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Selected Abstracts

The prevalence of traumatic injuries treated in the pedodontic clinic of Ankara University, Turkey, during 18 months


Abstract , , ,The purpose of this study was to evaluate the type and prevalence of dental injuries referred to Ankara University, School of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, Turkey. One hundred and forty-seven patients with 234 traumatized teeth presented during 18-month interval. Of the 147 patients, 85 were boys and 62 were girls. The most frequent trauma occurred in the age of 11 years. The maxillary central incisors were found to be the most affected tooth in both primary and permanent dentition injuries. The maxillary arch is involved in a higher percentage of trauma cases (95.72%). The most common cause of injuries are falls (67.34%). In the primary dentition, the most common type of injury is extrusive luxation (38.23%) and in the permanent dentition, it is fracture of enamel,dentin without pulpal involvement (50.5%). From 147 patients, only 82 presented to our clinic within 1 h and 10 days after the injury time. It reveals that there is a need to inform the public of what they should do in cases of dental trauma, and how important it is to contact a dentist immediately. [source]

Risk factors for wound infection in head and neck cancer surgery: A prospective study

Nicolas Penel MD
Abstract Background The goal of this prospective study is to determine risk factors for wound infections (WI) for patients with head and neck cancer who underwent surgical procedure with opening of upper aerodigestive tract mucosa. Methods One hundred sixty-five consecutive surgical procedures were studied at Oscar Lambret Cancer Center within a 24-month interval. Twenty-five variables were recorded for each patient. Statistical evaluation used X2 test analysis (categorical data) and Mann,Whitney test (continuous variables). Results The overall rate of WI was 41.8%. Univariate analysis indicated that five variables were significantly related to the likelihood of WI: tumor stage (p = .044), previous chemotherapy (p = .008), duration of preoperative hospital stay (p = 022), permanent tracheostomy (p = .00008), and hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers (p = .008). Conclusions Despite antibiotic prophylaxis, WI occurrence is high. These data inform the head and neck surgeon, when a patient is at risk for WI and may help to design future prospective studies. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Head Neck 23: 447,455, 2001. [source]

Reliability of a telephone-administered cognitive test battery (TACT) between telephone and face-to-face administration

Neil R. Thompson
Abstract We have previously described the development and initial validation of a telephone administered cognitive test battery (TACT). This report investigates the retest reliability of the TACT battery between telephone administration and face-to-face administration and measures the concurrent validity of the test components against a standard test of cognitive ability, the WAIS-RUK. Data were collected on 27 participants aged 62,63 years. There was a two- to 10-month interval between time 1 (telephone) and time 2 (face-to-face) administration. Intra-class correlation coefficients for telephone versus face-to-face administration of the TACT were satisfactory for all component measures except for ,object rotation' and WAIS similarities. There was no evidence of systematic cheating on the telephone-administered test. Tests of concurrent validity showed stronger correlations for the TACT battery components with verbal tests rather than performance tests, as measured by the WAIS-RUK. A few administration difficulties are noted and recommendations for change are outlined. The TACT is a convenient assessment tool with potential for measuring cognitive change in epidemiological studies. Copyright © 2001 Whurr Publishers Ltd. [source]

