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Selected Abstracts

Weathering and allophane neoformation in soils developed on volcanic ash in the Azores

M. Gérard
Summary On Faial and Pico islands (Azores), we studied two profiles on basaltic pyroclasts that contain buried horizons, and we focussed on petrography, micropedology and mineralogy. Emphasis was given to weathering of the lapilli and ashes, and the neoformation of allophane. A combination of optical studies, in situ chemical analyses, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy of clay fractions revealed that allophane is present both in the micromass of the groundmass, in alteromorphs after lapilli or pumice, and in clay coatings. Whereas most studies describe allophane as a colloidal fraction formed by the congruent and total dissolution of the ashes, this study shows evidence for the formation of allophane alteromorphs, due to leaching of Si and cations, with preservation of the original shapes of the tephra. The allophane alteromorphs often display optical characteristics that resemble those of palagonite. Increasing alteration is observed through three steps: (i) hydration of the glass associated with strong cation and Si leaching, (ii) allophane hypocoatings, and (iii) allophane alteromorphs with development of intragrain bridges. The chemical signature of the alteromorphs varies from a pure alumino-silicate at one extreme to an Fe(Ti) enriched alumino-silicate at the other. Between those two extremes, the colour grades from yellow to dark orange, with microzonations. An Al-rich allophane composition is associated with gibbsite in the EUR6-Pico profile, whereas at the base of the EUR5-Faial profile, Si-rich allophane is associated with halloysite. Some variations of the palaeo-environment are also suggested by strong iron segregation observed with various secondary phases (ferrihydrite, haematite, iddingsite). [source]

Habitat models of bird species' distribution: an aid to the management of coastal grazing marshes

T. P. Milsom
1.,Coastal grazing marshes comprise an important habitat for wetland biota but are threatened by agricultural intensification and conversion to arable farmland. In Britain, the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme addresses these problems by providing financial incentives to farmers to retain their grazing marshes, and to follow conservation management prescriptions. 2.,A modelling approach was used to aid the development of management prescriptions for ground-nesting birds in the North Kent Marshes ESA. This ESA contains the largest area of coastal grazing marsh remaining in England and Wales (c. 6500 ha) and supports nationally important breeding populations of lapwing Vanellus vanellus and redshank Tringa totanus. 3.,Counts of ground-nesting birds, and assessments of sward structure, surface topography and wetness, landscape structure and sources of human disturbance were made in 1995 and again in 1996, on 19 land-holdings with a combined area of c. 3000 ha. The land-holdings varied from nature reserves at one extreme to an intensive dairy farm at the other. 4.,Models of relationship between the presence or absence of ground-nesting birds and the grazing marsh habitat in each of c. 430 marshes were constructed using a generalized linear mixed modelling (GLMM) method. This is an extension to the conventional logistic regression approach, in which a random term is used to model differences in the proportion of marshes occupied on different land-holdings. 5.,The combined species models predicted that the probability of marshes being occupied by at least one ground-nesting species increased concomitantly with the complexity of the grass sward and surface topography but decreased in the presence of hedgerows, roads and power lines. 6.,Models were also prepared for each of the 10 most widespread species, including lapwing and redshank. Their composition differed between species. Variables describing the sward were included in models for five species: heterogeneity of sward height tended to be more important than mean sward height. Surface topography and wetness were important for waders and wildfowl but not for other species. Effects of boundaries, proximity to roads and power lines were included in some models and were negative in all cases. 7.,Binomial GLMMs are useful for investigating habitat factors that affect the distribution of birds at two nested spatial scales, in this case fields (marshes) grouped within farms. Models of the type presented in this paper provide a framework for targeting of conservation management prescriptions for ground-nesting birds at the field scale on the North Kent Marshes ESA and on lowland wet grassland elsewhere in Europe. [source]

Characterization of the complete porcine MSTN gene and expression levels in pig breeds differing in muscularity

A. Stinckens
Summary Myostatin (MSTN), a transforming growth factor , superfamily member, is an essential factor for the growth and development of muscle mass. The protein functions as a negative regulator of muscle growth and is related to the so-called double-muscling phenotype in cattle, where a series of mutations renders the gene inactive. One particular breed of pigs, the Belgian Piétrain, also shows a heavily muscled phenotype. The similarity of muscular phenotypes between the double-muscled cattle and Piétrain pigs indicated that MSTN may be a candidate gene for muscular hypertrophy in pigs. In this study, we sequenced and analysed the complete MSTN gene from 45 pigs of five different breeds, including the heavily muscled Piétrain breed at one extreme and the Meishan and Wild boar breeds at the other extreme. In total, 7626 bp of the porcine MSTN gene were sequenced, including the 5, and 3, UTR. Fifteen polymorphic loci were found, three of which were located in the promoter region, five in intron 1 and seven in intron 2. Most mutations were found when comparing the obtained MSTN sequence with porcine MSTN sequences already published. However, one polymorphism located at position 447 of the porcine MSTN promoter had a very high allele frequency in the Piétrain pig breed and disrupted a putative myocyte enhancer factor 3 binding site. Real-time PCR using Sybr Green showed that this mutation was associated with expression levels of the MSTN gene in m. longissimus dorsi at an age of 4 weeks. [source]

