Protection Measures (protection + measure)

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Selected Abstracts

On the Way to a Better Future: Belgium as Transit Country for Trafficking and Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors1

Ilse Derluyn
ABSTRACT During the last decade, irregular border crossings emerged as a new element in international migratory flows, with smuggling and trafficking networks being an essential part. Many people are compelled to use these networks to realize their dream of a better living, and for many this "promised land" is the United Kingdom (UK). Belgium has important sea connections with the UK, and is, therefore, an important migration transit zone, although many migrants are intercepted on Belgian territory during their tempt to reach the UK. Some are unaccompanied or separated children and adolescents, minors travelling without parent(s) or a legal caregiver. This study aims to gain insight about this population of unaccompanied minors travelling to the UK. We use the situation in Zeebrugge, one of Belgium's main ports, as a case study. We analysed 1,093 data files of unaccompanied minors intercepted in Zeebrugge, and carried out participatory observation at the shipping police station. The intercepted unaccompanied minors are mainly male, between 15 and 18 years of age, and from an Asian or Eastern European country. Of the 899 unique persons found in the data files, 113 were intercepted several times. After the interception, the Aliens Office gives the majority (82.9%) an identity document without a requirement to leave Belgium, while 15.3 per cent must leave Belgium immediately or within five days. In 82.9 per cent of the cases, a child protection officer is contacted to make a decision about the situation. In 67.2 per cent of these cases, no child protection measure is taken, and the minor may leave the police station; in 32 per cent of the cases, the minor is transferred to a centre, mostly crisis reception. Almost all unaccompanied minors are convinced they want to reach the UK to create a better livelihood, join a family member, or escape a difficult political situation. Nevertheless, most travel in difficult circumstances; are scared; and lack essential information about life in the UK, their possibilities in Belgium, what will happen if they are transferred to a centre, and so forth. Most minors also do not want to be transferred to a centre, and many , although not all , disappear again from the centres. This study has several implications concerning the kind of decisions taken by the legal authorities, the necessary physical and psycho-social care and the availability of an interpreter and social worker during the interception, the number of reception places and the care in these centres, and the tasks of the legal guardian. Finally, some limitations of the study are mentioned. VERS UN AVENIR MEILLEUR : LA BELGIQUE COMME PAYS DE TRANSIT POUR LA TRAITE ET L'INTRODUCTION CLANDESTINE DE MINEURS NON ACCOMPAGNÉS Au cours de la dernière décennie, le franchissement irrégulier des frontières est apparu comme un nouvel élément des flux migratoires internationaux, dont les réseaux de traite et d'introduction clandestine sont un aspect essentiel. Beaucoup de gens sont forcés d'utiliser ces réseaux pour réaliser leur rêve d'une vie meilleure et pour beaucoup, cette « terre promise », c'est le Royaume-Uni. La Belgique ayant d'importantes liaisons maritimes avec le Royaume-Uni con-stitue de ce fait une importante zone de transit pour les migrations, bien que de nombreux migrants soient interceptés sur le territoire belge alors qu'ils tentent d'atteindre le Royaume-Uni. Certains d'entre eux sont des enfants et des adoles-cents non accompagnés, séparés, des mineurs qui voyagent sans parent(s), sans personne qui en ait la garde juridique. Cette étude vise à mieux connaître cette population de mineurs non accompagnés voyageant en direction du Royaume-Uni. Nous prenons comme cas concret la situation à Zeebrugge, l'un des principaux ports belges. Nous avons analysé 1 093 fichiers de données concernant des mineurs non accompagnés interceptés à Zeebrugge, et nous sommes livrés à une observation participative au poste de police du port. Les mineurs non accompagnés inter-ceptés sont pour la plupart des garçons âgés de quinze à dix-huit ans originaires d'un pays d'Asie ou d'Europe orientale. Sur les 899 personnes trouvées dans les fichiers, 113 ont été interceptées plusieurs fois. Après l'interception, les Ser-vices de l'immigration donnent à la majorité de ces garçons un document d'identité sans obligation de quitter la Belgique, alors