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Resource Management (resource + management)
Kinds of Resource Management Terms modified by Resource Management Selected AbstractsCOMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON THE INDIGENOUS ESTATE: A PROFIT-RELATED INVESTMENT PROPOSALECONOMIC PAPERS: A JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS AND POLICY, Issue 3 2005Jon Altman This article assesses the state of commercial development and resource management on Indigenous land in remote Australia. Indigenous landowners control significant assets,over one million square kilometres of land,often with substantial resource rights and income earning potential. The inactivity and missed opportunities on the Indigenous estate are of such magnitude as to represent a major risk both for Indigenous landowning communities, in terms of their future economic and social well-being, and for national and international interests in terms of ecological vulnerability. The article explores the role of government as risk manager in such circumstances and outlines the principles that might underpin any intervention program targeted to the commercial development of Indigenous land. Using the analytical framework for profit-related loans and elements of an existing venture capital support programme, the Innovation Investment Fund Program, we outline the hypothetical skeleton of a new investment scheme to assist development and natural resource management on the Indigenous estate. Our proposal can be conceptualised as a profit-related loan scheme or as a form of capped public investment. It seeks to address key elements of the market failure that exists in relation to financing development on remote Indigenous land, provides incentives for greater private sector investment, and ensures that commercial and social risks are shared equitably between government, private sector investors and Indigenous-owned corporations to avoid problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. [source] THE IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND WORK CLIMATE ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCEPERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 2 2003GARRY A. GELADE This paper examines relationships between human resource management (HRM), work climate, and organizational performance in the branch network of a retail bank. It extends previous research on group-level climate-performance and HRM-performance relationships and examines how climate and HRM function as joint antecedents of business unit performance. Significant correlations are found between work climate, human resource practices, and business performance. The results show that the correlations between climate and performance cannot be explained by their common dependence on HRM factors, and that the data are consistent with a mediation model in which the effects of HRM practices on business performance are partially mediated by work climate. [source] Managing People to Promote InnovationCREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, Issue 2 2005Helen Shipton There is growing evidence available to suggest that Human Resource Management (HRM) practice is an important predictor of organizational performance. Drawing upon organizational learning perspectives, we argue that HRM systems also have the potential to promote organizational innovation. We present longitudinal data from thirty-five UK manufacturing organizations to suggest that effective HRM systems , incorporating sophisticated approaches to recruitment and selection, induction, appraisal and training , predict organizational innovation in products and production technology. We further show that organizational innovation is enhanced where there is a supportive learning climate, and inhibited (for innovation in production processes) where there is a link between appraisal and remuneration. [source] Defining Political Community and Rights to Natural Resources in BotswanaDEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, Issue 2 2009Amy R. Poteete ABSTRACT Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), once presented as the best way to protect common pool natural resources, now attracts a growing chorus of critiques that either question its underlying assumptions or emphasize problems related to institutional design. These critiques overlook connections between the definition of rights to natural resources and membership in political communities. The potential for competing definitions of political identity and rights across natural resources arises when property rights regimes differ across natural resources and these different systems of rights appeal to alternative definitions of community. In Botswana, the entangling of natural resource policy with identity politics contributed to a partial recentralization of CBNRM in 2007. [source] Communities and Conservation: Histories and Politics of Community-Based Natural Resource Management edited by J. Peter Brosius, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Charles ZernerDEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, Issue 2 2007Tor A. Benjaminsen No abstract is available for this article. [source] Empowering Pyromaniacs in Madagascar: Ideology and Legitimacy in Community-Based Natural Resource ManagementDEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, Issue 1 2002Christian A. Kull Development practitioners frequently rely on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) as an approach to encourage equitable and sustainable environmental resource use. Based on an analysis of the case of grassland and woodland burning in highland Madagascar, this article argues that the success of CBNRM depends upon the real empowerment of local resource users and attention to legitimacy in local institutions. Two key factors , obstructive environmental ideologies (,received wisdoms') and the complex political and social arena of ,community' governance , challenge empowerment and legitimacy and can transform outcomes. In Madagascar, persistent hesitancy among leaders over the legitimate role of fire has sidetracked a new CBNRM policy called GELOSE away from one of its original purposes , community fire management , towards other applications, such as community management of forest exploitation. In addition, complications with local governance frustrate implementation efforts. As a result, a century-long political stalemate over fire continues. [source] Policies, Interventions and Institutional Change in Pastoral Resource Management in Borana, Southern EthiopiaDEVELOPMENT POLICY REVIEW, Issue 4 2004Abdul B. Kamara The Borana rangelands of Southern Ethiopia are characterised by extensive livestock production under a communal land-use system that has evolved in response to variable rainfall and uncertain production conditions. However, the last two decades have witnessed an increasing privatisation of rangelands for crop production and private grazing. The results of a quantitative assessment are used to develop a framework for assessing the drivers of change and their long-term implications. It is concluded that certain national policies have resulted in conflicts of authority between traditional and formal systems, creating an avenue for spontaneous enclosures, associated conflicts and decreasing human welfare. [source] The Paradoxes of Environmental Policy and Resource Management in Reform-Era China,ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2000Joshua Muldavin Abstract: Over the last 5,000 years serious environmental problems,deforestation, desertification, erosion, and widespread pollution of air, land, and water,have prevailed throughout most of China, brought about by a diverse set of social and political contexts. In this paper I focus on an enduring contradiction associated with the post-1978 reforms, namely accelerated environmental resource degradation in rural areas amid unprecedented national economic growth. Declining entitlements to assets and social capital in China's rural village populations are a crucial aspect of altered state-peasant relations, as these are increasingly mediated by the market during China's transition to a hybrid economy. This has resulted in changing patterns of resource use, impacting both the environment and peasant livelihoods. A brief assessment of China's postrevolutionary environmental policy and management practices provides the context for detailed case studies in Henan Province. These examples highlight the relationship between political-economic changes and environmental policy and management. Contrary to reform rhetoric, rural peasants' embracing of reform policies does not necessarily optimize their welfare or promote sustainable use of resources. The case studies reveal alternative pathways for villages, ones that ought to be brought into the policy debate spotlight. [source] Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management (EMCRM): Pilot Study of a Simulation-based Crisis Management Course for Emergency MedicineACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 4 2003Martin Reznek MD Objectives: To determine participant perceptions of Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management (EMCRM), a simulation-based crisis management course for emergency medicine. Methods: EMCRM was created using Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management (ACRM) as a template. Thirteen residents participated in one of three pilot courses of EMCRM; following a didactic session on principles of human error and crisis management, the residents participated in simulated emergency department crisis scenarios and instructor-facilitated debriefing. The crisis simulations involved a computer-enhanced mannequin simulator and standardized patients. After finishing the course, study subjects completed a horizontal numerical scale survey (1 = worst rating to 5 = best rating) of their perceptions of EMCRM. Descriptive statistics were calculated to evaluate the data. Results: The study subjects found EMCRM to be enjoyable (4.9 ± 0.3) (mean ± SD) and reported that the knowledge gained from the course would be helpful in their practices (4.5 ± 0.6). The subjects believed that the simulation environment prompted realistic responses (4.6 ± 0.8) and that the scenarios were highly believable (4.8 ± 0.4). The participants reported that EMCRM was best suited for residents (4.9 ± 0.3) but could also benefit students and attending physicians. The subjects believed that the course should be repeated every 8.2 ± 3.3 months. Conclusions: The EMCRM participants rated the course very favorably and believed that the knowledge gained would be beneficial in their practices. The extremely positive response to EMCRM found in this pilot study suggests that this training modality may be valuable in training emergency medicine residents. [source] Communities in Catchments: Implications for Natural Resource ManagementGEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH, Issue 3 2005KATHLEEN BRODERICK Abstract Economic and social considerations in natural resource management include the need for community participation and a greater appreciation of social and economic processes in understanding environmental problems. It is anticipated that new frameworks will guide these inclusions and redirect planning and management activities to achieve environmental sustainability. This paper examines issues of participation and the nature of ,community' through an analysis of relevant natural resource management policy documents and a case study of a public drinking water supply catchment in Western Australia. The findings indicate that if NRM strategies are to be successful, then a much wider and more inclusive view of community is needed, one that fully captures the different stakeholder groups beyond farmers, such as town residents, indigenous people, and those involved in other land uses. We need strategies that can accommodate differences within and between communities. [source] The Illusion of Equity: An Examination of Community Based Natural Resource Management and Inequality in AfricaGEOGRAPHY COMPASS (ELECTRONIC), Issue 9 2010Cerian Gibbes This article examines the dual goals of community based natural resource management (CBNRM) as a way to protect the environment (specifically wildlife) and enhance the socio-economic equity of communities. As described in the literature, CBNRM should integrate ecological