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Periapical Radiographs (periapical + radiograph)
Selected AbstractsToothache referred from auriculotemporal neuralgia: case reportINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 9 2009R. A. Murayama Abstract Aim, To present a 52-year-old male patient who complained of intense pain of short duration in the region of the left external ear and in the ipsilateral maxillary second molar that was relieved by blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa. Summary, Extra- and intraoral physical examination revealed a trigger point that reproduced the symptoms upon finger pressure in the ipsilateral auriculotemporal nerve and in the outer auricular pavilion. The patient's medical history was unremarkable. The maxillary left second molar tooth was not responsive to pulp sensitivity testing and there was no pain upon percussion or palpation of the buccal sulcus. Periapical radiographs revealed a satisfactory root filling in the maxillary left second molar. On the basis of the clinical signs and symptoms, the auriculotemporal was blocked with 0.5 mL 2% lidocaine and 0.5 mL of a suspension containing dexamethasone acetate (8 mg mL,1) and dexamethasone disodium sulfate (2 mg mL,1), with full remission of pain 6 months later. The diagnosis was auriculotemporal neuralgia. Key learning point ,,Auriculotemporal neuralgia should be considered as a possible cause of nonodontogenic toothache and thus included in the differential diagnoses. ,,The blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa is diagnostic and therapeutic. It can be achieved with a solution of lidocaine and dexamethasone. [source] Radiological assessment of periapical status using the periapical index: comparison of periapical radiography and digital panoramic radiographyINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 6 2007C. Ridao-Sacie Abstract Aim, To compare the use of periapical radiographs and digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper in the assessment of the periapical status of the teeth using the periapical index (PAI). Methodology, A total of 86 subjects were examined. All participants underwent a full-mouth radiographic survey (14 periapical radiographs) and a panoramic radiography. The periapical status, using the PAI score, of all appraised teeth was assessed. Results, Periapical radiographs allowed the assessment of the periapical status of 87% of teeth using the PAI. On the contrary, digital radiography had a significantly reduced potential to allow assessment of the periapical status (P < 0.01). Only 57.6% and 34.1% of teeth could be appraised using digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper respectively (P < 0.01). The total percentage of teeth with periapical pathosis was five fold higher when assessed with digital panoramic images displayed on glossy paper compared with periapical radiographs (P < 0.01). Conclusions, Teeth were best viewed on periapical radiographs except maxillary second and third molars, which were better viewed in orthopantomograms. Orthopantomograms on screen were scorable more often than when on printed images. Apical periodontitis was scored more often on paper than on screen, and more often on screen than in periapical radiographs. [source] Implant Stability during Initiation and Resolution of Experimental Periimplantitis: An Experimental Study in the DogCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 3 2005Lars Sennerby DDS ABSTRACT Background: Histologic studies have demonstrated the possibility to reestablish direct bone-implant contacts after ligature-induced periimplantitis. The influence of the reosseointegration on the stability of implants is not known. Purpose: The aim of the present investigation was to study bone tissue and associated implant stability alterations that occurred during induction and resolution of periimplantitis using resonance frequency analysis (RFA), radiography, and histology. Materials and Methods: Three implants with smooth (turned) or roughened (SLA®) surfaces were placed in each side of the edentulous mandible of four dogs. Experimental periimplantitis was induced for 3 months. Five weeks later, the animals were treated with antibiotics and surgical therapy and were followed for another 6 months. Periapical radiographs and RFA were used to evaluate marginal bone levels and implant stability throughout the study period. After termination, the tissue-implant interface was evaluated by light microscopy in ground sections. Results: There was a linear relationship between radiographic and RFA findings because continuous loss of marginal bone and a decrease in implant stability were observed for both implant surfaces during the periimplantitis period. Antibiotic treatment and surgical therapy resulted in some reosseointegration, which was more marked for the SLA surface. The resonance frequency values corresponded well to the histometric measurements because reosseointegration resulted in an increase in implant stability. Conclusions: The findings from the present study indicate a linear relationship between marginal bone level and resonance frequency value. It is suggested that the RFA technique is sensitive and may be