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  • Selected Abstracts

    (Auto)transfusion in major surgery: the surgeons view

    A. C. De Vries

    Development of a FTA versus Parts Count Method Model: Comparative FTA

    G. Arcidiacono
    Abstract This study adopts a special Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method called Comparative FTA to compare the reliability of an electronic braking system with its mechanical counterpart. To this end two Top Events, ,Ineffective parking braking' and ,Wheels jamming during emergency braking', were analysed. One of the limitations of classic FTA is that the setting up of the tree diagram requires the long-term involvement,one to two months according to Fiat Auto,of specialists of the system being studied. For this reason, therefore, when dealing with relatively complex systems, classic FTA is only used when safety is involved. This paper introduces a simplified FTA model based on the same principle as the Parts Count Method, which limits its attention to the new branches, thereby avoiding the study of all the branches of the tree, in order to make FTA management easier and to encourage its use. The probability that a Top Event takes place is therefore evaluated by studying the different causes which diversify the solutions considered. This approach is a lean practice to minimize the resources and the time of the analysis. It has guaranteed very satisfactory results and, therefore, Fiat Auto has introduced the practice in their Corporate Instructions. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Cross-correlated and conventional dipolar carbon-13 relaxation in methylene groups in small, symmetric molecules

    Leila Ghalebani
    Abstract A theory for dipolar cross-correlated relaxation processes in AMX or AX2 spin system, with special reference to 13C-methylene groups, is reviewed briefly. Simple experiments and protocols for measuring the transfer rates between the carbon-13 Zeeman order and the three-spin order, and for their analogues in the transverse plane, are discussed using a concentrated solution of the disaccharide trehalose as a model system. Experimental data sets consisting of conventional carbon-13 relaxation parameters (T1, T2, and NOE), along with the cross-correlated relaxation rates, are also presented for some small, rigid, polycyclic molecules. These data are interpreted using spectral density functions appropriate to spherical or symmetric tops reorienting according to small-step rotational diffusion model. The analysis results in a consistent picture of the auto- and cross-correlated spin relaxation processes. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part A 30A: 100,115, 2007. [source]

    Zinc-finger paralogues tsh and tio are functionally equivalent during imaginal development in Drosophila and maintain their expression levels through auto- and cross-negative feedback loops

    José Bessa
    Abstract teashirt (tsh) and tiptop (tio) are two Drosophila gene paralogues encoding zinc-finger transcription factors. While tsh is an important developmental regulator, tio null individuals are viable and fertile. Here, we show that tio and tsh have coincident expression domains in the imaginal discs, the precursors of the adult body, and that both genes show similar functional properties when expressed ectopically. Furthermore, tio is able to rescue the development of tsh mutants, indicating that both genes are functionally equivalent during imaginal development. Of interest, the transcriptional regulation of tio and tsh is linked by a negative feedback loop. This mechanism might be required to maintain a tight control on the total levels of tio/tsh and could help explaining why Drosophila keeps an apparently dispensable gene. Developmental Dynamics 238:19,28, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Differential galanin receptor-1 and galanin expression by 5-HT neurons in dorsal raphé nucleus of rat and mouse: evidence for species-dependent modulation of serotonin transmission

    Jari A. Larm
    Abstract Galanin and galanin receptors are widely expressed by neurons in rat brain that either synthesize/release and/or are responsive to, classical transmitters such as ,-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, histamine, dopamine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). The dorsal raphé nucleus (DRN) contains , 50% of the 5-HT neurons in the rat brain and a high percentage of these cells coexpress galanin and are responsive to exogenous galanin in vitro. However, the precise identity of the galanin receptor(s) present on these 5-HT neurons has not been previously established. Thus, the current study used a polyclonal antibody for the galanin receptor-1 (GalR1) to examine the possible expression of this receptor within the DRN of the rat and for comparative purposes also in the mouse. In the rat, intense GalR1-immunoreactivity (IR) was detected in a substantial population of 5-HT-immunoreactive neurons in the DRN, with prominent receptor immunostaining associated with soma and proximal dendrites. GalR1-IR was also observed in many cells within the adjacent median raphé nucleus. In mouse DRN, neurons exhibited similar levels and distribution of 5-HT-IR to that in the rat, but GalR1-IR was undetectable. Consistent with this, galanin and GalR1 mRNA were also undetectable in mouse DRN by in situ hybridization histochemistry, despite the detection of GalR1 mRNA (and GalR1-IR) in adjacent cells in the periaqueductal grey and other midbrain areas. 5-HT neuron activity in the DRN is primarily regulated via 5-HT1A autoreceptors, via inhibition of adenylate cyclase and activation of inward-rectifying K+ channels. Notably, the GalR1 receptor subtype signals via identical mechanisms and our findings establish that galanin modulates 5-HT neuron activity in the DRN of the rat via GalR1 (auto)receptors. However, these studies also identify important species differences in the relationship between midbrain galanin and 5-HT systems, which should prompt further investigations in relation to comparative human neurochemistry and which have implications for studies of animal models of relevant neurological conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression. [source]

    Reading and Writing the Stasi File: on the Uses and Abuses of The File as (auto)biography

