Outer Limiting Membrane (outer + limiting_membrane)

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Selected Abstracts

Expression patterns of focal adhesion associated proteins in the developing retina

Ming Li
Abstract Adhesive interactions between integrin receptors and the extracellular matrix (ECM) are intimately involved in regulating development of a variety of tissues within the organism. In the present study, we have investigated the relationships between ,1 integrin receptors and focal adhesion associated proteins during eye development. We used specific antibodies to examine the distribution of ,1 integrin ECM receptors and the cytoplasmic focal adhesion associated proteins, talin, vinculin, and paxillin in the developing Xenopus retina. Immunoblot analysis confirmed antibody specificity and indicated that ,1 integrins, talin, vinculin, and paxillin were expressed in developing retina and in the retinal-derived Xenopus XR1 glial cell line. Triple-labeling immunocytochemistry revealed that talin, vinculin, paxillin, and phosphotyrosine proteins colocalized with ,1 integrins at focal adhesions located at the termini of F-actin filaments in XR1 cells. In the retina, these focal adhesion proteins exhibited developmentally regulated expression patterns during eye morphogenesis. In the embryonic retina, immunoreactivities for focal adhesion proteins were expressed in neuroepithelial cells, and immunoreactivity was especially strong at the interface between the optic vesicle and overlying ectoderm. At later stages, these proteins were expressed throughout all retinal layers with higher levels of expression observed in the plexiform layers, optic fiber layer, and in the region of the inner and outer limiting membrane. Strong immunoreactivities for ,1 integrin, paxillin, and phosphotyrosine were expressed in the radially oriented Müller glial cells at later stages of development. These results suggest that focal adhesion-associated proteins are involved in integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling and are likely to be essential in regulating retinal morphogenesis. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: Distribution and relation to behavior

Marcus Robert Jones
Abstract An important issue to understand is how visual information can influence the motor system and affect behavior. Using the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as an experimental model we examined the morphological subtypes of retinal ganglion cells and their projection pattern to the tectum, which controls eye, head, and body movements, and to the pretectum, which mediates both visual escape responses and the dorsal light response. We identified six distinct morphological types of retinal ganglion cell. Four of these distribute their dendrites in the inner plexiform layer (image forming layer) and project in a retinotopic manner to all areas of the tectum. The posterior part of the retina has the highest density of ganglion cells and projects to the rostral part of the tectum, in which the visual field in front of the lamprey will be represented. From this area both orienting and evasive behaviors can be elicited. In contrast, pretectum receives input from two ganglion cells types that send their dendrites only to the outer plexiform layer or the outer limiting membrane and therefore may directly contact photoreceptors, and transmit information without additional delay to pretectum, which may be particularly important for visual escape responses. One of these two types, the bipolar ganglion cell, is only found in a small patch of retina just ventral of the optic nerve. Due to its distribution, morphology, and projections we suggest that this cell may control the dorsal light response. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:257,275, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: Distribution and relation to behavior

Marcus Robert Jones
Abstract An important issue to understand is how visual information can influence the motor system and affect behavior. Using the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as an experimental model we examined the morphological subtypes of retinal ganglion cells and their projection pattern to the tectum, which controls eye, head, and body movements, and to the pretectum, which mediates both visual escape responses and the dorsal light response. We identified six distinct morphological types of retinal ganglion cell. Four of these distribute their dendrites in the inner plexiform layer (image forming layer) and project in a retinotopic manner to all areas of the tectum. The posterior part of the retina has the highest density of ganglion cells and projects to the rostral part of the tectum, in which the visual field in front of the lamprey will be represented. From this area both orienting and evasive behaviors can be elicited. In contrast, pretectum receives input from two ganglion cells types that send their dendrites only to the outer plexiform layer or the outer limiting membrane and therefore may directly contact photoreceptors, and transmit information without additional delay to pretectum, which may be particularly important for visual escape responses. One of these two types, the bipolar ganglion cell, is only found in a small patch of retina just ventral of the optic nerve. Due to its distribution, morphology, and projections we suggest that this cell may control the dorsal light response. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:257,275, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: Distribution and relation to behavior

Marcus Robert Jones
Abstract An important issue to understand is how visual information can influence the motor system and affect behavior. Using the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as an experimental model we examined the morphological subtypes of retinal ganglion cells and their projection pattern to the tectum, which controls eye, head, and body movements, and to the pretectum, which mediates both visual escape responses and the dorsal light response. We identified six distinct morphological types of retinal ganglion cell. Four of these distribute their dendrites in the inner plexiform layer (image forming layer) and project in a retinotopic manner to all areas of the tectum. The posterior part of the retina has the highest density of ganglion cells and projects to the rostral part of the tectum, in which the visual field in front of the lamprey will be represented. From this area both orienting and evasive behaviors can be elicited. In contrast, pretectum receives input from two ganglion cells types that send their dendrites only to the outer plexiform layer or the outer limiting membrane and therefore may directly contact photoreceptors, and transmit information without additional delay to pretectum, which may be particularly important for visual escape responses. One of these two types, the bipolar ganglion cell, is only found in a small patch of retina just ventral of the optic nerve. Due to its distribution, morphology, and projections we suggest that this cell may control the dorsal light response. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:257,275, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Effect of Rds abundance on cone outer segment morphogenesis, photoreceptor gene expression, and outer limiting membrane integrity

Rafal Farjo
Abstract We examined the molecular, structural, and functional consequences on cone photoreceptors of the neural retinal leucine zipper knockout (Nrl,/,) mice when only one allele of retinal degeneration slow (Rds) is present (Rds+/,/Nrl,/,). Quantitative RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis were used to assess the expression levels of several phototransduction genes; electroretinography was used to assess quantitatively the retinal responsiveness to light; and immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural analysis were used to examine retinal protein distribution and morphology, respectively. In Rds/Nrl double-null mice, S-cones form dysmorphic outer segments that lack lamellae and fail to associate properly with the cone matrix sheath and the outer limiting membrane. In Rds+/,/Nrl,/, mice, cones form oversized and disorganized outer segment lamellae; although outer limiting membrane associations are maintained, normal interactions with cone matrix sheaths are not, and photoreceptor rosette formation is observed. These retinas produce significantly higher photopic a-wave and b-wave amplitudes than do those of Rds,/,/Nrl,/, mice, and the levels of several cone phototransduction genes are significantly increased coincidently with the presence of Rds and partial lamellae formation. Thus, as in rod photoreceptors, expression of only one Rds allele is unable to support normal outer segment morphogenesis in cones. However, cone lamellae assembly, albeit disorganized, concomitantly permits outer limiting membrane association, and this appears to be linked to photoreceptor rosette formation in the rodless (cone-only) Nrl,/, retina. In addition, photoreceptor gene expression alterations occur in parallel with changes in Rds levels. J. Comp. Neurol. 504:619,630, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]