que 15,3 pour cent d'entre eux doivent quitter le pays, soit immédiatement soit dans les cinq jours. Dans 82,9 pour cent des cas, un agent de protection de l'enfance est contacté pour prendre une décision quant à la situation. Dans 67,2 pour cent de ces cas, aucune mesure de protection de l'enfant n'est prise et le mineur peut quitter le poste de police. Dans 32 pour cent des cas, le mineur est transféré dans un centre, un lieu d'accueil pour les situations de crise. Presque tous les mineurs non accompagnés sont convaincus de vouloir se rendre au Royaume-Uni pour y gagner leur vie, retrouver un membre de leur famille ou échapper à une situation politique difficile. Pourtant, la plupart de ces mineurs voyagent dans des circonstances difficiles. Ils ont peur. Ils n'ont pas les informations essentielles sur la vie au Royaume-Uni, sur les possibilités qui existent pour eux en Belgique, sur ce qui se passera s'ils sont transférés dans un centre. Beaucoup , mais pas tous , disparaissent de ces centres. Cette étude a diverses implications concernant le genre de décisions que pren-nent les autorités juridiques, les nécessaires soins physiques et psychosociaux pendant l'interception ainsi que la présence d'un interprète et d'un travailleur social, le nombre de places et les soins dans les centres d'accueil, les tâches de la personne qui a la responsabilité légale du mineur. Enfin, certaines limites de cette étude sont évoquées. CON MIRAS A UN MEJOR FUTURO: BÉLGICA COMO PAÍS DE TRÁNSITO DE LA TRATA Y EL TRÁFICO DE MENORES NO ACOMPAÑADOS Durante la última década, los cruces fronterizos irregulares se han convertido en un nuevo elemento de las corrientes migratorias internacionales, siendo un componente esencial de ellas las redes de tráfico y trata de personas. Son muchas las personas que se ven obligadas a recurrir a estas redes para hacer realidad su sueño de una vida mejor y para muchos "la tierra prometida" es el Reino Unido. Bélgica tiene importantes conexiones marítimas con el Reino Unido y, por consi-guiente, es una zona de tránsito de la migración sumamente importante, aunque muchos migrantes son interceptados en territorio belga en su intento por llegar al Reino Unido. Entre las personas interceptadas se encuentran niños y adoles-centes, menores de edad que viajan solos, sin sus padres o tutor legal. Este estudio tiene por objeto comprender cómo esta población de menores no acom-pañados viaja al Reino Unido. Con ese fin, se recurre a un estudio por casos examinando la situación en Zeebrugge, uno de los principales puertos de Bélgica. Se han analizado 1.093 expedientes de menores no acompañados, interceptados en Zeebrugge, y se ha realizado una observación participativa en la estación de policía naval. Los menores no acompañados interceptados eran principalmente varones, entre 15 y 18 años de edad, provenientes de Asia y Europa oriental. De las 899 personas no acompañadas encontradas en los expedientes, 113 habían sido interceptadas varias veces. Tras la intercepción, el Servicio de Inmigración otorga a la mayoría un documento de identidad (82,9 por ciento) sin obligarles a abandonar Bélgica, mientras que el 15,3 por ciento debe salir inmediatamente de Bélgica, o bien en un plazo máximo de cinco días. En el 82,9 por ciento de los casos, se establece contacto con un oficial de la protección de la infancia para que decida en cuanto a la situación del menor. En el 67,2 por ciento de estos casos, no se adopta ninguna medida de protección del menor y éste puede abandonar la estación de policía; y en el 32 por ciento de los casos, se transfiere al menor a un centro de recepción que se ocupa de casos críticos. Prácticamente todos los menores no acompañados tienen la certeza de que llegarán al Reino Unido para tener una mejor vida, reunirse con un familiar, o escapar de la difícil situación política. No obstante, la mayoría viaja en condiciones difí-ciles, tiene miedo y carece de información esencial sobre la vida en el Reino Unido, sobre sus posibilidades en Bélgica, y sobre lo que ocurrirá si son trans-feridos a un centro, etc. La mayoría de estos menores no quiere ser transferida a un centro y muchos, aunque no todos, se escapan de los mismos. Este estudio repercutirá, sin lugar a dudas, en las decisiones que adoptan las autoridades jurídicas, en la atención física y sicosocial necesarias, en la disponi-bilidad de un intérprete o trabajador social durante la intercepción, así como en el número de plazas de acogida y de atención en estos centros, y en las tareas que incumben a todo tutor legal. Finalmente, se enumeran algunas de las limitaciones de este estudio. [source]