    Alison Lewis
    The opening of the Stasi files in 1992, made possible by the Stasi Documents Legislation, was an important symbolic act of reconciliation between victims and perpetrators. For victims, reading their file provided a means of re-appropriating stolen aspects of their lives and rewriting their life histories. This article argues that the Stasi file itself can be viewed as a form of hostile biography, authored by an oppressive state apparatus, that constituted in GDR times an all-powerful written ,technology of power'. The analogy of secret police files to literary genres enables us to pose a number of questions about the current uses to which the files are being put by victims and perpetrators. Are victims and perpetrators making similar use of their Stasi file in the writing of their autobiographies? What happens when the secret police file is removed from its original bureaucratic context and ,regime of truth' and starts to circulate as literary artefact in new contexts, for instance, as part of victims' and perpetrators' autobiographies? How is the value of the Stasi file now being judged? Is the file being used principally in the services of truth and reconciliation, as originally intended in the legislation, or does it now circulate in ,regimes of value' that place a higher premium on accounts of perpetrators, as can be witnessed in the publication of the fictitious ,autobiography' of the notorious secret police informer, Sascha Anderson? [source]

    The Impact of Metropolitan Structure on Commute Behavior in the Netherlands: A Multilevel Approach

    GROWTH AND CHANGE, Issue 3 2004
    Tim Schwanen
    ABSTRACT This paper documents the investigation of the impact of metropolitan structure on the commute behavior of urban residents in the Netherlands. Not only has the impact of monocentrism versus polycentrism been analyzed, but the influence of metropolitan density and size has also been considered, together with the ratio of employment to population and the growth of the population and employment. Furthermore, data are used at a variety of levels of analysis ranging from the individual worker to the metropolitan region rather than being drawn from aggregate level statistics alone. Multilevel regression modeling is applied to take account of the interdependencies among these levels of aggregation. With regard to mode choice, the results indicate that the probability of driving an auto to work is lower in employment-rich metropolitan regions, and rises as the number of jobs per resident has grown strongly. Furthermore, women in most polycentric regions are less likely to commute as an auto driver. All else being equal, commute distances and times for auto drivers are longer in most polycentric regions than in monocentric urban areas. In addition, commute time as an auto driver rises with metropolitan size, whereas commute distance depends on employment density and the growth of the number of jobs per resident. The investigation shows that metropolitan structure, although significantly influencing commute patterns, explains only a small part of the variation of individuals' commute behavior. [source]

    Porcine factor VIII in the treatment of high-titre inhibitor patients

    HAEMOPHILIA, Issue 2002
    M.B. Garvey
    Development of an inhibitor against factor VIII (FVIII) is an important complication of haemophilia. It occurs in approximately 25,30% of patients with haemophilia A [1]. FVIII inhibitors may also occur as autoantibodies. The latter occur in nonhaemophiliacs and, although rare (occurring in approximately one per million of the population), are frequently associated with life-threatening bleeding. Inhibitors are considered low level if they are < 5 Bethesda Units (BU) or high level if they are > 10 BU. The former usually remain low and rarely give anamnestic response, the latter do so frequently. Despite various approaches to their management, the presence of inhibitors remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The effectiveness of porcine FVIII (pFVIII) in treating patients with both auto- and alloantibodies to FVIII has been well demonstrated when adequate circulating levels of FVIII are obtained [2,10]. However, pFVIII therapy may give rise to antibodies to the pFVIII and the utility of this treatment in the presence of high levels of porcine antibody is less well recognized and understood. Nonetheless, pFVIII under these circumstances may be useful in a select group of patients where management is difficult. [source]

    Self-Report and Psychophysiological Responses to Fear Appeals

    Juan R. Ordoñana
    This study was designed to assess the relationship between self-report and psychophysiological responses to fear appeals and behavioral changes elicited by these. Ninety-two subjects watched one of four messages that varied in level of threat (high vs. low) and efficacy (high vs. low). Concomitantly, psychophysiological measures (heart rate and skin conductance) were registered. Perceived threat and efficacy varied according to the characteristics of the message. High-threat messages elicited significantly different levels of autonomic arousal than low-threat messages. Following of behavioral recommendation was higher among subjects who were exposed to the high threat / high efficacy stimulus, those who reported high perceived threat, and for those who showed an autonomic response pattern related to the facilitation of attentional processes. Résumé Les auto-évaluations et les réactions psychophysiologiques aux messages véhiculant des peurs Cette étude fut réalisée afin d'évaluer la relation entre les auto-évaluations et les réactions psychophysiologiques à des messages véhiculant des peurs ainsi que les changements suscités par ceux-ci. 92 sujets ont visionné un de quatre messages variant en niveau de danger (élevé ou faible) et d,efficacité (forte ou faible). En même temps, des mesures psychophysiologiques (le rythme cardiaque et la conduction cutanée) furent enregistrées. La perception de danger et d'efficacité variait suivant les caractéristiques du message. Les messages à danger élevé suscitaient des niveaux d,éveil autonome sensiblement différents des messages à faible danger. Le suivi de recommandations comportementales était plus élevé chez les sujets ayant été exposés au stimulus à danger élevé et à forte efficacité, chez ceux ayant déclaré une perception de danger élevé ainsi que chez ceux ayant présenté un schéma de réaction autonome liéà la facilitation des processus attentionnels. Abstract Selbstauskünfte zu und psychophysiologische Reaktionen auf Furchtappelle Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Beziehung zwischen den Aussagen zu und den psychophysiologischen Reaktionen auf Furchtappelle und Verhaltensänderungen zu untersuchen. 92 Teilnehmer sahen eine von vier Botschaften, die nach dem Grad der Gefahr (hoch vs. niedrig) und der Selbstwirksamkeit (hoch vs. niedrig) variierten. Begleitend wurden psychophysiologische Messungen (Herzfrequenz, Hautleitwiderstand) durchgeführt. Die wahrgenommene Bedrohung und Selbstwirksamkeit variierte nach den Charakteristika der Botschaft. Bei Botschaften mit hoher Gefahr zeigten die Teilnehmer einen anderen Grad an autonomer Erregung als bei Botschaften mit geringer Gefahr. Teilnehmer, die den Stimulus mit hoher Gefahr und hoher Selbstwirksamkeit rezipiert hatten, folgten den Verhaltensempfehlungen häufiger als diejenigen, die eine hohe wahrgenommene Gefahr berichteten und jene, die ein autonomes Reaktionsmuster zeigten, welches im Zusammenhang mit Zuwendung und Aufmerksamkeit steht. Resumen Los Auto-Reportes y las Respuestas Psico-Fisiológicas a las Apelaciones al Miedo Este estudio fue designado para evaluar la relación entre los auto-reportes y las respuestas psico-fisiológicas a las apelaciones al miedo y los cambios de comportamiento provocados por estos. 92 sujetos observaron 1 de 4 mensajes que variaron en su nivel de amenaza (alto o bajo) y la eficacia (alta o baja). Concomitantemente, las medidas psico-fisiológicas (pulso cardíaco y conductor de la piel) fueron registradas. La amenaza percibida y la eficacia variaron de acuerdo a las características del mensaje. Los mensajes de amenaza alta provocaron diferentes niveles significativos de excitación nerviosa que los mensajes de amenaza baja. Siguiendo la recomendación de comportamiento fue más alta entre los sujetos que fueron expuestos a la amenaza alta/ eficacia de estímulo alta, aquellos que reportaron una amenaza percibida alta, y para los que mostraron pautas de respuesta nerviosas relacionadas con la facilitación de los procesos de atención. ZhaiYao Yo yak [source]

