
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Medical Sciences

Kinds of Milieu

  • au milieu
  • cytokine milieu
  • developmental milieu
  • extracellular milieu
  • hormonal milieu
  • inflammatory milieu

  • Terms modified by Milieu

  • milieu therapy

  • Selected Abstracts

    A socioemotional intervention in a Latin American orphanage,

    Robert B. McCall
    A pilot intervention that emphasized training and technical assistance to promote warm, sensitive, and responsive one-on-one caregiver,child interactions primarily during feeding and bathing/changing was implemented using regular staff in a depressed orphanage for children birth to approximately 8 years of age in Latin America. Despite a variety of unanticipated irregularities in the implementation of the intervention, many beyond the researchers' control, ward environments improved; caregivers displayed more warm, sensitive, and responsive interactions with children; and children improved an average of 13.5 developmental quotient (DQ) points after 4+ months' exposure to the completed intervention. Furthermore, 82% of the children had DQs greater than 70 before the intervention, but only 27.8% did so afterward. Although the training for all caregivers was aimed at children birth to 3 years, the number of different caregivers was reduced, and technical assistance was provided only to caregivers serving children less than 3 years, younger and older children (3,8 years) improved approximately the same amount. However, children who were transitioned from a younger to an older ward during the intervention improved less than did children who remained in either a younger or an older ward, the first evidence suggesting that the common orphanage practice of periodically graduating children from one homogeneous age group to another may impede their development. The study is consistent with others that have shown that orphanages can be changed, and increases primarily in warm, sensitive, responsive caregiver,child interactions can produce improvements in children's development. Se implementó una intervención experimental piloto que enfatizaba entrenamiento y asistencia técnica con el fin de promover interacciones de uno a uno cálidas, sensibles y receptivas entre el niño y quien le presta el cuidado, usando el personal de servicio regular en un deprimente orfanato para niños recién nacidos hasta aproximadamente los 8 años de edad en América Latina. A pesar de la variedad de irregularidades no anticipadas en cuanto a la implementación de la intervención, muchas de ellas fuera del control de los investigadores, el ambiente de los pabellones mejoró; quienes prestaban el cuidado mostraron interacciones más cálidas, sensibles y receptivas con los niños; y los niños mejoraron hasta llegar a un promedio de 13.5 puntos en el cociente de desarrollo después de más de 4 meses de estar expuestos a la intervención completa. Es más, 82% de los niños tenía un cociente de desarrollo de menos de 70 antes de la intervención, pero solamente 27.8% tuvo ese resultado después de la misma. Aunque el entrenamiento para quienes prestaban el cuidado fue dirigido a niños recién nacidos hasta los 3 años de edad, y el número de diferentes prestadores de cuidado se redujo de tal manera que la asistencia técnica se les dio solamente a quienes cuidaban niños de menos de 3 años, tanto los niños más pequeños como los mayores (3-8 años) mejoraron aproximadamente la misma cantidad. Sin embargo, los niños que hicieron la transición de un pabellón para niños pequeños a uno para niños mayores durante la intervención mejoraron menos que los niños que permanecieron en el pabellón para niños pequeños o en el pabellón para niños mayores, lo cual representa la primera evidencia que sugiere que la práctica común en los orfanatos de periódicamente graduar niños de un grupo de edad homogénea y pasarlo a otro grupo pudiera impedir el desarrollo de los niños. El estudio es consistente con otros que muestran que los orfanatos pueden ser cambiados y que los incrementos primariamente en las interacciones cálidas, sensibles y receptivas entre el niño y quien le cuida pueden producir mejoras en el desarrollo de los niños. Une intervention pilote ayant mis l'accent sur la formation et l'assistance technique afin de promouvoir des interactions mode de soin-enfant personnalisées chaleureuses, sensibles et réceptives durant les repas et la bain/change ont été mises en place en utilisant un groupe d'employés habituels dans un orphelinat pauvre pour des enfants de la naissance à approximativement 8 ans en Amérique Latine. En dépit d'une variété d'irrégularités non anticipées durant la mise en application de l'intervention, beaucoup d'entre elles n'ayant pas pu être contrôlées par les chercheurs, les services de l'orphelinats ont progressé; les modes de soin ont fait preuve de plus d'interactions chaleureuses, sensibles et réceptives avec les enfants; et les enfants ont progressé d'une moyenne de 13,5 DQ points après quatre mois d'exposition et ce jusqu'à la fin de l'intervention. De plus, 82% des enfants avait des DQ inférieurs à 70 avant l'intervention, mais c'était seulement le cas de 27,8% d'entre eux après. Bien que la formation de tous les modes de soin avait eu pour but les enfants de la naissance à l'âge de trois ans, et bien que le nombre de modes de soin différents ait été réduit, et que l'assistance technique n'ait été donnée qu'aux modes de soin s'occupant des enfants de moins de trois ans, les enfants les plus jeunes et les enfants les plus vieux (3-8 ans) ont progressé à peu près de la même manière. Cependant, les enfants ayant transitionné d'un service pour les plus jeunes vers un service pour les âgés durant l'intervention ont moins progressé que les enfants étant restés soit dans un service pour les plus jeunes soit dans un service pour les plus âgés, les premières preuves suggérant que cette pratique commune dans un orphelinat de faire passer périodiquement les enfants d'une groupe d'âge homogène à un autre freine peut-être le développement. Cette étude s'accorde avec d'autres études qui montrent que les orphelinats peuvent être changés et que les augmentations avant tout dans les interactions mode de soin-enfant chaleureuses, sensibles et réceptives peuvent produire des améliorations dans le développement de l'enfant. Ein Pilot-Projekt mit Interventionscharakter und dem Ziel, durch Ausbildung und technische Unterstützung eine warme, sensible und angemessene eins-zu-eins Betreuer-Kind Interaktionen v. a. beim Füttern und Baden bzw. An- und Ausziehen zu ermöglichen, wurde innerhalb eines Waisenhauses für depressive Kindern im Alterspektrum Geburt bis ca. 8 Jahre in Lateinamerika umgesetzt. Trotz einer Vielzahl von unerwarteten Herausforderungen bei der Durchführung der Intervention, die von den Forschern nicht kontrolliert werden konnten, verbesserten sich Umweltfaktoren: Die Bezugspersonen zeigten wärmere, sensiblere und mehr angemessene Interaktionen mit den Kindern; die Kindern verbessert ihre DQ um durchschnittlich 13,5 Punkten, nachdem sie 4 oder mehr Monate an der Intervention teilnahmen. Außerdem hatte 82% der Kinder eine DQ <70 vor der Intervention, aber nur mehr 27,8% danach. Obwohl die Ausbildung für alle Pflegepersonen die mit Kindern im Alterbereich Geburt bis 3 Jahren ausgerichtet war und die Anzahl der verschiedenen Bezugspersonen reduziert wurde und technische Unterstützung nur für Pflegepersonen des o. g. Altersbereichs angeboten wurde, profitierten sowohl jüngere (0-3 Jahre) als auch ältere Kinder (3-8 Jahre) im gleichen Maße von der Intervention. Allerdings verbesserten sich die Kinder weniger, die von einer Station für jüngere Kinder auf eine Station für ältere Kinder während der Intervention wechselten. Dies weißt darauf hin, dass die gängige Praxis der altershomogenen Altersgruppen in Waisenhäusern möglicherweise deren Entwicklung behindert. Die Studie steht im Einklang mit anderen Untersuchungen, die auch aufzeigen, dass das Milieu in Waisenhäusern geändert werden kann und warme, sensible und angemessene Bezugsperson-Kind-Interaktionen zur Verbesserungen der Entwicklung von Kindern beitragen. [source]

