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Selected Abstracts

Evaluation of Subendocardial and Subepicardial Left Ventricular Functions Using Tissue Doppler Imaging after Complete Revascularization

Hüseyin Sürücü M.D.
Objective: We aim to evaluate subepicardial and subendocardial left ventricular (LV) functions in patient single coronary artery lesion at early stage after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Additionally, a comparison of LV functions between patients and control cases was aimed. Method: Patients with culprit left anterior descending (LAD) lesion (n = 25) and subjects with normal coronary angiography (n = 25) were evaluated. Patients underwent PCI and at least one coronary stent was placed. After PCI, the pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (pw-TDI) parameters taken from subepicardial and subepicardial layers were compared among the patients. Results: Left atrium (P = 0.050), LV end-diastolic (P = 0.049), and end-systolic (P = 0.006) diameters were larger compared to the control group. LV inflow velocities were not different between the patient and the control group. But, the myocardial performance index was different (P = 0.049). The systolic and diastolic pw-TDI parameters were apparently different between the patient and the control group. While the systolic pw-TDI parameters did not change, the diastolic pw-TDI parameters taken from both subepicardial (circumferential contraction) and subendocardial layers (longitudinal contraction) improved after PCI. After PCI, it was shown that while Ea velocity (P = 0.012) taken from the subendocardial layer increased, IVRa velocity (P < 0.001) taken from the subepicardial layer decreased. Conclusion: In our study, it could be said that LV, left atrium, and aortic valve diameter increase in patients with coronary artery disease. The systolic and diastolic functions were impaired at subendocardial and subepicardial layers. These dysfunctions can be easily presented with pw-TDI. Although systolic dysfunction persists, diastolic dysfunction improves at early stage after PCI. [source]

Effect of neutron irradiation on the structural, mechanical, and thermal properties of jute fiber

E. Sinha
Abstract This article describes the effect of neutron irradiation on jute fiber (Corchorus olitorius). The jute fibers (4.0 tex) were irradiated by fast neutrons with an energy of 4.44 MeV at different fluences ranging from 2 × 109 to 2 × 1013 n/cm2. An important aspect of neutron irradiation is that the fast neutrons can produce dense ionization at deep levels in the materials. Structural analysis of the raw and irradiated fibers were studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Thermal analysis carried out on the raw and irradiated fibers showed that the thermal stability of the fibers decreased after irradiation. The mechanical properties of the jute fibers were found to decrease after irradiation. The SAXS study showed that the average periodicity transverse to the layer decreased after irradiation, which may have been due to the shrinkage of cellulosic particles constituting the fiber. The residual compressive stress developed in the fiber after irradiation resulted in a decrease in crystallite size as supported by our XRD analysis. Observation with SEM did not indicate any change produced in the surface morphology of the fiber due to irradiation. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008 [source]

Soil biochemical and chemical changes in relation to mature spruce (Picea abies) forest conversion and regeneration

