Project Leaders (project + leader)

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Selected Abstracts

The role of the information specialist in the systematic review process: a health information case study

C. A. Beverley
There is an increasing body of literature on the information specialist's role in supporting evidence-based health care. In particular, the information component in systematic reviews has received considerable attention in recent years. Information professionals have evolved from simply acting as ,evidence locators' and ,resource providers' to being quality literature filterers, critical appraisers, educators, disseminators, and even change managers. This paper describes ten possible roles for information professionals in the systematic review process, using a case study of a review of the health information needs of visually impaired people carried out by the Centre for Health Information Management Research (CHIMR) at the University of Sheffield. This health information review was undertaken entirely by a team of information professionals. The ten roles identified are: project leader, project manager, literature searcher, reference manager, document supplier, critical appraiser, data extractor, data synthesiser, report writer and disseminator. This review has also identified an eleventh possible role for information professionals; that of primary researcher. Finally, the implications for evidence-based health care and evidence-based health informatics are discussed. [source]

Researchers' experience of co-operative inquiry in acute mental health care

Jan Kåre Hummelvoll BA DrPH RPN RNT
Aim., The aim of this article is to reflect upon our experiences of using co-operative inquiry in an acute mental health care setting, with a focus on the methodology used in a 4-year intervention programme developed in Norway between 1999 and 2003. Background., Action research plays a crucial role in assisting nurses to integrate theory and research with nursing practice. The central characteristic of this approach is the grounding of research in practice in collaboration with clinical practitioners. Methods., The research was a co-operative inquiry based on a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. The research methods used were ethnographic, including participant observation and face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, focus group interviews, and our process notes. Findings., The different methods used in the co-operative inquiry design of the Project Teaching Ward (PTW) had both benefits and drawbacks. In particular, the focus group method proved useful due to its ability to stimulate participants' research interest, and thus motivating them to be actively involved in the development of knowledge. The particular knowledge development process used has been described as a local knowledge dialogue. This dialogue must incorporate critical subjectivity on the part of participants in order to ensure that the research has a reflective resistance, which is decisive for its validity and quality. The findings also highlight the importance of the different roles of project leader in lengthy action research collaboration. Conclusions., The PTW has illustrated that co-operative inquiry was well suited for developing knowledge relevant to practice, thus contributing to bridging the gap between practice and theory. In order for this to happen, the research collaboration should be characterized by patience, realism and engagement. [source]

Communication Flows in International Product Innovation Teams

Rudy K. Moenaert
Recently, we have witnessed a strong growth in the internationalization of many firms' product development activities. However, the lack of attention devoted by scientific research to the management of international innovation contrasts sharply with the importance attached to it as a cornerstone of international business success. Although several empirical studies and normative theories have specified the communication requirements in innovation teams, an empirically based insight is definitely needed on the communication requirements and requirements that prevail in the complex context of international innovation teams, in which the participants are located in different company units, countries, and cultures. This article addresses the following research question: viewing international innovation as an interfunctional activity, what are the communication requirements an international innovation team is facing, and what are the communication capabilities (interface mechanisms) that may be adopted to initiate, develop, and launch the new product effectively and efficiently? An extensive case study research project was designed to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework. Over a two year time period, the research team has investigated selected innovation projects in four European multinational corporations. The analysis of the case study data suggests five requirements that determine the effectiveness and efficiency of communication in international product development teams: network transparency, knowledge codification, knowledge credibility, communication cost, secrecy. To cope with these communication requirements, organizations may create firm level capabilities (parallel structures, cross-functional and inter-unit climate, communication infrastructure, goal congruence) and team level capabilities (core team, team leadership, formalization, procedural justice). The evidence from the in-depth case study research indicates that these mechanisms provide a parsimonious and powerful approach to address the communication requirements in international product innovation teams. After the information processing framework proposed by Tushman and Nadler [124], the adoption of these mechanisms is expected to improve innovation effectiveness. This holds important consequences for the management of international product innovation projects. First, the innovating firm must balance centralization and decentralization, employ formal as well as informal strategies, and integrate ad-hoc and permanent strategies. Second, it highlights the critical role of the project leader. Given the fact that companies often select the most available person, rather than the best person for the job, the allocation of light weight project leaders may create heavyweight problems in international teams. Third, following the argument in favor of procedural justice, the absence of involvement may severely hinder cross-functional commitment to international innovation projects. Fourth, the innovating firm must also actively manage the communication flows with external parties. Failure to do so may result in flawed specifications, and a limited understanding about product design and market strategies. [source]