    Redox potential of bulk soil and soil solution concentration of nitrate, manganese, iron, and sulfate in two Gleysols

    Tim Mansfeldt
    Abstract While the reduction of nitrate-N, Mn(III,IV), Fe(III), and sulfate-S in soil has been studied intensively in the laboratory, field research has received only limited attention. This study investigated the relationship between redox potential (EH) measured in bulk soil and concentrations of nitrate, Mn2+, Fe2+, and sulfate in the soil solution of two Gleysols differing in drainage status from the Marsh area of Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany. The soils are silty-sandy and developed from calcareous marine sediments. Redox potentials were monitored weekly with permanently installed Pt electrodes, and soil solution was obtained biweekly by ceramic suction cups from 10, 30, 60, and 150,cm depth over one year. Median EH at 10, 30, 60, and 150,cm depths was 470, 410, 410, and 20 mV in the drained soil and 500, 480, 30, and ,170 mV in the undrained soil, respectively. A decrease in EH below critical values was accompanied in the soil solutions (pH 7.4 to 7.8) by disappearance of nitrate below 0 to 200 mV, appearance of Mn2+ below 350 mV, and Fe2+ below 0 to 50 mV. Both metals disappeared from soil solution after aeration. In the sulfide-bearing environment of the 150,cm depth of the undrained soil, however, the sulfate concentrations were highest at such EH values at which sulfate should be unstable. This discrepancy was reflected in the fact that at this depth bulk soil EH was about 400 mV lower than soil solution EH (250 mV). When investigating the dynamics of nitrate, Mn, and Fe in soils, bulk soil EH provides semi-quantitative information in terms of critical EH ranges. However, in sulfidic soil environments the interpretation of EH measured in bulk soil is uncertain. Redoxpotenzial des Bodens und Bodenlösungskonzentrationen von Nitrat, Mangan, Eisen und Sulfat in zwei Kalkmarschen Während die Reduktion von Nitrat-N, Mn(III,IV), Fe(III) und Sulfat-S in Böden intensiv im Labor untersucht worden ist, haben Felduntersuchungen sich damit kaum beschäftigt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Beziehung zwischen dem Redoxpotenzial (EH) der Bodenmatrix und den Bodenlösungskonzentrationen von Nitrat, Mn2+, Fe2+ und Sulfat in zwei unterschiedlich drainierten Kalkmarschen Schleswig-Holsteins untersucht. Die Böden sind schluffig-sandig und haben sich aus kalkhaltigen marinen Sedimenten entwickelt. Über ein Jahr wurden in 10, 30, 60 und 150,cm Tiefe die EH wöchentlich mit permanent installierten Pt-Elektroden gemessen und die Bodenlösung zweiwöchentlich mittels keramischer Saugkerzen gewonnen. Der Medianwert des EH betrug in 10, 30, 60 und 150,cm Tiefe 470, 410, 410 und 20 mV im drainierten Boden und 500, 480, 30 und ,170 mV im nicht drainiertem Boden. Ein Abfall im EH unter kritische Werte war in der Bodenlösung (pH 7,4 bis 7,8) von einem Verschwinden des Nitrats unterhalb 0 bis 200 mV und einem Auftreten des Mn2+ unterhalb 350 mV und des Fe2+ unterhalb 0 bis 50 mV begleitet. Beide Metalle verschwanden nach Belüftung aus der Bodenlösung. Im sulfidhaltigen Milieu in 150,cm Tiefe des nicht drainierten Bodens waren die Konzentrationen des Sulfats jedoch bei solchen EH -Werten am höchsten, bei denen das Sulfat instabil sein sollte. Diese Unstimmigkeit spiegelt sich darin wieder, dass das EH in dieser Bodentiefe um ungefähr 400 mV niedriger war als das EH der Bodenlösung (250 mV). Wenn die Dynamik von Nitrat, Mn und Fe in Böden untersucht wird, stellt das in der Bodenmatrix gemessene EH semiquantitative Informationen im Sinne kritischer EH -Bereiche zur Verfügung. Im sulfidhaltigen Bodenmilieu ist die Interpretation des in der Bodenmatrix gemessenen EH jedoch unsicher. [source]

    Symptoms to pollen and fruits early in life and allergic disease at 4 years of age

