Offspring Phenotype (offspring + phenotype)

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EVOLUTION, Issue 11 2005
John S. Heywood
Abstract Starting with the Price equation, I show that the total evolutionary change in mean phenotype that occurs in the presence of fitness variation can be partitioned exactly into five components representing logically distinct processes. One component is the linear response to selection, as represented by the breeder's equation of quantitative genetics, but with heritability defined as the linear regression coefficient of mean offspring phenotype on parent phenotype. The other components are identified as constitutive transmission bias, two types of induced transmission bias, and a spurious response to selection caused by a covariance between parental fitness and offspring phenotype that cannot be predicted from parental phenotypes. The partitioning can be accomplished in two ways, one with heritability measured before (in the absence of) selection, and the other with heritability measured after (in the presence of) selection. Measuring heritability after selection, though unconventional, yields a representation for the linear response to selection that is most consistent with Darwinian evolution by natural selection because the response to selection is determined by the reproductive features of the selected group, not of the parent population as a whole. The analysis of an explicitly Mendelian model shows that the relative contributions of the five terms to the total evolutionary change depends on the level of organization (gene, individual, or mated pair) at which the parent population is divided into phenotypes, with each frame of reference providing unique insight. It is shown that all five components of phenotypic evolution will generally have nonzero values as a result of various combinations of the normal features of Mendelian populations, including biparental sex, allelic dominance, inbreeding, epistasis, linkage disequilibrium, and environmental covariances between traits. Additive genetic variance can be a poor predictor of the adaptive response to selection in these models. The narrow-sense heritability s,2A/s,2P should be viewed as an approximation to the offspring-parent linear regression rather than the other way around. [source]

Generalized marker regression and interval QTL mapping methods for binary traits in half-sib family designs

H. N. Kadarmideen
A Generalized Marker Regression Mapping (GMR) approach was developed for mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) affecting binary polygenic traits in a single-family half-sib design. The GMR is based on threshold-liability model theory and regression of offspring phenotype on expected marker genotypes at flanking marker loci. Using simulation, statistical power and bias of QTL mapping for binary traits by GMR was compared with full QTL interval mapping based on a threshold model (GIM) and with a linear marker regression mapping method (LMR). Empirical significance threshold values, power and estimates of QTL location and effect were identical for GIM and GMR when QTL mapping was restricted to within the marker interval. These results show that the theory of the marker regression method for QTL mapping is also applicable to binary traits and possibly for traits with other non-normal distributions. The linear and threshold models based on marker regression (LMR and GMR) also resulted in similar estimates and power for large progeny group sizes, indicating that LMR can be used for binary data for balanced designs with large families, as this method is computationally simpler than GMR. GMR may have a greater potential than LMR for QTL mapping for binary traits in complex situations such as QTL mapping with complex pedigrees, random models and models with interactions. Generalisierte Marker Regression und Intervall QTL Kartierungsmethoden für binäre Merkmale in einem Halbgeschwisterdesign Es wurde ein Ansatz zur generalisierten Marker Regressions Kartierung (GMR) entwickelt, um quantitative Merkmalsloci (QTL) zu kartieren, die binäre polygenetische Merkmale in einem Einfamilien-Halbgeschwisterdesign beeinflussen. Das GMR basiert auf der Theorie eines Schwellenwertmodells und auf der Regression des Nachkommenphänotyps auf den erwarteten Markergenotyp der flankierenden Markerloci. Mittels Simulation wurde die statistische Power und Schiefe der QTL Kartierung für binäre Merkmale nach GMR verglichen mit vollständiger QTL Intervallkartierung, die auf einem Schwellenmodell (GIM) basiert, und mit einer Methode zur linearen Marker Regressions Kartierung (LMR). Empirische Signifikanzschwellenwerte, Power und Schätzer für die QTL Lokation und der Effekt waren für GIM und GMR identisch, so lange die QTL Kartierung innerhalb des Markerintervalls definiert war. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Theorie der Marker Regressions-Methode zur QTL Kartierung auch für binäre Merkmale und möglicherweise auch für Merkmale, die keiner Normalverteilung folgen, geeignet ist. Die linearen und Schwellenmodelle, die auf Marker Regression (LMR und GMR) basieren, ergaben ebenfalls ähnliche Schätzer und Power bei großen Nachkommengruppen, was schlussfolgern lässt, dass LMR für binäre Daten in einem balancierten Design mit großen Familien genutzt werden kann. Schließlich ist diese Methode computertechnisch einfacher als GMR. GMR mag für die QTL Kartierung bei binären Merkmalen in komplexen Situationen ein größeres Potential haben als LMR. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die QTL Kartierung mit komplexen Pedigrees, zufälligen Modellen und Interaktionsmodellen. [source]