    A data-driven algorithm for constructing artificial neural network rainfall-runoff models

    K. P. Sudheer
    Abstract A new approach for designing the network structure in an artificial neural network (ANN)-based rainfall-runoff model is presented. The method utilizes the statistical properties such as cross-, auto- and partial-auto-correlation of the data series in identifying a unique input vector that best represents the process for the basin, and a standard algorithm for training. The methodology has been validated using the data for a river basin in India. The results of the study are highly promising and indicate that it could significantly reduce the effort and computational time required in developing an ANN model. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Differential modulation of CD8, by rat ,, and ,, T cells after activation

    IMMUNOLOGY, Issue 3 2001
    Frank Straube
    Summary Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted ,, T cells express the CD8,, heterodimer, which acts as a MHC class I-specific co-receptor. Rats are so far the only species with frequent expression of the CD8,, by MHC-unrestricted ,, T cells. This study compares CD8,, expression by splenic rat ,, and ,, T cells and reveals a lineage-specific difference in the control of CD8, expression. After activation in vitro, many ,, T cells, but not ,, T cells, persistently down-modulate the expression of CD8,, but not CD8,, at the RNA level. Down-regulation occurred after stimulation with T-cell receptor (TCR)-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) or CD28-mediated costimulation, and after activation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. Functional differences between modulating and non-modulating cells were not found with respect to interferon-, (IFN-,) production and cytolytic activity. The modulation could be indicative for a fundamental difference between ,, and ,, T cells and also limits the use of CD8, as a stable marker of ,, T-cell subsets. Possibly, CD8, modulation provides a mechanism to escape over-stimulation by (auto-)antigens by increasing the threshold of TCR-mediated activation in ,, T cells. [source]

    Six-week postpartum maternal depressive symptoms and 4-month mother,infant self- and interactive contingency,

    Beatrice Beebe
    Associations of 6-week maternal depressive symptoms [Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)] with 4-month mother,infant self- and interactive contingency patterns during face-to-face play were investigated in 132 dyads. Self- and interactive contingency (auto- and lagged cross-correlation, respectively) were assessed by multilevel time-series analysis. Infant and mother gaze, facial and vocal affect, touch, and spatial orientation behaviors were coded second-by-second from split-screen videotape, and a multimodal measure of facial,visual "engagement" was constructed, generating nine modality pairings. With higher CES-D, the self-contingency of both partners was lowered in most modalities. With higher CES-D, interactive contingency values were both heightened (in some modalities) and lowered (in others), varying by partner. These results are consistent with an optimal midrange model. With higher CES-D, interactive contingency showed the following patterns: (a) Mothers and their infants had a reciprocal orientational sensitivity; (b) mothers and infants manifested a reciprocal intermodal discordance in attention versus affect coordination, lowering gaze coordination, but heightening affective coordination; (c) infants heightened, but mothers lowered, touch coordination with partner touch,an "infant approach,mother withdraw" touch pattern. Nonlinear analyses indicated that altered self- and interactive contingency were similar at both the low ("denial") as well as the high ("endorsement") poles of depressive symptoms, in half the findings. These complex, multimodal findings define different aspects of communication disturbance, with relevance for therapeutic intervention. [source]

    Identification of antigenic targets of paraproteins by expression cloning does not support a causal role of chronic antigenic stimulation in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma and MGUS

    Klaus-Dieter Preuss
    Abstract Antigenic targets of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and multiple myeloma (MM) paraproteins have been suggested to play an important role as growth stimulators in the pathogenesis of these neoplasms. To identify such targets, we screened cDNA libraries from human testis, lung and breast cancer, bovine and porcine muscle and wheat germ for reactivity with paraproteins in the sera from 115 patients with MGUS and MM. Of >6 × 108 paraprotein,antigen interactions screened, an IgA paraprotein from a female patient bound to sperm-specific cylicin-2, and 3 IgG paraproteins bound to tripeptidyl-peptidase-II (TPP-2), insulin-like growth-factor binding-protein-2 (IGFBP-2) and porcine kinesin. Specificity was confirmed by reverse Western blots using recombinant antigens. The broad spectrum of auto-, allo- and heteroantigens as targets of human paraproteins in patients without signs of chronic antigenic stimulation renders a causal role of the antigenic stimulus in the pathogenesis of MGUS and MM unlikely. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Inhibition of immunosuppressive effects of melanoma-inhibiting activity (MIA) by antisense techniques