    ALLERGY, Issue 11 2008
    X.-M. Mai
    Background:, The predictive value of reported early symptoms to pollen or fruits on later allergic disease is unclear. Our aim is to evaluate if symptoms to pollen and/or to fruits early in life are associated with allergic disease and sensitization to pollen at 4 years. Methods:, The study included 3619 children from the Barn (Children), Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiology project (BAMSE) birth cohort. Reported symptoms of wheeze, sneeze or rash to birch, grass or weed, symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, rash, facial edema, sneeze, or wheeze) to fruits including tree-nuts at 1 or 2 years of age, and definitions of asthma, rhinitis and eczema at 4 years were derived from questionnaire data. Sensitization to pollen allergens was defined as allergen-specific IgE-antibodies to any pollen (birch/timothy/mugwort) ,0.35 kUA/l. Results:, At 1 or 2 years of age, 6% of the children were reported to have pollen-related symptoms, 6% had symptoms to fruits, and 1.4% to both pollen and fruits. Children with symptoms to both pollen and fruits at 1 or 2 years of age had an increased risk for sensitization to any pollen allergen at age 4 (ORadj = 4.4, 95% CI = 2.1,9.2). This group of children also had a substantially elevated risk for developing any allergic disease (asthma, rhinitis, or eczema) at 4 years irrespective of sensitization to pollen (ORadj = 8.6, 95% CI = 4.5,16.4). Conclusions:, The prevalence of reported symptoms to pollen and fruits is very low in early childhood. However, children with early symptoms to both pollen and fruits appear to have a markedly elevated risk for allergic disease. [source]

    Technische Textilien zur Bewehrung von Betonbauteilen

    Peter Offermann Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
    Abstract Die Eigenschaften von textilbewehrtem Beton werden maßgeblich durch die Menge, die Eigenschaften und die Anordnung der eingesetzten Fasermaterialien bestimmt. An den Faserstoff und seine Aufmachung bestehen daher vielfältige Anforderungen. Nicht zuletzt muß das Fasermaterial preiswert und seine textiltechnologische Verarbeitbarkeit gegeben sein. Die Auswahl der textilen Bewehrung hängt auch davon ab, ob das Bewehrungsmaterial dem alkalischen Milieu des Betons ohne wesentliche Eigenschaftsverluste widerstehen kann. Daneben gehören eine geringe Relaxation bei Dauerbelastung sowie ein günstiges und vor allem gleichbleibendes Verbundverhalten gegenüber der Betonmatrix zu den Anforderungen. Der Beitrag stellt die heute verfügbaren Materialien einschließlich Herstellungsprozeß und Eigenschaften vor. Textile Reinforcement for Concrete For the best transmission of tensile and bending forces in the composite material, the textile reinforcement material has to be inserted as long fibres laid in straight orientation and depending on the load. Through the development of textile manufacturing technologies filament yarns can be manufactured into open grid structures which increase the potential of alternative reinforcements. It is currently possible to manufacture load-adapted textile structures. It is essential that the high-performance mechanical properties of the alkali-resistant glass fibres or carbon fibres used are maintained throughout the manufacturing process until the finished component is complete. Therefore the quality of the yarn orientation and the yarn distribution has to be obtained secured throughout the manufacturing process until the finished textile fabric is complete. [source]

    Interactive Graphics for Computer Adaptive Testing

    I. Cheng
    K.3.1 [Computer Milieux]: Computer and Education , Computer Uses in Education; I.3.8 [Computing Methodologies]: Computer Graphics , Application Abstract Interactive graphics are commonly used in games and have been shown to be successful in attracting the general audience. Instead of computer games, animations, cartoons, and videos being used only for entertainment, there is now an interest in using interactive graphics for ,innovative testing'. Rather than traditional pen-and-paper tests, audio, video and graphics are being conceived as alternative means for more effective testing in the future. In this paper, we review some examples of graphics item types for testing. As well, we outline how games can be used to interactively test concepts; discuss designing chemistry item types with interactive 3D graphics; suggest approaches for automatically adjusting difficulty level in interactive graphics based questions; and propose strategies for giving partial marks for incorrect answers. We study how to test different cognitive skills, such as music, using multimedia interfaces; and also evaluate the effectiveness of our model. Methods for estimating difficulty level of a mathematical item type using Item Response Theory (IRT) and a molecule construction item type using Graph Edit Distance are discussed. Evaluation of the graphics item types through extensive testing on some students is described. We also outline the application of using interactive graphics over cell phones. All of the graphics item types used in this paper are developed by members of our research group. [source]

    Role of orexins in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian relationships

    ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, Issue 3 2010
    P. Silveyra
    Abstract Appropriate nutritional and vigilance states are needed for reproduction. In previous works, we described the influence of the hormonal milieu of proestrus on the orexinergic system and we found that orexin receptor 1 expression in the hypothalamus, but not other neural areas, and the adenohypophysis was under the influence of oestradiol and the time of the day. Information from the sexual hormonal milieu of proestrous afternoon impacts on various components of the orexinergic system and alertness on this particular night of proestrus would be of importance for successful reproduction. In this review, we summarize the available experimental data supporting the participation of orexins in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian relationships. All together, these results suggest a role of the orexinergic system as an integrative link among vital functions such as reproduction, food intake, alertness and the inner biological clock. [source]


    CRIMINOLOGY, Issue 1 2006
    Much of the research focusing on conventional occupations concludes that mentored individuals are more successful in their careers than those who are not mentored. Early research in criminology made a similar claim. Yet contemporary criminology has all but ignored mentors. We investigate this oversight, drawing on Sutherland's insights on tutelage and criminal maturation and incorporating ideas on human and social capital. We argue that mentors play a key role in their protégés' criminal achievements and examine this hypothesis with data from a recent survey of incarcerated adult male offenders in the Canadian province of Quebec. In this sample, a substantial proportion of respondents reported the presence of an influential individual in their lives who introduced them to a criminal milieu and whom they explicitly regarded as a mentor. After studying the attributes of offenders and their mentors, we develop a causal framework that positions criminal mentor presence within a pathway that leads to greater benefits and lower costs from crime. [source]