sustainability, economic efficiency and social equity (Pagdee et al. 2006). Although occasionally successful at the first two ideal objectives, the enhancement of social equity is often wanting due to a priori assumptions about communities and resource management devolution. This article based largely on published literature, and addresses the constraints and opportunities for successful CBNRM in Africa, largely focusing on southern Africa as that part of the world has been one of the early testing grounds for these environmental management ideas. [source] Recognition of Indigenous Interests in Australian Water Resource Management, with Particular Reference to Environmental Flow AssessmentGEOGRAPHY COMPASS (ELECTRONIC), Issue 3 2008Sue Jackson Australia's new national water policy represents a substantial change from the previous approach, because it recognises a potential need for allocations to meet particular indigenous requirements, which will have to be quantitatively defined in water allocation plans. However, indigenous values associated with rivers and water are presently poorly understood by decision-makers, and some are difficult to quantify or otherwise articulate in allocation decisions. This article describes the range of Australian indigenous values associated with water, and the way they have been defined in contemporary water resource policy and discourse. It argues that the heavy reliance of indigenous values on healthy river systems indicates that, theoretically at least, they are logically suited for consideration in environmental flow assessments. However, where indigenous interests have been considered for assessment planning purposes indigenous values have tended to be overlooked in a scientific process that leaves little room for different world views relating to nature, intangible environmental qualities and human relationships with river systems that are not readily amenable to quantification. There is often an implicit but untested assumption that indigenous interests will be protected through the provision of environmental flows to meet aquatic ecosystem requirements, but the South African and New Zealand approaches to environmental flow assessment, for example, demonstrate different riverine uses potentially can be accommodated. Debate with indigenous land-holders and experimentation will show how suited different environment flow assessment techniques are to addressing indigenous environmental philosophies and values. [source] Transboundary Aquifers: A Global Program to Assess, Evaluate, and Develop PolicyGROUND WATER, Issue 5 2005S. Puri Transboundary aquifers are as important a component of global water resource systems as are transboundary rivers; yet, their recognition in international water policy and legislation is very limited. Existing international conventions and agreements barely address aquifers and their resources. To rectify this deficiency, the International Association of Hydrogeologists and UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme have established the Internationally Shared (transboundary) Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM) Programme. This multiagency cooperative program has launched a number of global and regional initiatives. These are designed to delineate and analyze transboundary aquifer systems and to encourage riparian states to work cooperatively toward mutually beneficial and sustainable aquifer development. The agencies participating in ISARM include international and regional organizations (e.g., Organization of American States, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Food and Agriculture Organization, and South African Development Community). Using outputs of case studies, the ISARM Programme is building scientific, legal, environmental, socioeconomic, and institutional guidelines and recommendations to aid sharing nations in the management of their transboundary aquifers. Since its start in 2000, the program has completed inventories of transboundary aquifers in the Americas and Africa, and several ISARM case studies have commenced. [source] Erratum for "Getting the most from MBA internships: Promoting intern learning and job acceptance" from Human Resource Management 49(1), p. 3-22.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Issue 2 2010Gerard Beenen No abstract is available for this article. [source] Encouraging knowledge sharing among employees: How job design mattersHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Issue 6 2009Nicolai J. Foss Abstract Job design is one of the most frequently researched practices in the Human Resource Management (HRM) literature, and knowledge sharing has become an important and heavily researched managerial practice. The links between these practices, however, have received little attention in the literature. We argue that job design matters to knowledge sharing for motivational reasons. Specifically, jobs contain characteristics that stimulate different kinds of motivation toward knowledge sharing, which have different effects on individual knowledge sharing behavior. We develop six hypotheses that unfold these ideas and test them on the basis of individual-level data collected within a single firm. The hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model that confirms that job characteristics, such as autonomy, task identity, and feedback, determine different motivations to share knowledge, which in turn predict employees' knowledge sharing behaviors. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] The Adaptation Deficit in Water Resource ManagementIDS BULLETIN, Issue 3 2004Ian Burton First page of article [source] New Directions in Natural Resource Management The Offer of Actor-Network TheoryIDS BULLETIN, Issue 4 2001Nathalie A. Steins Summaries The article offers theoretical insights from Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as to how natural resource management (NRM) perspectives might be enhanced. ANT asks us to abolish the conventional sociological practice of studying phenomena in terms of predefined categories and principles, as they hinder our analysis of how the stakeholders involved construct resource management processes and the way these constructions are used. In this analytical process, any (uncertain) outcome of NRM is regarded as an effect of the interplay amongst the different stakes in the resource and the way stakeholders continuously mobilise social and material resources in order to achieve their goals. Only by analysing how certain outcomes have been achieved can we develop our understanding of the dynamics and uncertainties involved in NRM. The article uses empirical examples from coastal management scenarios to illustrate these theoretical points. [source] A New Form of Chinese Human Resource Management?INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, Issue 4 2001Labour-Management Relations in Chinese Township, Personnel, Village Enterprises: A Case-Study Approach Township and Village Enterprises (TVEs) in China have in the last decade played an increasingly important role in the Chinese economy, employing over 120 million workers. This article examines their human resources, personnel and labour-management relations, based on in-depth case studies of a selected number of TVEs located in southern China, reflecting the influence of diversification, local labour-market conditions and marketisation. [source] The psychological contract: A critical reviewINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, Issue 2 2006Niall Cullinane Literature on the psychological contract has blossomed progressively over the last ten years to the extent that it is now firmly located within the lexicon of the Human Resource Management (HRM) discipline. Yet as this review indicates, the theoretical assumptions that seem to pervade the psychological contract literature are not without major deficiencies, which in turn pose serious questions around the continued sustainability of the construct as currently constituted. This paper addresses some of the central problems presently confronting the theoretical side of the psychological contract literature. In seeking to advance knowledge and understanding, this review calls for an alternative approach to studying the psychological contract on the basis of a more critical and discursive literature analysis. From this, the authors unpick the construct of the psychological contract as portrayed in much of the extant literature and argue that, in its present form, it symbolizes an ideologically biased formula designed for a particular managerialist interpretation of contemporary work and employment. [source] Current Issues in the Economics of Groundwater Resource ManagementJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, Issue 5 2004Phoebe Koundouri Abstract., The issue of groundwater management remains a practical concern in many regions throughout the world, while water managers continue to grapple with the question of how to manage this resource. In this article, we attempt to bring the most advanced and appropriate tools to bear on the issue of resource allocation involving groundwater. Our objective is to demonstrate the state of the art in the literature on ways to think about this complex resource and to deal with the important economic issues emanating from its complexity. We present the conceptual framework within which economists examine the elements interacting in the management of groundwater resources, indicate why the role of the market is limited with respect to the price of this very complex resource, and point to the mechanisms that can pull competitive groundwater price and quality-graded quantity of groundwater in line with their equilibrium levels. In particular, we critically review economic models of groundwater use, examine the potential for groundwater management, discuss the difficulties encountered in the estimation of the relevant control variables of such models, and identify the advantages and limitations of the instruments devised for the efficient use (allocation) of this resource. Finally, we argue that devised regulatory schemes usually ignore the information and knowledge needed for their implementation, and we suggest a core of conditions necessary for successful groundwater management reforms. [source] Property Rights and Natural Resource Management in Developing CountriesJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, Issue 2 2002Rasmus Heltberg This essay surveys the literature on property rights and natural resource management in developing countries. Focus is on policy relevant discussions concerning collective action, property regimes, local institutions for natural resource management, the evolution of individual property rights to land, land titling by government and poverty,environment linkages. The tendency to draw policy conclusions from simplistic analysis is criticised, and the need for more credible empirical research is highlighted. [source] Smart Labels for Waste and Resource ManagementJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2008An Integrated Assessment Summary This article explores the potential of RFID (radio frequency identification device) for improving the current waste and resource management system in Switzerland. It presents the following three possible options for utilizing RFID tags to support waste management processes: "at source automation" (using a "smart" trash can), "end of pipe I" (combination of the current system with an additional separation of recyclables before incineration), and "end of pipe II" (replacement of the current recycling infrastructure by sorting at the incineration plant). These options tackle the waste and resource management chain during different processes (i.e., waste generation, waste separation, and treatment). Based on an MFA (material flow analysis), we performed a multicriteria assessment of these options with experts from the waste management sector. The assessment of ten experts in the waste management field regarding the proposed options for batteries and electrical appliances showed that, from an ecological perspective, the implementation of RFID in waste management would be desirable and would lead to an improvement in the current recycling rate in Switzerland for the goods studied. From an economic perspective, new investments would be required in the range of 1 to 5 times the maintenance costs of the current separate collection