New Arrivals (new + arrival)

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Selected Abstracts

Going home: migration as enactment and symbol

Susanna Wright
Abstract:, The concepts of home and migration are briefly explored. Reference is made to the reflections of several writers on migration suggesting that migrants may experience alienation, even permanent melancholia. There is discussion of the need to mourn what has been lost and left behind, and of the challenge in analytic work with a migrant to relate to the pain of the individual's core self amid environmental and cultural losses. The paper outlines the history of an individual before her migration from Latin America to London, and tendency to idealize as a new arrival. The symbolization process is discussed and it is suggested that repetitive enactment in the analytic transference may have been needed for her internal reality of estrangement to be confirmed and differentiated from her culturally and socially isolated external life as a migrant. Only then could she mourn losses and symbolize her inner reality. It is suggested that through mourning and symbolization the significance of migration for the patient was worked with and transformed so that, following a second migration, an ordinary, good enough home could be made in a new place. Translations of Abstract Les concepts de foyer et de migration sont brièvement passés en revue. L'article fait référence aux réflexions de plusieurs auteurs spécialistes de la question alléguant que les migrants sont enclins à faire l'expérience de l'aliénation, voire d'une mélancolie permanente. L'article évoque la nécessité du deuil de ce qui a été perdu et laissé derrière soi, le défi du travail analytique avec les migrants consistant à atteindre la douleur nucléaire du soi de l'individu, dans un contexte de pertes environnementales et culturelles. L'article expose brièvement certains aspects de l'histoire d'une femme avant sa migration, de l'Amérique Latine à Londres, de même que sa tendance à l'idéalisation du nouveau départ. Puis l'auteur nous relate un incident survenu au bout de six ans d'analyse, qui cristallise des aspects de la relation transférentielle et contre transférentielle, en lien avec les expériences de migrante de la patiente autant qu'avec son vécu d'enfance. L'article étudie le processus de symbolisation et comment les mises en acte répétitives dans le transfert ont été nécessaires à ce que sa réalité intérieure de l'éloignement soit mise à jour et différenciée de sa vie extérieure de migrante socialement et culturellement isolée. C'est alors qu'elle put faire le deuil de ce qu'elle avait perdu et symboliser sa réalité interne. L'auteur expose des rêves où la migration est représentée comme une séparation de l'analyste et de la mère. Le travail analytique se poursuivit par téléphone après son départ. Le travail de deuil et la symbolisation permirent à la patiente d'élaborer la signification de la migration et de la transformer afin qu'un foyer ordinaire et suffisamment bon puisse être créé ailleurs. Die Konzepte von Heimat und Migration werden kurz untersucht. Bezuggenommen wird auf die Betrachtungen verschiedener Autoren über Migration die die Annahme vertreten, daß Migranten Entfremdung oder sogar dauerhafter Depression anheimfallen. Es gibt eine Diskussion über die Notwendigkeit das zu betrauen, was verloren und zurückgelassen wurde, und über die Herausforderung an die analytische Arbeit mit Migranten, sich auf den Schmerz im Kernselbst des Individuums inmitten von Verlusten an Umwelt und Kultur einzulassen. Der Text skizziert knapp einige Facetten der Geschichte einer Patientin vor deren Migration von Lateinamerika nach London sowie deren Tendenz, den Wechsel als Neubeginn zu idealisieren. Ein Ereignis aus ihrer Analyse wird beschrieben in dem sich Aspekte des Übertragungs- und Gegenübertragungsgeschehens kristallisieren und sowohl zu ihren Erfahrungen als Migrantin als auch zu solchen aus der Kindheit überleiten. Der Artikel diskutiert den Symbolisierungsprozeß und stell dar, weshalb wiederholtes Agieren in der analytischen Übertragung zur Bestätigung und Differenzierung ihrer internen Realität des Entfremdetseins notwendig gewesen sein mag um diese von ihrem äußeren kulturellen und sozialen Leben als Migrantin zu unterscheiden. Nur so konnte sie das Verlorene betrauern und ihre innere Realität symbolisieren. Träume werden beschrieben, in denen die Migration die Trennung von der Analytikerin und der Mutter repräsentieren. Nach der Abreise wurde die analytische Arbeit per Telefon fortgesetzt. Es wird angenommen, daß durch das Trauerns und die Symbolisierung die Bedeutung der Migration mit der Patientin bearbeitet und transformiert worden ist, so daß ein durchschnittliches gut genug seiendes Zuhause an einem neuen Ort aufgebaut werden konnte. Vengono brevemente esaminati i concetti di emigrazione e di casa. Ci si riferisce a riflessioni di vari scrittori sull' emigrazione che fanno pensare che gli emigranti possono fare esperienza di alienazione e persino di malinconia permanente. Si discute del bisogno di piangere ciò che è stato perduto e lasciato indietro, della sfida presente nel lavoro analitico con un emigrante nel relazionarsi al dolore che è al centro del sé dell'individuo per le perdite ambientali e culturali. In questo lavoro si delineano alcuni aspetti della storia di una persona dopo la sua emigrazione dall'America Latina a Londra e la tendenza a idealizzarla come un nuovo arrivo. Viene descritto un incidente dopo sei anni che nella sua analisi portò a una cristallizzazione di aspetti nella relazione di transfert e controtransfert, che si legavano sia alla sua esperienza come emigrante che alla sua infanzia. Nel lavoro viene discusso il processo di simbolizzazione e il come una rappresentazione ripetitiva del transfert può essere stata necessaria perchè la sua realtà di straniamento venisse confermata e differenziata dalla sua vita esterna di emigrante culturalmente e socialmente isolata. Solo allora potette piangere la perdita e simbolizzare la sua realtà esterna. Vengono descritti dei sogni che rappresentano l'emigrazione come una separazione dall'analista e dalla madre. Dopo la prtenza il lavoro analitico continuò telefonicamente. L'ipotesi è che attraverso il pianto e la simbolizzazione si potè lavorare con il significato dell'emigrazione per il paziente e trasformarlo così che un normale casa sufficientemente buona potesse essere costruita in un posto nuovo. Se exploran brevemente. los conceptos de hogar y de migración. Se hace referencia a las reflexiones de varios escritores sobre la migración que sugieren que los nómadas pueden experimentar la enajenación, incluso melancolía permanente. Hay discusión sobre la necesidad de estar de luto por lo que se ha perdido y ha quedado atrás, y sobre el desafío del trabajo analítico con un nómada para relacionarlo con el dolor por la pérdida del corazón de sí mismo en medio de pérdidas ambientales y culturales. El papel describe brevemente los aspectos de la historia de una persona antes de su migración de América Latina a Londres, y su tendencia de idealizar esta como nueva meta. Se describe un incidente a partir de seis años de análisis que cristalizó los aspectos de la relación transferencial y contratransferencial, ligándola a sus experiencias como nómada así como a su niñez. En el trabajo se discute el proceso del simbolización y cómo la representación repetitiva en la transferencia analítica pudo ser necesaria para su realidad interna de extrañamiento y poder afirmarse y distinguirse culturalmente de la vida externa y del aislamiento social experimentado como nómada. Sólo entonces ella pudo llorar sus pérdidas y simbolizar su realidad interior. Se describen sueños que representan la migración como separación del analista y de la madre. El trabajo analítico continuó por el teléfono después de su partida. Se sugiere que con el luto y la simbolización la paciente trabajó la significación de la migración y se transformó de tal modo, que pudo cambiar su vida ordinaria en un hogar suficientemente bueno en el nuevo destino. [source]

