Processing Sequence (processing + sequence)

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Dipole Tracing Examination for the Electric Source of Photoparoxysmal Response Provoked by Half-Field Stimulation

EPILEPSIA, Issue 2000
Kazuhiko Kobayashi
Purpose: Dipole tracing (DT) is a computer-aidcd noninvasive method used to estimate the location of epileptic discharges from the scalp EEG. In DT equivalent current dipoles (ECDs), which rcflcct the electric source in the brain, are rcsponsible for the potential distribution on the scalp EEC. Thercfore, the DT method is useful to estimatc the focal paroxysmal discharges. In this study we examined the location of the clectric source of photoparoxysmal response (PPR) using scalpskull-brain dipolc tracing (SSB-DT) after hal[-field stimulation, which produced focal PPR on the scalp EEG. Methods: We studied 4 cases of photoscnsitive epilepsy. Wc performed 20 Hz red flicker and flickcring dot pattern half-ficld stimulation to provoke PPR. In this method, the loci of gcnerators corresponding to the paroxysmal discharges were estimated as ECDs by I - and 2-dipole analyses. Each location of the ECDs was estimated by iterative calculation. Algorithms minimizing the squarcd difference betwccn the electrical potentials recorded from the scalp EEG and those calculated theoretically from the voluntary dipoles were uscd. In the SSB model, the scalp shell was reconstructed from the helmet mcasurements, and the shapc of the skull and brain was 3-dimcnsionally reconstructed from CT images. A dipolarity larger than 98% w the accuracy of the estimation. We recorded thcir 2 I channel monopolar scalp EEG. Each spike was sampled analyzed at 10 points around the peaks of at least 10 spikes in each patient using the SSB-DT method. The ECDs were then supcrimposed on thc MRI of each palient to idcntify the more cxact anatomical region. Results: This study showed the location of cach focus and a dipolarity of greater than 98% in all cases, although the results from the 2-dipole method showed scattered location. We considered that the analyzed signals were generated from single source. PPR was elicitcd cross-lateral to the field stimulated. By red flicker half-field stimulation, EEG revealed eithcr focal spikes and waves in the contralatcral occipital, temporo-occipitel region, or diffuse spikes and wave complex bursts, sccn dominantly at the contralateral hcmisphere. The supcrimposed ESDs on MRI were located at the occipital or inferior temporal lobe. PPR, provoked by flickering dot pattern half-field stimulation, werc focal spikes and waves, mainly in the occipital, parieto-occipital region, or diffuse spikes and wave complcx bursts, seen dominantly at thc contralateral hcmiaphere. The ECDs of their PPRs were located in the occipital, inferior temporal, or inferior pirietal lobules on MRI. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the inferior temporal and inferior parictal lobules which are important for the processing sequence of the visual system in addition to the occipital lobc, might he responsible for thc mechanism of PPR by half-ficld stimulation, espccially for electric source expansion. [source]