Problems of resistance development in arthropod pests of agricultural crops in Russia

EPPO BULLETIN, Issue 1 2008
G. I. Sukhoruchenko
This paper presents the results of long-term monitoring of insecticide resistance in populations of agricultural pests in Russia. Over the last 45 years, resistance developments were recorded for 36 arthropod pest species in 11 agricultural crops and pastures in relation to nearly all commonly used plant protection products. Development of group, cross and multiple resistance has been revealed in populations of many economically important pests. Toxicological and phenotypical (for Colorado potato beetle) methods have been devised to monitor the development of pesticide resistance. Based on experience over the last century, systems aimed at preventing the development of pest resistance to insecticides and acaricides are elaborated. These systems are based on resistance monitoring and using plant protection measures which minimize the toxic pressure on agroecosystems. [source]

New plant protection information system in Hungary,

EPPO BULLETIN, Issue 1 2000
A. Pákozdi
Data on the occurrence and spread of pests has been supplied by the Hungarian Plant Protection Organization for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, this service has been operated by the central station and the 20 county stations of the Plant Protection Organization. Data recorded on pest occurrence and developmental stage of pests and plants has been used to run a forecasting system at local and national levels. However, because of significant staff reductions in the Plant Protection Organization and the disappearance of independent forecasting groups, the reliability of the system, which was based on very specific data, has decreased. It has become necessary to develop a more reliable and flexible computer-aided system (Plant Protection Information System, PPIS), better adjusted to the political and economic changes that have occurred. A major element of the new system, introduced in 1997, is that excessively detailed recording was replaced by a more practical general approach with fewer subjective errors. Specialists from the county stations of the Plant Protection Organization monitor infestation levels of 73 pests in 20 crops using five qualification categories. The results obtained are input into the PPIS program, which processes them into user-friendly charts and maps showing the plant health situation in each county and in the country as a whole, as a basis for taking decisions on plant protection measures. [source]

Workers, worries and welfare states: Social protection and job insecurity in 15 OECD countries

Based on data on people's attitudes toward their job as well as levels of and kinds of social protection collected in 15 OECD countries, it shows that there are distinct manifestations of job insecurity that are affected differently by distinct aspects of social protection programs. While the analysis shows that social protection measures reduce employment insecurity, it also reveals that overall levels welfare state generosity do not have any systematic effect on whether workers feel secure. The article's findings suggest the need to decompose the different components of employment insecurity as well as disaggregate national systems of social protection when examining the impact of welfare states on job insecurity. [source]

Planning to Reduce Risk: The Wildfire Management Overlay in Victoria, Australia

Abstract In a world where climate change is a ,given', the concepts of vulnerability, resilience and risk are now pivotal in public policy debates in many countries. Within this context, planning controls are designed to facilitate safe, sustainable and prosperous communities. In line with March's (2007, 11) observation that ,one important "reason to plan" is the reduction of risk', Victoria's Wildfire Management Overlay (WMO) was developed with the aim of mitigating wildfire risk through the identification of high risk areas and ensuring that minimum fire protection measures are implemented. The need for such an Overlay is becoming increasingly apparent as climate change contributes to the growing frequency and intensity of bushfires in Australia. Empirical research has found that, by following WMO prescriptions, the risk of a dwelling igniting from direct flame or radiant heat generated in a one in 50-year fire event can be greatly minimised. Yet not all local Councils in Victoria have built the WMO into their land use planning processes and schemes. Barriers to adoption include: lack of political will, a distrust of ,over-regulation', lack of training and mentoring of planning staff, and potential conflicts with vegetation conservation objectives. [source]

Austria's Koralm tunnel: one of the world's largest tunnel projects

Article first published online: 19 AUG 200
The Koralm railway line is currently one of the most prestigious construction projects of ÖBB-Infrastruktur Bau AG. In 2018 the new 130 km long two-track electrified route is supposed to raise the capacities and reduce travel times along this important northsouth railway axis. The 33 km long, ambitious Koralm tunnel forms the core piece of this line. Forcing the track development in Austria, ÖBB-Infrastruktur Bau AG focuses on the development of the main connections to high performance routes such as the Koralm railway line, the four-track development of the Danube line and of the Lower Inn Valley route. Furthermore, ÖBB invests in the modernisation of its largest stations, many suburban service projects, enhanced tunnel safety, noise protection measures as well as park & ride facilities and extensive reinvestments in the existing rail network. [source]

A depth-integrated, coupled SPH model for flow-like landslides and related phenomena

M. Pastor
Abstract In the past decades, flow-like catastrophic landslides caused many victims and important economic damage around the world. It is therefore important to predict their path, velocity and depth in order to provide adequate mitigation and protection measures. This paper presents a model that incorporates coupling between pore pressures and the solid skeleton inside the avalanching mass. A depth-integrated, coupled, mathematical model is derived from the velocity,pressure version of the Biot,Zienkiewicz model, which is used in soil dynamics. The equations are complemented with simple rheological equations describing soil behaviour and are discretized using the SPH method. The accuracy of the model is assessed using a series of benchmarks, and then it is applied to back-analyse the propagation stage of some catastrophic flow-like slope movements for which field data are available. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

An exploratory study of the influences that compromise the sun protection of young adults