    Piotr Jachimczak
    Abstract Melanoma inhibitory activity (MIA) is an 11 kD protein secreted by malignant melanomas. Recent studies revealed an interaction of MIA with epitopes of extracellular matrix proteins including fibronectin. Structural homology of MIA with the binding sites of ,4,1 integrin results in complex interactions of MIA with molecules binding to ,4,1 integrin. As cells of the immune system express ,4,1 integrins (VLA-4), we investigated whether MIA may modulate the function of human leukocytes. Here we describe the effects of MIA on the activation of human PBMCs and auto-/allogeneic lymphokine-activated killer cell (LAK) cytotoxicity in human MIA-negative glioma cell lines and MIA-positive melanoma cell lines in vitro. MIA inhibits PHA- or IL-2-induced human PBMC proliferation in a dose-dependent manner up to 63% (3H-Tdr incorporation) and 59% (cell count), respectively, when added to the cell culture prior to mitogen stimulation. In addition, both autologous (GL and HW) and allogeneic (HTZ-17, HTZ-243 and HTZ-374) antitumor LAK cytotoxicity was reduced by the addition of exogenous rhMIA (500 ng/ml, f.c.). Consequently, endogenous inhibition of MIA expression in human melanoma cells by MIA-specific phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotides enhanced the autologous LAK-cell activity to the same level as observed in MIA-negative human HMB melanoma cells expressing an MIA-antisense construct. Our results indicate that MIA may contribute to immunosuppression frequently seen in malignant melanomas by inhibiting cellular antitumor immune reactions. Antagonization of MIA activity using antisense techniques may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for treatment of malignant melanomas. [source]

    Internet-Based Interactive Support for Cancer Patients: Are Integrated Systems Better?

    David H. Gustafson
    To compare the benefits of the Internet generally versus a focused system of services, 257 breast cancer patients were randomly assigned to a control group, access to the Internet with links to high-quality breast cancer sites, or access to an eHealth system (Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System, CHESS) that integrated information, support, and decision and analysis tools. The intervention lasted 5 months, and self-report data on quality of life, health-care competence, and social support were collected at pretest and at 2-, 4-, and 9-month posttests. CHESS subjects logged on more overall than Internet subjects and accessed more health resources, but the latter used non health-related sites more. Subjects with access to the Internet alone experienced no better outcomes than controls at any of the 3 time points, compared to pretest levels. Subjects with CHESS experienced greater social support during the intervention period and had higher scores on all 3 outcomes at 9 months, 4 months after the intervention ended. CHESS subjects also scored higher than those with Internet access during the intervention period but not significantly after the intervention ended. Thus, CHESS (with one simple interface and integrated information, communication, and skills services) helped newly diagnosed breast cancer patients even after computers were removed. In contrast, patients received little benefit from Internet access, despite having links to a variety of high-quality sites. Résumé Le soutien interactif sur Internet des patients atteints du cancer : les systèmes intégrés sont-ils meilleurs? Afin de comparer les bénéfices de l'Internet en général par rapport à un système concentré de services, 257 patientes atteintes du cancer du sein furent assignées au hasard à l'un de trois groupes : un groupe témoin, un groupe ayant accès à Internet avec des liens vers des sites de haute qualité concernant le cancer du sein, ou un groupe ayant accès à un système eHealth (CHESS) qui intègre information, soutien et outils de décision et d'analyse. L'intervention a duré cinq mois et une collecte de données auto-évaluées (à propos de la qualité de vie, de la compétence en ce qui a trait aux soins de santé et du soutien social) fut faite avant le test et deux, quatre et neuf mois après le début du test. Les participantes ayant accès au CHESS se sont globalement connectées plus souvent que les participantes ayant accès à Internet et elles ont accédéà plus de ressources liées à la santé, mais les participantes ayant accès à Internet ont visité plus de sites non liés à la santé. Les participantes ayant seulement accès à Internet n'ont pas présenté de meilleurs résultats que le groupe témoin à aucun des trois moments de cueillette, en comparaison avec les niveaux pré-test. Les participantes ayant accès au CHESS ont reçu un meilleur soutien social pendant la période d'intervention et eurent des résultats plus élevés quant aux trois thèmes à l'évaluation de neuf mois, soit quatre mois après la fin de l'intervention. Les participantes CHESS ont également enregistré des résultats plus élevés que ceux avec Internet pendant la période d'intervention, mais pas de manière significative une fois que l'intervention s'est terminée. Ainsi, CHESS (avec une interface unique et simple et de l'information intégrée, des services de communication et de compétences) a aidé les patientes nouvellement diagnostiquées avec le cancer du sein, même lorsque les ordinateurs furent retirés. De façon constrastée, les patientes n'ont pas beaucoup bénéficié de l'accès à Internet, bien qu'elles aient été orientées vers une variété de sites de haute qualité. Abstract Internetbasierte interaktive Unterstützung für Krebspatienten: Sind integrierte Systeme besser? Um die Vorteile des Internets im allgemeinen mit den Vorteilen eines fokussierten Systems von Angeboten zu vergleichen wurden 257 Brustkrebspatienten zufällig auf eine von drei Gruppen verteilt: eine Kontrollgruppe, eine Versuchsgruppe mit Zugang zum Internet mit Links zu hochqualitativen Seiten zum Thema Krebs und eine zweite Versuchgruppe mit Zugang zu einem eHealth System (CHESS), welches Informationen, Betreuung und Entscheidungs- und Analysewerkzeuge integriert. Die Intervention dauerte 5 Monate. Selbstauskunftsdaten zur Lebensqualität, Gesundheitsfürsorgekompetenz und sozialer Unterstützung wurden vorher, und als 2-, 4- und 9-Monate Nachhermessung erhoben. CHESS-Nutzer griffen generell häufiger auf das Angebot zu als Internetnutzer und nutzten mehr Gesundheitsressourcen; allerdings griffen Internetnutzer häufiger auf Seiten ohne Gesundheitsbezug zu. Teilnehmer mit Internetzugang zeigten bezogen auf die Vorhermessung keine besseren Ergebnisse im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. CHESS-Nutzer erlebten eine größere soziale Unterstützung während der Intervention und hatten höhere Werte für alle drei Ergebnismessungen zum Zeitpunkt 9 Monate, also 4 Monate nach Ende der Intervention. CHESS-Teilnehmer punkteten während aber nicht nach Ende der Intervention höher als jene mit Internet-Zugang. CHESS (mit einem einfachen Interface und integrierter Information, Kommunikation und Services) half neu diagnostizierten Brustkrebspatienten sogar nachdem die Computer entfernt wurden. Im Gegensatz dazu bekamen Patienten wenig Unterstützung vom Internet-Zugang, obwohl sie Links zu eine Vielzahl hochqualitativer Seiten hatten. Resumen Apoyo Interactivo a través del Internet para Pacientes con Cáncer: ¿Son Mejores los Sistemas Integrados? Para comparar los beneficios del Internet generalmente versus un sistema de servicios focalizados, 257 pacientes con cáncer de mama fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo de control, acceso al Internet con conexiones a sitios de cáncer de mama de alta calidad, ó acceso a un sistema de Salud (CHESS) que integraba información, apoyo, y herramientas de decisión y análisis. La intervención que duró cinco meses, reportó datos individuales sobre la calidad de vida, la competencia de la asistencia médica y el apoyo social coleccionados a través de una prueba inicial y pruebas a los 2, 4, y 9 meses después. Los participantes de CHESS entablaron sesiones con más frecuencia que los sujetos de Internet y accedieron a más recursos sobre la salud, pero éstos últimos usaron más sitios no relacionados con la salud. Los sujetos que solamente accedieron al Internet no experimentaron mejores resultados que los grupos de control durante los tres puntos, comparados con los niveles de pruebas iniciales. Los sujetos con CHESS experimentaron un apoyo social mayor durante el período de intervención y tuvieron puntajes más altos en los 3 resultados a los 9 meses, 4 meses después que la intervención finalizara. Los sujetos de CHESS obtuvieron mayores puntajes que los participantes con acceso al Internet durante el período de la intervención, pero no significativamente después de que la intervención finalizara. Así, CHESS (con una interfase simple e información integrada, comunicación y servicios de habilidades) ayudaron a los pacientes recientemente diagnosticados con cáncer de mama aún después de que las computadoras fueron removidas. En contraste, los pacientes recibieron poco beneficio del acceso al Internet, a pesar de tener acceso a conexiones con una variedad de sitios de alta calidad. ZhaiYao Yo yak [source]

