Radiographic Bone Levels (radiographic + bone_level)

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Selected Abstracts

Deproteinized bovine bone and gentamicin as an adjunct to GTR in the treatment of intrabony defects: a randomized controlled clinical study

A. Stavropoulos
Abstract Objectives: To evaluate whether Bio-Oss® used as an adjunct to guided tissue regeneration (GTR) improves the healing of 1- or 2-wall intrabony defects as compared with GTR alone, and to examine whether impregnation of Bio-Oss® with gentamicin may have an added effect. Material and methods: Sixty patients, with at least one interproximal intrabony defect with probing pocket depth (PPD) 7 mm and radiographic evidence of an intrabony component (IC) 4 mm, were treated at random with either a resorbable membrane (GTR), a resorbable membrane in combination with Bio-Oss® impregnated with saline (DBB,), a resorbable membrane in combination with Bio-Oss® impregnated with gentamicin (DBB+), or with flap surgery (RBF). Results: All treatment modalities resulted in statistically significant clinical improvements after 1 year. Defects treated with GTR alone presented a probing attachment level (PAL) gain of 2.9 mm, a residual PPD (PPD12) of 4.9 mm, a radiographic bone level (RBL) gain of 3.1 mm, and a residual IC (IC12) of 2.7 mm. GTR combined with Bio-Oss® did not improve the healing outcome (PAL gain: 2.5 mm; PPD12: 4.9 mm; RBL gain: 2.8 mm; IC12: 3.3 mm). Impregnation of the Bio-Oss® with gentamicin 2% mg/ml resulted in clinical improvements (PAL gain: 3.8 mm; PPD12: 4.2 mm; RBL gain: 4.7 mm; IC12: 2.1 mm), superior to those of the other treatment modalities, but the difference was not statistically significant. Defects treated with only flap surgery showed the most inferior clinical response (PAL gain: 1.5 mm; PPD12: 5.1 mm; RBL gain: 1.2 mm; IC12: 4.2 mm) of all groups. Conclusion: The results failed to demonstrate an added effect of Bio-Oss® implantation in combination with GTR on the healing of deep interproximal 1- or 2-wall, or combined 1- and 2-wall intrabony defects compared with GTR alone. Local application of gentamicin, on the other hand, improved the treatment outcome but not to an extent that it was statistically significant. Zusammenfassung Von Proteinen befreiter boviner Knochen und Gentamycin als Adjuvans der GTR bei der Behandlung von infraalveolären Knochentaschen. Eine randomisierte kontrollierte klinische Studie. Ziele: Die Evaluation ob, Bio-Oss® welches als Adjuvans zur GTR verwendet wird, die Heilung von 1- oder 2-wandigen Knochentaschen im Vergleich zu alleiniger GTR verbessert. Sowie die Untersuchung, ob die Imprägnierung von Bio-Oss® mit Gentamycin einen zusätzlichen Effekt haben könnte. Material und Methoden: 60 mit wenigstens einer approximalen Knochentasche mit Sondierungstiefe (PPD) ,7 mm und röntgenologischem Nachweis einer infraalveolären Komponente (IC) von ,4 mm, wurden randomisiert entweder mit einer resorbierbaren Membran (GTR), einer resorbierbaren Membran in Kombination mit Bio-Oss® welche mit Kochsalzlösung imprägniert war (DBB-), einer resorbierbaren Membran in Kombination mit Bio-Oss® welche mit Gentamycin imprägniert war (DBB+) oder mit Lappen-OP (RPF) behandelt. Ergebnisse: Nach einem Jahr hatten alle Behandlungsweisen eine statistisch signifikante klinische Verbesserung zum Ergebnis. Defekte, die mit alleiniger GTR behandelt wurden zeigten einen Gewinn an klinischem Attachmentniveau (PAL) von 2,9 mm, einer PPD (PPD12) von 4,9 mm, einem Gewinn an röntgenologischem Knochenniveau (RBL) von 3,1 mm und einer IC (IC12) von 2,7 mm. GTR in Kombination mit Bio-Oss® verbesserte das Ergebnis der Heilung nicht (PAL Gewinn: 2,5 mm; PPD12: 4,9; RBL Gewinn: 2,8 mm; IC12: 3,3 mm). Die Imprägnierung von Bio-Oss® mit Gentamycin 2% mg/ml hatte klinische Verbesserungen zum Ergebnis (PAL Gewinn: 3,8 mm; PPD12: 4,2 mm; RBL Gewinn: 4,7 mm; IC12: 2,1 mm), die größer waren als die der anderen Behandlungsweisen, jedoch waren die Unterschiede nicht statistisch signifikant. Defekte, die nur mit Lappen-OP behandelt wurden zeigten das schlechteste klinische Ergebnis von allen Gruppen (PAL Gewinn: 1,5 mm; PPD12: 5,1 mm; RBL Gewinn: 1,2 mm; IC12: 4,2 mm). Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse konnten im Vergleich mit alleiniger GTR keinen zusätzlichen Effekt der Bio-Oss®-Implantation in Kombination mit GTR hinsichtlich der Heilung von tiefen approximalen 1- oder 2-wandigen oder kombinierten 1- oder 2-wandigen Knochentaschen aufzeigen. Auf der anderen Seite verbessert die lokale Applikation von Gentamycin das Behandlungsergebnis, jedoch war das Ausmaß nicht statistisch signifikant. Résumé Os bovin déprotéiné et gentamicine comme adjuvant à la RTG pour le traitement des lésions intra-osseuses. Une étude clinique contrôlée et randomisée. Objectifs: Evaluer si Bio-Oss® utilisé comme adjuvant de la RTG améliore la cicatrisation des lésions intra-osseuses par rapport à la RTG seule et examiner si l'imprégnation de Bio-Oss® avec de la gentamicine pourrait avoir un effet supplémentaire. Matériels et Méthodes: 60 patients, présentant au moins une lésion intra-osseuse interproximale avec une profondeur de poche au sondage (PPD) ,7 mm et la présence avérée radiologiquement d'une composante intra-osseuse (IC) ,4 mm, ont été traités au hasard avec soit une membrane résorbable (GTR), une membrane résorbable en combinaison avec du Bio-Oss® imprégné de solution saline (DBB-), une membrane résorbable en combinaison avec du Bio-Oss® imprégné de gentamicine (DBB+), ou par chirurgie à lambeau (RBF). Résultats: Toutes les modalités de traitement entraînaient des améliorations cliniques significatives statistiquement après un an. Les lésions traitées par RTG seule présentaient un gain d'attache de 2.9 mm, une PPD résiduelle (PPD12) de 4.9 mm, un gain de niveau osseux radiographique (RBL) de 3.1 mm, et un IC résiduel (IC12) de 2.7 mm. La RTG combinée avec le Bio-Oss® n'améliorait pas le devenir de la cicatrisation. (gain de PAL: 2.5 mm; PPD12: 4.9; gain de RBL: 2.8 mm; IC12: 3.3 mm). L'imprégnation du Bio-Oss®avec la gentamicine (2% mg/ml) apportait des améliorations cliniques (gain de PAL: 3.8 mm; PPD12: 4.2 mm; gain de RBL: 4.7 mm; IC12: 2.1 mm), supérieurs à ceux des autres modalités de traitement, mais la différence n'était pas significative. Le traitement des lésions par lambeaux seulement entraînait la réponse clinique la moins bonne (gain de PAL: 1.5 mm; PPD12: 5.1 mm; gain de RBL: 1.2 mm; IC12: 4.2 mm). Conclusion: Ces résultats ne pouvaient démontrer un effet supplémentaire, sur la cicatrisation de lésions profondes interproximales avec une ou deux parois, de l'implantation de Bio-Oss® en combinaison avec la RTG par rapport à la RTG seule. L'application locale de gentamicine, par contre, améliorait le devenir du traitement mais pas suffisamment pour être statistiquement significatif. [source]

