Permanent Ponds (permanent + pond)

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Selected Abstracts

The effect of the sampling scale on zooplankton community assessment and its implications for the conservation of temporary ponds in south-west Spain

Khalid Fahd
Abstract 1.The zooplankton (rotifer and microcrustacean) assemblages of temporary ponds in the Doñana National Park (south-west Spain) have been compared in two surveys of contrasting scales that resulted in the same number of samples: an extensive survey of 36 ponds sampled in May 1998 (or widespread survey) and a survey of nine ponds sampled four times over 2 years (or cumulative survey). 2.The total number of microcrustacean and rotifer taxa was larger in the cumulative survey (43 and 41 taxa, respectively) than in the widespread survey (39 and 34, respectively). Crustacean assemblages became less alike throughout the cumulative survey. 3.The presence of invertebrates (Coleoptera, Odonata, Heteroptera and crayfish) and aquatic vertebrates (fish and salamanders) was recorded as an estimate of potential predator impact on zooplankton. Several pond features (water depth, conductivity, pH, chlorophyll a concentration, distance to the nearest permanent pond and to the marsh) were also measured in both surveys. 4.A combination of these environmental factors was more strongly related to the similarity matrices derived from the zooplankton assemblages of the cumulative survey (Rho=0.7) than to those of the widespread survey (Rho<0.4). The distance of ponds to the marsh was an important factor in explaining this correlation as well as the strongest factor in the ordination of crustacean assemblages following a CCA. 5.Predation by exotic fish in long-hydroperiod ponds where overflow drains to the nearby marsh (fish source) is the mechanism likely to explain the changes in crustacean composition recorded in the cumulative survey. 6.The cumulative survey was more suitable for the study of zooplankton diversity as it rendered a higher number of taxa and gave more insight into the mechanisms that explain taxon richness. Thus, conservation strategies in temporary habitats require a scale of observation that includes long temporal changes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Directionality of pre- and post-breeding migrations of a marbled newt population (Triturus marmoratus): implications for buffer zone management

P. Marty
Abstract 1.The marbled newt, Triturus marmoratus, is a vulnerable urodele species (listed on Annex IV of the European Habitats Directive). However, biological information about their migration and the terrestrial habitats they use is relatively scarce. In order to investigate the influence of the surrounding habitats of a local pond on the directions of pre- and post-breeding migrations, adult newts were monitored over two successive years (from February 2000 to June 2001) at a permanent pond in south-western France using a drift fence and pitfall traps. 2.In both sexes the entry and exit directions were non-randomly distributed. Furthermore, males and females generally followed similar directions facing an oak forest and avoiding barren areas. However, the directions followed by postbreeding migrants leaving the pond differed from those they followed when coming to the pond. 3.The distribution of captures around the pond was related to environmental factors, and more precisely to vegetation within the immediate surroundings of the pond. 4.The environmental conditions occurring at the end of the spring postbreeding migration differed greatly from those occurring during the winter prebreeding migration. Thus, vegetation does not exert similar attraction during the two migration periods. 5.This raises the importance of microhabitat diversity in the vicinity of the breeding pond, which provides a wide range of suitable shelters in different migration periods. Conservation planning must take into account the ecological requirements of this endangered species in managing buffer zones around the breeding sites. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Foraging tactics in alternative heterochronic salamander morphs: trophic quality of ponds matters more than water permanency

Summary 1. In lentic freshwater habitats, the composition of animal assemblages shifts along a gradient from temporary to permanent basins. When habitats with different degrees of permanence are at the scale of the home range of species, they constitute alternatives in terms of energy acquisition through feeding. 2. In this context, previous studies showed an advantage of metamorphic over paedomorphic tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) in temporary ponds which are only available to metamorphs. The aim of this study was to establish whether salamanders obtain similar benefits in ponds that do not differ in water permanence and whether salamanders shifted from detrimental to advantageous ponds. To this end, we determined the feeding habits, body condition and movement patterns of the two morphs in a complex of four permanent and four temporary ponds. 3. Consistent with previous studies, metamorphs consumed higher-quality diets than paedomorphs in term of energy intake. However, these differences occurred because metamorphs consumed fairy shrimp in a single temporary pond. Individual movement patterns confirmed that most of the metamorphs used different aquatic habitats both within and between years and that most of them moved from permanent ponds for breeding towards the most profitable temporary pond in terms of foraging. 4. These results indicate that habitat selection by salamanders is optimal in term of energy intake in metamorphs that use high quality ponds independently of hydroperiod. It seems that both spatial and temporal variation can influence the relative foraging success of each morph. [source]

Pond characteristics as determinants of species diversity and community composition in desert bats

O. Razgour
Abstract Although water availability is known to affect landscape-scale patterns of wildlife diversity and distribution in arid environments, little is known about the microhabitat characteristics that shape the local-scale distribution of desert bats. We examined the relative importance of pond microhabitat characteristics for the conservation of bats, and hypothesized that in arid environments, patterns of bat diversity and community composition relate to the size of the pond and its hydroperiod (the number of months a pond holds water), a term we use to distinguish between permanent, semi-permanent and temporary ponds. We combined acoustic monitoring with video recording and an experimental approach to study bat activity over natural ponds in the Negev Desert, Israel. We found that both within and between ponds bat species richness and activity significantly increased with pond size. An experimental reduction of pond size led to a significant reduction in bat species richness and activity and affected the bat community composition. In contrast to pond size, pond hydroperiod did not affect bat diversity, as temporary ponds had equivalent levels of bat species richness and activity to permanent ponds. However, hydroperiod did couple with pond size to affect the bat community composition, whereby non-desert bat species that have a higher frequency of drinking were associated with larger and more permanent ponds. Our results highlight the importance of larger temporary ponds (ponds over 15 m in length and 0.5 m in depth) for the conservation of biodiversity in arid environments. [source]

Life-cycle phenology of some aquatic insects: implications for pond conservation

Jérôme Cayrou
Abstract 1.Life-cycles and growth patterns were determined for 21 dominant aquatic insect species in small permanent ponds in an arid, karstic region (SW France, site fr7300909 of the Natura 2000 conservation network). The species studied are widely distributed throughout Europe, but some life-cycle patterns are reported here for the first time. 2.The life-history patterns of the 21 species can be divided into five main types: (i) a semivoltine cycle spreading over 2 years; (ii) slow univoltine cycles; (iii) fast univoltine cycles; (iv) multivoltine life-cycles with a long winter generation and two or three summer generations per year; and (v) bivoltine life-cycles with two fast generations per year. Growth was either exponential over the whole developmental period for a given cohort, or divided into two or three successive periods during each of which the growth rate was fairly constant. 3.Biodiversity estimates strongly depend on the temporal and spatial scale over which observations are made. Ponds thus provide useful models to show how life-history patterns enable many temporally segregated populations to utilize small ecosystems. Conservation frameworks should therefore carefully consider the time-frame needed to survey ponds, as many species with fast cycles could be overlooked. The spatial scale needed to manage threatened habitats and thus preserve pond networks must be broadened, rather than attempting to target individual water bodies for particular management actions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]