Maternal and paternal condition effects on offspring phenotype in Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae)

Abstract It is widely recognized that maternal phenotype can have important effects on offspring, but paternal phenotype is generally assumed to have no influence in animals lacking paternal care. Nonetheless, selection may favour the transfer of environmentally acquired condition to offspring from both parents. Using a split-brood, cross-generational laboratory design, we manipulated a key environmental determinant of condition , larval diet quality , of parents and their offspring in the fly Telostylinus angusticollis, in which there is no evidence of paternal provisioning. Parental diet did not affect offspring survival, but high-condition mothers produced larger eggs, and their offspring developed more rapidly when on a poor larval diet. Maternal condition had no effect on adult body size of offspring. By contrast, large, high-condition fathers produced larger offspring, and follow-up assays showed that this paternal effect can be sufficient to increase mating success of male offspring and fecundity of female offspring. Our findings suggest that both mothers and fathers transfer their condition to offspring, but with effects on different offspring traits. Moreover, our results suggest that paternal effects can be important even in species lacking conventional forms of paternal care. In such species, the transfer of paternal condition to offspring could contribute to indirect selection on female mate preferences. [source]

Epigenetic effects of infection on the phenotype of host offspring: parasites reaching across host generations

OIKOS, Issue 3 2008
Robert Poulin
Parasite-induced changes in host phenotype are now well-documented from a wide range of taxa. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that parasites can also have trans-generational consequences, with infection of a host leading to changes in the phenotype of its offspring, though the latter are not parasitised. Several proximate mechanisms have been put forward to explain these ,maternal' effects, most involving hormonal or other physiological pathways, ultimately leading to offspring that are pre-adapted to the parasites they are most likely to encounter based on their mother's experience. Here, we propose that all these trans-generational effects on offspring phenotype must involve epigenetic phenomena. Epigenetics concerns the appearance and inheritance of seemingly new phenotypic traits without changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Since diet and other environmental factors experienced by a mother can affect gene expression in her offspring by turning genes ,on' or ,off' (for example, via DNA methylation), why couldn't parasites do it? Although epigenetic effects have not been explicitly invoked to account for trans-generational impacts of parasites on the phenotype of host offspring, the existing evidence is fully compatible with their involvement. We argue that epigenetic mechanisms must play a central role; we also discuss their evolutionary implications and suggest questions for future investigations in this new and exciting research direction. [source]

Combined effect of incubation and ambient temperature on the feeding performance of a small ectotherm

