Neurological Problems (neurological + problem)

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Selected Abstracts

Estrogen as a neuroprotective agent in rat spinal cord injury

N. L. Banik
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a neurological problem affecting approximately 11 000 Americans each year. Several treatment agents have been proposed; however, only methylprednisolone has limited efficacy. Estrogen is a multiactive neuroprotectant with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and attenuates calcium (Ca2+) influx following neuronal injury. To examine the neuroprotective effects of estrogen in SCI, we induced SCI (40 g/cm injury) in rats. Treatment groups were sham (laminectomy only), SCI plus vehicle, and SCI plus estrogen. Injured rats were treated with either 4 mg/kg 17 ,-estradiol (estrogen group) or dimethylsulfoxide (vehicle group) at 15 min and 24 h following injury. All rats were killed at 48 h to analyze SCI segments for calpain content and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio by Western blotting. Tissue was also examined using calcium green-2 to measure intracellular [Ca2+], JC-1 to measure mitochondrial membrane potential, and double immunofluorescence for macrophages and calpain. Calpain content in the lesion penumbra, adjacent to the injury, was higher in vehicle than sham and this increase was attenuated in estrogen treated rats. In the lesion penumbra, the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was increased in vehicle rats as compared to sham. This increase was attenuated in estrogen treated rats. Estrogen treated rats had less Ca2+ influx, less inflammatory cell infiltration, and increased maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential compared to vehicle treated rats. Our preliminary data suggest that estrogen may be effective in decreasing Ca2+ influx, inflammatory cell infiltration, and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio following SCI. Acknowledgements:, Supported in part by grants from NIH-NINDS and South Carolina Electric and Gas. [source]

Abnormalities in the coordination of respiration and swallow in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Ira H Gewolb MD
Individual rhythms of suck, swallow, and respiration are disrupted in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Integration of respiration into suck-swallow efforts is critical for establishing coordinated suckle feeding. This study quantitatively assessed the coordination of respiration and swallow in infants with and without BPD. Thirty-four preterm infants of 26 to 33 weeks'gestational age were included: 14 participants with BPD (eight males, six females) and 20 comparison participants without BDP (10 males, 10 females). Participants were studied at postmenstrual age 32 to 40 weeks and postnatal age 2 to 12 weeks using digital recordings of pharyngeal pressure, nasal thermistor flow, and thoraco-abdominal plethysmography. The coefficients of variation (COV; standard deviation/mean) of the swallow-breath (SW-BR) and breath-breath (BR-BR) intervals during swallow runs, the percentage of,apneic swallows'(runs of ,3 swallows without interposed breaths), and phase relationships of respiration and swallow were used to quantify rhythmic coordination and integration of respiration into feeding episodes. Apneic swallows were significantly increased after 35 weeks in infants with BPD (mean 13.4% [SE 2.4]) compared with non-BDP infants (6.7% [SE 1.8];p < 0.05), as were SW-BR phase relationships involving apnea. The BPD cohort also had significantly higher SW-BR COV and BR-BR COV than non-BPD infants, indicating less rhythmic coordination of swallowing and respiration during feeding. Results emphasize the need for frequent rests and closer monitoring when feeding infants with respiratory compromise. Quantitative assessment of the underlying rhythms involved in feeding may be predictive of longer-term feeding and neurological problems. [source]

EFNS guidelines on management of neurological problems in liver transplantation

M. Guarino
Neurological impairment after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is common and represents a major source of morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis and management of neurological problems occurring after OLT are difficult and evidence-based guidelines for this task are currently lacking. A Task Force was set up under the auspices of the European Federation of Neurological Societies to devise guidelines to prevent and manage neurological problems in OLT. We selected six major neurological problems and approached them combining an evidence-based scientific literature analysis with a search of consensus by means of a Delphi process. Search results were translated into a series of recommendations constituting a basis for better care of patients with neurological complications after OLT. [source]

Newborn screening in Fragile X syndrome

F. Tassone
Background: Screening for the FMR1 mutations has been a topic of considerable discussion since the FMR1 gene was identified. However, Fragile X has not been recommended for newborn screening mainly because of the lack of an accurate screening test and of data on potential benefits. We have recently developed an improved Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method for the identification of premutation and full mutation alleles for the FMR1 gene. Method: The method is inexpensive, accurate and quick and can be performed on a number of sample templates including, importantly, blood spots. We have applied this method for international screening. Specifically, we have screened 5267 anonymous blood spot samples from newborn males from the centre-northwest region of Spain. We have also used this technology to a pilot ,high risk' screening program of individuals with autism and/or intellectual disabilities and family members of a proband with fragile X initiated in Guatemala. This project is a prototype for future screening endeavours. Results: One important outcome from this study is that the frequency of premutation alleles (1 per 250) appears to be higher than previously reported. This is of importance, especially in view of the different phenotypic involvement observed in carriers of premutation alleles, including neurological problems such as FXTAS. Here, we present data on the frequency of premutation/full alleles found in this population and their size distribution. Conclusion: This project is a prototype for future screening endeavours. Results from our pilot program in both Spain and Guatemala will lend strong support for implementing this technology for rapid screening to a much larger scale population screening. [source]