The effect of a fibrin glue on the integration of Bio-Oss® with bone tissue

An experimental study in labrador dogs
Abstract Background: Bio-Oss® is a deproteinized bovine mineral used in bone augmentation procedures. The particles are often mixed with a protein product (Tisseel®) to form a mouldable graft material. Aim: The aim of the present experiment was to study the healing of self-contained bone defects after the placement of Bio-Oss® particles alone or mixed with Tisseel® in cylindrical defects in the edentulous mandibular ridge of dogs. Material and methods: In 4 labrador dogs, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th mandibular premolars were extracted bilaterally. 3 months later, 3 cylindrical bone defects, 4 mm in diameter and 8 mm in depth, were produced in the right side of the mandible. Following a crestal incision, full thickness flaps were raised and the bone defects were prepared with a trephine drill. The defects were filled with Bio-Oss® (Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhuser, Switzerland) particles alone or mixed with Tisseel® (Immuno AG, Vienna, Austria), or left "untreated". A collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®, Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhuser, Switzerland) was placed to cover all defects and the flaps were sutured. 2 months later, the defect preparation and grafting procedures were repeated in the left side of the mandible. After another month, the animals were sacrificed and biopsies obtained from the defect sites. Results: Bio-Oss® -treated defects revealed a higher percentage of contact between graft particles and bone tissue than defects treated with Bio-Oss®+ Tisseel® (15% and 30% at 1 and 3 months versus 0.4% and 8%, respectively). Further, the volume of connective tissue in the Bio-Oss® treated defects decreased from the 1 to the 3 month interval (from 44% to 30%). This soft tissue was replaced with newly formed bone. In the Bio-Oss®+ Tisseel® treated defects, however, the proportion of connective tissue remained unchanged between 1 and 3 months. Conclusion: The adjunct of Tisseel® may jeopardize the integration of Bio-Oss® particles with bone tissue. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Bio-Oss® ist ein entproteiniertes Mineral vom Schwein, was bei knöchernen Augmentationen verwendet wird. Die Partikel werden oft mit einem Proteinprodukt gemischt, um ein formbares Implantationsmaterial zu erhalten. Ziel: Das Ziel des vorliegenden Experimentes war das Studium der Heilung von selbst-erhaltenden Knochendefekten nach der Anwendung von Bio-Oss® Partikeln allein oder vermischt mit Tisseel® in zylindrischen Defekten im zahnlosen unteren Kieferkamm von Hunden. Materal und Methoden: Bei 4 Labradorhunden wurden die 2., 3. und 4. unteren Prämolaren beidseitig extrahiert. 3 Monate später wurden 3 zylindrische Knochendefekte, 4 mm im Durchmesser und 8 mm tief, auf der rechten Seite des Unterkiefers hergestellt. Nach einer krestalen Incision wurde ein voller Mukoperiostlappen mobilisiert und die knöchernen Defekte mit einem Trepanfräser präpariert. Die Defekte wurden mit Bio-Oss® Partikeln (Geistlich Biomaterial, Wolhuser, Schweiz) allen oder gemischt mit Tisseel® (Immuno AG, Wien, Österreich) gefüllt oder blieben "unbehandelt". Eine Kollagenmembran (Bio-Gide®, Geistlich Biomaterial, Wolhuser, Schweiz) wurde zur Abdeckung über alle Defekte gelegt und die Lappen reponiert und vernäht. 2 Monate später wurden die Defektpräparationen und die Implantationsmaßnahmen auf der linken Seite des Unterkiefers widerholt. Nach einem weiteren Monat wurden die Tiere getötet und Biopsien von den Defektseiten gewonnen. Ergebnisse: Mit Bio-Oss® behandelte Defekte zeigten einen höheren Prozentsatz von Kontakt zwischen Implantationsmaterial und Knochengewebe als die Defekte, die mit Bio-Oss® und Tisseel® behandelt worden waren (15% und 30% zum 1. Monat und 3. Monat versus 0.4% und 8%). Weiterhin verringerte sich das Volumen des Bindegewebes in den mit Bio-Oss® behandelten Defekten vom 1. zum 3. Monat (von 44% zu 30%). Dieses Weichgewebe wurde mit neu gebildetem Knochen ersetzt. In dem mit Bio-Oss® und Tisseel® behandelten Defekten blieb die Verteilung des Bindegewebes zwischen dem 1. und 3. Monat unverändert. Zusammenfassung: Die Zugabe von Tisseel® kann die Integration von Bio-Oss® Partikeln mit Knochengewebe behindern. Résumé Origine: Le Bio-Oss® est un minéral bovin déprotéine utilisé pour les épaississements osseux. Les particules sont souvent mélangées avec un produit protéiné (Tisseel®) pour former un matérial de greffe malléable. But. Le but de l'étude présente a été d'étudier la guérison des lésions osseuses après le placement de particules de Bio-Oss® seules ou mélangées au Tisseel® dans des lésions cylindriques au niveau de la mandibule édentée de labradors. Matériaux et méthodes: Chez 4 labradors les 2ièmes, 3ièmes et 4ièmes prémolaires inférieures ont été avulsées bilatéralement. 3 mois après, 3 lésions osseuses et cylindriques de 4 mm de diamètre et de 8 mm de profondeur ont été produites du côté droit de la mandibule. A la suite d'une incision crestale, des lambeaux d'épaisseur complète ont été relevés et les lésions osseuses préparées avec un trépan. Les lésions ont été comblées par des particules de Bio-Oss® seul (Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhuser, Suisse) ou mélangées au Tisseel® (Immuno AG, Vienne) ou laissées non-traitées. Une membrane collagène (Bio-Gide®, Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhuser, Suisse) a été placée pour recouvrir toutes les lésions et les lambeaux ont ensuite été suturés. 2 mois après, les processus précités ont été répétés au niveau gauche de la mandibule. 1 mois plus tard, les animaux ont été tués et les biopsies prélevées. Résultats: Les lésions traitées par le Bio-Oss® ont révélé un % plus important de contact entre les particules du greffon et le tissu osseux que les lésions traitées avec le Bio-Oss®+Tisseel® (respectivement 15% à 30% à 1 et 3 mois versus 0.4% et 8%). De plus le volume de tissu conjonctif dans les lésions traitées par Bio-Oss® diminuait du mois 1 au mois 3, de 44 à 30%. Ce tissu mou a été remplacé par un os néoformé. Dans les lésions traitées par Bio-Oss®+Tisseel®, la proportion de tissu conjonctif demeurait inchangée entre les mois 1 et 3. Conclusions: L'addition de Tisseel® peut mettre en péril l'intégration des particules de Bio-Oss® au tissu osseux. [source]