Zheke Zhong
Abstract To investigate soil changes from forest conversion and regeneration, soil net N mineralization, potential nitrification, microbial biomass N, L-asparaginase, L-glutaminase, and other chemical and biological properties were examined in three adjacent stands: mature pure and dense Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) (110 yr) (stand I), mature Norway spruce mixed with young beech (Fagus sylvatica) (5 yr) (stand II), and young Norway spruce (16 yr) (stand III). The latter two stands were converted or regenerated from the mature Norway spruce stand as former. The studied soils were characterized as having a very low pH value (2.9 , 3.5 in 0.01 M CaCl2), a high total N content (1.06 , 1.94,%), a high metabolic quotient (qCO2) (6.7 , 16.9 g CO2 kg,1 h,1), a low microbial biomass N (1.1 , 3.3,% of total N, except LOf1 at stand III), and a relatively high net N mineralization (175 , 1213 mg N kg,1 in LOf1 and Of2, 4 weeks incubation). In the converted forest (stand II), C,:,N ratio and qCO2 values in the LOf1 layer decreased significantly, and base saturation and exchangeable Ca showed a somewhat increment in mineral soil. In the regenerated forest (stand III), the total N storage in the surface layers decreased by 30,%. The surface organic layers (LOf1, Of2) possessed a very high net N mineralization (1.5 , 3 times higher than those in other two stands), high microbial biomass (C, N), and high basal respiration and qCO2 values. Meanwhile, in the Oh layer, the base saturation and the exchangeable Ca decreased. All studied substrates showed little net nitrification after the first period of incubation (2 weeks). In the later period of incubation (7 , 11 weeks), a considerable amount of NO3 -N accumulated (20 , 100,% of total cumulative mineral N) in the soils from the two pure spruce stands (I, III). In contrast, there was almost no net NO3 -N accumulation in the soils from the converted mixed stand (II) indicating that there was a difference in microorganisms in the two types of forest ecosystems. Soil microbial biomass N, mineral N, net N mineralization, L-asparaginase, and L-glutaminase were correlated and associated with forest management. Chemische und biochemische Veränderungen der Bodeneigenschaften durch Verjüngung und Waldumbau eines Fichtenaltbestandes Um die durch den Waldumbau und die Regeneration bedingten Standortsveränderungen zu untersuchen, wurden die Netto-Stickstoffmineralisierung, die potenzielle Nitrifikation, der mikrobiell gebundene Stickstoff (Nmic), L-Asparaginase, L-Glutaminase sowie weitere chemische und biologische Parameter an drei benachbarten Standorten untersucht: Standort I, reiner Fichtenaltbestand (Picea abies (L.) Karst ,110 Jahre); Standort II, Fichtenaltbestand mit Buchenunterbau (Fagus sylvatica , 5 Jahre); Standort III, reine Fichtenaufforstung (16 Jahre). Die Standorte II und III entstanden infolge des Waldumbaus aus reinen Fichtenaltbeständen. Die untersuchten Böden sind gekennzeichnet durch sehr niedrige pH-Werte (pH(H2O) 3, 7 , 4, 2, pH (CaCl2) 2, 9 , 3, 5), hohe Gesamtstickstoffgehalte (1, 06 , 1, 94,%), hohe metabolische Quotienten (6, 7,16, 9g CO2 kg,1 h,1), geringe Nmic -Gehalte (1, 1 , 3, 3,% des Gesamt-N, ausgenommen LOf1 von Standort III) und eine relativ hohe N-Nettomineralisation (175 , 1213 mg N Kg,1 in LOf1 und Of2, nach 4 Wochen Inkubation). Am Standort II nahm das C,:,N-Verhältnis und der qCO2 im LOf1 -Horizont deutlich ab, wohingegen der Gehalt an austauschbarem Ca sowie die Basensättigung im Mineralboden geringfügig zunahmen. Am Standort III nahm der N-Vorrat (Auflagehumus + Mineralboden 0 , 10,cm) um 30,% ab. In den LOf1 - und Of2 -Lagen des Auflagehumus dieses Standortes traten eine hohe N-Nettomineralisation (1, 5- bis 3fach höher als in den Standorten I und II), hohe Gehalte an mikrobiell gebundenem C und N, eine erhöhte Basalatmung sowie erhöhte qCO2 -Werte auf. In den Oh-Lagen hingegen nahm die Basensättigung ab. Alle untersuchten Standorte zeigten in der ersten Periode der Inkubation (0 bis 2 Wochen) eine geringe Netto-Nitrifikation. An den Standorten I und III fand in der späteren Periode (7. bis 11. Woche) eine Anreicherung an NO3 (20 , 100,% des gesamten mineralischen N-Vorrates) statt. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde am Standort II keine NO3 -N- Anreicherung festgestellt. Dies deutet auf einen Unterschied in der Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in den zwei verschiedenen Forstökosystemen hin. Nmic, N-Nettomineralisation, L-Asparaginase und L-Glutaminase korrelieren miteinander und zeigen eine enge Beziehung zu den Bewirtschaftungsformen. [source]

Modeling the Effect of Oxygen on Photopolymerization Kinetics

Allison K. O'Brien
Abstract Summary: A comprehensive one-dimensional photopolymerization model was utilized to investigate the effect of oxygen on the free-radical photopolymerization kinetics. The spatial profiling aspect of the model provided insight into the heterogeneity of the cure kinetics due to oxygen inhibition, specifically the variance in the concentration profile of monomer and oxygen. Double bond conversion was negligible for the top ten microns of the film due to continuous oxygen diffusion, and increased with increasing depth. Similarly, the oxygen concentration decreased with increasing depth due to the competition between oxygen diffusion time and the polymerization rate. The effect of initiation rate on the extent of oxygen inhibition was investigated for various oxygen concentrations. As the initiation rate increased, the polymerization rate increased, and eventually approached that of a sample in an inert environment. Similarly, as the oxygen concentration was decreased, the polymerization rate increased. The effect of varying the initiation rate on the cure profile in the oxygen-exposed film was also studied. It was found that the unpolymerized tacky layer decreased from 50 µm to 5 µm with a 3 order of magnitude increase in initiation rate. Using the pseudo steady state approximation, the relationship between polymerization rate and initiation rate was derived for films in an oxygen environment. A direct relationship between the polymerization and initiation rate was found for films in air. The polymerization model supported this derivation and found that as the oxygen concentration was decreased, the dependence on initiation rate, or alpha, decreased, reaching the accepted value of 0.5 for alpha in inert environments. Double bond conversion versus film depth and cure time. [source]