Depression, hopelessness and suicide ideation among vulnerable prisoners

Emma J. Palmer PhD
Background Self-harm among prisoners is high, and suicide rates increasing. Assessment of depressive characteristics is easy. To what extent are these linked with previous self-harm? Aims To compare depressive characteristics of prisoners who report previous self-harm with those who do not. Methods Twenty-four new arrivals at an adult male category B local prison who reported previous episodes of suicidal behaviour (including self-harm and/or explicit attempted suicide) were assessed using the Beck Hopelessness Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. A further 24 new arrivals were matched as closely as possible with them on sociodemographic and offending characteristics. Results Mean scores on the Beck Hopelessness Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation were significantly higher among the prisoners with a history of self-harm. Discussion Prisoners with a previous history of self-harm are more likely than those without to show a range of depressive symptoms than their imprisoned peers without such a history, suggesting a continued vulnerability to self-harm and perhaps suicide. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Flight activity of the damson,hop aphid, Phorodon humuli.

C.A.M. Campbell
Abstract Flight activity of Phorodon humuli was monitored using suction traps, laboratory studies and mark and recapture experiments. Emigrants were trapped as they flew from a Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera) hedge and among dwarf hops (Humulus lupulus). Daily flight curves were bimodal with 69% and 38% of emigrants caught in the morning peak near Myrobalan and among hops, respectively. The median period of flight activity was from 2 h after sunrise until 30 min before sunset. The lower temperature for flight was 13.5°C in the field and 14.9°C for take off in the laboratory. Variations in wind speed had little effect on flight activity explaining <2.5% of the total variance among insect counts. The percentage of emigrants on hop declined exponentially with time. The relationship, y= 10.9(±2.0) + 64.3(±2.3) × 0.92(±0.01)t where t = daylight hours (standard error in parentheses), explained 98.3% of the variance. Hence, 62% of new arrivals flew within 1 day of arrival and 79% within 2 days. Similar numbers arrived as departed at 08:30, 10:30 and 12:30 h, but at 14:30 h twice as many arrived than departed and at 16:30 h, the accumulation was threefold. Daily flight curves of return migrants and males leaving hop were bimodal with 70% and 80%, respectively, trapped in the earlier peak. In the field, the median lower temperature for flight was 13.2°C for return migrants and a nonsignificantly different 12.8°C for males. The mean temperature for take off by return migrants was 15.7°C in the laboratory. [source]

The Opportunity Loss of Boarding Admitted Patients in the Emergency Department

Thomas Falvo DO
Abstract Objectives: Boarding admitted patients in emergency department (ED) treatment beds has been recognized as a major cause of ED crowding and ambulance diversions. When process delays impede the transfer of admitted patients from the ED to inpatient units, the department's capacity to accept new arrivals and to generate revenue from additional patient services is restricted. The objective of this study was to determine the amount of functional ED treatment capacity that was used to board inpatients during 12 months of operations at a community hospital and to estimate the value of that lost treatment capacity. Methods: Historical data from 62,588 patient visits to the ED of a 450-bed nonprofit community teaching hospital in south central Pennsylvania between July 2004 and June 2005 were used to determine the amount of treatment bed occupancy lost to inpatient holding and the revenue potential of utilizing that blocked production capacity for additional patient visits. Results: Transferring admitted patients from the ED to an inpatient unit within 120 minutes would have increased the functional treatment capacity of the ED by 10,397 hours during the 12 months of this study. By reducing admission process delays, the hospital could potentially have accommodated another 3,175 patient encounters in its existing treatment spaces. Providing emergency services to new patients in ED beds formerly used to board inpatients could have generated $3,960,264 in additional net revenue for the hospital. Conclusions: Significantly higher operational revenues could be generated by reducing output delays that restrict optimal utilization of existing ED treatment capacity. [source]