Correlates of specific childhood feeding problems

D Field
Objective: The correlates of specific childhood feeding problems are described to further examine possible predisposing factors for feeding problems. We report our experience with 349 participants evaluated by an interdisciplinary feeding team. Methods: A review of records was conducted and each participant was identified as having one or more of five functionally defined feeding problems: food refusal, food selectivity by type, food selectivity by texture, oral motor delays, or dysphagia. The prevalence of predisposing factors for these feeding problems was examined. Predisposing factors included developmental disabilities, gastrointestinal problems, cardiopulmonary problems, neurological problems, renal disease and anatomical anomalies. Results: The frequencies of predisposing factors varied by feeding problem. Differences were found in the prevalence of the five feeding problems among children with three different developmental disabilities: autism, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. Gastro-oesophageal reflux was the most prevalent condition found among all children in the sample and was the factor most often associated with food refusal. Neurological conditions and anatomical anomalies were highly associated with skill deficits, such as oral motor delays and dysphagia. Conclusions: Specific medical conditions and developmental disabilities are often associated with certain feeding problems. Information concerning predisposing factors of feeding problems can help providers employ appropriate primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures to decrease the frequency or severity of some feeding problems. [source]

Phosphodiesterase Type 4 Inhibition Does Not Restore Ocular Dominance Plasticity in a Ferret Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

ALCOHOLISM, Issue 3 2010
Thomas E. Krahe
Background:, There is growing evidence that deficits in neuronal plasticity account for some of the neurological problems observed in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Recently, we showed that early alcohol exposure results in a permanent impairment in visual cortex ocular dominance (OD) plasticity in a ferret model of FASD. This disruption can be reversed, however, by treating animals with a Phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 1 inhibitor long after the period of alcohol exposure. Aim:, Because the mammalian brain presents different types of PDE isoforms we tested here whether inhibition of PDE type 4 also ameliorates the effects of alcohol on OD plasticity. Material and Methods:, Ferrets received 3.5 g/Kg alcohol i.p. (25% in saline) or saline as control every other day between postnatal day (P) 10 to P30, which is roughly equivalent to the third trimester equivalent of human gestation. Following a prolonged alcohol-free period (10 to 15 days), ferrets had the lid of the right eye sutured closed for 4 days and were examined for ocular dominance changes at the end of the period of deprivation. Results:, Using in vivo electrophysiology we show that inhibition of PDE4 by rolipram does not restore OD plasticity in alcohol-treated ferrets. Conclusion:, This result suggests that contrary to PDE1, PDE4 inhibition does not play a role in the restoration of OD plasticity in the ferret model of FASD. [source]

Morbidity and Health-Care Use in People with Intellectual Disabilities in General Practice: First Results of a Survey in the Netherlands

H. M. J Van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk
Abstract, Reported here are the preliminary results of the second Dutch National Survey of General Practice in which data were collected on all contacts with general practitioners (GPs) during a 12-month period to determine characteristics of patients with intellectual disabilities (ID). Sociodemographic characteristics differed significantly between people with ID and controls, indicating significant differences in morbidity between the two groups (people with ID were found to have more psychological problems, more digestive problems, more ear problems, more neurological problems, and more general and unspecified problems). [source]

Movement disorders in musicians,,

Joseph Jankovic MD
Abstract The focus of this article is to review the epidemiology, phenomenology, pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment of movement disorders, particularly task-specific dystonia, in musicians. The goal is to draw attention to this group of neurological disorders among musicians, music teachers, and healthcare professionals and to highlight the importance of early diagnosis, therapeutic options, and preventive measures. To increase professional and public awareness and to facilitate the recognition of music-related neurological problems, we suggest that "medical problems of musicians" be included in curriculum of music schools and medical schools. © 2008 Movement Disorder Society [source]

Developmental outcomes of infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Comparison with other medically fragile infants

Diane Holditch-Davis
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the developmental outcomes and mother,infant interactions of infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and those of other medically fragile infants. One-hour behavioral observations were made of the interactions of mothers with two groups of infants (23 with BPD, 39 medically fragile without BPD or neurological problems) at enrollment, every 2 months during hospitalization, 1 month after discharge, and at 6 months' and 12 months' corrected age. Assessment of the home environment also was done at 6 and 12 months. Multiple regressions were calculated separately for child mental, adaptive, language, and motor outcomes. Predictors were: home environment assessment, measures of maternal interactive behaviors (positive attention, expression of negative affect, medicalized caregiving), infant group membership, and presence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in the infant. There were no significant differences between the two groups in any of the developmental outcomes or interactive variables, and the presence of IVH had no effect on these variables. Maternal positive attention and the home environment were correlated with mental development, and mother negative affect was related to adaptive behavior for both groups. Differences in developmental and interactive behaviors between infants with BPD and other prematurely born infants found in other studies appear to be a result of chronic health problems and, thus, are not unique to infants with BPD. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Res Nurs Health 24: 181,193, 2001 [source]