Analysis of Streptococcus mutans biofilm proteins recognized by salivary immunoglobulin A

T. Sanui
Introduction:, The purpose of this study was to examine the Streptococcus mutans biofilm cellular proteins recognized by immunoglobulin A (IgA) in saliva from various caries-defined populations. Methods:, Biofilm and planktonic S. mutans UA159 cells were prepared. The proteins were extracted, separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, transferred to blotting membranes, and probed for IgA using individual saliva samples from three groups of subjects; those who developed 0 caries (no active caries), 5,9 caries (medium), or more than 10 caries (severe) over a 12-month interval. Results:, Several proteins were recognized by salivary IgA in all groups of saliva but spot distribution and intensity varied greatly between the groups, and some proteins were recognized more strongly in biofilm cells than in planktonic culture, and vice versa. Furthermore, 15 proteins were only recognized by saliva from the ,no active caries' group, and four proteins were recognized by saliva samples from subjects in all three groups. Specifically, antigen I/II was recognized less in biofilm cells by caries-free saliva compared with planktonic cells. However, salivary IgA antibody to antigen I/II was absent in blots using saliva from the ,medium caries' and ,severe caries' groups. Conclusion:, The bacterial molecules recognized by caries-free saliva are significant factors for S. mutans caries formation, and their inhibition could be a therapeutic target. In addition, saliva of caries-free subjects includes significant IgA antibody against antigen I/II of S. mutans, indicating a protective mechanism. However, microorganisms may protect themselves from host immune attack by forming biofilms and decreasing expression of antigen I/II. [source]

Transfer function index: is it a reliable method for vein graft surveillance?

Chuan Ping Tan
Introduction: Duplex ultrasound scanning is currently the best available non-invasive method for vein graft surveillance. However, it is expensive and its results are highly operator dependent. The aim of the present study is to compare, another non-invasive method of graft surveillance, the transfer function index (TFI), with duplex ultrasound scanning in identifying significant stenoses in infrainguinal saphenous vein bypass grafts. Methods: Initially a retrospective pilot study was carried out between 1 January and 30 June 2002. Patients were identified from the vascular surgical operation database. The ultrasound report and TFI result of each patient were reviewed. Then a prospective comparative study was carried out between 1 July and 31 December 2002. Duplex ultrasound and TFI studies were undertaken at the 3 month interval. Comparisons were made between the accuracy and predictive value of ultrasound versus TFI in assessing significant graft stenosis. Results: In the present retrospective study TFI measurement was significantly lower in the at-risk grafts than in the normal grafts (P = 0.001). In the prospective group TFI was again found to be significantly lower in the at-risk group (mean TFI 0.86) than in the normal group (mean TFI 1.064, P = 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of the TFI were 92% and 97%, respectively. The accuracy of TFI was calculated to be 98%. Conclusion: TFI is an accurate non-invasive method of vascular graft surveillance. TFI can be carried out in the vascular clinic and is quick and inexpensive. Normally TFI could replace duplex ultrasound surveillance, with ultrasound being reserved for those with an abnormal TFI. [source]

Cardiac troponin I predicts outcome after ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

A. L. Tambyraja
Background: Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is a highly sensitive and specific marker for myocardial injury that predicts mortality in patients with acute coronary syndromes. This study examined the relationship between perioperative cTnI levels and clinical outcome in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Methods: Consecutive patients who underwent operative repair of a ruptured AAA over a 22-month interval and survived for more than 24 h were entered into a prospective observational cohort study. Levels of cTnI were measured immediately before, and at 24 and 48 h after surgery, and related to clinical outcome. Results: Of 62 patients who underwent attempted operative repair of ruptured AAA, 50 (81 per cent) survived for more than 24 h and were included in this study. Twenty-three (46 per cent) of the 50 had a detectable cTnI level at one or more time points during the first 48 h. Of these, 11 patients had clinical or electrocardiographic evidence of an acute cardiac event and 12 did not; five patients in each of these two groups died. Of 27 patients with no increase in cTnI in the first 48 h, only three died (P = 0·031 and P = 0·043 respectively, relative to the groups with detectable cTnI). Conclusion: Approximately half of patients who survived repair of ruptured AAA for more than 24 h sustained a detectable myocardial injury within the first 48 h. A perioperative increase in the level of cTnI, with or without clinically apparent cardiac dysfunction, was associated with postoperative death. Copyright © 2005 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Probability of walking, wheeled mobility, and assisted mobility in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy

Aim, Our aim was to describe how the probability of walking, wheeled mobility, and assisted mobility changes with environmental setting and age in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). Method, The parents of a population-based sample of 642 children and adolescents (360 males, 282 females; age range 16mo,21y) reported their children's mobility at home, school, and outdoors at 6- or 12-month intervals a mean of 5.2 times. Generalized mixed-effects analyses were used to model the probabilities. Results, By age 3 years, children with motor function classified as level I according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) walked in all three settings. Children/adolescents classified as level V used assisted mobility, with a small number using wheeled mobility. In the case of children classified as GMFCS level II, the probability of walking varied with the environmental setting, which, at age 18, is outdoors 90% of the time. Among children classified as GMFCS level III, the probability of walking was highest at age 9 at school (68%), and at age 18 was approximately 50% in all three settings. Among children/adolescents rated as GMFCS level IV, the probability of wheeled mobility increased with age and, at age 18, 57% of mobility took place outdoors. Interpretation, The results provide evidence that age and environmental setting influence method of mobility of children/adolescents with CP. The method that is preferred in one setting may not be preferred in another setting or at another age. [source]

The influence of root canal shape on the sealing ability of two root canal sealers

A. Juhász
Abstract Aim, To evaluate the influence of root canal form on the sealing ability of two root canal sealers. Methodology, Twenty radiographically confirmed straight and 20 curved root canals were prepared with a stepback hand filing technique. Root canal aberrations created during preparation were determined by the use of double exposure radiographic technique. The prepared canals were filled with lateral condensation of gutta-percha and one or other of two root canal sealers (Pulp Canal Sealer and Sealapex). Leakage along the apical 10 mm of roots was measured with a fluid transport model at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12-month intervals. Results, There were no statistically significant differences between straight and curved root canals (P > 0.05) for prevalence of root canal transportation. The prevalence of apical transportation was 80% in the straight and 85% in the curved root canals. A complete seal was more frequently observed in straight canals compared with curved canals. Utilizing the ,* index, analysis showed the filling with Sealapex allowed more leakage than Pulp Canal Sealer at 1 year. Conclusion, Under the conditions of the study, root canal form influenced short-term sealing ability. In the long-term the seal was affected by the sealer rather than root canal form. [source]

Retrograde ureteroscopic endopyelotomy using the holmium:YAG laser

Hatsuki Hibi
Abstract Background: We report our experience of retrograde ureteroscopic endopyelotomy using the holmium laser for ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction not associated with upper tract stones. Methods: We carried out this procedure on five patients through an 8-Fr semirigid ureteroscope. The ureter was not stented before the procedure and balloon dilation was not necessary before retrograde insertion of the ureteroscope. The obstruction was incised with the holmium laser using a 200 µm fiber in a linear fashion. After completion of the incision, a 12-Fr double-J ureteral stent was left for 6 weeks. Thereafter, patients were monitored with renal scan and/or ultrasound and excretory urography at 3,6 month intervals. Results: Hydronephrosis was obviously improved in four cases (80%) at an average follow up of 12.8 months (4,23 months). Although the number of treated patients was small, retrograde ureteroscopic endopyelotomy for UPJ obstruction using the holmium laser achieved good results. Conclusions: We recommend that this procedure be used initially because it is less invasive and has a favorable outcome. [source]

Endoscopic ureteral incision using the holmium:YAG laser

Abstract Background: We reviewed the results of endoscopic ureteral incision for benign ureteral stricture, ureteropelvic junction obstruction and ureteroenteroanastomotic stricture using the holmium laser. Methods: We carried out endoscopic ureteral incision using the holmium laser through an 8-Fr semirigid or 6.9-Fr flexible ureteroscope on 17 ureters in 15 patients. Balloon dilatation was not necessary before insertion of the ureteroscope. The stricture was incised with the holmium laser using a 200,365 ,m fiber through the working channel of the ureteroscope. After completion of the incision, a 12-Fr double-J catheter was left for 6 weeks. Thereafter patients were followed by renal scan and/or ultrasound and excretory urography at 3,6 month intervals. Results: The mean operative time was 65 min (18,135 min). The stricture resolved completely in 86.7% of cases at an average follow up of 20.5 months (11,32 months). Conclusions: The holmium laser endoscopic ureteral incision was associated with a good outcome in our series. We recommend this procedure to be employed initially because it is less invasive and has a favorable outcome. [source]