    A Spatial Analysis of Residential Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area

    Jared R. VandeWeghe
    Residential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area are spatially analyzed to determine the impact of urban form on emission-causing activities. The key finding is that over the entire region, emissions from private auto use are on par with those from fuel use for building heating. Once beyond the transit-intensive central core, private auto emissions surpass the emissions from building operations. Variation in total auto- and building-related emissions is quite significant between census tracts, ranging from 3.1 to 13.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per year. Of all tracts, the top ten in terms of GHG emission are located in the lower-density suburbs, and their high emissions were largely due to private auto use. [source]

    Equation of state for the viscosity of Lennard-Jones fluids,

    AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 2 2006
    Leslie V. Woodcock
    Abstract A one-parameter model constitutive transport equation for the viscosity of the Lennard-Jones (L-J) fluid that is accurate for all equilibrium states of liquid and gas is proposed: The form of this equation is based upon the soft-sphere scaling laws for the residual density-dependent viscosity discovered originally by Ashurst and Hoover and uses their empirical coefficient (CAH). Enskog's density-independent limit theoretical term (,0) is included to reproduce the viscosity in the limit of zero density accurately. Remaining discrepancies at low temperatures, for both gas and liquid densities, are largely removed when the linear-density Rainwater-Friend coefficient is added. The equation is comparable in accuracy to the 24-parameter empirical equation of state proposed by Rowley and Painter. Comparison with this correlation and previous MD results reveals a discrepancy near the triple point. To test the equation, new MD data for three fluid states are reported. Here, the viscosity is computed from time correlation functions resolved into the single-particle auto- and cross-correlation terms. It is found that, at high density (,* > 0.8), the cross,correlations extend beyond 7, (molecule diameters) and oscillate in sign. This explains the wide scatter of previous MD viscosities for small L-J systems. © 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2006 [source]

    Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies in the follow-up of adult coeliac disease

    C. R. DIPPER
    Summary Background, The detection of auto antibodies directed against tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG antibodies) has a well-established role in the diagnosis of coeliac disease, but the value of these antibodies in long-term follow-up is controversial. Aims, To determine if serial anti-tTG antibody measurements could confirm adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD) and identify patients at risk of disease complications. Methods, In a 54-month cohort follow-up study, 182 adult patients were assessed. Data recorded included self-assessment of GFD adherence; anti-tTG antibody concentration and serum ferritin, vitamin B12 and folate. Where available, bone mineral density (BMD) and duodenal histology data were retrieved. Results, Persistently elevated anti-tTG antibody levels were significantly associated with abnormal duodenal histology (P < 0.001), low ferritin (P < 0.01) and poor adherence to the GFD (P < 0.001). The specificity was >85% while the sensitivity was 39,60%. Anti-tTG antibody concentrations fell rapidly following successful initiation of a GFD, and maintenance of normalization identified those who continued to be adherent to the diet. Conclusions, This study supports a strategy of using anti-tTG antibody concentrations to monitor newly diagnosed and established patients with coeliac disease, and to target dietetic intervention to reduce the risk of complication. [source]