used to detect even a minor change in the level of bone-implant contact. [source] Early loading (2 or 6 weeks) of sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) ITI® implants in the posterior mandibleCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, Issue 2 2004A 1-year randomized controlled clinical trial Abstract: The aim of this 1-year prospective controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of early loading of ITI® solid screw titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface on clinical and radiographic parameters. Material and methods: Twenty-seven consecutively admitted patients presenting bilateral edentulous posterior mandibular areas and in need of prosthetic reconstruction were recruited. Sixty-seven ITI® standard solid screw implants with an SLA surface, a diameter of 4.1 mm and a length of 8, 10 or 12 mm were installed bilaterally in molar and premolar areas according to a one-stage surgical protocol. One week (test) and 5 weeks (control) after implant placement, solid ITI® prosthetic abutments were connected using a torque of 35 N cm. No provisional restoration was fabricated. Two weeks (test) and 6 weeks (control) after implant placement, porcelain-fused-to-metal single-tooth crowns were cemented. Clinical measurements were obtained at day 0 and 2, 6, 12, 24 and 52 weeks thereafter. Periapical radiographs were taken immediately after implant placement, after 6 weeks and at the 1-year examination. Results: After 1 year, implant survival was 100%. Two test and one control implants rotated at the time of abutment connection and were left unloaded for 12 additional weeks. At the 1-year examination, no statistically significant differences were found between the test and control sites with respect to pocket probing depths (2.6 mm±0.5 vs. 2.7 mm±0.5), mean clinical attachment levels (3.1 mm±0.4 vs. 3.2 mm±0.5), mean percentages of sites bleeding on probing (9.7% vs. 8.3%), mean widths of keratinized mucosa (1.8 mm±0.4 vs. 1.9 mm±0.5), mean PerioTest® values (,1.4 PTV±0.9 vs. ,1.6 PTV±0.8) or mean crestal bone loss measurements (0.57 mm±0.49 vs. 0.72 mm±0.50). Conclusion: Based on these results, loading of titanium implants with an SLA surface as early as 2 weeks did not appear to jeopardize the osseointegration healing process in the posterior mandible. Furthermore, implants rotating at 35 N cm, if left unloaded for additional 12 weeks, did not negatively affect clinical and radiographic outcomes. Résumé Le but de cet essai clinique contrôlé prospectif d'une année a été d'évaluer l'effet de la mise en charge précoce d'implants en titane vis solide ITI® avec une surface sablée et mordancée (SLA) sur des paramètres cliniques et radiographiques. Vingt-sept patients présentant des aires bilatérales mandibulaires postérieures édentées et nécessitant donc une reconstruction prothétique ont été recrutés. Soixante-sept implants ITI® d'un diamètre de 4,1 mm et d'une longueur de 8, 10 ou 12 mm ont été placés bilatéralement dans les zones molaires et prémolaires suivant le processus chirurgical en une étape. Une semaine (test) et cinq semaines (contrôle) après leur placement des piliers prothétiques ITI® ont été serrés avec une force de 35 Ncm. Aucune restauration provisoire n'a été fabriquée. Deux semaines (test) et six semaines (contrôle) après le placement des implants des couronnes céramo-métalliques indépendantes ont été cimentées. Des mesures cliniques ont été obtenues aux jours 0 et deux, et aux semaines 6, 12, 24 et 52. Des radiographies périapicales ont été prises immédiatement après le placement des implants, après six semaines et une année. Après une année, le taux de survie implantaire était de 100%. Deux implants tests et un contrôle pivotaient au moment de la connexion du pilier et ont été laissés non-chargés pour 12 semaines supplémentaires. Après une année, aucune différence statistique n'a été trouvée entre les sites tests et contrôles en ce qui concerne les profondeurs de poches au sondage (2,6 ±0,5 mm vs 2,7± 0,5 mm), les niveaux d'attache clinique moyens (3,1±0,4 vs 3,2±0,5 mm,) les pourcentages moyens de sites saignant au sondage (9,7% vs 8,3%), les largeurs moyennes de muqueuse attachée (1,8±0,4 mm vs 1,9±0,5 mm), les valeurs Periotest moyennes (,1,4±0,9 PTV vs ,1,6 ±0,8 PTV) ou les mesures de perte osseuse crestale moyennes (0,57 ± 0,49 mm vs 0,72±0,52 mm). La charge d'implants en titane avec surface SLA aussitôt que deux semaines après leur placement ne semblait pas mettre en danger le processus d'ostéoïntégration dans la partie postérieure de la mandibule. De plus, les implants pivotant à 35 Ncm, si laissés non-chargés pour douze semaines supplémentaires, n'affectaient pas de manière négative les mesures cliniques et radiographiques. Zusammenfassung Material und Methoden: Es wurden siebenundzwanzig Patienten mit beidseits zahnlosem Seitenzahnbereich im Unterkiefer, welche eine prothetische Versorgung benötigten, in die Studie aufgenommen. Es wurden 67 ITI® Standard Vollschraubenimplantate mit einem Durchmesser von 4.1 mm und einer Länge von 8, 10 oder 12 mm beidseits in der Molaren- und Prämolarenregion transmukosal eingesetzt. Eine Woche (Test) und 5 Wochen (Kontrolle) nach Implantation wurden