Land application of treated sewage sludge: quantifying pathogen risks from consumption of crops

P. Gale
Abstract Aims:, To predict the number of humans in the UK infected through consumption of root crops grown on agricultural land to which treated sewage sludge has been applied in accordance with the current regulations and guidance (Safe Sludge Matrix). Methods and Results:, Quantitative risk assessments based on the source, pathway, receptor approach are developed for seven pathogens, namely salmonellas, Listeria monocytogenes, campylobacters, Escherichia coli O157, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia, and enteroviruses. Using laboratory data for pathogen destruction by mesophilic anaerobic digestion, and not extrapolating experimental data for pathogen decay in soil to the full 30-month harvest interval specified by the Matrix, predicts 50 Giardia infections per year, but less than one infection per year for the other six pathogens. Assuming linear decay in the soil, a 12-month harvest interval eliminates the risks from all seven pathogens; the highest predicted being one infection of C. parvum in the UK every 45 years. Computer simulations show that a protective effect from binding of pathogens to particulate matter could potentially exaggerate the observed rate of decay in experimental systems. Conclusions:, The results confirm, assuming pathogens behave according to our current understanding, that the risks to humans from consumption of vegetable crops are remote. Furthermore the harvest intervals stipulated by the Safe Sludge Matrix compensate for potential lapses in the operational efficiency of sludge treatment. Significance and Impact of the Study:, The models demonstrate the huge potential impact of decay in the soil over the 12/30-month intervals specified by the Matrix, although lack of knowledge on the exact nature of soil decay processes is a source of uncertainty. The models enable the sensitivity of the predicted risks to changes in the operational efficiency of sewage sludge treatment to be assessed. [source]

A study of dietary advice and care provided to HIV positive patients referred for lipid lowering: as part of a service improvement initiative

N.A. Billing
Background:, Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) has dramatically reduced mortality in HIV-infected patients. As life expectancy of HIV infected patients has increased, concerns about the long-term effects of treatment grow (Sax, 2006). HIV positive patients have a greater risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and ART has been associated with a 26% increase in the rate of MI per year of exposure (DAD Study Group, 2003). The aim of this study was to evaluate provision of dietetic care to patients referred for lipid lowering advice and identify potential areas for service improvement. Methods:, Departmental activity statistics identified 117 new clients referred for lipid lowering advice in the previous 11 months. The biochemical data and dietetic record cards were screened, of the initial sample 30 were excluded as they did not have follow up biochemistry after their dietetic consultation and a further seven were excluded as they were seen primarily for other conditions. The remaining cards (n = 80) had their dietetic record cards audited to check dietary topics discussed, risk factors identified length before follow up and clinical outcomes. Results:, There were 68 men and 12 women in this sample with a mean age of 46 years and mean body mass index (BMI) of 25.4 kg m,2 (3.7 kg m,2). Of the clients referred, only 48.8% of the sample had high density lipoprotein (HDL): cholesterol ratios taken to calculate cardiovascular risk and most patients were seen an average of 30.7 days (35.3 days) after high was identified. Following their dietetic consultation, 77% of clients had a reduction in their cholesterol levels and 61% had a reduction in triglyceride levels. This sample's average percentage change in cholesterol was ,10% (16%) and triglyceride was ,6% (32%). The most popular dietary advice was reducing saturated fat intake (90%), increasing fibre intake (76%), benefits of plant stanols (40%), importance of regular meals (29%), exercise (26%) and benefits of omega three (11%). Additional risk factors identified 11% of clients seen were smokers, however most records (66%) did not have documentation on whether smoking behaviour was discussed. Only 20% of clients had a follow up appointments and not all were seen within 3 months with average time between follow up being 14.9 weeks (13.2 weeks). Discussion:, Improvement in biochemical results were comparable to a study by Henry et al., (1998) which showed that in HIV infected clients receiving ART, diet modification and increased exercise were successful in reducing cholesterol levels by 11% and triglyceride levels by 21%. The level of smoking was considerably lower than other studies (DAD Study Group, 2003) which reported 56% of HIV positive clients to be smokers. A large number of clients were lost to follow up and were not seen within 3 months. Lazzaretti et al., (2007) showed in a randomized trial that seeing patients at regular 3 month intervals for dietary intervention prevented an increase in lipid blood levels in individuals who start ART. Conclusions:, Not all clients are having their cardiovascular risk calculated before referral for dietary advice. Clients are not being seen at regular intervals by dietitians, some are lost to follow up and smoking status is not regularly documented during dietetic consultation. References, Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (DAD) Study Group. (2003) Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction. N. Engl. J. Med.349, 1993,2003. Friis-Moller, N., Weber, R., Reiss, P., Thiebaut, R., Kirk, O., d'Arminio, M.A. et al. (2003) Cardiovascular disease risk factors in HIV patients' association with antiretroviral therapy. Results from the DAD study. AIDS17, 1179,1193. Henry, K., Melroe, H., Huebesch, J., Hermundson, J. & Simpson, J. (1998) Atorvastatin and gemfibrozil for protease inhibitor-related lipid abnormalities. Lancet352, 1031,1032. Sax, P.E. (2006)Strategies for management and treatment of dyslipidemia in HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care 18, 149,157. Lazzaretti, R., Pinto-Ribeiro, J., Kummer, R., Polanczyk, C. & Sprinz, E. (2007) Dietary intervention when starting HAART prevents the increase in lipids independently of drug regimen: a randomized trial. Oral abstract session: 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention: Abstract no.WEAB303. [source]

