Left Buttock (leave + buttock)

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Selected Abstracts

Giant Multilocular Epidermoid Cyst on the Left Buttock

Alexandros Polychronidis MD
Background. Epidermoid cysts are the most common cysts of the skin. They are generally small and slow-growing and rarely reach more than 5 cm in diameter. Objective. We present a patient with a giant multilocular epidermoid cyst. Methods. A 75-year-old man presented with a giant, soft, painless, tumorlike mass on the left buttock that had gradually enlarged over a 12-year period. Excision of the mass from the surrounding tissue was extremely easy because of a well-defined capsule. Results. The 28 3 14 3 12 cm mass was totally excised. A histopathologic examination revealed that it was an epidermoid cyst. Conclusion. This rare case of giant epidermoid cyst was treated successfully by local excision followed by primary closure. Dissection of the mass from the surrounding tissue was extremely easy because of a well-defined capsule. [source]

Angiokeratoma Circumscriptum Naeviforme: Successful Treatment with Carbon-Dioxide Laser Vaporization

Jesús del Pozo MD
Background Angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme (ACN) is an unusual type of localized angiokeratoma that occurs more frequently in females and is usually located on the buttocks or thighs, showing a unilateral distribution. ACN usually causes large lesions, which may require laser ablation because they often are too extensive to perform surgical excision. Carbon-dioxide laser is a known alternative for treating angiokeratomas. Objective Report of two cases of ACN treated with carbon-dioxide laser vaporization. Patients and methods A 28-year-old woman with a hyperkeratotic, violaceus plaque on her left buttock and a 24-year-old woman with a similar lesion on her right buttock were treated with a carbon-dioxide laser. Two laser passes were performed on each lesion within a single session. Results A successful cosmetic aspect of treated areas was obtained, with minimal pigmentary or textural changes. After a 2-year follow-up in the first patient and a 6-month follow-up in the second patient, no recurrence of the lesions was observed. Conclusions Our results, obtaining relevant cosmetic improvement after a few sessions of treatment, with low morbidity and minimal secondary effects, suggest that continuous-wave carbon-dioxide laser vaporization is a safe and effective treatment for ACN. JESÚS DEL POZO, MD, AND EDUARDO FONSECA, MD, HAVE INDICATED NO SIGNIFICANT INTEREST WITH COMMERCIAL SUPPORTERS. [source]

Cutaneous zygomycosis: a case report and review of Japanese reports

MYCOSES, Issue 7-8 2001
M. Kobayashi
Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus; Hautinfektion; abwehrgeschwächter Patient. Summary. A 69-year-old man, a carpenter with idiopathic thrombopenic purpura and interstitial pneumonia, was treated with steroid pulse therapy and antibiotics. On the seventh day of steroid therapy, a conglomeration of papules, vesicles and pustules appeared in an area of the left buttock in contact with his napkin. In a Parker KOH specimen of the crust of the lesion, many non-septate hyphae were seen, and culture of material obtained by biopsy yielded Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus. Ketoconazole cream was applied topically for 1 week, and the exanthema healed. After the third month of in-patient treatment, the patient's overall condition had returned to normal, and he was discharged. Cutaneous zygomycosis is a rare disease, and only 19 cases have been reported in Japan. Its characteristics, as reported in these cases, have been collected and collated. Zusammenfassung., Ein 69 Jahre alter Mann, ein Zimmermann mit idiopathischer thrombopenischer Purpura und interstitieller Pneumonie, begann eine Steroid-Pulstherapie und Antibiotika-Therapie. Am siebten Tag der Steroidgabe bildete sich im Bereich der linken Gesäßhälfte, an der Kontaktstelle mit einer Windel, eine Ansammlung von Papeln, Bläschen und Pusteln. Im Parker-KOH-Präparat von Proben der Blasenkrusten fanden sich zahlreiche nicht-septierte Hyphen, und in Kultur wurde Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus nachgewiesen. Eine Woche lang wurde lokal Ketoconazol-Creme aufgetragen, und das Exanthem heilte ab. Nach dem dritten Monat der Hospitalisierung normalisierte sich das Befinden des Patienten und er konnte entlassen werden. Die Haut-Zygomykose ist sehr selten, und in Japan wurden bisher nur 19 Fälle berichtet. Diese Kasuistiken wurden gesammelt und ausgewertet. [source]

Bilateral zosteriform extragenital lichen sclerosus et atrophicus: A new clinical presentation

Jeng-Feng CHEN
Abstract We report a 13-year-old female child with sequentially occurring lesions of extragenital zosteriform lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA). The skin lesions first appeared at the right waist when she was 8 years and gradually extended inferiorly and medially along the dermatome of the right L1,2. Subsequently, another skin lesion occurred along the dermatome of the left L5,S1 from the left buttock to left dorsum of the foot in the following 5 years. Microscopic findings obtained from the right inguinal sclerotic plaque revealed typical features of LSA. We report the first case of bilateral zosteriform LSA and remind clinicians of including lichen sclerosus in the differential diagnoses of cutaneous zosteriform lesions. [source]