Replacement Procedures (replacement + procedure)

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Selected Abstracts

Association between oral lichenoid reactions and amalgam restorations

S Pezelj-Ribari
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to perform a clinical assessment of the association between oral lichenoid reactions (OLR) and amalgam restorations and to determine the salivary concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 before and after replacement of the amalgam restorations. Methods The study included 20 patients with OLR and 20 healthy volunteers, who were examined between 2001 and 2005 at the Oral Medicine Unit of the Medical Faculty University of Rijeka. All patients were skin patch tested by an experienced physician. Saliva samples were collected, prepared and analysed for IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results Sixteen out of 20 patch-tested patients showed a sensitization to inorganic mercury or amalgam. Total replacement of all amalgam fillings was carried out on 20 patients with fillings based on composite resin, gold, porcelain or a combination of these. Sixteen out of 20 patients showed complete healing of OLR; three patients had marked improvement, whereas one patient showed no improvement. Levels of IL-6 detected before replacement were significantly higher than IL-6 levels following the replacement (P = 0.003). The IL-8 levels measured before replacement procedure were significantly higher than the IL-8 levels after replacement of the fillings (P < 0.001). Conclusions On the basis of clinical observations, restorative therapy resulted in tissue healing. Following the replacement of amalgam fillings with fillings based on other restorative materials, levels of both IL-6 and IL-8 shifted towards normal, as measured in healthy subjects. [source]

Resolution of orofacial granulomatosis with amalgam removal

E Guttman-Yassky
ABSTRACT A 61-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of an abnormal erythematous swelling on the upper lip and cheek. Upon examination there were no other physical findings. Histological examination found discreet sarcoidal granulomas in the lower dermis. Routine laboratory studies, chest radiographs and pulmonary functions were all normal. Clinical presentation and histological findings were, therefore, compatible with the diagnosis of orofacial granulomatosis (OFG). The patient was patch tested with an extended standard series that included metal,salt, dental prosthesis, bakery and corticosteroids series. The patch test was positive (score ++) after 48 and 72 h for mercury in the metal,salt and dental prosthesis series. During the past decade the patient had received amalgam fillings of several dental cavities, including one adjacent to the swollen cheek. The unilateral localization of the soft tissue swelling adjacent to the amalgam tooth fillings, along with the positive patch test for mercury, raised the possibility that the OFG was part of a delayed hypersensitive reaction to the fillings. The patient therefore underwent a total amalgam replacement procedure; complete disappearance of the swelling overlying the right cheek was observed within 7 weeks and the swelling of the upper lip subsided completely within 6 months. We propose that mercury in amalgam tooth fillings is another cause of OFG and suggest appropriate patch testing in patients who do not have an apparent cause of OFG. [source]

Patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty: a perioperative pain experience

Margareta Warrén Stomberg PhD
Aim., The aim was to evaluate patient's perioperative pain experience after total hip replacement and patients' satisfaction with pain management. Background., Total hip arthroplasty is a common surgical procedure intended to reduce pain and return patients to better function. Realistic expectations about total hip arthroplasty is important for optimal postoperative recovery and the information must be adapted to fit the individual patient. Methods., A descriptive design was used comparing patients outcome data. Pitman's test was used for statistical analyses. Adult patients (n = 112) undergoing surgical hip replacement procedures answered a 17-item questionnaire on the fourth postoperative day. The questionnaire included given alternatives and visual analogue scales (0,100 mm) for the pain assessment. Result., The patients' postoperative pain experience after hip replacement surgery was in average low, 33·1 mm on a 100 mm visual analogue scale. Patient's pain experience was reported to be highest on the first postoperative day for most of the patients. The preoperative pain experience tends to be higher than the postoperative pain experience. Older patients reported less average pain level postoperatively. Satisfaction with pain management was high. Conclusion., The pain experience tends to be higher preoperatively than postoperatively. Patients who reported a higher pain experience postoperatively reported that their pain experience was significant higher than preoperative expected. Relevance to practice., It is important for the postoperative outcome measure that the patients have a realistic expectation of pain experiences after total hip arthroplasty. The nurse is one of the staff members responsible for information to the individual patient. [source]

In vitro model of full-thickness cartilage defect healing

Hok Kei Tam
Abstract Integration of the host,graft interface is implicated as one of the significant reasons for lack of complete healing in osteochondral grafting procedures for the treatment of cartilage lesions. We developed an in vitro model of cartilage healing in an osteochondral setting to study the effect of developmental age and collagenase treatment. Circular full-thickness vertical surgical incisions were made in the cartilaginous portion of cylindrical bovine osteochondral specimens. Two age groups were selected: Young (1,2 months old) and Older (6,8 months old). Cartilage integration across the surgical incisions was assessed by histologic analysis and by mechanical push-out testing at 2 and 4 weeks in culture. Histologic integration as well as peak push-out shear stress was significantly higher in older calf cartilage than in the young calf. Collagenase pretreatment in the older calf samples increased push-out strength at 4 weeks. Histologic integration correlated well with the mechanical push-out strength. Developmental age and time after injury affected the response to collagenase pretreatment. This osteochondral cartilage integration model can be useful to study factors that modulate healing of surgical replacement procedures in vitro, which may aid the development of newer approaches to promote the healing of cartilage defects. © 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 25:1136,1144, 2007 [source]

The need for patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty: a literature review

John D. Swan
Abstract The controversy over whether or not to routinely resurface the patella during a total knee arthroplasty has persisted despite three decades of successful joint replacement procedures. Advocates for routine patellar resurfacing admit the occasional need for secondary patellar resurfacing and declare increased incidence of anterior knee pain in patients with non-resurfaced patellae as a cause for worry. Surgeons that leave the patella unresurfaced cite avoidance of complications that include patellar fracture, avascular necrosis, patellar tendon injury and instability. This review discusses the available literature on patellar resurfacing through an evidence-based analysis of randomized and pseudo-randomized controlled trials and published meta-analyses to date. The published literature seems to favour resurfacing the patellar routinely. Selective patellar resurfacing would be the ideal solution if sound pre-operative criteria could be established. So far, a method for accurately predicting which patients can avoid patellar resurfacing has not been found. Future research looking at patellar resurfacing should concentrate on developing criteria for selecting those patients that would benefit from patellar resurfacing and those that would do as well without resurfacing, and thus, limiting potential surgical complications. [source]