Combination of Er:YAG laser and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of nodular basal cell carcinoma

Roman, mucler PhD
Abstract Backgrounds and Objectives Photodynamic therapy (PDT), via topical aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is an effective treatment for basal cell carcinomas not exceeding a depth of 2 mm. This limits the treatment of basal cell carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancer) to superficial forms and nodular therapy (only in aesthetically desired locations). This paper addresses the effectiveness of reducing tumor mass via initial Er:YAG laser ablation to depths that are therapeutically responsive to PDT with ALA. Study Design/Materials and Methods This study compared three methods for the treatment of recurring nodular basal cell carcinomas (r nBCC). Method A utilized PDT with topical application of ALA methyl ester, method B with solitary Er:YAG laser ablation, and method C combined Er:YAG laser ablation reducing tumor size below 2 mm (method B) with subsequent ALA methyl ester PDT (method A). All three methods were used to treat to each patient, all subjects presenting with three or more basal cell carcinomas in order to eliminate differences in patient responsiveness to treatment. Patients were monitored and interviewed at 3, 6, and 12 month intervals to examine the progress of tumor elimination, aesthetic results as well as the patient's preference of treatment method. In all, 286 patients were treated, of whom 194 were checked at the prescribed intervals and then evaluated. Results Statistically, the combination therapy demonstrated the most effective treatment at all time intervals, with a final efficacy of 98.97% versus 94.85% (PDT only) and 91.75% (Er:YAG laser only). The combined method also provided the best aesthetic results (scale: 1,best; 4,worst) of 1.23±1.23, compared to 1.67±0.76 (PDT only) and 1.83±0.95 (Er:YAG laser only). Conclusions Although 67% patients preferred solitary Er:YAG laser treatment over the PDT method (20%) and the combined treatment (13%), because of the simplicity of the treatment, the combination therapy has proven to be both clinically and aesthetically superior. Solitary Er:YAG laser ablation will remain however a fast, effective, and economical treatment alternative for simple manifestations of superficial basal cell carcinoma and has replaced PDT for uncomplicated cases at our facility. The combination of Er:YAG laser ablation and ALA,PDT aspires to be therapy of choice for BCC. Lesers Surg. Med. 40:153,158, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

(217) Selective Nerve Root Injections Can Accurately Predict Level of Nerve Impairment and Outcome for Surgical Decompression: A Retrospective Analysis