    Living on the edge: feeding of subtropical open ocean copepods

    MARINE ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2006
    Gustav-Adolf Paffenhöfer
    Abstract The objective of this study was to provide quantitative information on environmental feeding rates of warm water oceanic epipelagic copepods. We determined clearance rates at 23 °C for various particle size ranges in shipboard studies in the western oligotrophic subtropical Atlantic Ocean for females of the calanoid species Clausocalanus furcatus and Mecynocera clausii. These in situ clearance rates were then applied to the various particle size ranges of environmental particle spectra of auto- and heterotrophs at different depths from three stations in the western Atlantic. After calculating the metabolic demands of each of these two copepod species and applying an assimilation efficiency of 90%, we determined that C. furcatus meets its metabolic demands in all six cases, and M. clausii in two of six cases. Clausocalanus furcatus would also meet its energy demands at 25 °C, where it is often found, while M. clausii at 20 °C, where it is regularly found, would cover its metabolic needs in four of six cases. It is hypothesized that these species, and most likely most of the other co-occurring copepod species, are limited in their abundance by food availability, or, better said, are ,living on the edge' in relation to food abundance. [source]

    Quantitative mass spectrometry to investigate epidermal growth factor receptor phosphorylation dynamics

    Sven Schuchardt
    Abstract Identifying proteins of signaling networks has received much attention, because an array of biological processes are entirely dependent on protein cross-talk and protein,protein interactions. Protein posttranslational modifications (PTM) add an additional layer of complexity, resulting in complex signaling networks. Of particular interest to our working group are the signaling networks of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase involved in various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Ligand binding to the N -terminal residue of the extracellular domain of EGF receptor induces conformational changes, dimerization, and (auto)-phosphorylation of intracellular tyrosine residues. In addition, activated EGF receptor may positively affect survival pathways, and thus determines the pathways for tumor growth and progression. Notably, in many human malignancies exaggerated EGF receptor activities are commonly observed. An understanding of the mechanism that results in aberrant phosphorylation of EGF receptor tyrosine residues and derived signaling cascades is crucial for an understanding of molecular mechanisms in cancer development. Here, we summarize recent labeling methods and discuss the difficulties in quantitative MS-based phosphorylation assays to probe for receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activity. We also review recent advances in sample preparation to investigate membrane-bound RTKs, MS-based detection of phosphopeptides, and the diligent use of different quantitative methods for protein labeling. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Mass Spec Rev 27:51,65, 2008 [source]

    Mastocytosis and insect venom allergy: diagnosis, safety and efficacy of venom immunotherapy

    ALLERGY, Issue 9 2009
    M. Niedoszytko
    The most important causative factor for anaphylaxis in mastocytosis are insect stings. The purpose of this review is to analyse the available data concerning prevalence, diagnosis, safety and effectiveness of venom immunotherapy (VIT) in mastocytosis patients. If data were unclear, authors were contacted personally for further information. Quality of evidence (A: high, B: moderate, C: low and D: very low) and strength of recommendation (strong 1 and weak 2) concerning VIT in mastocytosis patients are assessed according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation and are marked in square brackets. Results of VIT were described in 117 patients to date. The mean rate of side-effects during treatment in studies published so far is 23.9% (7.6% requiring adrenaline) with an overall protection rate of 72%. Based on the review we conclude that (1) mastocytosis patients have a high risk of severe sting reactions in particular to yellow jacket, (2) VIT could be suggested [2] in mastocytosis, (3) probably should be done life long [2], (4) VIT in mastocytosis is accompanied by a higher frequency of side-effects, so (5) special precautions should be taken into account notably during the built up phase of the therapy [2], (6) VIT is able to reduce systemic reactions, but to a lesser extent compared to the general insect venom allergic population [2], so (7) patients should be warned that the efficacy of VIT might be less than optimal and they should continue carrying two adrenaline auto injectors [2]. [source]

    The outcome of IgD myeloma after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is similar to other Ig subtypes,

    Manish Sharma
    IgD myeloma is a rare subtype of myeloma that is associated with an aggressive course, resistance to chemotherapy, and a poor outcome. We identified 17 patients with IgD myeloma, who received a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) at our institution between August 1988 and June 2008. Fifteen of these 17 patients underwent an autologous (auto) HCT. Complete responses (CRs) were seen in 6 of 15 (40%) patients; three converted from partial response to CR, two from minimal response to CR, and one from very good partial response to CR. The overall response rate after auto HCT was 86% (13 of 15). Kaplan-Meiers estimates of 3-year progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were 38% and 64%, respectively. Median PFS and OS were 18 and 45 months, respectively. These results were comparable with patients receiving autologous HCT for other Ig subtypes of myeloma. Am. J. Hematol. 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Modulation of primary and secondary infections in epidemics of carrot cavity spot through agronomic management practices