    Prenatal growth, postnatal growth and trait anxiety in late adulthood , the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study

    J. Lahti
    Lahti J, Räikkönen K, Pesonen A-K, Heinonen K, Kajantie E, Forsén T, Osmond C, Barker DJP, Eriksson JG. Prenatal growth, postnatal growth and trait anxiety in late adulthood , the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Objective:, Trait anxiety may predispose to anxiety disorders and cardiovascular events. We tested whether prenatal growth or postnatal growth from birth to 11 years of age and in adulthood predict trait anxiety in late adulthood. Method:, Women (n = 951) and men (n = 753) reported trait anxiety using the Spielberger Trait Anxiety Scale at an average age of 63.4 years and growth was estimated from records. Results:, Higher trait anxiety was predicted by smaller body size at birth, in infancy and in adulthood. Moreover, faster growth particularly from seven to 11 years of age and slower growth between 11 and 63 years predicted higher trait anxiety. Conclusion:, We found a pattern of pre- and postnatal growth that predisposed to higher trait anxiety in late adulthood. This pattern resembles that found to increase the risk of cardiovascular events and, thus, points to a shared common origin in a suboptimal prenatal and childhood developmental milieu. [source]

    Externalities, Learning and Governance: New Perspectives on Local Economic Development

    Bert Helmsing
    In spite of growing mobility of production and production factors, economic development is increasingly localized in economic agglomerations. This article reviews three partially overlapping perspectives on local economic development, which derive from three factors intensifying the localized nature of economic development: externalities, learning and governance. Externalities play a central role in the new geographical economics of Krugman and in new economic geography of clusters and industrial districts. The dynamics of local economic development are increasingly associated with evolutionary economic thinking in general and with collective learning in particular. Inter-firm and extra-firm organization has experienced considerable innovation in the last few decades. New institutional devices are based on the notions of commodity chain, cluster and milieu. These innovations introduce new issues of economic governance both at the level of industry and of territory. [source]

    Posttranslational regulation of BCL2 levels in cerebellar granule cells: A mechanism of neuronal survival

    Laura Lossi
    Abstract Apoptosis can be modulated by K+ and Ca2+ inside the cell and/or in the extracellular milieu. In murine organotypic cultures, membrane potential-regulated Ca2+ signaling through calcineurin phosphatase has a pivotal role in development and maturation of cerebellar granule cells (CGCs). P8 cultures were used to analyze the levels of expression of B cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) protein, and, after particle-mediated gene transfer in CGCs, to study the posttranslational modifications of BCL2 fused to a fluorescent tag in response to a perturbation of K+/Ca2+ homeostasis. There are no changes in Bcl2 mRNA after real time PCR, whereas the levels of the fusion protein (monitored by calculating the density of transfected CGCs under the fluorescence microscope) and of BCL2 (inWestern blotting) are increased. After using a series of agonists/antagonists for ion channels at the cell membrane or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and drugs affecting protein synthesis/degradation, accumulation of BCL2 was related to a reduction in posttranslational cleavage by macroautophagy. The ER functionally links the [K+]e and [Ca2+]i to the BCL2 content in CGCs along two different pathways. The first, triggered by elevated [K+]e under conditions of immaturity, is independent of extracellular Ca2+ and operates via IP3 channels. The second leads to influx of extracellular Ca2+ following activation of ryanodine channels in the presence of physiological [K+]e, when CGCs are maintained in mature status. This study identifies novel mechanisms of neuroprotection in immature and mature CGCs involving the posttranslational regulation of BCL2. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009 [source]

    The development of sentence interpretation: effects of perceptual, attentional and semantic interference

    Robert Leech
    How does the development and consolidation of perceptual, attentional, and higher cognitive abilities interact with language acquisition and processing? We explored children's (ages 5,17) and adults' (ages 18,51) comprehension of morphosyntactically varied sentences under several competing speech conditions that varied in the degree of attentional demands, auditory masking, and semantic interference. We also evaluated the relationship between subjects' syntactic comprehension and their word reading efficiency and general ,speed of processing'. We found that the interactions between perceptual and attentional processes and complex sentence interpretation changed considerably over the course of development. Perceptual masking of the speech signal had an early and lasting impact on comprehension, particularly for more complex sentence structures. In contrast, increased attentional demand in the absence of energetic auditory masking primarily affected younger children's comprehension of difficult sentence types. Finally, the predictability of syntactic comprehension abilities by external measures of development and expertise is contingent upon the perceptual, attentional, and semantic milieu in which language processing takes place. [source]

    Resistant readers 8 months later: energizing the student's learning milieu by targeted counselling

    DYSLEXIA, Issue 2 2006
    Anne Brit Andreassen
    Abstract Several studies have reported that an alarming large subgroup of poor readers seems to be treatment resistant. This group obviously needs attention beyond standard special education instructions. In Norway, the National Centre for Reading Education and Research has been assigned the task of assisting the school psychological services nationwide in severe cases of reading disabilities. The aim of the present study of a clinical sample of students with severe dyslexia, due to phonological deficits, was to evaluate effects of counselling 8 months after a 2-day assessment at the centre. Sixty-five students, with a mean age of 12.3 years, participated. A thorough assessment of each student's strengths and problems was conducted at the centre. Additional information was obtained from the school psychological services, the teachers, and the parents. Diagnostic reports and proposals for remediation were forwarded to the school psychological services. Students', parents', and teachers' evaluation of the students' reading abilities 8 months after the assessment was retrieved for 75% of cases. Of these, 80% reported clear progress in the students' reading abilities. The progress could not be related to age, cognitive level, place of residence, or previous special education received, but instead to improved motivation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Peer substance involvement modifies genetic influences on regular substance involvement in young women