Abstract Many ectothermic animals are subject to fluctuating environmental temperatures during incubation as well as post-birth. Numerous studies examined the effects of incubation temperature or ambient temperature on various aspects of offspring phenotype. We investigated whether incubation temperature and ambient temperature have an interactive effect on offspring performance. Our study animal, the ectothermic vertebrate Lampropholis delicata (common garden skink; De Vis 1888), experiences fluctuating environmental temperatures caused by differential invasion of an exotic plant Vinca major (blue periwinkle). In the laboratory, eggs from wild-caught females were assigned to different incubation temperatures that mimicked variation in natural nests. The feeding performance and digestion time of each hatchling was tested at ambient temperatures that represented environments invaded to different degrees by periwinkle. Incubation and ambient temperature interacted to affect a lizard's mobility, the time that it took to capture, subdue and handle a prey, and the number of handling ,errors' that it made while foraging. For a number of these characteristics, incubation-induced changes to a lizard's mass significantly affected this relationship. Irrespective of size, no interaction effect was found for digestion time: lizards digested food faster at warmer temperatures, regardless of incubation temperature. Thus, temperatures experienced during incubation may alter an animal's phenotype so that the surrounding thermal environment differentially affects aspects of feeding performance. Our results also demonstrate that incubation environment can induce changes to morphology and behaviour that carry over into a lizard's early life, and that in some cases these differences in phenotype interact to affect performance. We suggest that the immediate removal of exotic plants as part of a weed control strategy could have important implications for the foraging performance, and presumably fitness, of ectothermic animals. [source]


EVOLUTION, Issue 10 2005
Daniel A. Warner
Abstract Why is the sex of many reptiles determined by the temperatures that these animals experience during embryogenesis, rather than by their genes? The Charnov-Bull model suggests that temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) can enhance maternal fitness relative to genotypic sex determination (GSD) if offspring traits affect fitness differently for sons versus daughters and nest temperatures either determine or predict those offspring traits. Although potential pathways for such effects have attracted much speculation, empirical tests largely have been precluded by logistical constraints (i.e., long life spans and late maturation of most TSD reptiles). We experimentally tested four differential fitness models within the Charnov-Bull framework, using a short-lived, early-maturing Australian lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus) with TSD. Eggs from wild-caught females were incubated at a range of thermal regimes, and the resultant hatchlings raised in large outdoor enclosures. We applied an aromatase inhibitor to half the eggs to override thermal effects on sex determination, thus decoupling sex and incubation temperature. Based on relationships between incubation temperatures, hatching dates, morphology, growth, and survival of hatchlings in their first season, we were able to reject three of the four differential fitness models. First, matching offspring sex to egg size was not plausible because the relationship between egg (offspring) size and fitness was similar in the two sexes. Second, sex differences in optimal incubation temperatures were not evident, because (1) although incubation temperature influenced offspring phenotypes and growth, it did so in similar ways in sons versus daughters, and (2) the relationship between phenotypic traits and fitness was similar in the two sexes, at least during preadult life. We were unable to reject a fourth model, in which TSD enhances offspring fitness by generating seasonal shifts in offspring sex ratio: that is, TSD allows overproduction of daughters (the sex likely to benefit most from early hatching) early in the nesting season. In keeping with this model, hatching early in the season massively enhanced body size at the beginning of the first winter, albeit with a significant decline in probability of survival. Thus, the timing of hatching is likely to influence reproductive success in this short-lived, early maturing species; and this effect may well differ between the sexes. [source]

Reproductive modes in lizards: measuring fitness consequences of the duration of uterine retention of eggs

R. S. Radder
Summary 1One of the primary axes of life-history variation involves the proportion of embryonic development for which the offspring is retained within its parent's body; understanding trade-offs associated with prolonging that period thus is a critical challenge for evolutionary ecology. 2Prior to oviposition, most oviparous squamate reptiles retain developing eggs in utero for about one-third of embryogenesis; the strong conservatism in this trait is a major puzzle in reptilian reproduction. To clarify fitness consequences of this prolonged uterine retention, we need to experimentally modify the trait and examine the effects of our manipulation. 3We used transdermal application of corticosterone to induce gravid scincid lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) to lay their eggs ,prematurely', with relatively undeveloped embryos. Corticosterone application induced females to oviposit sooner (mean of 5·41 ± 0·51 days post-treatment) at earlier embryonic developmental stage (27 ± 0·21) than did controls (13·2 ± 1·22 days; embryonic stage 30·4 ± 0·16). 4Corticosterone levels in the egg yolk were unaffected by maternal treatment, so effects of earlier oviposition should not be confounded by endocrine disruption of embryogenesis. Nonetheless, early oviposition reduced hatchling fitness. Hatching success was lower, incubation periods post-laying were increased, and neonates from eggs laid at earlier embryonic stages were smaller and slower. 5These results suggest that retention of developing eggs in utero by oviparous squamates enhances maternal fitness, and does so via modifications to offspring phenotypes rather than (for example) due to accelerated developmental rates of eggs in utero compared to in the nest. 6More generally, our data support optimality models that interpret interspecific variation in the duration of maternal,offspring contact in terms of the selective forces that result from earlier vs. later termination of that maternal investment. [source]