PAIN MEDICINE, Issue 3 2001
Kevin Macadaeg
There remains significant controversy regarding the use of a vertebral selective nerve root injection (SNI) as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. In addition, the frequency of use of such procedures in patients with radiculopathy has increased dramatically in the last few years. Based on a Medline review there has been no studies combining cervical and lumbar SNI results and comparing preoperative diagnosis to surgical findings and outcome. The purpose of this paper is to retrospectively examine and compare the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of a good surgical outcome in patients who had an SNI and subsequent surgical intervention. 101 patients from a 1996 thru 1999 database, who were referred to 10 spine surgeons (2 orthopedic and 8 neurosurgeon) for either cervical or lumbar radiculopathy, and had SNI and various imagery studies and subsequent surgery. Patients receive SNIs at our institution if there is a discrepancy between physical exam and radiologic imagery or to confirm a putative pain generator in multilevel pathology. These patients were then retrospectively analyzed with regard to correlation to surgical level and surgical outcome. SNIs were performed by one of three pain specialists in our clinic. Approximation of the appropriate nerve root sleeve was performed using fluoroscopic imagery, a nerve stimulator and contrast. After nerve root stimulation and neurography, 0.5,0.75 cc of lidocaine 2% was injected. Pre- and post-procedural visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores were obtained from the non-sedated patient. A SNI was considered positive or negative if the patient had immediate appendicular pain relief of greater or less then ninety percent respectively. The study was designed to include only those patients that had a SNI, regardless of result, and subsequently had surgical decompression in an attempt to treat the pain that initially prompted the SNI. A statistical analysis was then performed comparing preoperative data to surgical findings and outcome. Overall, 101 patients had SNIs who subsequently underwent surgical decompression. Average duration of symptoms prior to SNI was 1.5,12 months (4 months mean). Fifteen patients presented with cervical and 86 with lumbar radiculopathy. There were a total of 110 procedures performed on these patients. VAS scores of <2 and overall pain reduction openface> 90% with respect to their pre-procedural appendicular were used to determine if a SNI was positive, negative or indeterminate. All of these patients had an MRI or CT with or without a myelogram and all went to surgery. The results yield that SNIs are able to predict surgical findings with 94% and 90% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. A good surgical outcome was determined if the patient would do the surgery again, if they were satisfied or very satisfied and had a VAS of <3 at 6- and 12-month intervals. Our data revealed that a positive SNI was able to predict a good 6-month outcome with 95% and 64% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. At 12-months, similar results were obtained of 95% and 56%. Preoperative MRI results were also evaluated and revealed a 92% sensitivity in predicting surgical findings. We had 24 false positive MRI results and 0 true negatives. Interestingly we had 8 diabetic (IDDM or NIDDM) patients or nearly 8% of our total. The odds ratio of a diabetic having a bad outcome at 12 months was 5.4 to 1. Diabetics had a 50% likelihood of having a bad 12-month outcome versus 16% for non-diabetics with a p value of 0.066. We also looked at gender, smoking history and presence of cardiovascular disease and found no significant relationship with outcomes. Our data indicate that SNIs, when performed under rigorous method, is a highly valuable tool that can accurately determine level of nerve root impairment and outcome in patients being considered for surgical decompression. With a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 90%, SNIs offer a major advantage over other diagnostic modalities in patients with difficult-to-diagnose radiculopathies. [source]

Effect of Comorbidity Adjustment on CMS Criteria for Kidney Transplant Center Performance

E. D. Weinhandl
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) uses kidney transplant outcomes, unadjusted for standard comorbidity, to identify centers with sufficiently higher than expected rates of graft failure or patient death (underperforming centers) that they may be denied Medicare participation. To examine whether comorbidity adjustment would affect this determination, we identified centers that would have failed to meet 1-year graft survival criteria, 1992,2005, with and without adjustment using the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index. Adjustment was performed for each U.S. center for 24 consecutive (overlapping) 30-month intervals, including 102 176 adult deceased-donor and living-donor kidney transplant patients with Medicare as primary payer 6 months pretransplant. For each interval, we determined percent positive agreement (PPA) (number of centers underperforming both before and after adjustment, divided by number underperforming either before or after adjustment). Overall PPA was 80.8%, with no evidence of a trend over time. Among deceased-donor recipients, 10 of 31 comorbid conditions were predictors of graft failure in at least half of the intervals, as were six conditions among living-donor recipients. Lack of comorbidity adjustment may disadvantage centers willing to accept higher risk patients. Risk of jeopardizing Medicare funding may give centers incentive to deny transplantation to higher risk patients. [source]

Assessing alcohol guidelines in teenagers: results from a 10-year prospective study

Elya Moore
Abstract Objective: To assess the value of drinking guidelines applied in adolescence for predicting alcohol-related outcomes in young adulthood. Methods: We conducted an eight-wave, population-based cohort study of 696 males and 824 females in Victoria between 1992 and 2003. Adolescent drinking was assessed at five survey waves, in six month intervals, from mean age 15.4-17.4 years. We created three measures of adolescent alcohol use using categories from NHMRC drinking guidelines: risky/high-risk drinking in the short and long term (2001), and high-risk drinking (2007). Each measure was defined according to the number of waves at which drinking was reported at or above the designated level during adolescence: non-drinkers, zero waves (low-risk drinkers), one wave, and 2+ waves. Alcohol use disorders and alcohol-related sexual behaviours were assessed at mean age 24.1 years. Results: Fourteen per cent of males and 17% of females were non-drinkers during adolescence. Using each NHMRC drinking guideline, the prevalence of each outcome for men increased with the number of waves at which drinking was reported above the low-risk level (p-values <0.007). The association was less clear for women. The prevalence of each outcome was lower among the nondrinkers compared to the low-risk drinkers for both men and women. Conclusions and implications: These findings support the emphasis in the NHMRC guidelines on abstaining from alcohol during the adolescent years. Any drinking, even at the low-risk level, may not be appropriate in adolescence. However, refinements that could better capture the risk of adolescent drinking in women would be useful. [source]

