europe, the retail sector was privatised and some domestic-capital supermarket chains gradually emerged. Massive inflows of foreign direct investment followed and competitive domestic investments drove a rapid take-off of large-format modern retail sector development from a tiny ,luxury' niche of around 5% of food retail in the mid-1990s to 40,50% by 2003 in ,firstwave' and 20,40% in ,second-wave' countries. In ,third-wave' countries like Russia, it is still only 10% but growing very fast. In most countries there is rapid multi-nationalisation and consolidation of the supermarket sector, with profound changes in procurement systems affecting the conditions facing farmers, and creating important opportunities and challenges. [source]

    Sector Programme Approaches: Will They Work in Agriculture?

    Mick Foster
    This article explores why sector-wide approaches, in which donor funds support a single sector plan under government leadership, have performed less well in agriculture than in the social sectors. Many problems stem from the more limited, more contested and shrinking role of the state in the agricultural sector. It is also argued that sector programmes have worked best where the key constraints on sector development are the responsibility of a single ministry, whereas agricultural development requires co-ordinated interventions across sectors. The sector approach may have a limited role in delivering better focused agricultural services, but fundamental policy questions need to be resolved first. This is more likely if support for reforms is channelled through central economic ministries and other bodies outside the agriculture ministry. [source]

    Government administrative burdens on SMEs in East Africa: reviewing issues and actions

    ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, Issue 2 2001
    Fiona Macculloch
    The important macroeconomic reforms achieved in East African economies (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) during the late 1980s and early 1990s have failed to deliver the magnitude of private sector growth and increased employment expected. Governments in the region have begun to recognize that lower-level policies and administrative procedures impose significant constraints on private sector development, stemming primarily from the command and control bureaucracies that characterised colonial governance. There are three priority areas for administrative reform: business licensing and registration, tax and customs procedures and specialised approvals. Also discussed are the problems of the special position of the informal sector, the impact of corruption and access to commercial justice. [source]

    Making profits in wartime: corporate profits, inequality, and GDP in Germany during the First World War1

    Making profits in wartime: corporate profits, inequality, and GDP in Germany during the First World War. This article reconsiders, and rejects, Kocka's (1973) hypothesis that a strong income redistribution from workers to capital owners occurred in Germany during the First World War. A small number of firms profited from the war, but the majority experienced a decline in real income, similar to the decline in workers' real wages. This finding also has important implications for the political history of the Weimar Republic. The authors also use their figures to improve German GDP estimates for the war period, since their sample makes it possible to estimate private service sector development. Economic indicators were worse for the war year of 1917 than previously believed. [source]

    Power sector development in India with CO2 emission targets: Effects of regional grid integration and the role of clean technologies

    A. K. Srivastava
    Abstract The power sector in India at present comprises of five separate regional electricity grids having practically no integrated operation in between them. This study analyses the utility planning, environmental and economical effects of integrated power sector development at the national level in which the regional electric grids are developed and operated as one integrated system. It also examines the effects of selected CO2 emission reduction targets in the power sector and the role of renewable power generation technologies in India. The study shows that the integrated development and operation of the power system at the national level would reduce the total cost including fuel cost by 4912 million $, total capacity addition by 2784 MW, while the emission of CO2, SO2 and NOx would be reduced by 231.6 (1.9%), 0.8 (0.9%), 0.4 (1.2%) million tons, respectively, during the planning horizon. Furthermore, the study shows that the expected unserved energy, one of the indices of generation system reliability, would decrease to 26 GWh under integrated national power system from 5158 GWh. As different levels of CO2 emission reduction targets were imposed, there is a switching of generation from conventional coal plants to gas fired plants, clean coal technologies and nuclear based plants. As a result the capacity expansion cost has increased. It was found that wind power plant is most attractive and economical in the Indian perspective among the renewable options considered (Solar, wind and biomass). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Programme alignment in higher-level planning processes: a four-country case-study for Sexual and Reproductive Health

    Rebecca Dodd
    Abstract With international development assistance focussed on poverty reduction, national and sector-wide planning processes have become increasingly important in setting agendas. Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAps), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), and other higher level planning processes, including Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reporting, have required new levels of engagement in national and sectoral planning processes. For Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), this has had mixed consequences, despite raising the profile of SRH in national planning agendas, and emphasizing the potential of SRH to contribute to the reduction of poverty. Drawing on case-study research from four countries, this paper analyzes alignment of SRH policy with higher-level planning processes. It found that SRH managers are rarely engaged in higher-level planning processes, and while SRH features prominently in the [health] sections of PRSPs, it is not reflected in other sections, and does not necessarily correspond to more resources. Despite these limitations, these planning processes offer synergies that could improve the contribution of SRH to health sector development and poverty reduction. The paper recommends that local donor organizations, including key UN agencies, offer greater support for SRH programme managers in promoting the pro-poor and systems-wide strengths of SRH programmes to planners and policy makers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Methods of privatization and economic growth in transition economies1

    John Bennett
    Privatization; transition economies; economic growth; panel data Abstract We examine how different methods of privatization might have affected growth in transition economies. Using several econometric specifications, including fixed effects and GMM, we estimate a cross-country panel growth model for 1990,2003. We find only voucher privatization to have been significantly associated with faster growth. Moreover, neither private sector development per se nor capital market development exercised a significant influence. We speculate that voucher privatization may have been effective because of the speed with which links between firms and the state were severed. [source]

    Competition And Its Regulation: Key Issues

    P. Cook
    This article examines the role of competition policy in developing countries. The leading international development agencies, such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, have proclaimed their support for private sector,led development as the best strategy for reducing poverty. The benefits of private sector development are dependent on ensuring competitive market conditions, which are often absent in developing countries. However, theoretical notions of competition and the ways in which it is perceived to work vary widely and have implications for the type of competition policy that is to be implemented. Competition laws are widespread in industrialized countries but are only just beginning to be introduced in developing countries. The article examines some of the implications of applying competition policy in developing countries when account is taken of different theoretical perspectives, and of the structural and institutional differences between industrialized and developing countries. [source]

    Does a Country's Openness to Trade and Capital Accounts Lead to Financial Development?

    Evidence from Malaysia
    F19 and G29 This paper examines the role of trade openness and capital account openness in influencing financial development in Malaysia. The empirical findings using the bounds testing approach demonstrate that trade openness and capital account openness are positively significant determinants of financial development. However, there is no empirical support of the hypothesis that the simultaneous opening of both trade and capital accounts is necessary for financial development to take place. The evidence is valid for three banking sector development and two stock market development indicators. [source]

    Defining Expertise in Software Development While Doing Gender

    Esther Ruiz Ben
    The optimism regarding opportunities for women to enter the professionalization process in software development during the past years has not been fully realized and the gender gap in Germany's information technology (IT) sector still persists. Women are almost completely unrepresented in the technical fields of the German software industry, particularly in small enterprises. In this article, I firstly offer an overview of the German IT sector's development and current status. Secondly, I discuss the construction of expertise and gendered meanings in the practice of software development and related implications for the enrolment of women in this field. Gender stereotypical assumptions about expertise in the practice of software development and structural factors related to the lack of life,work balance programmes, as well as the lack of internal training in most IT companies, contribute to organizational segregation [source]