Ngaia Calder
Abstract This paper reports on an exploratory research project designed to gain a deeper understanding of the influences on ultraviolet radiation (UVR) behaviours among high-risk young adults to determine what compromises the adoption of protection measures for this group. A dual approach using focus groups and the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique was used to provide personal narratives related to UVR behaviour for tertiary education students. Results from both ,conversations' were content-analysed using an iterative ,bootstrapping' technique to identify key themes and issues. This exploratory research identified a number of key themes including effect on mood, influence of culture, the value of tans, unrealistic optimism, risk-orientation, and the role of experience. This group felt that they not been targeted effectively by public health campaigns and did not fully understand the dangers of high-risk UVR behaviours. Although a number of previous studies have investigated the relationship between knowledge and behaviour, and largely concluded that increases in knowledge do not lead to increases in adoption of protection practices, the preliminary findings of this study reveal that the knowledge and perceived self efficacy of protective practices is extremely high, what is lacking is the perceived threat and thus the motivations to adopt such behaviours. The conclusions drawn from this research indicate that there are a variety of important influencing factors that compromise UVR behaviours, in particular, the lack of perceived seriousness and severity towards long term consequences such as skin cancer. The recommendation to address the imbalance of ,perceived threat' and ,outcome expectations' is to focus on increasing knowledge of skin cancer, particularly susceptibility to skin cancer and the severity of the condition. [source]

Canadian Policy on Human Trafficking: A Four-year Analysis1

Jacqueline Oxman-Martinez
ABSTRACT This article introduces readers to Canadian Government policy and practice surrounding human trafficking since the adoption of the United Nations (UN) Protocol on Trafficking in 2000. After offering an overview of the UN Protocol, the article reviews and critically analyses Canada's efforts in the three key areas of the Protocol: prevention of human trafficking, protection of trafficking victims, and the prosecution of traffickers. Since the beginning of our research, progress has been made in Canadian policy responses. The Government began by developing and implementing its tools for the prosecution of traffickers, thereby responding to most of the prosecution recommendations of the UN Protocol. Different government agencies are also coordinating their efforts to implement prevention projects, both in source countries and at home, including awareness-raising campaigns, education campaigns, and policy development collaborations. However, the more structural elements of prevention have yet to be adequately addressed. Finally, without shifting their basic border control framework, Canadian government agencies are in the process of improving the protection of trafficking victims who are intercepted in law enforcement operations or who come forward for help. These protection measures would be strengthened further if migrants' rights were explicitly protected by law, something that has failed to occur given recent prioritization of crime and security. The formal protection of victims, as implemented to some degree in several European and American policies, is introduced for comparison. The article concludes with the remaining challenges that face Canadian policy makers, particularly in terms of shifting away from current focus on crime and security to the protection and promotion of the human rights of trafficking victims. LA POLITIQUE CANADIENNE EN MATIÈRE DE TRAITE DES ÊTRES HUMAINS : UNE ANALYSE SUR QUATRE ANS Cet article présente au lecteur la politique et la pratique du gouvernement canadien en matière de traite des êtres humains depuis l'adoption, en 2000, du Protocole additionnel à la Convention des Nations unies contre la criminalité transnationale organisée visant à prévenir, réprimer et punir la traite des personnes, en particulier des femmes et des enfants. Après avoir présenté le Protocole dans son ensemble, l'article examine et analyse de façon critique l'action du Canada dans trois domaines essentiels du Protocole : la prévention de la traite, la protection des victimes et la punition des trafiquants. Depuis le début de notre recherche, le Canada a fait un pas en avant dans les mesures politiques adoptées. Le gouvernement a commencé par élaborer et mettre en oeuvre des mécanismes pour punir les trafiquants, donnant de ce fait suite à la plupart des recommandations du protocole des Nations unies en la matière. Par ailleurs, différents organes de l'État coordonnent leurs efforts pour mettre en place des projets de prévention, tant dans les pays d'origine que sur le territoire canadien, avec des campagnes de sensibilisation et d'éducation, et des collaborations en matière d'élaboration des politiques. Il reste néanmoins à trouver une solution adéquate aux aspects les plus structurels de la prévention. Enfin, sans s'éloigner du cadre fondamental du contrôle des frontières, les services gouvernementaux canadiens améliorent actuellement la protection des victimes de la traite interceptées lors d'opérations de police ou qui viennent demander de l'aide. Ces mesures de protection seraient davantage renforcées si les droits des migrants étaient explicitement inscrits dans la loi, ce qui n'est pas le cas en raison de la priorité accordée à la répression de la criminalité et à la sécurité. La protection formelle des victimes, telle que mise en oeuvre jusqu'à un certain point par des mesures appliquées en Europe et aux États-Unis, est présentée à titre de comparaison. Les conclusions de cet article exposent les défis auxquels restent confrontés les décideurs canadiens, à savoir moins insister sur la répression de la criminalité et la sécurité pour s'occuper davantage de la protection et de la promotion des droits fondamentaux des victimes de la traite. POLÍTICA CANADIENSE RELATIVA A LA TRATA DE PERSONAS: UN ANÁLISIS CUADRIENAL Este artículo presenta las políticas y prácticas del Gobierno canadiense en torno a la trata de personas desde la adopción, en 2000, del Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas relativo a la trata de personas. Tras hacer un repaso del Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas, este artículo examina y analiza críticamente los empeños del Canadá en tres esferas clave del Protocolo: prevención de la trata de personas, protección de las víctimas de la trata, y enjuiciamiento de los traficantes. Desde que se iniciara este estudio se han observado progresos en las respuestas políticas canadienses. El Gobierno comenzó desarrollando y llevando a la práctica sus instrumentos para la sanción y enjuiciamiento de los traficantes, respondiendo así a la mayoría de las recomendaciones de enjuiciamiento que contiene el Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas. Varias instituciones gubernamentales también coordinan sus esfuerzos con miras a la puesta en práctica de proyectos de prevención, tanto en los países de origen como en el Canadá, incluyendo campañas de concienciación, campañas educativas y colaboraciones con miras al desarrollo de políticas. Sin embargo, aún quedan por encarar los elementos más estructurales de la prevención. Finalmente, sin salir del marco básico de control de fronteras, las instituciones gubernamentales canadienses están tratando de mejorar la protección de las víctimas de la trata interceptadas en operaciones de aplicación de la ley o que se presentan a las autoridades con miras a solicitar ayuda. Si se aspira a proteger explícitamente por ley los derechos de los migrantes, habrá que reforzar las medidas de protección, algo que no figura entre las prioridades establecidas recientemente con relación al ámbito delictivo y de seguridad. Con fines comparativos, se presenta la protección oficial que brindan a las víctimas las políticas europeas y americanas. Este artículo concluye con los desafíos que tienen ante sí los formuladores de políticas canadienses, particularmente en cuanto al cambio del centro de atención actual en materia de actividades delictivas y de seguridad hacia la protección y promoción de los derechos humanos de las víctimas de la trata. [source]