Theoretical and Applied Case Studies of Seismic Imaging in Tunnelling

Thomas Dickmann Dr.
Seismic measurements during tunnel operations aim at images of maximum spatial resolution. However, there are still principal limitations of the method applied in the tunnel with regard to spatial resolution by the signal frequency and attenuation and by the small angular illumination coverage. A finite-difference simulation of elastic wave propagation had been performed to compute a synthetic tunnel seismic reflection survey. Synthetic data are used optimizing the best practice tunnel data processing sequence for both P- and S-waves because every step between the acquisition of the seismic data and the derivation of the final image influences the final seismic resolution. Here, especially the use of attenuation models compensate amplitude loss as well as dispersion by an inverse Q-filtering and the use of a spatially variable velocity model yielding the right image position of a reflecting geological element in space. The transfer and capability of this practice to real tunnel application is finally demonstrated by the case study of the tunnel seismic prediction method in the Koralm tunnel project in Austria. Theoretische und praktische Fallbeispiele der seismischen Abbildung im Tunnelbau Seismische Messungen während der Tunnelbauausführungen sollen eine Abbildung von maximaler räumlicher Auflösung erzielen. Allerdings gibt es immer noch grundsätzliche Einschränkungen hinsichtlich räumlicher Auflösung aufgrund von Signalfrequenz und -dämpfung und aufgrund des eingeschränkten Winkelbereichs des Beleuchtungsraums, wenn die Methode aus dem Tunnel heraus nach vorne angewendet wird. Es wurde eine Finite-Differenzen Simulation der elastischen Wellenausbreitung durchgeführt, um synthetische tunnelseismische Reflexionsdaten zu erhalten. Diese synthetischen Daten dienten dazu, die optimale Bearbeitungsfolge von P- und S-Wellendaten aus dem Tunnel abzuleiten, da jeder einzelne Bearbeitungsschritt zwischen der seismischen Datenaufnahme und der Endabbildung die endgültige seismische Auflösung beeinflusst. Hierbei kompensiert besonders die Anwendung eines Dämpfungsmodels mittels eines inversen Q-Filters und eines räumlich variablen Geschwindigkeitsmodels den Verlust von Amplitudenstärke und die Dispersion, was zu einer richtigen räumlichen Abbildungsposition des Reflektors eines geologischen Elementes führt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Vorgehensweise und deren Übertragung auf die wirkliche Tunnelanwendung werden schließlich durch das Beispiel der tunnelseismischen Vorauserkundung am Koralmtunnel in Österreich demonstriert. [source]

Processing, modelling and predicting time-lapse effects of overpressured fluid-injection in a fractured reservoir

Erika Angerer
Summary Time-lapse seismology is important for monitoring subsurface pressure changes and fluid movements in producing hydrocarbon reservoirs. We analyse two 4-D, 3C onshore surveys from Vacuum Field, New Mexico, USA, where the reservoir of interest is a fractured dolomite. In Phase VI, a time-lapse survey was acquired before and after a pilot tertiary-recovery programme of overpressured CO2 injection, which altered the fluid composition and the pore-fluid pressure. Phase VII was a similar time-lapse survey in the same location but with a different lower-pressure injection regime. Applying a processing sequence to the Phase VI data preserving normal-incidence shear-wave anisotropy (time-delays and polarization) and maximizing repeatability, interval-time analysis of the reservoir interval shows a significant 10 per cent change in shear-wave velocity anisotropy and 3 per cent decrease in the P -wave interval velocities. A 1-D model incorporating both saturation and pressure changes is matched to the data. The saturation changes have little effect on the seismic velocities. There are two main causes of the time-lapse changes. Any change in pore-fluid pressures modifies crack aspect ratios. Additionally, when there are overpressures, as there are in Phase VI, there is a 90° change in maximum impedance directions, and the leading faster split shear wave, instead of being parallel to the crack face as it is for low pore-fluid pressures, becomes orthogonal to the crack face. The anisotropic poro-elasticity (APE) model of the evolution of microcracked rock, calculates the evolution of cracked rock to changing conditions. APE modelling shows that at high overburden pressures only nearly vertical cracks, to which normal incidence P waves are less sensitive than S waves, remain open as the pore-fluid pressure increases. APE modelling matches the observed time-lapse effects almost exactly demonstrating that shear-wave anisotropy is a highly sensitive diagnostic of pore-fluid pressure changes in fractured reservoirs. In this comparatively limited analysis, APE modelling of fluid-injection at known pressure correctly predicted the changes in seismic response, particularly the shear-wave splitting, induced by the high-pressure CO2 injection. In the Phase VII survey, APE modelling also successfully predicted the response to the lower-pressure injection using the same Phase VI model of the cracked reservoir. The underlying reason for this remarkable predictability of fluid-saturated reservoir rocks is the critical nature and high crack density of the fluid-saturated cracks and microcracks in the reservoir rock, which makes cracked reservoirs critical systems. [source]