ITI® Massivsekundärteile mit einem Drehmoment von 35 Ncm eingesetzt. Es wurde keine provisorische Versorgung angefertigt. Zwei Wochen (Test) und 6 Wochen (Kontrolle) nach Implantation wurden Gold-Porzellan Einzelkronen einzementiert. Klinische Messungen wurden am Tag 0 und nach 2, 6, 12, 24, und 52 Wochen aufgenommen. Periapikale Röntgenaufnahmen wurden sofort nach der Implantation, nach 6 Wochen und anlässlich der 1 Jahreskontrolle angefertigt. Resultate: Nach einem Jahr betrug die Implanta-tüberlebensrate 100%. Zwei Test- und ein Kontrollimplantat drehten sich beim Einschrauben der Sekundärteile und wurden für zusätzliche 12 Wochen unbelastet belassen. Bei der 1 Jahresuntersuchung konnten zwischen Test- und Kontrolli-mplantaten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede bezüglich Sondierungswerten (2.6mm+/,0.5 gegenüber 2.7mm +/,0.5), mittlerem klinischem Attachmentniveau (3.1mm +/,0.4 gegenüber 3.2mm +/,0.5), mittlerem Prozentanteil beim Bluten auf Sondieren (9.7% gegenüber 8.3%), mittlerer Breite der keratinisierten Mukosa (1.8mm +/,0.4 gegenüber 1.9mm +/,0.5), mittleren Periotest® Werten (,1.4 PTV +/,0.9 gegenüber ,1.6 PTV +/,0.8) oder mittlerem marginalem Knochenverlust (0.57mm +/,0.49 gegenüber 0.72mm +/,0.50) gefunden werden. Schlussfolgerung: Gemäss dieser Resultate schien die Belastung von Titanimplantaten mit SLA Oberfäche bereits nach 2 Wochen den Heilungsprozess der Osseointegration im posterioren Unterkiefer nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Implantate, die bei 35Ncm rotierten und daraufhin für weitere 12 Wochen unbelastet blieben, beeinflussten die klinischen und radiologischen Resultate nicht negativ. Resumen La intención de este ensayo clínico prospectivo controlado fue evaluar el efecto de una carga temprana sobre implantes macizos roscados de titanio con una superficie pulverizada con arena y gravada con ácido (SLA) sobre parámetros clínicos y radiográficos. Material y Métodos: Se reclutaron veintisiete pacientes consecutivamente admitidos que presentaron áreas edéntulas bilaterales en la mandíbula posterior y necesitando reconstrucción protésica. Se instalaron bilateralmente en las áreas molar y premolar sesenta y siete implantes ITI® estándar macizos roscados de titanio con una superficie SLA, un diámetro de 4.1 mm y una longitud de 8, 10 o 12 mm de acuerdo con un protocolo quirúrgico de una sola fase. Una semana (prueba) y 5 semanas (control) tras la colocación del implante, se conectaron pilares prostéticos macizos ITI usando un torque de 35 Ncm. No se fabricaron restauraciones provisionales. Dos semanas (prueba) y 6 semanas (control) tras la colocación de los implantes, se cementaron coronas unitarias metalocerámicas. Se obtuvieron medidas clínicas en el día 0 y tras 2, 6, 12, 24 y 52 semanas. Se tomaron radiografías periapicales inmediatamente tras la colocación del implante, a las 6 semanas y en el examen de 1 año. Resultados: Tras 1 año, la supervivencia de los implantes fue del 100%. Dos implantes de prueba y uno de control rotaron en el momento de la conexión del pilar y se dejaron sin carga durante 12 semanas más. En el examen de 1 año, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los lugares de prueba y los de control respecto a las profundidades de sondaje (2.6 mm±0.5 vs. 2.7 mm±0.5), niveles medios de inserción clínica (3.1±mm±0.4 vs. 3.2 mm±0.5), porcentaje medio de lugares con sangrado al sondaje (9.7% vs. 8.3%), anchura media de mucosa queratinizada (1.8 mm±0.4 vs. 1.9 mm±0.5), valores medios de Perio Test® (,1.4 PTV±0.9 vs. ,1.6 PTV±0.8) o a las medidas medias de perdida de hueso crestal (0.57 mm±0.49 vs. 0.72 mm±0.50). Conclusiones: Basándose en estos resultados, la carga de implantes de titanio con superficie SLA tan pronto como a las 2 semanas no pareció comprometer el proceso de cicatrización de la osteointegración en la mandíbula posterior. Mas aun, los implantes que rotaron a 35 Ncm, si se dejan sin carga durante 12 semanas más, no afectaron negativamente los resultados clínicos y radiográficos. [source] In vivo determination of root canal length: a preliminary report using the Tri Auto ZX apex-locating handpieceINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 7 2002F. Grimberg Abstract Aim The aim of this study was to assess the clinical perfomance of a cordless handpiece with a built-in apex locator , the Tri Auto ZX , designed for root canal preparation with nickel-titanium rotary files. Methodology Twenty-five human maxillary incisor and canine teeth scheduled for extraction with mature apices were selected for the study. Informed written consent was obtained from each patient before treatment. After administration of local anaesthesia, the teeth were isolated and the pulp cavities accessed. The Tri Auto ZX along with a size 15 K-file was used in its electronic apex locating function based on the manufacturer's recommendations. A periapical radiograph with the file at the electronically determined constriction was taken, the file removed and the measurement registered as the electronic length (EL). To test the auto reverse function, a size 20 ProFile .04 taper NiTi rotary instrument was mounted in the handpiece. The point for the auto apical reverse function was preset on the panel at