Review Committee (review + committee)

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Kinds of Review Committee

  • residency review committee

  • Selected Abstracts

    Evolution of Academic Emergency Medicine over a Decade (1991-2001)

    E. John Gallagher MD
    Abstract Objective: To test the hypothesis that emergency medicine (EM) has made significant, quantifiable progress within U.S. academic medicine over the past ten years, 1991-2001. Methods: Baseline (7/1/1991) and comparison (7/1/2001) data sets contained all Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)-accredited schools, Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM)-recognized academic departments of EM, Residency Review Committee (RRC)-accredited EM residencies, and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)-designated academic medical centers. The increase over ten years in the two primary variables of academic departmental status, and EM residencies located at academic medical centers, was examined in the aggregate, then stratified by medical schools grouped by academic rank. Differences over time are expressed as simple proportions, bounded by 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results: Between 1991 and 2001, the proportion of academic departments of EM at medical schools increased from 18% to 48% (95% CI for difference of 30%= 19% to 41%). The proportion of EM residencies at academic medical centers increased from 42% to 66% (95% CI for a difference of 24%= 11% to 36%). The largest increment of 37% (95% CI = 22% to 52%) in academic departments of EM, and of 36% (95% CI = 20% to 52%) in EM residencies located at academic medical centers, occurred within medical schools whose academic rank was above the median. Conclusions: A quantitatively and statistically significant increase in academic departments of EM within medical schools and EM residency programs at academic medical centers has occurred over the past decade. Half of all medical schools now have academic departments of EM, and two-thirds of academic medical centers house EM residency programs. This has taken place largely within institutions whose academic ranking places them among the top half of all U.S. medical schools. [source]


    FAMILY COURT REVIEW, Issue 2 2009
    Simeon StammArticle first published online: 13 MAR 200
    This Note discusses domestic violence in the military. Currently, in cases of domestic violence in the military, the Case Review Committee uses the Incident Severity Index for Spouse Abuse to determine the severity of abuse. The Case Review Committee uses this index when determining treatment options for the perpetrator of domestic violence. However, this index is extremely inconsistent with the current views and emerging research of domestic violence. This Note identifies the problems with the current system and gives recommendations for ways to improve the system. The Note concludes that a new system would enhance the military's ability to combat domestic violence. [source]

    Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification: Ongoing Phase

    Martha Craft-Rosenberg
    BACKGROUND The Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification Project (NDEC) has been active for almost a decade. The team began with the formation of a team of investigators at The University of Iowa College of Nursing. From 1994 until 2000 the research team consisted of 16 investigators who were experts in nursing care across the lifespan. They also represented expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research. The aims of the NDEC research are to evaluate and revise NANDA diagnoses, to validate the diagnoses using a clinical information system, and to develop candidate diagnoses. MAIN CONTENT POINTS Phase 1 of the NDEC research has yielded 116 refined and developed nursing diagnoses that have been submitted to NANDA. Of these, 65 have been approved and 54 appeared in Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 1999,2000 along with 39 NDEC products. In the 2000,2001 edition, 7 diagnoses refined by NDEC and 7 new diagnoses submitted by NDEC are included. As only about half the NDEC products have appeared in NANDA publications, the three-level review process (Diagnosis Review Committee, membership, and Board) has been discussed with the NANDA board. This request is currently being honored by the Diagnosis Review Committee; however, review by the membership and review by the NANDA board is just beginning to move in this direction. Phase 2, clinical validation of the NDEC work, is being conducted at a long-term care facility. It will also be conducted at a large teaching hospital. All the NDEC refinement and development work has been submitted for clinical validation. Currently validation is planned at the label level only. Phase 3 involves identification of candidate diagnoses. Many of the candidate diagnoses were developed during the concept analysis phase, when NDEC team members identified the need for additional diagnoses. Nurses in practice have submitted other candidate diagnoses. In total 195 candidate diagnoses have been identified and placed into a database. In order for the NDEC team to make decisions regarding priorities for diagnosis development, the diagnoses in the candidate database are compared to diagnoses in other classifications that have already been developed. Several classifications are used for comparison including the Omaha System and the Home Health Care Classification. A large table is used to compare candidate label to other labels. Candidate diagnosis included in other classifications will be given lower priority for development by NDEC. CONCLUSIONS The NDEC work plan includes work on diagnoses to be resubmitted to the NANDA Diagnosis Review Committee. It is hoped that the Web site for NLINKS will facilitate the work of diagnosis refinement and development. NDEC will continue to work with any investigator who is seeking assistance. The last part of the work plan is resource acquisition and recruitment of investigators to continue the refinement and development of diagnoses. [source]

    Captan: Transition from ,B2' to ,not likely'.

    How pesticide registrants affected the EPA Cancer Classification Update
    Abstract On 24 November 2004 EPA changed the cancer classification of captan from a ,probable human carcinogen' (Category B2) to ,not likely' when used according to label directions. The new cancer classification considers captan to be a potential carcinogen at prolonged high doses that cause cytotoxicity and regenerative cell hyperplasia. These high doses of captan are many orders of magnitude above those likely to be consumed in the diet, or encountered by individuals in occupational or residential settings. This revised cancer classification reflects EPA's implementation of their new cancer guidelines. The procedures involved in the reclassification effort were agreed upon with EPA and involved an Independent Transparent Review as it related to four components that formed the basis of the original 1986 B2 classification: mouse tumors; rat tumors; mutagenicity; and structural similarity to other carcinogens. A Peer Review Panel organized and administered by Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA) met on 2,3 September 2003. The Panel concluded that captan acted through a non-mutagenic threshold mode of action that required prolonged irritation of the duodenal villi as the initial key event. EPA's Cancer Assessment Review Committee (CARC) met on 9 June 2004 and endorsed the Peer Review findings. EPA intended to have the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) consider the basis for this reclassification but found the science was robust and judged that a SAP review was not warranted. Using the revised classification, the margin of exposure is approximately 1,200,000, supporting the ,not likely' characterization. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    "A WILLINGNESS TO LISTEN TO EACH SIDE": The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee, 1991,2010