Diffraction imaging in depth

T.J. Moser
ABSTRACT High resolution imaging is of great value to an interpreter, for instance to enable identification of small scale faults, and to locate formation pinch-out positions. Standard approaches to obtain high-resolution information, such as coherency analysis and structure-oriented filters, derive attributes from stacked, migrated images. Since they are image-driven, these techniques are sensitive to artifacts due to an inadequate migration velocity; in fact the attribute derivation is not based on the physics of wave propagation. Diffracted waves on the other hand have been recognized as physically reliable carriers of high- or even super-resolution structural information. However, high-resolution information, encoded in diffractions, is generally lost during the conventional processing sequence, indeed migration kernels in current migration algorithms are biased against diffractions. We propose here methods for a diffraction-based, data-oriented approach to image resolution. We also demonstrate the different behaviour of diffractions compared to specular reflections and how this can be leveraged to assess characteristics of subsurface features. In this way a rough surface such as a fault plane or unconformity may be distinguishable on a diffraction image and not on a traditional reflection image. We outline some characteristic properties of diffractions and diffraction imaging, and present two novel approaches to diffraction imaging in the depth domain. The first technique is based on reflection focusing in the depth domain and subsequent filtering of reflections from prestack data. The second technique modifies the migration kernel and consists of a reverse application of stationary-phase migration to suppress contributions from specular reflections to the diffraction image. Both techniques are proposed as a complement to conventional full-wave pre-stack depth migration, and both assume the existence of an accurate migration velocity. [source]

Anisotropy in the electrical behavior of immiscible polypropylene/nylon/carbon black blends processed slightly below the melting temperature of the nylon

J. Zoldan
Carbon black (CB) containing polypropylene/nylon (PP/Ny) blends, processed slightly below the melting temperature (Tm) of the dispersed Ny phase, leads to formation of fibrillar Ny phase and electrically anisotropic systems. CB containing PP/Ny blends were compounded (twin screw extruder) and processed (injection molding) slightly below the Tm of dispersed Ny phase at different blending sequences. To establish structure,property relationships scanning electron microscopy, high resolution scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimeter were used and electrical properties were also studied. Addition of CB to binary PP/Ny blends, processed below the Ny Tm, altered the Ny fibrillation process forming an irregular continuous phase, containing the CB particles, rather than the fibrils formed in the PP/Ny blends. Yet, upon changing the processing sequence, i.e., compounding PP and CB and then adding Ny in the injection molding stage, Ny fibrils were attained, maintaining phase continuity, oriented in the flow direction and CB particles preferentially located on their surfaces. Blends exhibiting a fibrillar Ny network covered by CB particles exhibited electrical anisotropy. The Ny fibrils exhibited an additional higher crystalline melting peak and molecular orientation. The composites are conductive in the Ny fibril direction, while insulating in the perpendicular direction. Once the CB is located within both, the Ny and the PP matrix the electrical behavior is isotropic. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 46:1250,1262, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers [source]

Application of agent-based system for bioprocess description and process improvement

Ying Gao
Abstract Modeling plays an important role in bioprocess development for design and scale-up. Predictive models can also be used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing to assist decision-making either to maintain process consistency or to identify optimal operating conditions. To predict the whole bioprocess performance, the strong interactions present in a processing sequence must be adequately modeled. Traditionally, bioprocess modeling considers process units separately, which makes it difficult to capture the interactions between units. In this work, a systematic framework is developed to analyze the bioprocesses based on a whole process understanding and considering the interactions between process operations. An agent-based approach is adopted to provide a flexible infrastructure for the necessary integration of process models. This enables the prediction of overall process behavior, which can then be applied during process development or once manufacturing has commenced, in both cases leading to the capacity for fast evaluation of process improvement options. The multi-agent system comprises a process knowledge base, process models, and a group of functional agents. In this system, agent components co-operate with each other in performing their tasks. These include the description of the whole process behavior, evaluating process operating conditions, monitoring of the operating processes, predicting critical process performance, and providing guidance to decision-making when coping with process deviations. During process development, the system can be used to evaluate the design space for process operation. During manufacture, the system can be applied to identify abnormal process operation events and then to provide suggestions as to how best to cope with the deviations. In all cases, the function of the system is to ensure an efficient manufacturing process. The implementation of the agent-based approach is illustrated via selected application scenarios, which demonstrate how such a framework may enable the better integration of process operations by providing a plant-wide process description to facilitate process improvement. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010 [source]