the 0.5 mm level. After the file was introduced into the canal and reached the predetermined level, the file automatically stopped and rotated in the opposite direction. A reference point was marked and this measurement was registered as the auto reverse length (ARL). All measurements were made twice by two different investigators. Teeth were then extracted and immersed in a 20% formalin solution for 48 h. After fixation, a size 15 file was inserted into the canal to measure the actual root canal length from the same reference point obtained with the Tri Auto ZX to the apical foramen, as seen in the stereo microscope. When the file tip was visible at the anatomical end of the canal it was withdrawn 0.5 mm and this measurement was registered as the actual length (AL). All measurements were expressed in mm and the measuring accuracy was set to 0.5 mm. The significance of the mean differences between EL and ARL and between EL and AL measurements at the 5% confidence level was evaluated. Results EL measurements were coincident to ARL in all instances. EL and ARL were coincident to AL in 10 (40%) canals, in the remaining 15 canals (60%) the AL measurements were longer than EL and ARL (+0.5 mm) in 14 instances and shorter (,0.5 mm) in one case. Overall, the AL was longer than the EL or ARL, the mean difference being ,0.23 mm ± 0.32 (P < 0.05). Conclusions It was concluded that the Tri Auto ZX was useful and reliable. The Tri Auto ZX measurements protected against overpreparation. [source] Diagnostic accuracy of digitized periapical radiographs validated against micro-computed tomography scanning in evaluating orthodontically induced apical root resorptionEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES, Issue 5 2008Alexander Dudic The aim of this study was to validate the use of digitized periapical radiographs in evaluating orthodontically induced apical root resorption against micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanning as a criterion standard test. In a standardized experimental protocol, 29 premolars in 16 subjects were tipped buccally for 8 wk. Nineteen contralateral premolars not subjected to orthodontic movement served as controls. Standardized periapical radiographs were taken before and after the experimental period (Rx method). These teeth were extracted and scanned using a micro-CT technique with a 9 ,m resolution. Two calibrated examiners assessed blindly the presence or absence of apical root resorption on digitized radiographs and three-dimensional reconstructions of the scans. Significant differences were detected between the orthodontically moved teeth and controls: 86% of the orthodontically moved teeth and 21% of the control teeth showed apical root resorption when using micro-CT as a validation method. A total of 55% of the experimental teeth and 5% of the control teeth showed resorption when assessed using Rx method. The Rx method showed a specificity of 78% and a sensitivity of 44%, which means that less than half of the cases with root resorption identified using a CT scanner were identified by radiography. Nearly all the orthodontically moved teeth showed apical root resorption. Apical root resorption may be underestimated when evaluated using digitized periapical radiographs. [source] Radiological assessment of periapical status using the periapical index: comparison of periapical radiography and digital panoramic radiographyINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 6 2007C. Ridao-Sacie Abstract Aim, To compare the use of periapical radiographs and digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper in the assessment of the periapical status of the teeth using the periapical index (PAI). Methodology, A total of 86 subjects were examined. All participants underwent a full-mouth radiographic survey (14 periapical radiographs) and a panoramic radiography. The periapical status, using the PAI score, of all appraised teeth was assessed. Results, Periapical radiographs allowed the assessment of the periapical status of 87% of teeth using the PAI. On the contrary, digital radiography had a significantly reduced potential to allow assessment of the periapical status (P < 0.01). Only 57.6% and 34.1% of teeth could be appraised using digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper respectively (P < 0.01). The total percentage of teeth with periapical pathosis was five fold higher when assessed with digital panoramic images displayed on glossy paper compared with periapical radiographs (P < 0.01). Conclusions, Teeth were best viewed on periapical radiographs except maxillary second and third molars, which were better viewed in orthopantomograms. Orthopantomograms on screen were scorable more often than when on printed images. Apical periodontitis was scored more often on paper than on screen, and more often on screen than in periapical radiographs. [source] Periapical status and quality of root fillings and coronal restorations in an adult Spanish populationINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 8 2004J. J. Segura-Egea Abstract Aim, To investigate the quality of root fillings and coronal restorations and their association with periapical status in an adult Spanish population. Methodology, A