    PLANT PATHOLOGY, Issue 1 2008
    F. Suffert
    The relative importance of primary and secondary infections (auto- and alloinfections) in the development of a carrot cavity spot (CCS) epidemic caused by Pythium spp. were investigated. Three cropping factors: fungicide application, soil moisture and planting density, were selected as the key variables affecting the disease tetrahedron. Their effects on: (i) disease measurements at a specific time, (ii) the areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPCs) and (iii) a time-dependent parameter in a pathometric incidence-severity relationship, were studied. Mefenoxam applications 5 and 9 weeks after sowing reduced the intensity of a field CCS epidemic that involved both primary and secondary infections. In microcosm experiments, mefenoxam reduced secondary infections by Pythium violae obtained by transplanting infected carrot roots and slowed disease progress (1·6 lesions per root in treated versus 5·8 lesions in non-treated microcosms). A deficit of soil moisture limited the movement of Pythium propagules to host tissue, and thus reduced primary infections in the field; it also promoted the healing of lesions, limiting lesion expansion and the potential for alloinfections (6·8,7·5 lesions per root in irrigated plots compared with 2·4 lesions in non-irrigated plots). A negative relationship between the mean root-to-root distance and the rate of alloinfections was established in microcosms; a reduction in mean planting density was also effective in limiting CCS development (0·5, 1·6 and 2·0 lesions per root in microcosms containing 8, 16 and 31 roots, respectively). An integrated disease management system based on a combination of cultural methods, such as optimized fungicide application, date of harvest versus soil moisture content, and host density versus planting pattern, may make a useful contribute to the control of CCS. [source]

    Louis Pasteur's discovery of molecular chirality and spontaneous resolution in 1848, together with a complete review of his crystallographic and chemical work

    H. D. Flack
    Pasteur's chemical and crystallographic work is described. The article commences with a brief overview of related science (chemical structure, crystallography, optical activity) before and after 1848, the year of the discovery of molecular chirality and spontaneous resolution. Concerning this discovery, three separate and varying reports are described. These are: (i) the publications in the scientific literature, (ii) the early (auto)biographies and (iii) Pasteur's handwritten laboratory notebooks. The three versions give differing views on the topic. Subsequently all of Pasteur's crystallographic and chemical work is passed in review, a topic very rarely broached. Pasteur's view in later life on this part of his work is examined. The article concludes with a discussion of the term dissymmetry used by Pasteur. [source]

    Immunohistochemical Localization of Oestrogen Receptors , and ,, Progesterone Receptor and Aromatase in the Equine Placenta

    MMM Abd-Elnaeim
    Contents The functions of placental oestrogens during equine pregnancy are still unclear. Yet, they may act predominantly as local regulators of growth and differentiation in the microplacentomes. Thus, expression patterns of oestrogen receptors (ERs) , and , were investigated in the microcotyledonary placenta from pregnant mares at 110, 121, 179, 199 and 309 days of gestation by immunohistochemistry. In microplacentomes, both the ER isoforms were detected in trophoblast (T) cells, chorionic villous stroma (FS), microcaruncular epithelium (ME) and microcaruncular stroma (MS). Proportions of positive cells were 38,91% (T), 11,41% (FS), 55,89% (ME), 17,51% (MS) for ER, and 66,76% (T), 21,37% (FS), 41,68% (ME) and 24,55% (MS) for ER,. Between days 110 and 199, proportions of cells positive for progesterone receptor (PR) varied between 19% and 62% (T), 3% and 50% (CS), 15% and 46% (ME), and 4% and 33% (MS). At day 309, PR was virtually absent in T, CS and ME (percentages < 0.1), whereas in MS 14.3% of cells were still positive. The expression of ERs and PR in equine microplacentomes gives evidence for a role of placental steroids as regulators of placental growth, differentiation and function. The detection of ER,, ER, and PR in foetal and maternal vascular tissue suggests that placental steroids are also involved in the control of placental angiogenesis and,/or vascular functions. The co-localization of ERs with aromatase in T suggests auto- or intracrine functions of oestrogens in this cell type. [source]

    Activity-dependent regulation of voltage-gated Na+ channel expression in Mat-LyLu rat prostate cancer cell line

    William J. Brackenbury
    We have shown previously that voltage-gated Na+ channels (VGSCs) are up-regulated in human metastatic disease (prostate, breast and small-cell lung cancers), and that VGSC activity potentiates metastatic cell behaviours. However, the mechanism(s) regulating functional VGSC expression in cancer cells remains unknown. We investigated the possibility of activity-dependent (auto)regulation of VGSC functional expression in the strongly metastatic Mat-LyLu model of rat prostate cancer. Pretreatment with tetrodotoxin (TTX) for 24,72 h subsequently suppressed peak VGSC current density without affecting voltage dependence. The hypothesis was tested that the VGSC auto-regulation occurred via VGSC-mediated Na+ influx and subsequent activation of protein kinase A (PKA). Indeed, TTX pretreatment reduced the level of phosphorylated PKA, and the PKA inhibitor KT5720 decreased, whilst the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin and the Na+ ionophore monensin both increased the peak VGSC current density. TTX reduced the mRNA level of Nav1.7, predominant in these cells, and VGSC protein expression at the plasma membrane, although the total VGSC protein level remained unchanged. TTX pretreatment eliminated the VGSC-dependent component of the cells' migration in Transwell assays. We concluded that the VGSC activity in Mat-LyLu rat prostate cancer cells was up-regulated in steady-state via a positive feedback mechanism involving PKA, and this enhanced the cells' migratory potential. [source]

    REVIEW ARTICLE: Anti-phospholipid Antibodies and Other Immunological Causes of Recurrent Foetal Loss , A Review of Literature of Various Therapeutic Protocols

