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Mandibular Implants (mandibular + implant)
Selected AbstractsStability Measurements of Osseointegrated Implants Using Osstell in Partially Edentulous Jaws after 1 Year of Loading: A Pilot StudyCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 3 2002Piero Balleri MD ABSTRACT Background: The introduction of resonance frequency analysis (RFA) as a commercially available technique has made it possible to measure implant stability in implant stability quotient (ISQ) units at any time during the course of implant treatment and loading. However, no information on normal ISQ levels can be found in the literature. Purpose: The aim of this pilot study was to measure the stability of clinically successful implants in partially edentulous patients after 1 year of loading and to study the influence of jaw, anterior/posterior position, implant length, and marginal bone level on implant stability. Materials and Methods: Fourteen partially edentulous patients previously treated with 45 implants were subjected to clinical and radiographie evaluations and RFA measurements using Osstell (Integration Diagnostics, Sävedalen, Sweden) after 1 year of loading. Results: All 45 implants were stable, and implant stability levels were in the range of 57 to 82 ISQ units with a mean of 69 ± 6.5 ISQ after 1 year of loading. Mandibular implants were more stable than were maxillary ones. There were no differences between anterior and posterior implants. No correlation could be found between implant length and stability. Only minor marginal bone resorption was observed. Conclusions: The results from this limited material showed that successfully integrated implants have ISQ levels from 57 to 82 ISQ with a mean of 69 ISQ after 1 year of loading. Mandibular implants are more stable than are maxillary ones. High implant stability can be achieved with short implants and placement in posterior regions. [source] Accelerated rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with an implant retained dental prosthesis: a case reportGERODONTOLOGY, Issue 3 2007Gerald McKenna This case report details the successful rehabilitation of an edentulous patient using a complete upper prosthesis and a lower implant retained overdenture. The provision of care was split between a specialist centre and a primary care setting. This approach reduced inconvenience to the patient. Modern surgical and prosthodontic techniques also reduced the total delivery time. After initial consultation a new set of complete dentures was prescribed with changes in design to the originals. The patient was also planned for placement of two mandibular implants to stabilise and retain the mandibular denture. The first line of treatment involved provision of a new set of dentures constructed by the patient's general dental practitioner. Dental implants were then placed in a specialist centre and the patient returned to the dental practice for attachment of the lower denture to the dental implants. The benefits and success of mandibular implant retained dentures are well documented. With delivery of the overdenture, the patient reported increased satisfaction with his prostheses which allowed him to eat a greater range of foods and enabled him to feel confident when speaking and socialising. [source] Influence of the thickness of the resin palatal vault on the closest speaking space with complete denturesJOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION, Issue 10 2001G. Schierano The closest speaking space (CSS) has been considered stable over time, and therefore useful to determine the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) in edentulous patients. Clemençon affirms that, in complete denture wearers, CSS is not constant but depends on the thickness of the resin palatal vault, and that is the air volume needed to pronounce words to remain constant. The aim of this study was to evaluate Clemençon hypothesis in a group of edentulous patients rehabilitated with traditional maxillary denture and mandibular implant anchored overdenture. The CSS was determined by means of a kinematics method using the Elite System® at 30, 60, 90, 180, 360 days from delivery. The CSS was assessed twice at each stage: with the unmodified denture and a second time after thickening the resin palatal vault by 2 mm with a calibrated wax layer. The CSS after thickening the resin palatal vault was wider. The wider CSS observed can be because of oro-sensory feedback excited by contact between tongue and palatal vault. As hypothesized by Clemençon thickening the resin palatal vault could be a useful procedure to increase the VDO, in cases in which it is too low from the aesthetic stand point. [source] Accelerated rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with an implant retained dental prosthesis: a case reportGERODONTOLOGY, Issue 3 2007Gerald McKenna This case report details the successful