Personal Norm (personal + norm)

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Selected Abstracts

Information seeking and reciprocity: a transformational analysis

Marcello Gallucci
The motivation to reciprocate is analyzed within the framework of interdependence theory, with focus on the process of transformation of situations. A model of transformation is presented for the motivation to reciprocate and hypotheses regarding allocation behavior and information seeking are derived. The hypotheses are tested in two experiments implementing a game where participants allocate payoff to self and other in a sequential way, with one participant able to gather costly information regarding the other's previous behavior. Individual differences in the motivation to reciprocate are assessed with the Personal Norm of Reciprocity questionnaire. Results show that participants with high motivation to reciprocate seek information regarding other's past behavior, and react to this information as the norm of reciprocity prescribes. Participants with low motivation to reciprocate prefer information regarding the future of the interaction (Study 1), or no information (Study 2), and behave in a more selfish way. Results are discussed with respect of (1) the transformation of situation process, (2) the role of reciprocity as an interpersonal motive, and (3) the validity of the individual differences measure. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Recidivism: The Role of Personal Norm in Predicting Behavioral Intentions of Re-Offending,

Stavros P. Kiriakidis
The study is a partial application of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to the prediction of young offenders' behavioral intentions to re-offend. Participants were 152 young offenders who were randomly selected and who completed a self-report questionnaire assessing the sociocognitive determinants of the TPB and personal norm. It was found that attitudes and perceived behavioral control are necessary factors for the prediction of intentions to re-offend; while personal norm contributed significantly, yet marginally. The TPB provides a parsimonious way to predict behavioral intentions to re-offend. Personal norm could be a variable that expands the model when it is applied to the prediction of young offenders' behavioral intentions to re-offend. [source]

Structural Modeling of Car Use on the Way to the University in Different Settings: Interplay of Norms, Habits, Situational Restraints, and Perceived Behavioral Control,

Christian A. Klöckner
This manuscript presents the results of the application of an extended norm activation model to the explanation of car use on the way to the university with a sample of 430 students of 3 German universities. The proposed two-stage structural model is supported by the data. First, a norm activation process starting with awareness of consequences activates subjective and personal norms. Second, behavior is determined by car-use habits, perceived behavioral control (PBC), car access, and effort to use public transportation. The influence of personal norms on behavior is mediated by habits. Subgroup analyses of the second stage of the model show a high structural stability, but differences in the regression weights. [source]