    Shrimati Shetty
    Problem, An immune-based aetiology is one of the several accepted causes for recurrent foetal loss (RFL). However, most of the immunological theories have not fulfilled the criteria for causality. This is a review of the various immunological causes of RFL and the outcome of different treatment protocols. Method of study, Both auto- and alloimmune maternal immunological abnormalities have been proposed to account for foetal loss. Among the autoimmune factors, anti-phospholipid antibodies (APAs) have been demonstrated to be the strongest risk factors for foetal loss, the prevalence of which is as high as 40% in women with RFL. Other autoimmune antibodies implicated in RFL are anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs), anti-thyroid antibodies and anti-endothelial cell antibodies. The alloimmune factors implicated in pregnancy loss of unknown aetiology include abnormal natural killer (NK) cell activity, alteration in T helper 1 (Th1) and T helper 2 (Th2) ratios, presence of alloimmune antibodies like anti-paternal cytotoxic antibodies, anti-idiotypic antibodies, mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies and abnormal expression of HLA-G molecules. Management of patients with RFL is mainly based on immunomodulatory (prednisolone, intravenous immunoglobulins, plasma exchange, paternal lymphocyte therapy), anti-aggregation (aspirin) or anti-coagulation (unfractionated or low molecular weight heparin) agents. Results, Low-molecular-weight heparin with low-dose aspirin has been found to be the most effective treatment for women with APAs and RFL. Differences in dosage, timing of treatment, inclusion criteria, outcome assessment parameters etc. are some of the factors which have resulted in discrepancies in various reports. Conclusion, Identification of the immunological mechanisms involved in pregnancy loss and the action of different therapeutic reagents is important so that effective therapies can be designed and investigated. [source]

    Expression analysis suggests novel roles for the plastidic phosphate transporter Pht2;1 in auto- and heterotrophic tissues in potato and Arabidopsis

    THE PLANT JOURNAL, Issue 1 2004
    Christine Rausch
    Summary A cDNA encoding Pht2;1 from potato, a new member of the plant Pht2 gene family of low-affinity orthophosphate (Pi) transporters, was isolated. The expression pattern of the corresponding gene as well as its ortholog from Arabidopsis was analyzed and the encoded proteins were localized in the two plants. Pht2;1 expression is strongly upregulated by light in potato and Arabidopsis leaf tissue. RNA gel blot analysis, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), promoter/GUS, and protein/green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion studies, respectively, indicate that the gene is expressed in both auto- and heterotrophic tissues and its encoded protein is localized to the plastids. The similar patterns of Pht2;1 gene regulation in potato and Arabidopsis prompted us to screen publicly available gene expression data from 228 Arabidopsis oligonucleotide microarrays covering 83 different experimental conditions. Modulation of Pht2;1 transcript levels was overall moderate, except for a limited number of experimental conditions where Pht2;1 mRNA concentrations varied between 2- and 3.7-fold. Overall, these analyses suggest involvement of the Pht2;1 protein in cell wall metabolism in young, rapidly growing tissues, independent of other Pi transporters such as the high-affinity Solanum tuberosum Pi transporter 1 (StPT1). Cluster analysis allowed identification of colinear or antiparallel expression profiles of a small set of genes involved in post-translational regulation, and photosynthetic carbon metabolism. These data give clues about the possible biological function of Pht2;1 and shed light on the complex web of interactions in which Pht2;1 could play a role. [source]

    B-Cell Immunity in the Context of T-Cell Tolerance after Combined Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplantation in Humans

    F. Porcheray
    Five patients with end-stage kidney disease received combined kidney and bone marrow transplants from HLA haploidentical donors following nonmyeloablative conditioning to induce renal allograft tolerance. Immunosuppressive therapy was successfully discontinued in four patients with subsequent follow-up of 3 to more than 6 years. This allograft acceptance was accompanied by specific T-cell unresponsiveness to donor antigens. However, two of these four patients showed evidence of de novo antibodies reactive to donor antigens between 1 and 2 years posttransplant. These humoral responses were characterized by the presence of donor HLA-specific antibodies in the serum with or without the deposition of the complement molecule C4d in the graft. Immunofluorescence staining, ELISA assays and antibody profiling using protein microarrays demonstrated the co-development of auto- and alloantibodies in these two patients. These responses were preceded by elevated serum BAFF levels and coincided with B-cell reconstitution as revealed by a high frequency of transitional B cells in the periphery. To date, these B cell responses have not been associated with evidence of humoral rejection and their clinical significance is still unclear. Overall, our findings showed the development of B-cell allo- and autoimmunity in patients with T-cell tolerance to the donor graft. [source]

    Core Self-Evaluations in Germany: Validation of a German Measure and its Relationships with Career Success

    APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
    Thorsten Stumpp
    The present study reports the results of a validation of a German version of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES) and its relationships with career success. Data were collected in three occupational samples to address various aspects of validation. Our results confirm the proposed one-factor structure of the scale as well as convergent, discriminant, criterion, and predictive validity. Furthermore, the German CSES shows incremental validity over the individual core traits (neuroticism, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus of control), the Big Five, and positive and negative affect. Thus, the German version of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale is a reliable, valid, and economic measure for both research and practical applications. Furthermore, hypothesised relationships of core self-evaluations with objective as well as subjective career success were confirmed. Possible explanations of these relationships are discussed. On présente dans cet article une étude de validation d'une version allemande de la Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) avec son rapport au succès professionnel. Les données ont été recueillies auprès d'échantillons relevant de trois métiers pour couvrir plusieurs aspects de la validation. Nos résultats confirment la structure unifactorielle attendue ainsi que les validités convergente, discriminante, prédictive et critérielle. En outre, la CSES allemande présente une validité incrémentielle pour le Big Five, les émotions positives et négatives et les traits centraux individuels (névrotisme, estime de soi, auto-efficience et locus of control). La version allemande de la CSES est par conséquent un outil fidèle, valide et économique aussi bien pour la recherche que pour les applications pratiques. Sans compter qu'ont été confirmées les relations supposées des auto-évaluations centrales avec le succès professionnel, qu'il soit objectif ou subjectif. On analyse les raisons possibles de ces relations. [source]