    ADDICTION, Issue 10 2010
    Arpana Agrawal
    ABSTRACT Aims Peer substance involvement (PSI) is a robust correlate of adolescent substance use. A small number of genetically informative studies suggest that shared genetic and environmental factors contribute to this association. We examine mechanisms by which PSI influences the etiology of regular substance involvement (RSI), particularly in women. Design Population-based cohort study of twin women from the US Midwest. Participants 2176 twin women. Measurements To examine the relationship between self-reported PSI during adolescence and a composite RSI representing regular tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use during young adulthood, using genetically informative correlation, moderation and joint correlation-moderation models. Findings There was evidence for a significant additive genetic X environment interaction. PSI was moderately heritable (h2 = 0.25). Genetic, shared and non-shared influences on RSI overlapped with influences on PSI (genetic correlation of 0.43). Even after controlling for these shared genetic influences, RSI was more heritable in those reporting greater PSI. Conclusions While young women may select peers based on certain dispositional traits (e.g. permissiveness towards substance use), the social milieu constructed by PSI does modify the architecture of increased RSI in those individuals with increasing levels of PSI being associated with stronger expression of heritable influences. [source]

    Does Entrepreneurship Capital Matter?

    David B. Audretsch
    Economics has identified three types of capital as the drivers of economic growth,physical capital, human capital, and knowledge capital. This article introduces the concept of entrepreneurship capital and suggests that it is also an important factor shaping the economic performance of an economy. We define entrepreneurship capital as those factors influencing and shaping an economy's milieu of agents in such a way as to be conducive to the creation of new firms. The hypothesis that entrepreneurship capital is positively linked to economic growth is then tested by examining the relationship between several different measures of entrepreneurship capital and regional economic performance, measured as per-capita income for Germany. The empirical evidence suggests that there is indeed a positive link between entrepreneurship capital and regional economic performance. These results suggest a new direction for public policy that focuses on instruments to enhance entrepreneurship capital. [source]

    Can Russia be Competitive in Agriculture?

    EUROCHOICES, Issue 3 2003
    William M. Liefert
    Summary Can Russia be competitive inAgriculture? Russian agriculture currently is not internationally cost competitive. Since the mid-1990s Russia has imported large volumes of meat, while the grain trade has fluctuated in most years between small net imports and exports. Russia has, however, exported large quantities of key agricultural inputs, including 80 per cent of fertilizer output, mainly to EU countries. Research indicates that Russia has a comparative advantage in producing grain compared to meat, but also a comparative advantage in producing agricultural inputs compared to agricultural outputs. The expected real appreciation of the Russian rouble vis-à-vis Western currencies should further damage Russia's cost competitiveness in meat and grain, but this should be offset by modest productivity growth. An expected rise in consumer income, deriving from relatively high annual GDP growth of about 4,5 per cent, should also stimulate demand for meat imports. In spring 2003, Russia imposed tariff rate quotas on its imports of beef and pork, and a pure quota on imports of poultry. For other agricultural commodities, Russia is pushing in its WTO accession negotiations for allowable agricultural import tariffs that are higher than current levels. Taking these changes together, it is likely that Russia will continue as a big meat importer for about the next ten years,with tariff rate quotas probably determining the level of meat imports,and will become a moderate grain exporter. L'agriculture russepourrait-elle être compétitive ? Actuellement, l'agriculture russe n'est pas compétitive. La Russie a importé de gros volumes de viande depuis le milieu des années 90, tandis que la balance des échanges de céréales oscillait entre les faibles excédents et les faibles déficits. Cependant, la Russie est grande exportatrice d'agro-fournitures dont, en particulier, 80% de sa production d'engrais, principalement vers l'Europe. On montre ici que l'avantage comparatif de la Russie se situe dans les céréales plutôt que dans la viande et, surtout, dans les agro-fournitures plutôt que dans les denrées agricoles. La remontée, à laquelle il faut s'attendre, du rouble vis à vis des devises occidentales, devrait encore diminuer la compétitivité de la Russie en matière de viandes et de céréales, ce qui devrait être compensé par des gains de productivité même faibles. La hausse attendue des revenus des consommateurs, engenderée par une croissance élevée du revenu national, de l'ordre de 4 à 5% par an, devrait aussi stimuler la demande de viande importée. Au printemps 2003, la Russie s'est dotée d'un système de droits sur ses importations hors quotas de viande de bæuf et de pore, ainsi que d'un quota d'importation pour les produits avicoles. En ce qui conceme les autres produits agricoles, dans le cadre des négociations relatives à son entrée dans l'OMC, la Russie s'efforce d'obtenir l'autorisation d'augmenter les taxes à l'importation par rapport à leur niveau actuel. Au total done, à un horizon de l'ordre de dix ans, il est probable que la Russie reste un gros importateur de viandes - le niveau des taxes sur le hors quotas déterminant les niveaux d'importation -, et un modeste exportateur de céréales. Kann Russland auf dem Agrarsektorwettbewerbsfähig sein? Die russische Landwirtschaft ist hinsichtlich der Kosten momentan nicht international wettbewerbsfähig. Seit Mitte der 1990er importiert Russland große Mengen an Fleisch, während der Getreidehandel in den meisten Jahren zwischen geringen Nettoimporten und -exporten schwankte. Russland hat jedoch große Mengen an wichtigen landwirtschaftlichen Vorieistungen, unter anderem 80% seiner Düngerproduktion, hauptsächlich in EU-Länder exportiert. Forschungsergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Russland in der Produktion von Getreide verglichen mit Fleisch einen komparativen Vorteil besitzt; dies trifft jedoch ebenfalls auf die Produktion von landwirtschaftlichen Vorieistungen verglichen mit landwirtschaftlichen Endprodukten zu. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die erwartete reale Aufwertung des russischen Rubel gegenüber den westlichen Währungen eine zusätzliche Verschlechterung der russischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hinsichtlich der Kosten im Bereich Fleisch und Getreide nach sich zieht; dies sollte sich jedoch durch ein moderates Produktivitätswachstum ausgleichen. Der erwartete Anstieg der Verbrauchereinkommen, der sich aus dem relativ hohen jährlichen Bruttoin-landsproduktzuwachs von ca. 4,5 Prozent ableitet, sollte sich ebenfalls stimulierend auf die Nachfrage nach Fleischimporten auswirken. Im Frühjahr 2003 führte Russland Zolltarifkontingente für seine Schweine- und Rindfleischimporte ein und belegte seine Geflügelfleischimporte mit einem Importkontingent. Im Hinblick auf weitere Agrarerzeugnisse drängt Russland in den WTO-Beitrittsverhandlungen darauf, höhere Einfuhrzölle als die gegenwärtig geltenden zuzulassen. In Anbetracht all dieser Veränderungen ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Russland auch für die kommenden zehn Jahre große Mengen an Fleisch importieren,wobei möglicherweise Zolltarifkontingente die Menge bestimmen werden,und sich zu einem mäßigen Getreideexporteur entwickeln wird. [source]