Body size, locomotor speed and antipredator behaviour in a tropical snake (Tropidonophis mairii, Colubridae): the influence of incubation environments and genetic factors

J. K. Webb
Summary 1,The physical conditions experienced by reptile embryos inside natural nests can influence the size, shape and behaviour of the resultant hatchlings. Although most reptiles are tropical, the effects of incubation temperatures on offspring phenotypes have received little attention in tropical species. 2,The consequences of differences in thermal variance during incubation on offspring were studied in a tropical natricine snake (the Keelback Tropidonophismairii), which lays eggs in soil cracks of varying depths. Some 253 eggs from 19 clutches were incubated under two thermal regimes with identical mean temperatures (25·6 °C), but temperatures in the ,variable' treatment fluctuated more (21·8,29·6 °C) than those in the ,constant' temperature treatment (25·2,26·5 °C). These thermal regimes were similar to those of shallow (20 cm deep) and deep (40 cm deep) soil cracks, respectively, and represent thermal conditions inside natural nests and potential nest sites. 3,Incubation temperatures affected body size, shape and antipredator behaviour of hatchling snakes. Snakes from constant temperature incubation were longer and thinner than snakes from high variance incubation. Clutch effects influenced all offspring traits, with significant interactions between clutch of origin and incubation treatment for body size, but not swimming speed or behaviour. 4,There was a significant interaction between incubation treatment and offspring sex on neonate swimming speed. Incubation under cycling thermal regimes significantly increased swimming speeds of females, but had little effect on males. Such sex differences in phenotypic responses of hatchling snakes support a major assumption of the Charnov,Bull hypothesis for the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination. [source]

Nesting in a thermally challenging environment: nest-site selection in a rock-dwelling gecko, Oedura lesueurii (Reptilia: Gekkonidae)

In egg-laying species, maternal oviposition choice can influence egg survival and offspring phenotypes. According to the maternal-preference offspring-performance hypothesis, females should choose oviposition sites that are optimal for offspring fitness. However, in thermally challenging environments, maternal oviposition behaviour may be constrained by the limited availability of suitable oviposition sites. We investigated nest-site selection in a nocturnal lizard [velvet gecko Oedura lesueurii (Duméril and Bibron)] that inhabits a thermally challenging environment in south-eastern Australia. The viability of these gecko populations is critical for the persistence of an endangered snake species (Hoplocephalus bungaroides Wagler) that feeds heavily on velvet geckos. Female geckos chose nest sites nonrandomly, with 87% of nests (N = 30) being laid in deep crevices. By contrast, only 13% of clutches were laid under rocks, which were the most readily available potential nest sites. Nest success in crevices was high (100%), but no eggs hatched from nests under rocks. Temperatures in nest crevices remained relatively low and constant throughout the incubation period (mean = 22.7 °C, range 21.0,24.5 °C), whereas thermal regimes under rocks showed large diurnal fluctuations. Geckos selected crevices that were deeper, had less canopy cover, and were warmer than most available crevices; in 85% of cases, such crevices were used simultaneously by more than one female. The thermally distinctive attributes of nest sites, and their frequent communal use, suggest that nest sites are a scarce resource for female velvet geckos, and that the shading of rock outcrops through vegetation encroachment may influence nest success in this species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99, 250,259. [source]