Suitability of Molluscs as Bioindicators for Meadow- and Flood-Channels of the Elbe-Floodplains

Francis Foeckler
Abstract The goals of the subproject "molluscs" within the inter-disciplinary research project "Indicator systems for the characterisation and prediction of ecological changes in floodplain systems" were: , develop further existing mollusc-based indicator systems of site quality and to test their transferability, , characterise grassland sites within the recent floodplains of three study areas along the Elbe River, , analyse the relationships between indicator species-/groups and abiotic parameters, , compile and use selected species traits in the analytical process. The results clearly show several characteristic species groups related to the hydrology of the sites (i.e. inundation and desiccation regime) and on to the degree of agricultural use. These dependencies can be interpreted by the simultaneous analysis of the species traits. "Models" are proposed, that are applicable to nature protection measures at the landscape scale. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Ineffectiveness of sun awareness posters in dermatology clinics

GW Jung
Abstract Background, Although sun awareness posters have been used in doctors' offices and clinics for decades to promote sun protective behaviour, there is no evidence of their usefulness. Objectives, To investigate whether sun awareness posters lead to inquiry of skin cancer and sun protection measures. Method, Patients considered at risk for skin cancer seen at a dermatology clinic were randomly asked to complete a questionnaire designed to assess the effectiveness of three different sun awareness posters placed in patient rooms. The posters were selected on the basis of their catchy slogan and eye-appealing images, and included those featuring parental interest, sex appeal and informative advice. Results, Only half of the patients noticed the posters (50.6%). The poster with sex appeal garnered the most attention (67.8%), followed by the informative poster (49.2%) and the parental interest poster (35.8%) (P < 0.001). Although patients who noticed the sun awareness poster inquired about cutaneous cancers and sun protection practices twice as often as those who did not notice the poster, only one-tenth of such inquiries were attributed to the poster (,5% of the target population). As reported in the questionnaire, the posters themselves were less effective than the advice of physicians in influencing patient attitudes towards sun protection measures. Conclusion, Organizations that produce and disseminate posters should consider beyond focus groups when they design their posters and should consider field testing their products to ensure that they are reaching the targeted audience and are having the expected beneficial effect, otherwise their posters are simply decorative. [source]

