Regional Issues (regional + issues)

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Selected Abstracts

Regional Matters: An Inter-agency Approach to Understanding Regional Issues

Fiona McKenzie
Whole-of-government approaches to policy development are increasingly seen as critical in developing comprehensive understanding of issues and development of policies. This article argues that cooperative approaches to using and understanding information are as important as cooperative approaches to policy development and implementation. In August 2002 the Victorian government released Regional Matters: An Atlas of Regional Victoria which was the result of whole-of-government collaboration. The publication provided a review of regional issues across a wide range of topics. This article highlights both the opportunities and challenges of a whole-of-government approach using the experience of this Regional Atlas project. This article also puts forward some lessons that may be used to enhance whole-of-government approaches to research and information provision. [source]

Perspectives on Regional Change: A Review Essay on Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories

Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, edited by Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2009 (xi and 529 pp., £135, $250). ABSTRACT This paper reviews the contributions in The Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, edited by Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp. The book's coverage is comprehensive in a conventional way. It emphasizes the significance of recent developments in theoretical and empirical regional analysis that have occurred in both neoclassical (convergence) and new economic geography (concentration) contexts. The role of knowledge spillovers in regional growth receives special attention. Given the recent advances in the field, and renewed interest in regional issues, it is time to expand the focus of analysis from relatively narrow production and distribution concerns, to broader ones that incorporate the effects of structural/sectoral, demographic, and environmental change on the future prospects of regional economies. Such an expansion would not only contribute to the theoretical richness of regional growth and development analysis, it would also do much to expand its utility in guiding public policy. [source]

Community mental health nursing: Keeping pace with care delivery?

Julie Henderson
ABSTRACT:, The National Mental Health Strategy has been associated with the movement of service delivery into the community, creating greater demand for community services. The literature suggests that the closure of psychiatric beds and earlier discharge from inpatient services, have contributed to an intensification of the workload of community mental health nurses. This paper reports findings from the first stage of an action research project to develop a workload equalization tool for community mental health nurses. The study presents data from focus groups conducted with South Australian community mental health nurses to identify issues that impact upon their workload. Four themes were identified, relating to staffing and workforce issues, clients' characteristics or needs, regional issues, and the impact of the health-care system. The data show that the workload of community mental health nurses is increased by the greater complexity of needs of community mental health clients. Service change has also resulted in poor integration between inpatient and community services and tension between generic case management and specialist roles resulting in nurses undertaking tasks for other case managers. These issues, along with difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff, have led to the intensification of community mental health work and a crisis response to care with less time for targeted interventions. [source]

Understanding future ecosystem changes in Lake Victoria basin using participatory local scenarios

Eric O. Odada
Abstract Understanding future ecosystem changes is central to sustainable natural resource management especially when coupled with in-depth understanding of impacts of drivers, such as governance, demographic, economic and climate variations and land use policy. This offers comprehensive information for sustainable ecosystem services provision. A foresight process of systematic and presumptive assessment of future state and ecosystem integrity of Lake Victoria basin, as participatory scenario building technique, is presented. Four scenarios have been illustrated as possible future states of the basin over the next twenty years. Using a scenario building model developed in Ventana Simulation (VENSIM®) platform, the paper presents a scenario methodology for tracking changes in lake basin ecosystem status. Plausible trends in land use change, changes in lake levels and contribution of fisheries are presented. This is part of an initial attempt to setup long-term environmental policy planning strategies for Lake Victoria basin. The assumptions, driving forces, impacts and opportunities under each scenario depict major departure and convergence points for an integrated transboundary diagnosis and analysis of regional issues in the basin as well as strategic action planning for long-term interventions. The findings have been presented in terms of temporal, spatial, biophysical and human well-being dimensions. The attempts in this study can be embedded in a policy framework for basin management priority setting and may guide partnerships for environmental management. [source]

Regional Matters: An Inter-agency Approach to Understanding Regional Issues

Fiona McKenzie
Whole-of-government approaches to policy development are increasingly seen as critical in developing comprehensive understanding of issues and development of policies. This article argues that cooperative approaches to using and understanding information are as important as cooperative approaches to policy development and implementation. In August 2002 the Victorian government released Regional Matters: An Atlas of Regional Victoria which was the result of whole-of-government collaboration. The publication provided a review of regional issues across a wide range of topics. This article highlights both the opportunities and challenges of a whole-of-government approach using the experience of this Regional Atlas project. This article also puts forward some lessons that may be used to enhance whole-of-government approaches to research and information provision. [source]

A Subnational Analysis of Japanese Direct Investment in Canada

Andrew Delios
This study examines longitudinal aspects of Japanese foreign direct investment in Canada. In looking at the longitudinal aspects, the focus was on a descriptive analysis of entry and exit rates and on an econometric analysis of the determinants of subsidiary survival and exit. In these analyses, we find that exit rates are related to subsidiary-level variables such as business size, expatriate employment levels, equity-ownership levels, and entry mode. The sector and region in which the investments are made is also related to subsidiary survival, with manufacturing-sector subsidiaries located in Ontario being the least likely to exit. The results of our study suggest that region and industry interact, both to draw investment to a region and to influence the likeli-hood of survival of foreign-owned businesses. Further-more, the focus on regional issues for Canada shows that even within a small open economy, subnational (interprovincial) variance can have important effects on the characteristics and performance of foreign direct investment. Résumé La présente étude porte sur l'évolution des investissements directs japonais à l'étranger, réalisés au Canada. De façon plus précise, cette recherche s'intéresse, sur une base longitudinale, à l'analyse descriptive des taux d'entrée et de sortie ainsi qu'à l'analyse économétrique des facteurs expliquant la survie ou la sortie de filiales japonaises. A la lumière de ces analyses, il ressort que les taux de sortie sont influencés par certaines caractéristiques des filiales telles que la taille, la proportion d'expatriés, la part du capital-action et le mode d'entrée. Le secteur et la région où l'investissement s'effectue influencent également les chances de survie d'une filiale; la probabilité la plus faible de quitter le pays appartiendrait aux filiales manufacturières situées en Ontario. Les résultats de l'étude suggèrent que la région et l'industrie interagissent de façon à attirer les investissements dans une région donnée et à influencer les chances de survie de compagnies appartenant à des intér,ts étrangers. Ces résultats sur les disparités régionales du Canada suggèrent que, m,me à l'intérieur d'une économie de marché restreinte, la variance sous-nationale (ou interprovinciale) peut avoir d'importantes répercussions sur les caractéristiques et la performance des investissements directs à l'étranger. [source]