total of 180 subjects, aged 37.1 ± 15.7 years, who presented as new patients at the Faculty of Dentistry, Seville, Spain, were examined. All participants underwent a full-mouth radiographic survey incorporating 14 periapical radiographs. The periapical region of all root filled teeth, excluding third molars, were examined. The technical quality of root fillings was evaluated in terms of length in relation to the root apex and lateral adaptation to the canal wall. Radiographic signs of overhang or open margins associated with coronal restorations were also evaluated. Periapical status was assessed using the Periapical Index score. Statistical analyses were conducted using the Cohen's , test and logistic regression. Results, The total number of root filled teeth was 93, and 60 (64.5%) had apical periodontitis (AP). Presence of AP in root filled teeth was associated with inadequate adaptation of the filling (OR = 2.29; P = 0.06), inadequate length of the root filling (OR = 2.44; P = 0.048), and with poor radiographic quality of the coronal restoration (OR = 2.38; P = 0.054). Only 34.4% of the root fillings were adequate from a technical perspective. When both root fillings and coronal restorations were adequate the incidence of AP decreased to 31.3% (OR = 5.50; P < 0.01). Conclusions, The incidence of AP in root filled teeth was high. Many root fillings were technically unsatisfactory. Adequate root fillings and coronal restorations were associated with a lower incidence of AP; an adequate root filling had a more substantial impact on the outcome of treatment than the quality of the coronal restoration. [source] A comparison between clearing and radiographic techniques in the study of the root-canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molarsINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 5 2004O. E. Omer Abstract Aim, To compare a clearing technique with conventional radiography in studying certain features of the root-canal system of maxillary right first and second molars. A secondary aim was to assess interexaminer agreement for these features using radiographs. Methodology, Eighty-three recently extracted permanent maxillary right first molars and 40 recently extracted maxillary right second molars from an Irish population were included. Standard periapical radiographs were taken from a buccolingual and mesiodistal direction. The specimens were then decoronated, demineralized in 10% hydrochloric acid for 8 days and then cleared using methyl salicylate. The cleared teeth were examined using a dissecting microscope (×20), and data relating to number of roots, canal type following Vertucci's classification, presence of lateral canals, presence of transverse anastomoses and position/number of apical foramina were collected. The radiographs were examined by two independent trained endodontists using an X-ray viewer and a magnifying lens (×2) in a dark room for the same features studied using the clearing technique. Results, The Kappa values for the agreement between the radiographic examiners A and B and the clearing technique and between the two examiners for the number of roots were 0.60, 0.64 and 0.53; for the root-canal type, 0.37, 0.41 and 0.42; for the number of roots with lateral canals, 0.21, 0.18 and 0.14; and for the transverse anastomoses, 0.29 for radiographic Examiner A. Radiographic Examiner B did not feel capable of accurately recognizing transverse anastomoses from the radiographs. For the position/number of apical foramina, the Kappa values were 0.33 and 0.24, respectively. In general, the Kappa values were low to modest for all comparisons. Conclusions, It is concluded that the agreement between the two radiographic examiners and the agreement between either radiographic examiner and the clearing technique were poor to moderate, indicating the limited value of radiographs alone when studying certain aspects of the root-canal system. [source] Prevalence of apical periodontitis and frequency of root-filled teeth in an adult Spanish populationINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 3 2004A. Jiménez-Pinzón Abstract Aim, To estimate the prevalence of teeth with apical periodontitis (AP) and root-filled teeth in an adult Spanish population. Methodology, A total of 180 subjects, aged 37.1 ± 15.7 years, presenting as new patients to the Faculty of Dentistry, Seville, Spain, were examined. All participants underwent a full-mouth radiographic survey (14 periapical radiographs). The frequency of root canal treatment and the periapical status of all teeth, using the periapical index (PAI) score, were assessed. An intraobserver agreement test on PAI scores produced a Cohen's kappa of 0.77 (substantial agreement). Results were analysed statistically using the Chi-square test. Results, Apical periodontitis in one or several teeth was found in 110 subjects (61.1% prevalence), and 73 (40.6% prevalence) had at least one root-filled tooth. Among subjects with root-filled teeth, 48 (65.8%) had AP affecting at least one root-filled tooth. A total of 4453 teeth were examined, of these 186 (4.2%) had AP. The total number of root-filled teeth was 93 (2.1%), of which 60 (64.5%) had AP. Among non-root filled teeth, only 2.9% had AP. The