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Load Calculations (load + calculation)
Selected AbstractsA new optimal foraging model predicts habitat use by drift-feeding stream minnowsECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH, Issue 1 2002G. D. Grossman Abstract , There is substantial need for models that accurately predict habitat selection by fishes for purposes ranging from the elaboration of ecological theory to the preservation of biodiversity. We have developed a new and highly tractable optimal foraging model for drift-feeding fishes that is based on the profitability of occupying varying focal-point velocities in a stream. The basic model can be written as: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, where: (1) Ix is the net energy intake at velocity x; (2) E is prey encounter rate; (3) P is prey capture success rate which can be modelled as 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) where b and c are fitting constants from the prey capture success curve; (4) D is the energy content of prey (J/m3) in the drift; (5) A is the visual reactive area of the fish; (6) V is velocity (cm/s); and (7) S is the cost of maintaining position (J/s). Given that D, A and S can be considered constant over the range of velocities occupied by these fishes, the model reduces to e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) which we solved iteratively to yield an optimal focal-point velocity for species in each sample. We tested the model by comparing its predictions to the mean focal-point velocities (i.e. microhabitats) occupied by four species of drift-feeding minnows in two sites in a stream in North Carolina, USA. The model successfully predicted focal-point velocities occupied by these species (11 out of 14 cases) in three seasonal samples collected over 2 years at two sites. The unsuccessful predictions still were within 2 cm/s of the 95% confidence intervals of mean velocities occupied by fishes, whereas the overall mean deviation between optimal velocities and mean fish velocities was small (range = 0.9 and 3.3 cm/s for the warpaint shiner and the Tennessee shiner, respectively). Available focal-point velocities ranged from 0,76 to 0,128 cm/s depending on site and season. Our findings represent one of the more rigorous field tests of an optimal foraging/habitat selection model for aquatic organisms because they encompass multiple species and years, and for one species, multiple sites. Because of the ease of parameterization of our model, it should be readily testable in a range of lotic habitats. If validated in other systems, the model should provide critical habitat information that will aid in the management of riverine systems and improve the performance of a variety of currently used management models (e.g. instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) and total maximum daily load calculations (TMDL)). Resumen 1. Existe una grave necesidad de modelos que predigan con precisión la selección de hábitat por parte de los peces con fines que van del desarrollo de la teoría ecológica a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un modelo nuevo y de fácil manejo de alimentación óptima para peces que se alimentan de la deriva que se fundamenta en los diferentes beneficios energéticos derivados de ocupar velocidades focales distintas en un río. 2. El modelo básico puede formularse como: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, donde: (1) Ix es el energía neta obtenida a la velocidad, x; (2) V es la velocidad (cm/s); (3) A es el area visual de reacción del pez; (4) D es la energía contenida en las presas (J/m3) en la deriva; (5) E es la tasa de encuentro de presas; (6) P es la probabilidad de captura de la presa, que puede representarse como 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) donde b y c son constantes; y (7) S es el coste de nadar para mantener la posición en la corriente (J/s). Puesto que D, A y S pueden considerarse constantes en el rango de velocidades que ocupan estos peces, el modelo se reduce a e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) que resolvimos iterativamente para obtener una velocidad focal óptima para cada especie en cada muestreo. 3. Probamos el modelo comparando su predicciones con la velocidades focales medias (i.e. microhabitats) ocupadas por cuatro especies de ciprínidos que se alimentan de la deriva en un río de Carolina del Norte. El modelo predijo con éxito las velocidades focales ocupadas por estas especies (11/14 casos) en tres muestreos estacionales llevados a cabo a lo largo de dos años en dos estaciones. Incluso las predicciones fallidas se diferenciaron en menos de 2 cm/s del límite de confianza al 95% CIs de las velocidades medias ocupadas, y la diferencia media entre predicciones y observaciones fue pequeña (rango = 0.9 cm/s warpaint shiner, a 3.3-cm/s Tennessee shiner). El rango de las velocidades focales medias disponibles fue de 0,76 cm/s a 0,128 cm/s dependiendo de la localidad y estación del año. 4. Nuestros resultados son una de las pruebas de campo más rigurosas de un modelo de alimentación óptima/selección de hábitat para organismos acuáticos puesto que incluyen diversas especies, años y, para una de las especies, localidades. La