Clinical and Microbiological Determinants of Ailing Dental Implants

Giorgio Tabanella DDS
ABSTRACT Background: The failure of the host tissue to establish or maintain osseointegration around dental implants is due to either occlusal or parafunctional forces, premature loading, ill-directed stress, or microbial infection. The long-term failure rate of dental implants is generally 5,10%. Although a variety of etiologies of early peri-implant bone loss (from implant placement to 1-year post-loading) have been proposed, factors associated with late implant failures are less well understood but are probably related to both the peri-implant microbial environment and host factors. Discriminating between causes of implant failure is of importance for instituting a successful implant therapy. Purpose: The objective of this cross-sectional split-mouth study was to identify clinical, radiographic, and bacterial characteristics of peri-implant disease sites. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with bilateral implants (Brånemark®, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden; and 3iÔ implant systems, Implant Innovations Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA) participated in the study. Sites with peri-implantitis (radiographic bone loss beyond the third implant thread) and peri-implant healthy tissues (radiographic bone level above the first implant thread) were identified in periapical radiographs using a long-cone paralleling projection technique. Microbiological identification was carried out using established anaerobic culture techniques. A descriptive statistics based on means and standard deviations was reported. Results: Peri-implant bone loss was associated with the absence of radiographic crestal lamina dura, peri-implant pocket depth, pain on chewing, and the submucosal presence of the putative periodontopathogens Tannerella forsythia, Campylobacter species, and Peptostreptococcus micros. Pain was associated with P. micros, Fusobacterium species, and Eubacterium species. Discussion and Conclusion: The absence of radiographic crestal lamina dura and the presence of suspected major periodontal pathogens seem to be associated to peri-implantitis. [source]