prevalence of AP in connection with molar teeth was higher (5.5%) than for premolar (4.5%) and anterior teeth (3.2%; P < 0.01). More premolar and molar teeth were root-filled (2.8 and 2.7%, respectively) than anterior teeth (1.3%; P < 0.01). The prevalence of AP increased with age. Conclusions, The prevalence of AP in root-filled and untreated teeth, and the frequency of root-filled teeth were comparable to those reported in previous similar studies carried out in European countries. The prevalence of root-filled teeth with AP was found to be higher compared to that demonstrated in other epidemiological studies. [source] Radiographic evaluation of the prevalence and technical quality of root canal treatment in a French subpopulationINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, Issue 3 2002Y. Boucher Abstract Aim This study was undertaken to examine the prevalence and technical quality of root fillings and the periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in a French subpopulation. Methodology Full-mouth periapical radiographs were obtained from 208 consecutive adult patients seeking care within the dental service provided by the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris. The occurrence and technical quality of root fillings were assessed for each root according to the position and the density of the obturation. The periapical status was evaluated using the Periapical Index Scoring System. The type of coronal restoration and the presence of posts were also noted. Results Of the 8743 roots included in the survey, 23% were root-filled. An acceptable standard of treatment was found in 21% of roots with 16% of these cases associated with signs of periapical disease. In roots with unacceptable root-fillings, 27% had periapical pathology. A post was seen in 26% of the root-filled canals, with 29% of these cases associated with periapical pathology. An intracoronal restoration existed in 30% of the filled roots, of which 22% exhibited a periapical lesion. An extra-coronal restoration was present in 60% of the filled roots, of which 24% had radiographic signs of periapical pathology. The remaining 10% of filled roots that had no coronal restoration were associated with periapical pathology in 33% of cases. At least one periapical lesion was seen in 63% of the patients. Conclusion The results demonstrate a high prevalence of root-filled teeth and poor technical quality of treatment. Roots presenting with acceptable root fillings were associated with a lower prevalence of periapical pathology (P < 0.001). Posts in roots were associated with periapical pathology significantly more than in roots without posts (P < 0.001). [source] Patient assessment and diagnosis in implant treatmentAUSTRALIAN DENTAL JOURNAL, Issue 2008NU Zitzmann Abstract As in any dental treatment procedure, a thorough patient assessment is a prerequisite for adequate treatment planning including dental implants. The literature was searched for references to patient assessment in implant treatment up to September 2007 in Medline via PubMed and an additional handsearch was performed. Patient assessment included the following aspects: (1) evaluation of patient's history, his/her complaints, desires and preferences; (2) extra-and intra-oral examination with periodontal and restorative status of the remaining dentition; (3) obligatory prerequisites were a panoramic radiograph and periapical radiographs (at least from the adjacent teeth) for diagnosis and treatment planning. Additional tomographs are required depending on the anatomic situation and the complexity of the planned restoration; (4) study casts are needed especially in more complex situations also requiring a diagnostic set-up, which can be tried-in and transferred into a provisional restoration as well as into a radiographic and surgical template. The current review clearly revealed the necessity for a thorough, structured patient assessment. Following an evaluation, a recommendation is given for implant therapy or, if not indicated, conventional treatment alternatives can be presented. [source] Clinical and Microbiological Determinants of Ailing Dental ImplantsCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 1 2009Giorgio Tabanella DDS ABSTRACT Background: The failure of the host tissue to establish or maintain osseointegration around dental implants is due to either occlusal or parafunctional forces, premature loading, ill-directed stress, or microbial infection. The long-term failure rate of dental implants is generally 5,10%. Although a variety of etiologies of early peri-implant bone loss (from implant placement to 1-year post-loading) have been proposed, factors associated with late implant failures are less well understood but are probably related to both the peri-implant microbial environment and host factors. Discriminating between causes of implant failure is of importance for instituting a successful implant therapy. Purpose: The objective of this cross-sectional split-mouth study was to identify clinical, radiographic, and bacterial characteristics of peri-implant disease sites. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with bilateral implants (Brånemark®, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden; and 3iÔ implant systems, Implant Innovations Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA) participated in the study. Sites with peri-implantitis (radiographic bone loss beyond the third implant thread) and peri-implant healthy tissues (radiographic bone level above the first implant thread) were identified in periapical radiographs using a long-cone paralleling projection technique. Microbiological identification was carried out using established anaerobic culture techniques. A descriptive statistics based on means and standard deviations was reported. Results: Peri-implant bone loss was associated with the absence of radiographic crestal lamina dura, peri-implant pocket depth, pain on chewing, and the submucosal presence of the putative periodontopathogens Tannerella forsythia, Campylobacter species, and Peptostreptococcus micros. Pain was associated with P. micros, Fusobacterium species, and Eubacterium species. Discussion and Conclusion: The absence of radiographic crestal lamina dura and the presence of suspected major periodontal pathogens seem to be associated to peri-implantitis. [source] Immediate Loading of Two Implants Supporting a Ball Attachment-Retained Mandibular Overdenture: A Prospective Clinical StudyCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 3 2007Riccardo Marzola DDS ABSTRACT Background:, A prospective clinical study was conducted to evaluate clinically and radiographically the performance of two implants immediately loaded supporting a ball attachment-retained mandibular overdenture. Materials and Methods:, Seventeen completely edentulous patients were included in the study. Each patient received two implants inserted after a minimal flap reflection and no vestibular extension in order to reduce the postoperative swelling and facilitate immediate prosthesis connection. After implant placement, a mandibular complete denture was connected to the implants using ball attachments of appropriate height according to the depth of the peri-implant tissue. Patients were asked not to remove the denture for 1 week. No limitations to chewing function were given. At implant placement, the maximum value of insertion torque was recorded. Patients were examined at 1, 2, 4, 12, and 52 weeks postsurgery. At postoperative visit, occlusion was checked and the need for any prosthesis maintenance was recorded. The radiographic bone level (RBL) change was measured on periapical radiographs at baseline and 12 months after loading. Results:, After 12 months of loading, no implant failure was reported and the survival rate was 100%. Average RBL change was 0.7 mm ± 0.5 mm. Of the 17 cases, two had major prosthetic complications and five patients required minor extra maintenance appointments. Conclusions:, The immediate loading of two implants by means of ball attachment-retained mandibular complete denture may be a predictable treatment option. This clinical approach offers increased stability and comfort, while keeping a high implant success rate. [source] Comparison of hard tissue density changes around implants assessed in digitized conventional radiographs and subtraction imagesCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, Issue 5 2006Juliana Araujo Bittar-Cortez Abstract Objectives: The aim of this in vivo study was to compare peri-implant bone density assessed by the mean gray value of the histogram in digitized conventional radiographs and two digital subtraction images (DSI) methods: linear and logarithmic. Material and methods: Thirty-four patients were monitored by standardized periapical radiographs 1 week after surgery and 4 months later. The radiographs were digitized and manipulated by means of EMAGO® software. Linear and logarithmic DSI were obtained, and a filter was added to the logarithmic image. Control and test regions were selected and the mean value of the gray level of the histogram of these selected areas was obtained. This process was carried out in the digitized conventional radiographs (DCR) and the two methods of DSI. After that, the images were divided into two groups, with and without bone loss, and statistical analysis was performed. Results: The results indicate that differences between the jaws did not reach significance, in all the images and in the two groups with and without bone loss. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference between the radiographic density assessed in the DCR and the two methods of subtraction images. Conclusions: Monitoring of peri-implant bone density by the mean gray value of the histogram in a selected area can be assessed either by linear and logarithmic DSI or by DCR. [source] Immediate occlusal loading of Osseotite implants in the lower edentulous jawCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, Issue 3 2004A multicenter prospective study Abstract Objective: This paper reports the results of a prospective multicenter clinical study on immediately fully occlusally loaded full-arch screw-retained prostheses with distal extensions (hybrid prostheses) supported by Osseotite implants inserted in edentulous lower jaws. Method and material: Sixty-two patients were enrolled in four clinical centers. Three hundred and twenty-five Osseotite implants were inserted and occlusally loaded according to an immediate loading protocol. The temporary prosthesis was delivered 4 h from surgery. The final prosthesis was delivered after 6 months. Marginal bone loss was monitored from periapical radiographs using a computerized technique. Results: Two implants failed to integrate within 2 months of occlusal loading. A cumulative implant success rate of 99.4% was achieved for a period of 12,60 months postplacement (mean 28.6±14.1 (SD) months). Crestal bone loss around the immediately loaded implants was similar to that reported for standard delayed loading protocols. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible by an immediate occlusally loaded hybrid prosthesis supported by five to six Osseotite implants represents a viable alternative treatment to classic delayed loading protocols. Résumé Cette étude rapporte les résultats d'une étude clinique multicentrique prospective sur la charge occlusale complète immédiate de l'ensemble de la mâchoire sur des prothèses retenues par des implants-vis avec une extension distale supportée par des implants Osséotite insérés dans la mandibule de patients édentés. Soixante-deux patients ont été inclus dans quatre centres cliniques et 325 implants Osséotite ont été insérés et mis en charge occlusale suivant le protocole de charge immédiate. La prothèse temporaire était placée quatre heures après la chirurgie. La prothèse finale était placée après six mois. La perte osseuse marginale était enregistrée à partir de radiographies périapicales via l'utilisation d'une technique informatisée. Deux implants ne se sont pas intégrés dans les deux mois de la mise en charge occlusale. Un taux de succès cumulatif des implants de 99,4% a été atteint pendant une période de douze à soixante mois après le placement (moyenne 28±14,1 mois). La perte osseuse crestale autour des implants mis en charge immédiatement était semblable à celle rapportée pour les protocoles de mise en charge retardée. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que la réhabilitation de la mandibule chez l'édenté par des prothèses placées sur des implants immédiatement mis en charge placées sur cinq ou six implants Osséotite représente un traitement alternatif au protocole classique avec une mise en charge retardée. Zusammenfassung Ziele: Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Daten einer longitudinalen klinischen Multizenterstudie über sofort mit Kaukräften belastete und verschraubte Totalprothesen mit distalen Extensionen (Hybridprothesen). Als Verankerung dienten Osseotiteimplantate in einem zahnlosen Unterkiefer. Methode und Material: Für diese Studie behandelte man in vier klinischen Zentren 62 Patienten. Gemäss einem vorgegebenen Protokoll setzte man 325 Osseotite-Implantate und belastete sie sofort mit Kaukräften. Die provisorischen Prothesen konnten vier Stunden nach der Chirurgie eingegliedert werden. Die definitiven Hybridprothesen setzte man sechs Monate später ein. Den marginalen Knochenverlust beurteilte man mit periapicalen Röntgenbildern, die komputerunterstützt vermessen wurden. Resultate: Bei zwei Implantaten kam es in den ersten zwei Monaten der okklusalen Sofortbelastung zu Misserfolgen. Daraus errechnete sich zwischen dem zwölften und 60. Monat nach Implantation eine kumulative Erfolgsrate aller Implantate von 99.4% (Mittelwert/SD 28.6±14.1 Monate). Der crestale Knochenverlust um die sofortbelastete Implantate war ähnlich wie in anderen Arbeiten mit standartmässig verzögert belasteten Implantaten. Schlussfolgerung: Die Resultate dieser Arbeit lassen vermuten, dass die Rekonstruktion eines zahnlosen Unterkiefers mit okklusal sofortbelasteten Hybridprothesen, abgestützt auf 5 bis 6 Osseotite-Implantaten, eine brauchbare Alternative zu den klassischen Protokollen mit einer verzögerten Belastung darstellt. Resumen Intención: Este trabajo informa sobre los resultados de un estudio prospectivo multicéntrico de prótesis de arco completo implantorretenidas inmediatamente cargadas con extensiones distales (prótesis híbridas) soportadas por implantes Osseotite insertados en mandíbulas edéntulas. Método y Material: Se enroló a 62 pacientes en cuatro centros clínicos. Se insertaron 325 implantes Osseotite y se cargaron oclusalmente de acuerdo con un protocolo de carga inmediata. La prótesis temporal se suministró a las cuatro horas de la cirugía. La prótesis definitiva se suministró a los seis meses. La pérdida de hueso marginal se monitorizó de radiografías periapicales usando una técnica computarizada. Resultados: Dos implantes fracasaron al integrarse dentro de los dos meses de carga oclusal. Se logró un índice de éxito acumulado de implantes del 99.4% durante un periodo de 12 a 60 meses tras el tratamiento (media 28.6±14.1 (SD) meses). La pérdida de hueso crestal alrededor implantes cargados inmediatamente fue similar a aquellos informados para protocolos de carga diferida estándar. Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que la rehabilitación de la mandíbula edéntula por medio de una prótesis híbrida de carga oclusal inmediata soportada por 5,6 implantes Osseotite representa una alternativa viable de tratamiento frente a los protocolos clásicos de carga diferida. [source] |