    C. Timothy McKeown
    abstract The 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act authorized establishment of an advisory committee to carry out a long list of specific duties. Chartered on August 20, 1991, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee has held 42 meetings over the subsequent 19 years. The review committee's responsibilities include monitoring the summary, inventory, and repatriation process; facilitating the resolution of disputes; compiling an inventory of culturally unidentifiable human remains and recommending specific actions for their disposition; consulting with the Secretary of the Interior in the development of regulations; and submitting an annual report to Congress. This paper examines the review committee's establishment and activities and assesses its effectiveness. [source]

    Safely treating hypokalaemia in high dependency cardiac surgical patients

    Claire Sladdin
    Abstract In Australia, there were national issues on the use of potassium ampoules (resulting in patient deaths), which led to the removal of the ampoules from clinical areas. A decision was made by the Medication Safety Committee at a metropolitan Melbourne hospital to remove potassium ampoules from ward areas as part of the establishment of a hospital-wide potassium guideline. As a result, the nurses in the cardiothoracic ward Practice Review Committee identified the need to review the proposed practice of treating hypokalaemia with 30 mmol of potassium chloride (KCL) in 1000 mL over an extended period in postoperative cardiothoracic patients. The challenge was to develop a practice to safely administer intravenous KCL in fluid restricted patients in addition to the hospital guidelines to prevent hypokalaemic-induced cardiac dysrhythmias. A literature search revealed there were no clear or uniform approaches to guide our practice in addressing this clinical problem. The Practice Review Committee developed a KCL administration guideline based on a review of the available literature. The Practice Review Committee developed a ward-based guideline that addressed infusion concentration, duration of administration, responsiveness of nurses to severity of hypokalaemia and the evaluation of treatment by measuring serum potassium after replacement. This ward-based guideline was based on benchmarking from similar institutions and relevant literature. The review process provided an opportunity for the staff to critique their practice to improve patient care and allowed regular evaluation of the implemented practice guideline. The ward-based guideline required a revision as patients' renal function was not being taken into consideration prior to potassium infusions being administered. The implementation of the ward-based guideline into practice has been well received by the staff as it has allowed consistent practice and timely treatment of hypokalaemia. [source]

    The role of Lay Review Committees in diabetes research

    David P. Stenger
    Abstract Type 1 diabetes is unique among disease entities in having a large voluntary health nonprofit organization (the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) that employs the process of review by laypersons (following a review by scientists) in selecting the recipients of its funding awards to individual investigators/trainees: grants, career-development awards, fellowships, and ,innovative grants.' Therefore, that organization can be a suitable model on which an examination of lay review can be based. This paper summarizes (1) the history of how lay review originated and (2) this foundation's experience with it, (3) assesses the impact of the procedure on the discipline of diabetes science, and (4) examines the role it might play in the future, given the current state of that discipline. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    American Transplant Congress 2007 Executive and Program Planning Committees and Abstract Review Committees

    Article first published online: 26 APR 200
    First page of article [source]

    Portfolios: Possibilities for Addressing Emergency Medicine Resident Competencies

    Patricia O'Sullivan EdD
    Portfolios are an innovative approach to evaluate the competency of emergency medicine residents. Three key characteristics add to their attractiveness. First, portfolios draw from the resident's actual work. Second, they require self-reflection on the part of the resident. Third, they are inherently practice-based learning since residents must review and consider their practice in order to begin the portfolio. This paper illustrates five different applications of portfolios. First, portfolios are applied to evaluating specific competencies as part of the training of emergency physicians. While evaluating specific competencies, the portfolio captures aspects of the general competencies. Second, the article illustrates using portfolios as a way to address a specific residency review committee (RRC) requirement such as follow-ups. Third is a description of how portfolios can be used to evaluate resident conferences capturing the competency of practice-based learning and possibly other competencies such as medical knowledge and patient care. Fourth, the authors of the article designed a portfolio as a way to demonstrate clinical competence. Fifth, they elaborate as to how a continuous quality improvement project could be cast within the portfolio framework. They provide some guidance concerning issues to address when designing the portfolios. Portfolios are carefully structured and not haphazard collections of materials. Following criteria is important in maintaining the validity of the portfolio as well as contributing to reliability. The portfolios can enhance the relationship between faculty and residents since faculty will suggest cases, discuss anomalies, and interact with the residents around the portfolio. The authors believe that in general portfolios can cover many of the general competencies specified by the ACGME while still focusing on issues important to emergency medicine. The authors believe that portfolios provide an approach to evaluation commensurate with the self-evaluation skills they would like to develop in their residents. [source]

    Toward implementation of a flexible neurology residency: Position of the neurology residency review committee of the accreditation council for graduate medical education

    ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, Issue 1 2007
    John W. Engstrom MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Improving Rural Access to Emergency Physicians

    Daniel A. Handel MD
    The recent Institute of Medicine report entitled The Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System acknowledges workforce issues in rural America but does not adequately address the current shortage of emergency medicine residency,trained and board-certified emergency physicians in rural America. Areas worthy of further attention to ameliorate this threat include 1) government and hospital support of emergency medicine resident educational debt load, 2) modification of residency review committee for emergency medicine guidelines to permit modified training programs that are rural focused, and 3) support of pilot projects designed to modify the delivery of rural emergency care under remote supervision by academic medical center,based practitioners. The authors discuss these potential solutions to help guide policy makers seeking to enhance rural emergency care delivery through a stronger emergency medicine workforce. [source]