Plasma T Levels (plasma t + level)

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Selected Abstracts

Increased mite parasitism as a cost of testosterone in male striped plateau lizards Sceloporus virgatus

Summary 1Testosterone (T) co-ordinates the seasonal and sex-specific expression of numerous physiological, behavioural and morphological traits that contribute to male reproductive success. However, increased susceptibility to parasitism has been proposed as a potential cost of elevated plasma T. 2During the spring breeding season, male striped plateau lizards Sceloporus virgatus harbour significantly more ectoparasitic mite larvae (Acari: Trombiculidae) than females. Plasma T levels are also elevated in males at this time, suggesting that sex differences in mite parasitism may be driven by underlying sex differences in circulating T. 3We tested this hypothesis experimentally by manipulating plasma T levels of yearling males via surgical castration and exogenous T implants. Upon recapture of free-living animals, we found significantly fewer mites on castrated males relative to either intact controls or castrated males that received T implants. 4After removing variance attributable to treatment effects, we observed (1) a positive correlation between residual measures of plasma T and mite load, and (2) a negative correlation between residual measures of mite load and growth rate. These correlations suggest a growth cost associated with mite parasitism. 5Previous studies have shown that exogenous T increases parasitism, but ours is one of the few to show that castration also reduces parasitism. This result, coupled with the fact that our induced plasma T levels remain within physiological limits, makes this one of the clearest demonstrations of a functional relationship between T and parasitism in any free-living vertebrate. [source]

Relative abundance of males to females affects behaviour, condition and immune function in a captive population of dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis

Timothy J. Greives
Relative numbers of males and females in breeding groups may vary from expected values owing to a variety of factors. To determine how sex ratio might influence individual phenotypes in a captive population of dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis during the breeding season, we established three treatment groups: a male-biased (2:1), equal (1:1), and female-biased group (1:2). Within-group density (birds/m2) was constant across groups. We assessed the frequency of flight chases (a proxy for social instability), measured changes in body mass and pectoral muscle condition, assayed plasma levels of testosterone (T) and compared cell-mediated immunity of individuals. We found significantly more chases in the male-biased group than in the female-biased group. Birds in the male-biased group lost more mass and displayed poorer pectoral-muscle condition than birds in the equal group. Cell-mediated immune responses were reduced in individuals in the male-biased group in comparison to the female-biased group. Plasma T levels in both sexes did not vary with sex ratio. Collectively, these results suggest that during the breeding season, social instability is greater in male-biased populations, and instability may lead to decreased general health and vigour. [source]

Increased mite parasitism as a cost of testosterone in male striped plateau lizards Sceloporus virgatus

Summary 1Testosterone (T) co-ordinates the seasonal and sex-specific expression of numerous physiological, behavioural and morphological traits that contribute to male reproductive success. However, increased susceptibility to parasitism has been proposed as a potential cost of elevated plasma T. 2During the spring breeding season, male striped plateau lizards Sceloporus virgatus harbour significantly more ectoparasitic mite larvae (Acari: Trombiculidae) than females. Plasma T levels are also elevated in males at this time, suggesting that sex differences in mite parasitism may be driven by underlying sex differences in circulating T. 3We tested this hypothesis experimentally by manipulating plasma T levels of yearling males via surgical castration and exogenous T implants. Upon recapture of free-living animals, we found significantly fewer mites on castrated males relative to either intact controls or castrated males that received T implants. 4After removing variance attributable to treatment effects, we observed (1) a positive correlation between residual measures of plasma T and mite load, and (2) a negative correlation between residual measures of mite load and growth rate. These correlations suggest a growth cost associated with mite parasitism. 5Previous studies have shown that exogenous T increases parasitism, but ours is one of the few to show that castration also reduces parasitism. This result, coupled with the fact that our induced plasma T levels remain within physiological limits, makes this one of the clearest demonstrations of a functional relationship between T and parasitism in any free-living vertebrate. [source]