A method of measuring oil consumption by labelling with radioactive bromine

H. Zellbeck
Abstract A method of determining the oil consumption rate of combustion engines is presented. It is based on labelling the individual oil fractions of engine oil with radioactive bromine isotope82 Br and on the quantitative absorption of radioactive bromine compounds in the exhaust gas in an aqueous solution of nitric acid and silver nitrate. The advantages of this method are that the oil that is consumed in the exhaust gas can be directly measured, without the fluctuating amounts of oil in the sump influencing the result, and the behaviour of the individual components of the oil in the consumption process can be determined. The test is quick, only twenty minutes being required to detect oil consumption at one operating point; and with a single labelling, the oil consumption at a great number of working engine points can be measured 82 Br has a short half-life of only 36 h, so that compliance with radiation protection measures is inexpensive and investigations can be carried out using a conventional testing device. As part of the research project, a study was made of the influence of different base oil types, with and without polymer additives, on consumption. Results showed that Noack evaporation loss correlated with oil consumption only with boiling fractions of exactly the same base oil, and not with different, in particular synthetic, base oils; that polymer additives (VI improvers) significantly reduced the rate of oil consumption; and that the polymer additive and the type of base oil both had more influence on oil consumption than viscosity. [source]

Occupational risk in health care and research,

Daniela Vecchio MS
Abstract Background Working in the health care and research sectors has been linked to various hazards. Methods Studies published in the peer-reviewed literature that are pertinent to the exposures or diseases relevant to these fields were reviewed. Results The most important exposures include infectious agents, formaldehyde, anesthetic agents, antineoplastic drugs, and ethylene oxide. The best-documented evidence is that of infectious risk primarily among clinical personnel. Monitoring studies of persons occupationally exposed to anesthetics clearly demonstrate behavioral effects, possible risk of reproductive problems, as well as cytogenetic effects of unknown significance. The latter two impairments are also observed among those exposed to antineoplastic drugs and ethylene oxide. Exposure to formaldehyde appears to be associated with nasopharyngeal tumors. Whereas increased risk of cancer of certain sites, particularly the brain and lymphohematopoietic system, is found among research and health care personnel, no specific exposure has been linked to these neoplasms. Conclusions Although some results are inconsistent, continued environmental and biological monitoring will allow better assessment of exposures and of implemented protection measures. Am. J. Ind. Med. 43:369,397, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]


An important issue being discussed for Chilean pine plantation policies is the application of environmental protection measures when managing its timber areas. Typical measures, already in place in more developed countries, include imposing riparian strips and protecting fragile soils from the use of heavy machinery. While environmental protection measures have been considered vital for decades, so far there has been almost no attempt to quantify both the benefits and costs of these measures. This paper attempts to measure the costs associated with the main measures which can help both the forestry firms and the government evaluate the cost impact of the new environmental protection regulations being studied. The analysis for different environmental scenarios is carried out by modifying a mixed integer LP, currently used for tactical planning by one forestry firm. [source]

Access to and Legal Protection of Aquaculture Genetic Resources,Norwegian Perspectives

G. Kristin Rosendal
A central socio-economic challenge in fish breeding arises from issues relating to access to and exclusive rights of genetic resources. Breeding companies need legal or biological protection measures to assure revenues from genetic improvement and investment in genetic material. Fish farmers and fish breeders need access to genetic resources for food production and further development and sustainable use of fish genetic material. How can a balance be created between the need for unencumbered and free access, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the need to ensure a right to the results from breeding and research? First, we provide a brief outline of the rationale for ensuring access to and for using legal measures for protection of breeding materials in aquaculture. Secondly, we examine how technological developments and biological features present options and barriers that will affect choices relating to access and property right issues to fish genetic resources. [source]

Averting the baiji syndrome: conserving habitat for critically endangered dolphins in Eastern Taiwan Strait