Evaluating and grading cystographic leakage: correlation with clinical outcomes in patients undergoing robotic prostatectomy

Nilesh Patil
OBJECTIVE To classify cystographically detected urinary leaks in patients undergoing computer-assisted (robotic) radical prostatectomy (RP) and to evaluate its effect on postoperative outcomes. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between October 2001 and October 2007, 3327 patients had a RP using a technique described previously. The data were entered prospectively into an approved database. Before catheter removal, all patients had a gravity cystogram taken 7 days after RP. All patients who had a detectable urinary leak on cystography were stratified into three groups by two independent radiologists using a previously described grading system. Patients were evaluated with a validated International Prostate Symptom Score at 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-month intervals after RP. The continence status was determined based on a patient-reported questionnaire. Medical records in these patients were reviewed for the presence of complications requiring secondary interventions. RESULTS In all, 287 patients (8.6%) had a detectable leak on cystography, of which 179 (62.4%), 84 (29.3%) and 24 (8.4%) were grades I, II and III, respectively. Of the patients with a detectable leak 70% were continent within 3 months and 94% had no involuntary urinary leakage at 1 year. Eight of 287 (2.8%) patients required a secondary intervention to correct bladder neck contracture. All eight of these patients had a grade II or III leak on cystography. CONCLUSION The presence of a urinary leak might delay the time to continence, but has no adverse effect on long-term urinary control. Quantifying the gradation of leakage according to the described classification might provide the clinician with prognostic information about patients at risk for future interventions. [source]

Allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukaemia in the era of imatinib: a retrospective multicentre study

Martin Bornhäuser
Abstract:,Objective:,To analyse the results of allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in patients with advanced stages of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) who had previously been treated with imatinib mesylate (IM). Methods:,We analysed the outcome of 61 patients with CML who had received allogeneic HCT from sibling (n = 18) or unrelated (n = 43) donors after having been treated with IM. Forty-one patients had received IM because of accelerated or blast phase CML. Conditioning therapy contained standard doses of busulfan (n = 25) or total-body irradiation (n = 20) in conjunction with cyclophosphamide in the majority of cases. Sixteen patients received dose-reduced conditioning with fludarabine-based regimens. Results:,The incidence of grades II,IV and III,IV graft-versus-host disease was 66% and 38% respectively. The probability of overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS) and relapse at 18 months for the whole patient cohort were 37%, 33% and 24% respectively. The probability of non-relapse mortality (NRM) at 100 d and 12 months was 30% and 46% respectively. Univariate analysis showed that fludarabine-based conditioning therapy, age ,40 yr and >12 months interval between diagnosis and transplantation were associated with a significantly lower OS and DFS and a higher NRM. Conclusion:,These data suggest that although pretreatment with IM is not an independent negative prognostic factor, it cannot improve the dismal prognosis of CML patients at high risk for transplant-related mortality. [source]

Three-year follow-up of clinical and inflammation parameters in children monosensitized to mites undergoing sub-lingual immunotherapy

F. Marcucci
Parallel follow-up of clinical and inflammatory markers during sub-lingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is highly beneficial. Twenty-four children (age 4,16) monosensitized to house dust mite were randomized to receive either active or placebo SLIT for 1 yr in a double-blind placebo controlled design (Marcucci et al., Allergy 2003: 58: 657,62). Thereafter, for 2 yr they all received active treatment. Symptom scores for rhinitis, asthma, and drug usage were daily recorded. Eosinophil cationic proten (ECP) and tryptase in sputum and nasal secretions, serum and nasal mite-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) were recorded before treatment and at 10,12 months intervals. Nasal ECP and nasal tryptase after specific nasal provocation tests were significantly reduced as compared to baseline values (p = 0.0043 and 0.0195, respectively) in the third year of active treatment. None of the other inflammatory parameters was increased. In placebo treated patients all these parameters tended to decrease only after switching to active treatment. Clinical scores did not improve in treated vs. placebo patients in the double-blind placebo-controlled phase of the study. In both cohorts a clinical benefit was observed as intra-group score reduction as compared to baseline. A significant difference was reached in patients treated for 2 yr for rhinitis and asthma (p = 0.0009 and 0.0019, respectively) but not for drug usage and in patients treated for 3 yr for rhinitis, asthma, and drug usage (p = 0.0105, 0.0048, and 0.02, respectively). SLIT in children monosensitized to mites reverted the spontaneous increase in nasal IgE and in local parameters of allergic inflammation. These outcomes were followed by a consolidated clinical improvement in the second and third year of treatment. [source]