Soil biochemical and chemical changes in relation to mature spruce (Picea abies) forest conversion and regeneration

Zheke Zhong
Abstract To investigate soil changes from forest conversion and regeneration, soil net N mineralization, potential nitrification, microbial biomass N, L-asparaginase, L-glutaminase, and other chemical and biological properties were examined in three adjacent stands: mature pure and dense Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) (110 yr) (stand I), mature Norway spruce mixed with young beech (Fagus sylvatica) (5 yr) (stand II), and young Norway spruce (16 yr) (stand III). The latter two stands were converted or regenerated from the mature Norway spruce stand as former. The studied soils were characterized as having a very low pH value (2.9 , 3.5 in 0.01 M CaCl2), a high total N content (1.06 , 1.94,%), a high metabolic quotient (qCO2) (6.7 , 16.9 g CO2 kg,1 h,1), a low microbial biomass N (1.1 , 3.3,% of total N, except LOf1 at stand III), and a relatively high net N mineralization (175 , 1213 mg N kg,1 in LOf1 and Of2, 4 weeks incubation). In the converted forest (stand II), C,:,N ratio and qCO2 values in the LOf1 layer decreased significantly, and base saturation and exchangeable Ca showed a somewhat increment in mineral soil. In the regenerated forest (stand III), the total N storage in the surface layers decreased by 30,%. The surface organic layers (LOf1, Of2) possessed a very high net N mineralization (1.5 , 3 times higher than those in other two stands), high microbial biomass (C, N), and high basal respiration and qCO2 values. Meanwhile, in the Oh layer, the base saturation and the exchangeable Ca decreased. All studied substrates showed little net nitrification after the first period of incubation (2 weeks). In the later period of incubation (7 , 11 weeks), a considerable amount of NO3 -N accumulated (20 , 100,% of total cumulative mineral N) in the soils from the two pure spruce stands (I, III). In contrast, there was almost no net NO3 -N accumulation in the soils from the converted mixed stand (II) indicating that there was a difference in microorganisms in the two types of forest ecosystems. Soil microbial biomass N, mineral N, net N mineralization, L-asparaginase, and L-glutaminase were correlated and associated with forest management. Chemische und biochemische Veränderungen der Bodeneigenschaften durch Verjüngung und Waldumbau eines Fichtenaltbestandes Um die durch den Waldumbau und die Regeneration bedingten Standortsveränderungen zu untersuchen, wurden die Netto-Stickstoffmineralisierung, die potenzielle Nitrifikation, der mikrobiell gebundene Stickstoff (Nmic), L-Asparaginase, L-Glutaminase sowie weitere chemische und biologische Parameter an drei benachbarten Standorten untersucht: Standort I, reiner Fichtenaltbestand (Picea abies (L.) Karst ,110 Jahre); Standort II, Fichtenaltbestand mit Buchenunterbau (Fagus sylvatica , 5 Jahre); Standort III, reine Fichtenaufforstung (16 Jahre). Die Standorte II und III entstanden infolge des Waldumbaus aus reinen Fichtenaltbeständen. Die untersuchten Böden sind gekennzeichnet durch sehr niedrige pH-Werte (pH(H2O) 3, 7 , 4, 2, pH (CaCl2) 2, 9 , 3, 5), hohe Gesamtstickstoffgehalte (1, 06 , 1, 94,%), hohe metabolische Quotienten (6, 7,16, 9g CO2 kg,1 h,1), geringe Nmic -Gehalte (1, 1 , 3, 3,% des Gesamt-N, ausgenommen LOf1 von Standort III) und eine relativ hohe N-Nettomineralisation (175 , 1213 mg N Kg,1 in LOf1 und Of2, nach 4 Wochen Inkubation). Am Standort II nahm das C,:,N-Verhältnis und der qCO2 im LOf1 -Horizont deutlich ab, wohingegen der Gehalt an austauschbarem Ca sowie die Basensättigung im Mineralboden geringfügig zunahmen. Am Standort III nahm der N-Vorrat (Auflagehumus + Mineralboden 0 , 10,cm) um 30,% ab. In den LOf1 - und Of2 -Lagen des Auflagehumus dieses Standortes traten eine hohe N-Nettomineralisation (1, 5- bis 3fach höher als in den Standorten I und II), hohe Gehalte an mikrobiell gebundenem C und N, eine erhöhte Basalatmung sowie erhöhte qCO2 -Werte auf. In den Oh-Lagen hingegen nahm die Basensättigung ab. Alle untersuchten Standorte zeigten in der ersten Periode der Inkubation (0 bis 2 Wochen) eine geringe Netto-Nitrifikation. An den Standorten I und III fand in der späteren Periode (7. bis 11. Woche) eine Anreicherung an NO3 (20 , 100,% des gesamten mineralischen N-Vorrates) statt. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde am Standort II keine NO3 -N- Anreicherung festgestellt. Dies deutet auf einen Unterschied in der Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in den zwei verschiedenen Forstökosystemen hin. Nmic, N-Nettomineralisation, L-Asparaginase und L-Glutaminase korrelieren miteinander und zeigen eine enge Beziehung zu den Bewirtschaftungsformen. [source]