Peter S. Ross
Abstract 1.Numbering no more than 100 individuals and facing many threats, the geographically isolated Eastern Taiwan Strait population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) is in peril. The estuarine and coastal waters of central-western Taiwan have historically provided prime habitat for these dolphins, but environmental conditions today bear little resemblance to what they were in the past. 2.The humpback dolphins must share their habitat with thousands of fishing vessels and numerous factories built upon thousands of hectares of reclaimed land. 3.They are exposed to chemicals and sewage released from adjacent terrestrial activities. Noise and disturbance associated with construction, vessel traffic and military activities are features of everyday life for these animals. 4.Measures to slow the pace of habitat deterioration and reduce the many risks to the dolphins are urgently needed. As one practical step in this direction, this paper describes the habitat needs of these small cetaceans so that decision makers will be better equipped to define ,priority habitat' and implement much needed protection measures under the terms of local legislation. 5.The preferred habitat of these dolphins in Taiwan consists of shallow (<30,m), near-shore marine waters with regular freshwater inputs. 6.For such a small, isolated and threatened population, ,priority habitat' should not be limited to areas of particularly intensive dolphin use or high dolphin density, but rather it should encompass the entire area where the animals have been observed (their current ,habitat'), as well as additional coastal areas with similar bio-physical features (,suitable habitat'). Such a precautionary approach is warranted because the loss of only a few individuals could have serious population-level consequences. 7.While conventional socio-economic analysis might suggest that implementing protection measures over an area stretching ,350,km north,south along Taiwan's west coast and ,3,km out to sea would be too ,costly', the loss of this charismatic species from Taiwan's waters would send a troubling message regarding our collective ability to reconcile human activities with environmental sustainability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Assessing the effectiveness of conservation management decisions: likely effects of new protection measures for Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori)

Elisabeth Slooten
Abstract 1.Fisheries bycatch affects many species of marine mammals, seabirds, turtles and other marine animals. 2.New Zealand's endemic Hector's dolphins overlap with gillnet and trawl fisheries throughout their geographic range. The species is listed as Endangered by the IUCN. In addition, the North Island subspecies has been listed as Critically Endangered. 3.Estimates of catch rates in commercial gillnets from an observer programme (there are no quantitative estimates of bycatch by amateur gillnetters or in trawl fisheries) were used in a simple population viability analysis to predict the impact of this fishery under three scenarios: Option (A) status-quo management, (B) new regulations announced by the Minister of Fisheries in 2008 and (C) total protection. 4.Uncertainty in estimates of population size and growth rate, number of dolphins caught and other model inputs are explicitly included in the analysis. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to examine the effect of variation in catch rate and the extent to which fishing effort is removed from protected areas but displaced to unprotected areas. 5.These methods are applicable to many other situations in which animals are removed from populations, whether deliberately (e.g. fishing) or not (e.g. bycatch). 6.The current Hector's dolphin population is clearly depleted, at an estimated 27% of the 1970 population. Population projections to 2050 under Options A and B predict that the total population is likely to continue declining. In the case of Option B this is driven mainly by continuing bycatch due to the much weaker protection measures on the South Island west coast. 7.Without fishing mortality (Option C) all populations are projected to increase, with the total population approximately doubling by 2050 and reaching half of its 1970 population size in just under 40 years. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The importance of experimental design in detecting the effects of protection measures on fish in Mediterranean MPAs

P. Guidetti
Abstract 1.Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are currently proliferating in the Mediterranean Sea. The assessment of their role in the protection and recovery of overexploited fish populations, however, is not yet completely supported by an adequate body of scientific evidence. This is in part because the number of studies that unambiguously assess changes induced by protection is limited. 2.Sampling to detect and measure the expected effects of protection on commercial fish (e.g. increase in mean abundance and size) is made difficult by intrinsic natural spatial and temporal variability. Ideally, temporal replication before and after the establishment of MPAs is necessary for estimating the average conditions in time. Spatial replication of control locations, on the other hand, is essential to prevent confusion in interpreting a difference between protected and unprotected locations. Until now, the basic requirements for appropriate experimental designs in MPAs were seldom satisfied, especially in the Mediterranean region. 3.In the present paper, an ideal experimental design aimed at overcoming many of the confounding influences that could result in misinterpretations of the results is considered, with a discussion of implications of applying less and less appropriate designs because of pragmatic constraints. Experimental design should thus be adapted to each individual MPA under study on the basis of the specific constraints that researchers face (e.g. ,before' (i.e. pre-designation) data are lacking; there is a single or more than one protected locations). 4.The issues related to MPAs, chiefly in the Mediterranean region, need to be considered to enable the identification of unambiguous hypotheses prior to sampling, based on clear logical structures. The importance of appropriate sampling and the subsequent interpretation of data would progressively reduce the degree of uncertainty of environmental analyses about the effects of MPAs on fish, with important implications for their management and further proliferation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Ist die Hinterlüftung von Holzfassaden ein Muss?