    Achieving Quality in Clinical Decision Making: Cognitive Strategies and Detection of Bias

    Pat Croskerry MD
    Clinical decision making is a cornerstone of high-quality care in emergency medicine. The density of decision making is unusually high in this unique milieu, and a combination of strategies has necessarily evolved to manage the load. In addition to the traditional hypothetico-deductive method, emergency physicians use several other approaches, principal among which are heuristics. These cognitive short-cutting strategies are especially adaptive under the time and resource limitations that prevail in many emergency departments (EDs), but occasionally they fail. When they do, we refer to them as cognitive errors. They are costly but highly preventable. It is important that emergency physicians be aware of the nature and extent of these heuristics and biases, or cognitive dispositions to respond (CDRs). Thirty are catalogued in this article, together with descriptions of their properties as well as the impact they have on clinical decision making in the ED. Strategies are delineated in each case, to minimize their occurrence. Detection and recognition of these cognitive phenomena are a first step in achieving cognitive de-biasing to improve clinical decision making in the ED. [source]

    HIV-1 impairs in vitro priming of naïve T cells and gives rise to contact-dependent suppressor T cells

    Karlhans F. Che
    Abstract Priming of T cells in lymphoid tissues of HIV-infected individuals occurs in the presence of HIV-1. DC in this milieu activate T cells and disseminate HIV-1 to newly activated T cells, the outcome of which may have serious implications in the development of optimal antiviral responses. We investigated the effects of HIV-1 on DC,naïve T-cell interactions using an allogeneic in vitro system. Our data demonstrate a dramatic decrease in the primary expansion of naïve T cells when cultured with HIV-1-exposed DC. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells showed enhanced expression of PD-1 and TRAIL, whereas CTLA-4 expression was observed on CD4+ T cells. It is worth noting that T cells primed in the presence of HIV-1 suppressed priming of other naïve T cells in a contact-dependent manner. We identified PD-1, CTLA-4, and TRAIL pathways as responsible for this suppresion, as blocking these negative molecules restored T-cell proliferation to a higher degree. In conclusion, the presence of HIV-1 during DC priming produced cells with inhibitory effects on T-cell activation and proliferation, i.e. suppressor T cells, a mechanism that could contribute to the enhancement of HIV-1 pathogenesis. [source]

    Diverse regulatory roles for lysosomal proteases in the immune response

    Jeff D. Colbert
    Abstract The innate and adaptive immune system utilise endocytic protease activity to promote functional immune responses. Cysteine and aspartic proteases (cathepsins) constitute a subset of endocytic proteases, the immune function of which has been described extensively. Although historically these studies have focused on their role in processes such as antigen presentation and zymogen processing within the endocytic compartment, recent discoveries have demonstrated a critical role for these proteases in other intracellular compartments, and within the extracellular milieu. It has also become clear that their pattern of expression and substrate specificities are more diverse than was first envisaged. Here, we discuss recent advances addressing the role of lysosomal proteases in various aspects of the immune response. We pay attention to reports demonstrating cathepsin activity outside of its canonical endosome/lysosome microenvironment. [source]

    Effector T-cell differentiation during viral and bacterial infections: Role of direct IL-12 signals for cell fate decision of CD8+ T cells

    Selina J. Keppler
    Abstract To study the role of IL-12 as a third signal for T-cell activation and differentiation in vivo, direct IL-12 signaling to CD8+ T cells was analyzed in bacterial and viral infections using the P14 T-cell adoptive transfer model with CD8+ T cells that lack the IL-12 receptor. Results indicate that CD8+ T cells deficient in IL-12 signaling were impaired in clonal expansion after Listeria monocytogenes infection but not after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, vaccinia virus or vesicular stomatitis virus. Although limited in clonal expansion after Listeria infection, CD8+ T cells deficient in IL-12 signaling exhibited normal degranulation activity, cytolytic functions, and secretion of IFN-, and TNF-,. However, CD8+ T cells lacking IL-12 signaling failed to up-regulate KLRG1 and to down-regulate CD127 in the context of Listeria but not viral infections. Thus, direct IL-12 signaling to CD8+ T cells determines the cell fate decision between short-lived effector cells and memory precursor effector cells, which is dependent on pathogen-induced local cytokine milieu. [source]

    Functional impairment of cytotoxic T cells in the lung airways following respiratory virus infections

    Simone Vallbracht
    Abstract We investigated the differentiation phenotype and function of virus-specific and non-specific CTL that were recruited to the lung parenchyma and the bronchoalveolar space after respiratory virus infections. Soon after virus elimination, we observed functional impairment of CTL isolated from the airways in their ability to produce IFN-, and TNF-, and to lyse target cells. Impaired cytotoxicity was due to a reduced content of granzyme B and a reduced ability to mobilize lytic granules. This impairment in effector functions (a) was largely restricted to CTL in the lung airways, (b) affected both CTL specific for the infecting virus as well as those that were recruited non-specifically to the inflamed lung, (c) was independent of contact between CTL and their specific viral antigen, (d) was not restricted to terminally differentiated CTL but also affected resting memory CTL and (e) could be elicited by both respiratory syncytial virus and influenza virus and thus seemed to be largely independent of the infecting virus. These observations suggest that functional impairment of antiviral T cells in the lung is not the consequence of a viral escape strategy. It may rather result from the particular milieu in the bronchoalveolar space and reflect a host mechanism to prevent excessive pulmonary inflammation. [source]