system. From a social perspective, the utilization of RFID tags in the waste management process was ambiguous. In particular, the end of pipe II option would, on the one hand, significantly improve convenience for consumers. On the other hand, experts see privacy and, what is more, social responsibility as being under threat. The experts considered the ecological and social aspects to be more relevant than the economic ones, preferring the end of pipe I option over the other options and the status quo. [source] Skills under threat: the case of HIV/AIDS in the mining industry in ZimbabweJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Issue 5 2006Caroline N. Matangi Abstract The Zimbabwe mining industry is currently battling to arrest further spread of the HIV/AIDS crisis in workplaces, especially its impact on labour productivity. Labour in the closed community of mines has been greatly susceptible to HIV/AIDS infection. The current AIDS incidence in the mine sites is estimated at a weighted average of 15,per,cent amongst miners, with the largest category of workers,the 30,39 years age group,also constituting the worst affected category. Given the current state of the country's economy and consequently its adverse impact on the lifestyle of miners, the pandemic is expected to increase. This paper builds on the work of the ILO (1995) involving a survey of 18 various firms/institutions. The survey was carried out in Zambia in order to assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on the productive labour force. The survey revealed that many of the firms are experiencing irregular work attendance, ,wasted' training as some of the trained workers are constantly ill or die, high medical bills, funeral costs and reduced productivity and profits. An analysis of data on the main causes of death in 1993 shows that at least 61.8,per,cent of deaths could be attributed to causes that are very closely related to HIV/AIDS complications. Based on points highlighted by respondents and analysis of symptoms suffered, it was observed that HIV/AIDS tended to affect most general workers (36.8,per,cent), followed by the lower management (30.9,per,cent) and the middle management (20.6,per,cent). Comparatively, 11.8,per,cent of the deaths in 1993 belonged to the top management. Although it is hard to appreciate the meaning of the figures without knowledge of the number of people in each category, it nevertheless helps to form a clear picture of the impact of HIV/AIDS on industry. This paper seeks to further investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the productive labour force, by focusing on one particular industry,mining,using a blend of research methods to collect the data. This paper examines the impact of HIV/AIDS on the productive labour force and management responses. It forms part of the findings of data gathered in 2001 in the mining industry in Zimbabwe, to examine factors affecting management responses to HIV/AIDS in the mine sites. Zimbabwe is a country with a complex historical legacy of mine labour. This phenomenon can largely be attributed to the production oriented nature of the mining industry. Mines focus mainly on mineral extraction and as a result the bulk of mine workers tend to be production workers whose skills have developed over long periods of time. Production workers on mines have a tradition of long-term employment. This phenomenon has meant that labour in the mines is hard to replace as a result of skills, especially tacit knowledge, acquired over many years. Thus while the recent closure of some gold mines, largely due to low commodity prices, has meant that more miners are available in the labour market, this situation has not necessarily eased the process of replacing labour lost to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as certain skills are firm specific. Production workers are predominantly male with the bulk falling in the 35,39 years age group. Most mine workers reside in mine villages, a colonial legacy that ensured miners were close to the workplace. The village system is a system of housing labourers, which demonstrates capitalistic methods of controlling labour and minimising costs. Of significance in this study's background is how the village system has come to be viewed as a factor in the spread of HIV/AIDS in the mining communities, because of its ,closed' nature. It is against this complex historical backdrop that the paper turns to examine the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on production workers and management responses to the crisis using the Resource Based View of the Firm model (RBV), one of the theories in the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) tradition. RBV was chosen for this study out of many HRM models that exist, because this theory, in particular, explains why it is advantageous for sites to use their ,unique' firm based resources in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Given this rationale it was, therefore, presumed that this theory would best apply in mines battling with the adverse impact of HIV/AIDS on productivity, especially in the light of the harsh national economic climate, which would likely place limitations on response mechanisms. Further, the issue of firm-specific skills was also taken into consideration as an important factor in the mines, limiting their ability to resort to external solutions. Thus, given these factors, RBV was deemed the most appropriate model. The study finds that the pandemic depresses labour productivity through a number of significant ways: increased rate of HIV/AIDS induced absenteeism gradual labour turnover as a result of AIDS induced morbidity; and consequently declining skills availability, particularly firm-specific skills. Maintaining labour productivity in the face of gradually diminishing skills and indisposed labour will be key to softening the adverse economic consequences of the pandemic in the mines. To reduce the threat to labour productivity, mines must find ways of utilising, to the maximum extent practicable, existing skills. Results indicate that a move towards the utilisation of existing miners is the most favoured response mechanism in most mines. Utilising existing miners enables mines from spending financial resources on avoidable recruitment and training and quite often mechanisation, which may not necessarily be compatible with the old infrastructure in certain mines. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Intellectual structure of human resources management research: A bibliometric analysis of the journal Human Resource Management, 1985,2005JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Issue 1 2009Mariluz Fernandez-Alles The multidisciplinary character of the theories supporting research in the discipline of human resources management (HRM), the increasing importance of a more rigorous approach to HRM studies by academics, and the impact of HRM on the competitive advantage of firms are just some of the indicators demonstrating the relevance of this discipline in the broader field of the social sciences. These developments explain why a quantitative analysis of HRM studies based on bibliometric techniques is particularly opportune. The general objective of this article is to analyze the intellectual structure of the HRM discipline; this can be divided into two specific objectives. The first is to identify the most frequently cited studies, with the purpose of identifying the key topics of research in the HRM discipline. The second objective is to represent the networks of relationships between the most-cited studies, grouping them under common themes, with the object of providing a diagrammatic description of the knowledge base constituted by accumulated works of research in the HRM field. The methodology utilized is based on the bibliometric techniques of citation analysis. [source] Access as a Motivational Device: Implications for Human Resource ManagementKYKLOS INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, Issue 2 2003Pablo Arocena Summary In this paper we analyse the provision of incentives at work on the basis that the employment relationship is not solely an exchange of work for money. Particularly, in addition to a salary, a job also gives access to a working experience, which determines the potential for employee's human capital acquisition and for his social and professional recognition. Accordingly, we argue that the level of access defines the employee's opportunities for satisfying his self-actualisation and achievement needs. Further, given that the firm has the ability to regulate access by way of a number of organisational decisions, access becomes a powerful mechanism to activate the worker's internal motivation. In this respect, the main purpose of this paper is to study the effect of access and intrinsic motivation on employee's performance and job design. To that effect, we analyse the economic consequences of our arguments on access through a model of agency enriched with a number of psychological and organisational considerations. Our results and conclusions are consistent with much of the interdisciplinary research on the subject, as well as with the evidence emerging from the real business practice. They also provide a number of practical implications for personnel policies. First, in order to activate the individual's internal motivation, the job must reach a minimum value. Second, the positive effect of the employee's intrinsic motivation on effort decreases with the magnitude of monetary incentives. Third, the efficiency gains generated by the extension of job access increase with the employee's level of perceived risk. Finally, the costs of selection are a consequence of granting access. [source] Local land use strategies in a globalizing world,managing social and environmental dynamicsLAND DEGRADATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Issue 2 2006R. L. Wadley Abstract This special issue deals with local rural people's economic, social and cultural responses to external and internal pressures generated by processes of global and regional change. The contributions deal with issues of resource-base degradation and stable land management, with special emphases on market integration and increased vulnerability of natural resources and local livelihoods in Lao DPR; land-use change in a Malaysian swidden system under varied patterns of migration and off-farm labour; occupational multiplicity and agricultural specialization in the Philippines; land degradation and environmental perceptions in peri-urban Nigeria; food security, gendered labour and shifting cultural-economic values in Uganda; and the rehabilitation of environment and social institutions through neo-localism in Thailand. All of the articles were originally presented at an International Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2003, under the auspices of the Danish University Consortium on Environment and Development,Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management (DUCED SLUSE). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] International Strategic Human Resource Management: A Comparative Case Analysis of Spanish Firms in ChinaMANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, Issue 2 2009Yingying Zhang abstract This study examines the role of human resources in strategy formulation processes in China's emerging market. Employing a qualitative data driven thematic analysis, we present evidence collected from six comparative case sites of Spanish firms in China. Our findings suggest that high performing firms use a dynamic adaptive logic while lower performing firms use a static structural logic. A dynamic adaptive model of strategic human resource management is identified, emphasizing a fluid and informal process between strategy, human resources and international management. [source] Human Resource Management in ChinaMANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, Issue 3 2005Patrick M. Wright [source] Special Issue on ,Human Resource Management in China'MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, Issue 2 2005Article first published online: 6 JUL 200 [source] Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management: Strategies for Prediction, Diagnosis, and DevelopmentPERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 1 2007Article first published online: 22 FEB 200 First page of article [source] |