BAUPHYSIK, Issue 3 2010
Daniel Kehl Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Hygrothermal model; Wood moisture Feuchte Moisture Abstract Nach Durchführung einer großen Schweizer Forschungsinitiative zum Thema "Brandschutz im Holzbau" sind seit 2005 Außenwandbekleidungen aus Holz unter Zuhilfenahme von bestimmten Brandschutzmaßnahmen bis zur Hochhausgrenze (22 m) möglich [1]. Dazu zählen unter anderem auch Außenwandbekleidungen, deren Hinterlüftungsraum geschossweise unterbrochen und oben verschlossen wird. Solche Fassaden weisen brandschutztechnische Vorteile auf, da sie die Brandweiterleitung hinter der Bekleidung reduzieren bzw. verhindern. In diesem Zusammenhang stellte sich die Frage, ob eine Hinterlüftung von Holzfassaden aus bauphysikalischer Sicht überhaupt notwendig ist. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens an der Berner Fachhochschule , Architektur, Holz und Bau in Biel/Bienne wurde dieser Frage nachgegangen [2]. Is ventilation of timber façades essential? Following a major Swiss research initiative, "Fire protection in Timber Structures", exterior timber wall claddings incorporating specific fire protection measures have been permitted up to the high-rise limit of 22 m since 2005 [1]. This includes exterior wall claddings with a ventilation space that is interrupted and closed off from above at each storey level. Such façades have advantages when it comes to fire protection as they reduce or prevent the spread of fire behind the cladding. This has raised the question of whether the ventilation of timber façades is necessary at all from a building physics perspective. This matter was investigated as part of an Architecture, Timber and Construction research project at Bern University of Applied Sciences [2]. [source]

Vitamin D and systemic cancer: is this relevant to malignant melanoma?

J.E. Osborne
Summary 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3[1,25(OH)2D3] is a well-known potent regulator of cell growth and differentiation and there is recent evidence of an effect on cell death, tumour invasion and angiogenesis, which makes it a candidate agent for cancer regulation. The classical synthetic pathway of 1,25(OH)2D3 involves 25- and 1,-hydroxylation of vitamin D3, in the liver and kidney, respectively, of absorbed or skin-synthesized vitamin D3. There is recent focus on the importance in growth control of local metabolism of 1,25(OH)2D3, which is a function of local tissue synthetic hydroxylases and particularly the principal catabolizing enzyme, 24-hydroxylase. The classical signalling pathway of 1,25(OH)2D3 employs the vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR), which is a transcription factor for 1,25(OH)2D3 target genes. Effects of this pathway include inhibition of cellular growth and invasion. Cytoplasmic signalling pathways are increasingly being recognized, which similarly may regulate growth and differentiation but also apoptosis. 1,25(OH)2D3 has a major inhibitory effect on the G1/S checkpoint of the cell cycle by upregulating the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p27 and p21, and by inhibiting cyclin D1. Indirect mechanisms include upregulation of transforming growth factor-, and downregulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. 1,25(OH)2D3 may induce apoptosis either indirectly through effects on the insulin-like growth receptor and tumour necrosis factor-, or more directly via the Bcl-2 family system, the ceramide pathway, the death receptors (e.g. Fas) and the stress-activated protein kinase pathways (Jun N terminal kinase and p38). Inhibition of tumour invasion and metastasis potential has been demonstrated and mechanisms include inhibition of serine proteinases, metalloproteinases and angiogenesis. The lines of evidence for an effect of vitamin D3 in systemic cancer are the laboratory demonstration of relevant effects on cellular growth, differentiation, apoptosis, malignant cell invasion and metastasis; epidemiological findings of an association of the occurrence and outcome of cancers with derangements of vitamin D3/1,25(OH)2D3 and the association of functional polymorphisms of the VDR with the occurrence of certain cancers. In addition, vitamin D3 analogues are being developed as cancer chemotherapy agents. There is accumulating evidence that the vitamin D3/1,25(OH)2D3/VDR axis is similarly important in malignant melanoma (MM). MM cells express the VDR, and the antiproliferative and prodifferentiation effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 have been shown in cultured melanocytes, MM cells and MM xenografts. Recently, an inhibitory effect on the spread of MM cells has been demonstrated, low serum levels of 1,25(OH)2D3 have been reported in MM patients and the VDR polymorphisms have been shown to be associated with both the occurrence and outcome of MM. The relationship between solar irradiation and MM is more complex than for the systemic cancers. As in other cancers, there is evidence of a protective effect of vitamin D3 in MM, but ultraviolet radiation, which is a principal source of vitamin D3, is mutagenic. Further work is necessary on the influence of serum vitamin D3 levels on the occurrence and prognosis of MM, the effects of sun protection measures on serum vitamin D3 levels in temperate climates and epidemiological studies on geographical factors and skin type on the prognosis of MM. Meanwhile, it would seem mandatory to ensure an adequate vitamin D3 status if sun exposure were seriously curtailed, certainly in relation to carcinoma of breast, prostate and colon and probably also MM. [source]