rehabilitation of an edentulous patient using a complete upper prosthesis and a lower implant retained overdenture. The provision of care was split between a specialist centre and a primary care setting. This approach reduced inconvenience to the patient. Modern surgical and prosthodontic techniques also reduced the total delivery time. After initial consultation a new set of complete dentures was prescribed with changes in design to the originals. The patient was also planned for placement of two mandibular implants to stabilise and retain the mandibular denture. The first line of treatment involved provision of a new set of dentures constructed by the patient's general dental practitioner. Dental implants were then placed in a specialist centre and the patient returned to the dental practice for attachment of the lower denture to the dental implants. The benefits and success of mandibular implant retained dentures are well documented. With delivery of the overdenture, the patient reported increased satisfaction with his prostheses which allowed him to eat a greater range of foods and enabled him to feel confident when speaking and socialising. [source] Relative effectiveness of powered and manual toothbrushes in elderly patients with implant-supported mandibular overdenturesJOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, Issue 4 2002A. Tawse-Smith Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of a powered toothbrush (Braun Oral-B Plaque Remover 3-D) and a manual soft toothbrush (Oral-B Squish-grip brush) for the control of supragingival plaque and soft tissue inflammation around implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Material and methods: The study sample involved 40 edentulous subjects, aged 55,80 years, having 2 unsplinted mandibular implants supporting a complete removable overdenture opposed by a maxillary complete denture. In this single-blinded, randomised, cross-over clinical trial, two 6-week experimental phases were separated by a 2-week wash-out period. 2 weeks prior to each experimental phase (pre-entry visits), implant abutments were polished to remove all plaque and a standardised instruction in the use of the toothbrush was given. Modified plaque and bleeding indices were recorded at the start and end of each experimental period. Mean index scores at each phase were analysed using paired t -test, and the mean number of sites showing a change in plaque or mucositis were compared using the Mann-Whitney U -test. Combined data from 2 different implant systems were considered after controlling for implant type. Results: Only minor changes in plaque and bleeding scores were observed following the two test periods. There were no statistically significant differences between the manual and powered toothbrushes. Conclusion: Manual and powered brushes were found to be of comparable efficacy with regard to improvement in peri-implant bleeding and plaque indices. Zusammenfassung Zielsetzung: Untersuchung der klinischen Effektivität einer elektrischen Zahnbürste (Braun Oral-B Plaque Remover 3-D) im Vergleich zu einer weichen Handzahnbürste (Oral-B Squish-grip brush) zur Kontrolle supragingivaler Plaque und Weichgewebsentzündung an Implantaten, die Unterkiefer-Totalprothesen tragen. Material und Methoden: Das Untersuchungskollektiv bestand aus 40 zahnlosen Patienten im Alter zwischen 55 und 80 Jahren, die 2 unverblockte Unterkiefer-Implantate zur Unterstützung einer Totalprothese aufwiesen. Der Oberkiefer war jeweils mit einer total schleimhautgetragenen Prothese versorgt. In dieser einfach verblindeten, randomisierten klinischen Cross-over-Studie wurden 2 6-wöchige experimentelle Phasen von einer 2-wöchigen Auswaschperiode unterbrochen. 2 Wochen vor jeder experimentellen Phase wurden die supragingivalen Implantatflächen von sämtlicher Plaque gereinigt und die Patienten erhielten eine Instruktion im Gebrauch der Zahnbürsten. Modifizierte Plaque- und Blutungsindizes wurden zu Beginn und am Ende jeder experimentellen Phase erhoben. Die Mittelwerte für die Indizes wurden mittels des paarigen t -Tests und die Zahl der Stellen, die eine Veränderung in Plaque und Mucositis aufwiesen, wurden durch den Mann-Whitney U -Test verglichen. Die Daten für 2 Implantatsysteme wurden zusammengefasst, nachdem der Einfluss des Implantatsystems überprüft worden war. Ergebnisse: Es wurden nur geringe Veränderungen der Plaque- und Blutungsindizes am Ende beider Testphasen beobachtet. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied zwischen elektrischer und Handzahnbürste konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Hand- und elektrische Zahnbürsten erwiesen sich als gleich effektiv für die Verbesserung periimplantärer Plaque- und Blutungsindizes. Résumé But: Le but de cette étude était de comparer l'efficacité clinique d'une brosse à dent électrique (Plaque remover 3D de Braun Oral B) et une brosse souple manuelle (squish grip d'oral B) pour le contrôle de la plaque supra-gingivale et l'inflammation des tissus mous autour d'implants supportant des overdentures mandibulaires. Matériaux et méthodes: L'échantillon étudié comprenait 40 sujets édentés, âgés de 55 à 80 ans, ayant 2 implants mandibulaires non reliés supportant une overdenture amovible complète et une prothèse maxillaire antagoniste complète. Dans cet essai clinique croisé en aveugle simple, randomisée, 2 phases expérimentales de 6 semaines encadraient une période d'arrêt de 2 semaines. 2 semaines avant chaque phase expérimentale, (visite de pré-entrée), les piliers implantaires étaient polis afin d'éliminer toute la plaque et des instructions standardisées d'utilisation de la brosse étaient données. On notait les indices, de saignement et de plaque modifié, au début et à la fin de chaque période expérimentale. Les notes d'indices moyens à chaque phase étaient analysées par le test t apparié et le nombre moyen de sites présentant une modification de la plaque ou de la mucosite était comparé par le test U de Mann Whitney. Les données combinées des 2 systèmes implantaires étaient considérées après cotrôle pour chaque type d'implant Résultats: De minimes modifications des notes de plaque et de saignement étaient observées après les deux périodes de test. Il n'y avait pas de différences statistiques significatives entre les brosses manuelles et électriques. Conclusion: Les brosses manuelles et électriques ont une efficacité comparable du point de vue de l'amélioration des indices de saignement et de plaque peri-implantaires. [source] OC8 The short-term efficacy of osseointegrated implants in patients with non-malignant oral mucosal disease: a case seriesORAL DISEASES, Issue 2006TA Hodgson Purpose, The spectrum of patients who may wish or warrant osseointegrated implants is increasing, despite few reports of the impact of non-malignant oral mucosal disease upon implant placement. This report details the implant placement outcomes in three patients with pre-existing oral mucosal disease. Case reports,A: Four implants were placed in the lower anterior region of a 78-year-old female with longstanding mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) in 2004. The MMP had resulted in extensive cicatrisation of the upper and lower buccal and labial vestibules. One implant failed to osseointegrate, but was successfully replaced. There have been no other postplacement adverse events, despite the MMP remaining mildly active. B: A 36-years-old male with orofacial granulomatosis characterised by recurrent lip swelling and gingival enlargement, had a single implant placed in the upper canine region in 2001. Although still in situ significant peri-implant alveolar bone loss has occurred and has been stabilised by repeated debridement, local administration of topical minocycline and several courses of systemic metronidazole. C: A 53-years-old female with oral manifestations of diffuse systemic sclerosis and fibrosing alveolitis had four lower anterior mandibular implants placed in 1995 to support an 8 unit bridge. One episode of peri-implant inflammation was controlled with local debridement and topical chlorhexidine mouthrinse. The implants remain satisfactory 11 years postinsertion. Conclusion, The short-term failure of osseointegrated implant integration appears uncommon in patients with non-malignant oral mucosal disease. There remains a need to establish appropriate case selection criteria and monitor outcomes. [source] Report of a Case Receiving Full-Arch Rehabilitation in Both Jaws Using Immediate Implant Loading Protocols: A 1-Year Resonance Frequency Analysis Follow-UpCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 1 2006Michael Portmann DDS ABSTRACT Background:, Immediate occlusal implant loading has been documented as a viable treatment option for various indications. However, documentations related to full-arch rehabilitation are usually limited to treatment of one jaw at a time, thereby leaving the opposing dentition unchanged. Furthermore, clinical documentation using traditional, well-accepted measuring techniques may not be adequate when it comes to short-term evaluation of the success or failure of implants subjected to immediate occlusal loading. Purpose:, The purpose of this case report is to (1) present an implant stability follow-up of a patient receiving an immediate, implant-supported full-arch rehabilitation in both jaws and (2) evaluate the patient's acceptance of this rehabilitation. Materials and Methods:, A 68-year-old patient scheduled for implant treatment was selected for an immediate implant loading protocol in both jaws. During two surgical events 3 weeks apart, eight maxillary and four mandibular Brånemark System® Mk IV TiUniteTM fixtures (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) were inserted and subsequently used to immediately support a cross-arch fixed prosthesis in the maxilla and a bar-retained