Regenerative treatment with platelet-rich plasma combined with a bovine-derived xenograft in smokers and non-smokers: 12-month clinical and radiographic results

Selcuk Yilmaz
Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the healing response of intrabony defects following regenerative treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combined with a bovine-derived xenograft (BDX) in smokers and non-smokers. Materials and Methods: A total of 24 advanced chronic periodontitis patients, 12 smokers and 12 non-smokers, with 113 intrabony defects with an intrabony component of 3 mm were included in this study. Defects were surgically treated with PRP/BDX. At baseline and 12 months after surgery, the following parameters were recorded: plaque and sulcus bleeding indices, probing depth (PD), relative attachment level, marginal recession, probing and radiographic bone levels. Results: Considering the soft tissue measurements, smokers and non-smokers presented a mean PD reduction of 3.97 ± 0.76 and 4.63 ± 0.52 mm, recession of 0.76 ± 0.44 and 0.50 ± 0.12 mm and attachment gain of 3.26 ± 0.42 and 4.06 ± 0.40 mm, respectively. Evaluation of the hard tissue findings revealed that the mean clinical and radiographic bone gains in smokers and non-smokers were 2.83 ± 0.47 and 3.63 ± 0.38 mm, 2.98 ± 0.38 and 3.67 ± 0.48 mm, respectively. Inter-group differences for PD reduction (p<0.05), attachment (p<0.001), clinical (p<0.001) and radiographic bone gains (p<0.001) were found to be significant between smokers and non-smokers. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, the results indicate that treatment outcome following PRP/BDX application in intrabony defects is impaired with smoking. [source]

A Clinical, Radiographic, and Microbiologic Comparison of Astra Tech and Brånemark Single Tooth Implants

Lorena Puchades-Roman BDS, M Clin Dent
ABSTRACT Background: The soft tissues around single tooth implants differ fundamentally from the gingiva around natural teeth. There are very limited data comparing soft tissues around different implant systems. Aim: To assess whether the design characteristics of dental implants, particularly the implant-abutment junction, may affect the dimensions and health of the peri-implant soft tissues and radiographic bone levels. Subjects and Method: Fifteen Astra Tech and 15 Brånemark single tooth implants that had been in function for a minimum of 2 years in 30 partially dentate subjects were examined for plaque accumulation, probing depth, and bleeding on probing and compared to contralateral healthy teeth. Standardized radiographs were taken to measure the most coronal bone to implant contact on the mesial and distal surfaces. In addition, samples of subgingival plaque were taken on paper points and examined by darkfield microscopy. Results: Significantly higher mean probing depths (p < .001) and higher mean percentage of spirochetes (p= .003) were found at implants compared to teeth. In this sample, the Brånemark implants had significantly higher probing depths than the Astra Tech implants (median and interquartile range: Astra Tech 2.7 mm [2,3], Brånemark 3.3 mm [3,3.7] p= .026) and the most coronal bone to implant contact was closer to the implant,abutment junction in the Astra Tech implants (Astra Tech 0.6 mm [0.2,0.9], Brånemark 1.6 mm [1.4,2.0]. p < .001). Conclusion: Although there were statistically significant differences between the two implant systems, the clinical differences were small and probably reflect differences in the biologic width in relation to the location and design of the implant-abutment junction. [source]

A 10-year retrospective analysis of radiographic bone-level changes of implants supporting single-unit crowns in periodontally compromised vs. periodontally healthy patients

Sergio Matarasso
Abstract Aim: To compare the 10-year peri-implant bone loss (BL) rate in periodontally compromised (PCP) and periodontally healthy patients (PHP) around two different implant systems supporting single-unit crowns. Materials and methods: In this retrospective, controlled study, the mean BL (mBL) rate around dental implants placed in four groups of 20 non-smokers was evaluated after a follow-up of 10 years. Two groups of patients treated for periodontitis (PCP) and two groups of PHP were created. For each category (PCP and PHP), two different types of implant had been selected. The mBL was calculated by subtracting the radiographic bone levels at the time of crown cementation from the bone levels at the 10-year follow-up. Results: The mean age, mean full-mouth plaque and full-mouth bleeding scores and implant location were similar between the four groups. Implant survival rates ranged between 85% and 95%, without statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between groups. For both implant systems, PCP showed statistically significantly higher mBL rates and number of sites with BL,3 mm compared with PHP (P<0.0001). Conclusions: After 10 years, implants in PCP yielded lower survival rates and higher mean marginal BL rates compared with those of implants placed in PHP. These results were independent of the implant system used or the healing modality applied. To cite this article: Matarasso S, Rasperini G, Iorio Siciliano V, Salvi GE, Lang NP, Aglietta M. A 10-year retrospective analysis of radiographic bone-level changes of implants supporting single-unit crowns in periodontally compromised vs. periodontally healthy patients. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 898,903. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01945.x [source]