Leadership in R&D Projects

Diana Grosse
This article describes the results of an empirical study regarding a suitable style of R&D project leadership, especially what tasks project leaders should perform by themselves and what tasks they should delegate, what personal characteristics they should be endowed with and what kind of relationships they should have with their team. Fifty interviews were held in German institutions short-listed for an award for their innovative products by the Saxon government. In contrast to the assumption of the Social Identity Theory, in these institutions good R&D project leaders are not the ,prototype' of their team, but successfully balance the interests of the company and the R&D project team. [source]

From ,Great' Leaders to Building Networks: The Emergence of a New Urban Leadership in Southern Europe?

William Genieys
This article reviews the changes that have taken place in local government leadership in France and Spain. It has been argued that political leadership in local government in Southern Europe is characterized by major political leaders who are able to obtain resources from central government through their political connections. However, both French and Spanish local governments have evolved while developing new forms of leadership that are more connected to territory, its people and local issues than to the respective administrative capitals. The article argues that the development of new policies at the local level, the opening of new avenues of citizen participation and the introduction of new methods of public management have changed the relationship between elected representatives and the people. Institutional innovations at the supra-municipal level have also created a space between regions and municipalities for local leaders to develop their capacity as project leaders and network creators. Cet article examine les changements survenus au niveau de l'autorité gouvernementale locale en France et en Espagne. L'autorité politique dans un gouvernement local du sud de l'Europe se caractérise, assure-t-on, par de grands leaders politiques capables d'obtenir des ressources du gouvernement central grâce à leurs relations. Pourtant, les gouvernements locaux français et espagnols ont évolué tout en élaborant des formes originales de leadership, plus proches du territoire, de sa population et des affaires locales que les capitales administratives concernées. La conception de politiques publiques novatrices au plan local, l'ouverture d'autres accès à la participation des citadins et l'introduction de nouvelles méthodes de gestion publique ont modifié le rapport entre représentants élus et population. De plus, des innovations institutionnelles au niveau supra-municipal ont généré un espace entre régions et municipalités permettant aux leaders locaux de développer leurs aptitudes en tant que chefs de projet et créateurs de réseaux. [source]

Building dynamic capabilities for innovation: an exploratory study of key management practices

R & D MANAGEMENT, Issue 2 2008
Hyunsuk Lee
While both the innovation literature and the dynamic capabilities perspective identify loose processes as most appropriate for high uncertainty domains, this produces little reassurance to organizations seeking to improve their ability to commercialize innovations. This paper takes the position that practices for managing innovation project leaders are a key component of an organization's dynamic capabilities for innovation. Our comparative case analysis of divisions of two established Korean organizations suggests that managerial practices include the deployment of entrepreneurial resources having particular skills, characteristics, and motivation. In addition, we identify the relational and decision support roles of managers. [source]

Person,project fit and R&D performance: a case study of Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan

R & D MANAGEMENT, Issue 3 2007
Sen-Hao Cheng
This study examined the relation between the research and development (R&D) performance and the fit between a researcher's cognitive type and the task demand of the project that was implied in Wang, Wu & Horng's (1999) study. Three hundred and eighteen research projects completed by 205 project leaders in the 3 years were classified into Unsworth's four creativity types along two dimensions: (1) whether the research addressed an open- or closed-ended problem and (2) whether the project was assigned or actively sought by the researcher. Each researcher's personal traits were assessed using Myers,Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Kirton's Adaptor,Innovator Scale (KAI). Results show that researchers with a conforming, feeling, or judging-type cognition performed better with assigned projects for solving closed problems. Those with an originality and intuitive-type cognition performed better on self-initiated projects for solving open-ended problems. Researchers with sensing-type cognition performed better with assigned projects for solving open-ended questions. Thus, a careful match between a researcher's cognitive type and the task demand of project is important for R&D management. [source]