Localization and gestation-dependent pattern of corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor subtypes in ovine fetal distal colon

J. Lakshmanan
Abstract, Meconium passage is frequently observed in association with feto-maternal stress factors such as hypoxia and infection, but the triggering mechanism is unknown. We hypothesize that differential regulation of corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors during gestation play an important role in determining the susceptibilities of the fetus to stress-induced in utero meconium passage at term. We examined the innervation patterns of CRF-receptor type 1 (CRF-R1), a stimulator of gastrointestinal motility and CRF-receptor type II (CRF-R2), an inhibitor of gastrointestinal motility in ovine fetal distal colonic segments from very preterm to term gestation. Both CRF-R1 and CRF-R2 receptors were present in muscularis mucosa as well as in longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers in fetal distal colonic segments at all gestational ages. Quantitative image analysis indicated a 42% increase in CRF-R1 receptor immunoreactivity in muscularis mucosa and a 30% in longitudinal smooth muscle layers from very preterm to term. In contrast, CRF-R2 receptor immunoreactivity in muscularis mucosa as well as in longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers decreased by 38%, 55% and 51%, respectively, at term. The percentage of enteric ganglia and the number of enteric neurons expressing CRF-R1 receptors were high at term. Western blot analysis identified 235 and 50 kDa molecular species of CRF-R1 receptors and 37 and 28 kDa molecular species of CRF-R2 receptors. In summary, we speculate that downregulation of CRF-R2 receptor abundance with concurrent increases in CRF-R1 receptor levels in myenteric-smooth muscle unit with advancing gestation sensitizes the colonic motility responses to stressors. [source]

Optical characterization of Zn0.97Mn0.03Se/ZnSe0.92Te0.08 type II multiple-quantum-well structures

D. Y. Lin
Abstract The optical characterization of type II Zn0.97Mn0.03Se/ZnSe0.92Te0.08 multiple-quantum-well structures have been studied using photoluminescence (PL), temperature-dependent PL, polarized PL, power-dependent PL, and photoreflectance (PR) in this study. The PL data reveal that the band alignment of the ZnMnSe/ZnSeTe system is type II. Comparing with the theoretical calculation based on the Schrodinger equation, the valence band offset is estimated to be 0.6 eV. From the power-dependent PL spectra, it is observed that the peak position of PL spectra shows a blueshift under different excitation power. The blueshift can be interpreted in terms of the band-bending effect due to spatially photoexcited carriers in a type II alignment. The thermal activation energy (EA) for quenching the PL intensity was determined from tem- perature-dependent PL spectra. The thermal activation energy was found to decrease as the thickness of ZnMnSe and ZnSeTe layers decreased. The polarized PL spectra exhibit a large in-plane polarization with the polarization degree up to 50%. The polarization does not depend on the excitation intensity as well as temperature. The large polarization is an inherent orientation of the interface chemical bonds. The higher transition features observed in PR spectra show a blueshift with the similar trend observed in the PL spectra as decreasing the thickness of ZnSeTe layer. This result provides a consistent evidence for the assumption that square-like well shapes were built in the ZnSeTe layers. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]