facilidad de la estima de los parámetros del modelo hace que sea fácil probarlo en diversos hábitats lóticos. Si es validado en ellos, el modelo debería proporcionar información valiosa que ayudará a la gestión de los sistemas fluviales y mejorará los resultados obtenidos a través de varios modelos usados actualmente para la gestión (p.e. IFIM y cálculos TMDL). [source] Sampling Strategies for Volatile Organic Compounds at Three Karst Springs in TennesseeGROUND WATER MONITORING & REMEDIATION, Issue 1 2006Shannon D. Williams The influence of different sampling strategies on characterizing volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and estimating VOC loads was evaluated at three karst springs in Tennessee. During a 6-month period, water samples for VOC analyses were collected weekly at all three springs and as frequently as every 20 min during storms at the two springs with variable water quality conditions. Total 6-month loads for selected VOCs were calculated, and VOC data were systematically subsampled to simulate and evaluate several potential sampling strategies. Results from the study indicate that sampling strategies for karst springs need to be developed on a site-specific basis. The use of fixed sampling intervals (as infrequently as quarterly or semiannually) produced accurate concentration and load estimates at one of the springs; however, additional sampling was needed to detect storm-related changes at a second spring located in a similar hydrogeologic setting. Continuous discharge data and high-frequency or flow-controlled sampling were needed at the third spring, which had the most variable flow and water quality conditions. The lack of continuous discharge data at the third spring would substantially affect load calculations, and the use of fixed sampling intervals would affect load calculations and the ability to detect pulses of high contaminant concentrations that might exceed toxicity levels for aquatic organisms. [source] UNEP-GEMS/Water Programme,water quality data, GEMStat and open web services,and Japanese cooperationHYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, Issue 9 2007Sabrina Barker Abstract The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it demonstrates how monitoring stations that collect water quality data can be situated globally via satellite data from Google Earth. Important technical issues such as interoperability and Open Web Services are discussed in this context. Second, it illustrates how researchers at local levels can benefit from this global technology. The discussion draws from the online water quality database, GEMStat, which contains water quality data and sediment load calculations from around the world. These types of data, collected locally, can be shown to bear global implications through Internet technology. GEMStat has been expanded to include Open Web Services to enable interoperability with other online databases. Third, it illustrate an international framework of cooperation through GEMS/Water Japan, introducing on-site monitoring activities as well as management of international river basin (Mekong/La Plata). Considerations for future application framework are presented in conclusion. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Dem Himmel entgegen , Klimadesign für den Federation Tower MoskauBAUPHYSIK, Issue 3 2008Claudius Reiser Dipl.-Ing. In der Entwicklung des Klimakonzeptes der Turmkappe Ost des Federation Towers in Moskau wurden modernste Simulationswerkzeuge eingesetzt. Die vollständig gläserne Turmkappe in 365 m Höhe soll Raum für einen der schönsten und exklusivsten Bereiche des Hotels geben. Diverse Restaurants, Bars und Lounges sowie ein Sky Dance Club sollen einmal zum Verweilen und zur nächtlichen Vergnügung einladen und dabei stets einen traumhaften Blick über die gesamte Stadt ermöglichen. Mit Hilfe der Simulation wurde für die Turmkappe ein Klimakonzept entwickelt und überprüft, das die thermische Behaglichkeit unter Berücksichtigung von Architektur, Klima und Nutzung gewährleistet. Dazu wurde die Architektur inklusive der Klimatechnik in einem 3D-Modell abgebildet und für den Sommer- und Winterfall berechnet. Der vorliegende Beitrag vollzieht den Planungsablauf von der Lastberechnung bis hin zur Erstellung und Bewertung des Klimakonzeptes in der Simulation. Skywards , climate design for the Moscow Federation Tower. Advanced simulation tools were used in developing the climate design for the roof covering the taller of the two blocks at Moscow's Federation Tower. The all-glass roof space at a height of 365 m is designed to accommodate the finest and most exclusive hotel areas. Several restaurants, bars and lounges and a Sky Dance Club will offer entertainment and fabulous views across the whole city. Simulations were used to develop and verify a design that ensures thermal comfort taking into account architectural, climate and utilisation requirements. The structure and the building services were simulated based on a 3D model, and simulations were carried out for summer and winter scenarios. This paper describes the design process including load calculations and the development and assessment of the climate design by means of simulation. [source] |