overdenture in the mandible. Implant stability was recorded from the day of surgery periodically during a 1-year follow-up using resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Results:, At the 1-year follow-up, based on clinical, RFA, and radiographic evaluations, all implants and the reconstructions were classified as successful. All maxillary implants showed a decrease in the implant stability quotient (ISQ) value from the measurement at the time of surgery to the first follow-up, whereas two of four mandibular implants revealed an initial drop in stability. Irrespective of a specific ISQ level measured at implant surgery (ISQ range 53,74) and despite an initial decrease in stability, measurements recorded at the 12-month follow-up indicated similar stability levels for all maxillary implants (ISQ range 64,68) or the group of mandibular implants (ISQ range 72,75) but with a higher ISQ level for mandibular implants. Furthermore, the patient's acceptance of the immediate full-arch rehabilitation in both jaws was high. Conclusions:, The present case report demonstrates that a slightly staged approach for full-arch rehabilitation in both jaws using immediate implant loading protocols is a realistic treatment option. Furthermore, RFA follow-up indicates that immediately occlusally loaded implants placed in reduced bone quality and quantity are more prone to loose stability in the early healing period compared with implants placed in dense bone quality. [source] Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of the 5-mm Diameter Regular-Platform Brånemark Fixture:2- to 5-Year Follow-upCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 1 2002DSc Odont, Georges Tawil DDS ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study was to report the clinical results obtained with 5-mm diameter regular-platform Brånemark implants after 2 to 5 years of follow-up. A secondary aim was to compare the clinical outcome to that of adjacently placed standard 3.75-mm fixtures in the same patients under the same operative condition and in the same prosthetic construction. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients, with a mean age of 54 years, received a total of 97 5-mm diameter regular-platform fixtures. The majority of the implants were placed at molar sites. In 41 of the patients, 53 5-mm diameter implants were placed adjacent to 62 standard 3.75-mm diameter fixtures in the same prosthetic reconstruction. All implants were submerged for an average period of 4 to 6 months. Abutment connection was done according to standard protocol. The prosthetic treatment consisted of freestanding fixed bridges. Results: The cumulative survival rate of the 5-mm diameter implants loaded for a period of 2 to 5 years was 96.9%. Only three implants failed. They were placed in type 4 bone in the posterior maxilla. Bone loss over the first year was 0.70 mm and over a 3-year period 0.81 mm. Implants placed in type 4 bone showed significantly higher bone loss. No difference in the resorption rate could be found between the maxillary and the mandibular implants or between the various implant lengths. There was no significant difference between the bone loss around the 5-mm diameter fixtures and the adjacent 3.75-mm diameter standard fixtures. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated a high predictability of 5-mm diameter regular-platform implants when placed in the posterior maxilla and mandible. [source] Maxillary Implants Loaded at 3 Months after Insertion: Results with Astra Tech Implants after up to 5 YearsCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 3 2001Helmut Steveling DMD ABSTRACT Background: To date, clinical studies have mainly focused on early loading of mandibular implants. Recently, there has also been considerable interest in early loading of maxillary implants. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to report the outcome of maxillary implants loaded after a 3-month healing period and followed up to 5 years. Materials and Methods: Seventeen patients (11 males and 6 females) received 44 Astra Tech implants (Molndal, Sweden) for treatment of single-tooth (13 cases) and partial edentulism (9 cases). The patients were followed up to 5 years after implant placement:50% of the implants were followed for 3 years and 16% have been followed throughout the observation period. Preoperatively, bone height and width were assessed on radiographs. Marginal bone loss was recorded on intraoral radiographs annually. Results: No implant was lost during the observation period. The average marginal bone loss was 0.5 ± 0.7 mm after 1 year, 0.6 ± 0.7 mm after 3 years, and 0.9 ± 1.6 mm after 5 years. There were no soft-tissue or prosthetic failures recorded during the observation period. Conclusion: Early loading of Astra Tech implants was highly successful in maxillary partial and single-tooth cases followed up to 5 years in function. [source] |