    The effects of natalizumab on inflammatory mediators in multiple sclerosis: prospects for treatment-sensitive biomarkers

    M. Khademi
    Background:, Natalizumab affects systemic cytokine expressions and clinical course in relapsing,remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). We analyzed levels of inflammatory cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and osteopontin (OPN) in CSF, and clinical outcome measures in 22 natalizumab-treated RRMS patients. Methods:, mRNA levels of cytokines in cells were detected with real-time RT-PCR. Protein levels of OPN and MMP-9 were measured by ELISA. Results:, Natalizumab reduced CSF cell counts (P < 0.0001). Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon-, (IFN-,) mRNAs were significantly increased in PBMCs. In contrast, expressions of IFN-, and interleukin (IL)-23 were decreased but IL-10 increased in the CSF cells. OPN and MMP-9 were reduced in the CSF. Patients being in remission at baseline showed the same deviations of mediators as those in relapse after natalizumab treatment. The open label clinical outcome measures were either stable or improved during therapy. Conclusions:, Natalizumab attenuates pro-inflammatory mediators intrathecally and the reduced pro-inflammatory milieu may allow increased production of the anti-inflammatory mediator IL-10. The increased systemic cytokines may impede the improvement of certain clinical measures like fatigue. The affected mediators seem to be sensitive to an immune-modifying treatment which could be used as biomarkers for this therapy. [source]

    Extracerebellar progenitors grafted to the neurogenic milieu of the postnatal rat cerebellum adapt to the host environment but fail to acquire cerebellar identities

    Chiara Rolando
    Abstract Stem or progenitor cells acquire specific regional identities during early ontogenesis. Nonetheless, there is evidence that cells heterotopically transplanted to neurogenic regions of the developing or mature central nervous system may switch their fate to adopt host-specific phenotypes. Here, we isolated progenitor cells from different germinative sites along the neuraxis where GABAergic interneurons are produced (telencephalic subventricular zone, medial ganglionic eminence, ventral mesencephalon and dorsal spinal cord), and grafted them to the prospective white matter of the postnatal rat cerebellum, at the time when local interneurons are generated. The phenotype acquired by transplanted cells was assessed by different criteria, including expression of region-specific transcription factors, acquisition of morphological and neurochemical traits, and integration in the cerebellar cytoarchitecture. Regardless of their origin, all the different types of donor cells engrafted in the cerebellar parenchyma and developed mature neurons that shared some morphological and neurochemical features with local inhibitory interneurons, particularly in the deep nuclei. Nevertheless, transplanted cells failed to activate cerebellar-specific regulatory genes. In addition, their major structural features, the expression profiles of type-specific markers and the laminar placement in the recipient cortex did not match those of endogenous interneurons generated during the same developmental period. Therefore, although exogenous cells are influenced by the cerebellar milieu and show remarkable capabilities for adapting to the foreign environment, they essentially fail to switch their fate, integrate in the host neurogenic mechanisms and adopt clear-cut cerebellar identities. [source]

    Dedifferentiation of intrinsic response properties of motoneurons in organotypic cultures of the spinal cord of the adult turtle

    Jean-François Perrier
    Abstract Explant cultures from the spinal cord of adult turtles were established and used to study the sensitivity of the intrinsic response properties of motoneurons to the changes in connectivity and milieu imposed by isolation in culture. Transverse sections 700 ,m thick were explanted on cover slips and maintained in roller-tube cultures in medium containing serum and the growth factors brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). The gross morphology of acute sections was maintained after 4 weeks in culture. Cell bodies of motoneurons remained stainable in fixed cultures with an antibody against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) throughout the culture period. During culture, motoneurons maintained stable resting membrane potentials and were contacted by functional synapses. The ability to generate action potentials was also preserved as was delayed inward rectification and generation of calcium spikes in the presence of tetra-ethyl ammonium (TEA). In response to depolarization, however, motoneurons presented strong outward rectification, and only 41% of the cells recorded from maintained the ability to fire repetitively. By the second week in culture, a fraction of motoneurons displayed fast and slow transient outward rectification and low-threshold calcium spikes, features not seen in turtle motoneurons in acute slices. On the other hand, properties mediated by L-type Ca2+ channels disappeared during the first few days in culture. Our observations show that the phenotypical intrinsic response properties of mature spinal motoneurons are modified in explant cultures. The properties acquired resemble the properties in juvenile motoneurons in several species of terrestrial vertebrates. [source]

    A Short-Term Bioresorbable Bone Filling Material Based on Hydroxyapatite, Chitosan, and Oxidized Starch Tested in a Novel Orthotopic Metaphyseal Mouse Model,

    Elias Volkmer
    Despite significant advances in orthopedic surgery, no perfect bioresorbable bone-filling material has yet been clinically established. A new candidate material based on hydroxyapatite, chitosan and oxidised starch, which has the potential to covalently bind to bone in a watery milieu was tested in a new murine model. A special focus lies on the in vivo biocompatibility and bioresorbability of the new material. [source]