School experiences after treatment for a brain tumour

P. Upton
Abstract Background Children surviving a brain tumour face major difficulties including learning problems, lengthy school absences and psychosocial problems, all of which can impact on school functioning. Our aims were to provide information for parents and teachers about the skills and resources of this group. Specifically, we aimed to: ,,describe the special educational needs of these children; ,,document the impact of diagnosis and treatment on school attendance; ,,compare parent and teacher assessments of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Methods Forty families agreed to participate (response rate = 58.82%). The children (19 males and 21 females) were aged from 6 to 16 years and had completed treatment at least 2 years previously (range = 2 years,12 years 5 months). Questionnaires (Strengths and Difficulties and school experience) were completed by mothers and teachers. Results Survivors were experiencing a wide range of physical, learning and interpersonal difficulties, according to parent and teacher reports. Almost half the children (n = 19) had ongoing neurological problems that were significant enough to require special help at school. Literacy and numeracy were the most common learning difficulties. Parents also rated brain tumour survivors as having more behavioural and emotional problems than would be expected from population norms. For example, survivors were rated as having more Total Difficulties (t = 6.86, P < 0.001), Emotional Symptoms (t = 8.82, P < 0.001), Hyperactivity (t = 2.25, P = 0.03), Peer Relationship Problems (t = 7.58, P < 0.001) and poorer Pro-social Behaviour (t = ,3.34, P = 0.002) than would be expected from population norms. These problems were also seen to be having a significant impact on the child's functioning (t = 3.95, P < 0.001). Teachers rated these problems as less serious than parents. Conclusion These children experience significant problems in school some time after diagnosis and when they are considered medically cured. Closer school,hospital liaison is essential to maximize integration and achievement in these children. [source]

Optimizing open live-donor nephrectomy , long-term donor outcome

M Schostak
Abstract:, Introduction:, The technique of laparoscopic or retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy has been increasingly propagated in recent years. The central advantage is supposed to be a reduction of perioperative discomfort. However, there have not been many reports describing the subjective feeling associated with an open donor nephrectomy, particularly with respect to the pain level in the perioperative and long-term course. This retrospective study examines the perioperative pain and morbidity and long-term outcome of living kidney donors from 35 yr of experience at the University Hospital Benjamin Franklin of the Free University of Berlin. Methods:, A total of 102 living kidney donors were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Five epidemiological questions were posed and the rest dealt mainly with lasting subjective and objective surgical impairments. There were also questions relating to the perioperative pain level (VAS/NAS-Score). In addition, basic information was obtained regarding the donor's current health status (physical examination, serum creatinine; sometimes also ultrasound, protein IU, blood pressure), and/or examinations were performed. Results:, The mean age at the time of donation was 45.5 and 55% were women. Donor nephrectomies were left-sided in 78 cases and right-sided in 24. There was a total complication rate of 53%, but serious complications only occurred in two cases (1.9%). A total of 53 donors could be reached. Although 41.5% felt they had a lasting impairment, somatic sequelae like respiratory, abdominal or scar problems were rare, affecting a maximum of only four patients in each case. Fifteen patients reported neurological problems such as sensory disturbances. The mean serum creatinine was 89.9 ,mol/L in female and 114.2 ,mol/L in male donors. Microalbuminuria was found in 22.6% of the donors, hypertension in 35.8%. Persistent pain was reported by 20.7%, its occurrence being permanent in two of the donors and very frequent in one. All the others rarely have pain. The median perioperative VAS/NAS score was 8 on the first day after surgery, 5 after 1 wk and 1 after 1 month. The analgesia was rated as good or very good by 71%. Everyday life was managed as well as before surgery after 2,4 wk by the highest percentage (42%) of patients, but working capacity was only regained after 1,3 months by a comparable percentage (44%). Forty-six percent had a very good and 33% a good feeling after the kidney donation. The relationship to the recipient had intensified in most cases. Ninety-one percent would again decide in favor of a donation. Conclusion:, Donor nephrectomy in an open technique is a safe and reliable procedure with low morbidity. After a median post-operative period of 7 yr, however, 42% of the donors still report general impairment due to the intervention, although concrete somatic problems were only detected in a few cases. Nearly all these patients underwent surgery in a full flank position. Wound-healing impairments were also significantly more frequent with this surgical technique. This positioning should thus be avoided. The post-operative pain level was relatively high, but a marked improvement was achieved in the course of the observation period by optimizing analgesic management. [source]