Environmental constraints on life histories in Antarctic ecosystems: tempos, timings and predictability

Lloyd S. Peck
ABSTRACT Knowledge of Antarctic biotas and environments has increased dramatically in recent years. There has also been a rapid increase in the use of novel technologies. Despite this, some fundamental aspects of environmental control that structure physiological, ecological and life-history traits in Antarctic organisms have received little attention. Possibly the most important of these is the timing and availability of resources, and the way in which this dictates the tempo or pace of life. The clearest view of this effect comes from comparisons of species living in different habitats. Here, we (i) show that the timing and extent of resource availability, from nutrients to colonisable space, differ across Antarctic marine, intertidal and terrestrial habitats, and (ii) illustrate that these differences affect the rate at which organisms function. Consequently, there are many dramatic biological differences between organisms that live as little as 10 m apart, but have gaping voids between them ecologically. Identifying the effects of environmental timing and predictability requires detailed analysis in a wide context, where Antarctic terrestrial and marine ecosystems are at one extreme of the continuum of available environments for many characteristics including temperature, ice cover and seasonality. Anthropocentrically, Antarctica is harsh and as might be expected terrestrial animal and plant diversity and biomass are restricted. By contrast, Antarctic marine biotas are rich and diverse, and several phyla are represented at levels greater than global averages. There has been much debate on the relative importance of various physical factors that structure the characteristics of Antarctic biotas. This is especially so for temperature and seasonality, and their effects on physiology, life history and biodiversity. More recently, habitat age and persistence through previous ice maxima have been identified as key factors dictating biodiversity and endemism. Modern molecular methods have also recently been incorporated into many traditional areas of polar biology. Environmental predictability dictates many of the biological characters seen in all of these areas of Antarctic research. [source]

Double-Observer Line Transect Methods: Levels of Independence

BIOMETRICS, Issue 1 2010
Stephen T. Buckland
Summary Double-observer line transect methods are becoming increasingly widespread, especially for the estimation of marine mammal abundance from aerial and shipboard surveys when detection of animals on the line is uncertain. The resulting data supplement conventional distance sampling data with two-sample mark,recapture data. Like conventional mark,recapture data, these have inherent problems for estimating abundance in the presence of heterogeneity. Unlike conventional mark,recapture methods, line transect methods use knowledge of the distribution of a covariate, which affects detection probability (namely, distance from the transect line) in inference. This knowledge can be used to diagnose unmodeled heterogeneity in the mark,recapture component of the data. By modeling the covariance in detection probabilities with distance, we show how the estimation problem can be formulated in terms of different levels of independence. At one extreme, full independence is assumed, as in the Petersen estimator (which does not use distance data); at the other extreme, independence only occurs in the limit as detection probability tends to one. Between the two extremes, there is a range of models, including those currently in common use, which have intermediate levels of independence. We show how this framework can be used to provide more reliable analysis of double-observer line transect data. We test the methods by simulation, and by analysis of a dataset for which true abundance is known. We illustrate the approach through analysis of minke whale sightings data from the North Sea and adjacent waters. [source]

Non-atopic intrinsic asthma and the ,family tree' of chronic respiratory disease syndromes

P. G. Holt
Summary We present a scheme below in which the most common forms of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, notably atopic and non-atopic asthma and COPD, are depicted as separate offshoots from a common ,at-risk' pathway underpinned by genotypes related to aberrations in control of host defence and tissue repair mechanisms. We propose that entrance into this pathway is initially programmed by environmental experience during infancy and early childhood, in particular by severe lower respiratory tract infection, and that further progression towards expression of specific disease phenotype(s) is determined by the nature, timing and frequency of additional environmental insults subsequently encountered. At the one extreme, early sensitization of at-risk subjects to aeroallergens can potentially drive rapid progression towards expression of the atopic asthmatic phenotype under the dual onslaught of inflammatory responses to allergens/pathogens. At the opposite end of the spectrum the drip-feed effects of occasional infections on respiratory function(s) are amplified over a longer time frame by inflammation resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke and/or related chemical pollutants. Non-atopic asthma is envisaged to fit between these two extremes, being driven essentially by the downstream effects of respiratory infections alone in at-risk subjects. An important common factor in all three disease phenotypes is that acute exacerbations are typically driven by infections, the host responses to which display a characteristic T-helper type 2-like footprint, which in our view points to underlying genotype(s) which result in unbalanced host responses to respiratory pathogens. [source]