    Potential clinical relevance of the ,little brain' on the mammalian heart

    J. A. Armour
    It is hypothetized that the heart possesses a nervous system intrinsic to it that represents the final relay station for the co-ordination of regional cardiac indices. This ,little brain' on the heart is comprised of spatially distributed sensory (afferent), interconnecting (local circuit) and motor (adrenergic and cholinergic efferent) neurones that communicate with others in intrathoracic extracardiac ganglia, all under the tonic influence of central neuronal command and circulating catecholamines. Neurones residing from the level of the heart to the insular cortex form temporally dependent reflexes that control overlapping, spatially determined cardiac indices. The emergent properties that most of its components display depend primarily on sensory transduction of the cardiovascular milieu. It is further hypothesized that the stochastic nature of such neuronal interactions represents a stabilizing feature that matches cardiac output to normal corporal blood flow demands. Thus, with regard to cardiac disease states, one must consider not only cardiac myocyte dysfunction but also the fact that components within this neuroaxis may interact abnormally to alter myocyte function. This review emphasizes the stochastic behaviour displayed by most peripheral cardiac neurones, which appears to be a consequence of their predominant cardiac chemosensory inputs, as well as their complex functional interconnectivity. Despite our limited understanding of the whole, current data indicate that the emergent properties displayed by most neurones comprising the cardiac neuroaxis will have to be taken into consideration when contemplating the targeting of its individual components if predictable, long-term therapeutic benefits are to accrue. [source]

    Human proteoglycan testican-1 inhibits the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin L

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 19 2003
    Jeffrey P. Bocock
    Testican-1, a secreted proteoglycan enriched in brain, has a single thyropin domain that is highly homologous to domains previously shown to inhibit cysteine proteases. We demonstrate that purified recombinant human testican-1 is a strong competitive inhibitor of the lysosomal cysteine protease, cathepsin L, with a Ki of 0.7 nm, but it does not inhibit the structurally related lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin B. Testican-1 inhibition of cathepsin L is independent of its chondroitin sulfate chains and is effective at both pH 5.5 and 7.2. At neutral pH, testican-1 also stabilizes cathepsin L, slowing pH-induced denaturation and allowing the protease to remain active longer, although the rate of proteolysis is reduced. These data indicate that testican-1 is capable of modulating cathepsin L activity both in intracellular vesicles and in the extracellular milieu. [source]

    Chlamydiae and polymorphonuclear leukocytes: unlikely allies in the spread of chlamydial infection

    Roger G. Rank
    Abstract While much is known about the attachment of the chlamydiae to the host cell and intracellular events during the developmental cycle, little is known about the mechanism(s) by which elementary bodies exit the cell. In this report, we use the guinea-pig conjunctival model of Chlamydia caviae infection to present in vivo ultrastructural evidence supporting two mechanisms for release of chlamydiae from the mucosal epithelia. Four days after infection, histopathologic observation shows an intense infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in the conjunctival epithelium. Using transmission electron microscopy, a gradient-directed PMN response to chlamydiae-infected epithelial cells was observed. As PMN infiltration intensifies, epithelial hemidesmosome/integrin/focal adhesion adherence with the basal lamina is disconnected and PMNs literally lift off and release infected superficial epithelia from the mucosa. Many of these infected cells appear to be healthy with intact microvilli, nuclei, and mitochondria. While lysis of some infected cells occurs with release of chlamydiae into the extracellular surface milieu, the majority of infected cells are pushed off the epithelium. We propose that PMNs play an active role in detaching infected cells from the epithelium and that these infected cells eventually die releasing organisms but, in the process, move to new tissue sites via fluid dynamics. [source]

    The role of Sov protein in the secretion of gingipain protease virulence factors of Porphyromonas gingivalis

    Keitarou Saiki
    Abstract Porphyromonas gingivalis transports Arg-gingipains and Lys-gingipain across the outer membrane via an unknown pathway. Recently, we found that the sov gene of P. gingivalis W83 was required for this step. In the present study, we characterized the Sov protein. We constructed a P. gingivalis strain that expresses histidine-tagged Sov instead of Sov. Subcellular fractionations and a histidine-tag pulldown experiment showed that histidine-tagged Sov was present in an outer membrane fraction. Furthermore, antiserum raised against the terminal regions of Sov obstructed the secretion of Arg-gingipains from wild-type W83 cells. A deletion study showed that the region from Phe2495 to the C-terminus Gln2499 of Sov is essential for gingipain secretion. Anti-histidine-tag immunoglobulins interfered with the secretion of Arg-gingipains by P. gingivalis cells that expressed histidine-tagged Sov. In conclusion, we found that Sov is an outer membrane protein participating in the secretion of gingipains and that the C-terminal region of Sov is exposed to the extracellular milieu and involved in the modulation of Sov function. [source]

    An ESOL Methods Course in a Latino Neighborhood

    Thomas C. Cooper
    ABSTRACT: This article describes a model for situating an ESOL methods course in a Spanish-speaking community. The methods course had two specific goals: (1) to organize ESOL classes for children and adults in a Latino neighborhood that serve as a practicum for university students working for an ESOL teaching endorsement and (2) to include a service-learning project in the methods course so that the university students can become acquainted with the milieu of the children growing up in a Latino community. While it is not a difficult task to place an ESOL methods course in an ethnic neighborhood, the amount of planning and organization required exceeds to some degree the preparation necessary for a traditional university course held on campus. The rewards, however, far outweigh the extra effort, because the university students benefit from gaining actual ESOL teaching experience as they learn about an ethnic neighborhood, and the community residents benefit from the collaboration between the university and their neighborhood. [source]

    American Humanitarian Intervention: Toward a Theory of Coevolution

    The goal of this study is twofold. First, it seeks to move beyond the exploration of motivations for understanding why the United States launches some humanitarian interventions and avoids others. Second, it initiates a theory building process to map the complex international and domestic environment that frames American humanitarianism. To explain the selectivity of U.S. engagement, the article establishes a typology of actors, restraints, and concerns involved in the humanitarian policy-making process. It then presents a theory of coevolution that serves as a framework for understanding the interactive and diffusive dynamics between policy makers and their broader operating environment. With illustrative case studies on Operation Provide Comfort in Iraq (1991), Operation Allied Force in Kosovo (1999), and Operation Unified Assistance in response to the Asian Tsunami (2004), this study suggests that U.S.-led humanitarian interventions are part of larger episodes of engagement that hold consequences for subsequent involvements. It finds that altruistic interventions are often blurred with self-interested power pursuits, as American humanitarianism is the product of a confluence of domestic political factors, historical milieu, and international normative advancement. [source]