Empowering project scope decisions: introducing R&D content graphs

R & D MANAGEMENT, Issue 3 2001
Dennis Nobelius
There have been several studies confirming the strategic and operational importance of choosing a proper project scope. There is a lack of empirically tested managerial tools to assist in this matter, and studies with longitudinally analysed R&D projects with respect to content are scarce. This article discusses the management of advanced engineering in the automotive industry. The study presents a structured approach where individual project leaders together with top management could prepare project material, discuss, visualize, and evaluate the content around a common tool. This tool, i.e. the R&D content graphs, facilitates project content selection, both during the start-up and during the execution phase of the project. The studied project has been studied for nearly two years using an abductive case-based research design. Since the project has been longitudinally studied, it has also been possible to test the graphs' predicting capabilities. The graphs are based on a visualization of the project content along five identified dimensions. The results reveal that the tools bring structure to project scope discussions, have some predictive value, and can also function as a vertical as well as a horizontal communication tool. [source]

Structured intervention utilizing state professional societies to foster quality improvement in practice

Suzanne Lazorick MD
Abstract Introduction: Despite the existence of guidelines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), clinical practices vary substantially. Practitioners can apply quality improvement (QI) strategies to adapt office processes and clinical practice towards evidence-based care. We identified facilitators and barriers to participation in a professional society,led structured collaborative to learn QI methods and improve care. Methods: Ten chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics participated in the effort. Support to chapter leaders included conference calls, listserv, technical support, and data aggregation. Support from the chapters to participating pediatricians included online continuing medical education modules, a workshop, chart reviews, and QI coaching. Qualitative data were obtained through interviews of 22 project leaders and reviews of project progress reports. Quantitative results were obtained from surveys of 186 physician participants. Outcomes included facilitators/barriers to program implementation, evidence for sustained chapter QI infrastructure, and participant assessment of improvements in care. Results: Facilitators included physician opinion leaders, a workshop, conference calls, QI support, and opportunities for shared learning. Barriers included lack of time, competing clinical priorities, challenges of using the online module, and underutilization of listservs. Seven chapters planned ongoing activities around attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eight had specific plans to use QI infrastructure for additional clinical topics, and three developed significant QI infrastructure. Physicians believed care improved. Discussion: As requirements grow for participation in QI for maintenance of certification, national and state-level professional societies are interested in and can develop infrastructure to support quality improvement. Coaching, tools, and support from the national organization and QI experts are helpful in facilitating efforts. [source]

Communication Flows in International Product Innovation Teams

Rudy K. Moenaert
Recently, we have witnessed a strong growth in the internationalization of many firms' product development activities. However, the lack of attention devoted by scientific research to the management of international innovation contrasts sharply with the importance attached to it as a cornerstone of international business success. Although several empirical studies and normative theories have specified the communication requirements in innovation teams, an empirically based insight is definitely needed on the communication requirements and requirements that prevail in the complex context of international innovation teams, in which the participants are located in different company units, countries, and cultures. This article addresses the following research question: viewing international innovation as an interfunctional activity, what are the communication requirements an international innovation team is facing, and what are the communication capabilities (interface mechanisms) that may be adopted to initiate, develop, and launch the new product effectively and efficiently? An extensive case study research project was designed to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework. Over a two year time period, the research team has investigated selected innovation projects in four European multinational corporations. The analysis of the case study data suggests five requirements that determine the effectiveness and efficiency of communication in international product development teams: network transparency, knowledge codification, knowledge credibility, communication cost, secrecy. To cope with these communication requirements, organizations may create firm level capabilities (parallel structures, cross-functional and inter-unit climate, communication infrastructure, goal congruence) and team level capabilities (core team, team leadership, formalization, procedural justice). The evidence from the in-depth case study research indicates that these mechanisms provide a parsimonious and powerful approach to address the communication requirements in international product innovation teams. After the information processing framework proposed by Tushman and Nadler [124], the adoption of these mechanisms is expected to improve innovation effectiveness. This holds important consequences for the management of international product innovation projects. First, the innovating firm must balance centralization and decentralization, employ formal as well as informal strategies, and integrate ad-hoc and permanent strategies. Second, it highlights the critical role of the project leader. Given the fact that companies often select the most available person, rather than the best person for the job, the allocation of light weight project leaders may create heavyweight problems in international teams. Third, following the argument in favor of procedural justice, the absence of involvement may severely hinder cross-functional commitment to international innovation projects. Fourth, the innovating firm must also actively manage the communication flows with external parties. Failure to do so may result in flawed specifications, and a limited understanding about product design and market strategies. [source]