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Selected Abstracts

Diversity and functional importance of coral-feeding fishes on tropical coral reefs

Andrew J. Cole
Abstract Fishes that feed from live corals (corallivores) are a conspicuous component of healthy coral reef environments. However, knowledge of the occurrence and ecological significance of this feeding mode is fragmentary. Historically, very few fish were considered capable of feeding from live coral, and those few that did were considered ecologically insignificant. More recently, the role of corallivores has been re-evaluated; published records document 128 corallivorous fish species from 11 different families, with 69 of these belonging to the family Chaetodontidae. Other families, including the Labridae, Tetraodontidae, Balistidae, Monacanthidae, Pomacentridae and Scaridae, all have between seven and ten coral-feeding species. One-third of coral-feeding fishes feed almost exclusively on corals, with more than 80% of their diet based on coral. Corallivorous fish show distinct prey preferences and consume only a small subset of available corals, usually the genera Acropora, Pocillopora and Porites. This selective predation by corallivores can limit abundance and distribution of preferred corals. Chronic predation by corallivores may also exacerbate effects of coral disturbance (e.g. climate-induced coral bleaching), impeding reef recovery and causing further coral loss. Conversely, the cover of preferred corals can be a primary determinant of corallivore abundance and physiological condition. Owing to this close association, obligate corallivores invariably decline in response to loss of coral cover. Increased knowledge of the number of corallivores and their diets suggest that this feeding mode is more important to coral reef food webs than traditionally thought. [source]

Linking ecological theory with stream restoration

Summary 1. Faced with widespread degradation of riverine ecosystems, stream restoration has greatly increased. Such restoration is rarely planned and executed with inputs from ecological theory. In this paper, we seek to identify principles from ecological theory that have been, or could be, used to guide stream restoration. 2. In attempts to re-establish populations, knowledge of the species' life history, habitat template and spatio-temporal scope is critical. In many cases dispersal will be a critical process in maintaining viable populations at the landscape scale, and special attention should be given to the unique geometry of stream systems 3. One way by which organisms survive natural disturbances is by the use of refugia, many forms of which may have been lost with degradation. Restoring refugia may therefore be critical to survival of target populations, particularly in facilitating resilience to ongoing anthropogenic disturbance regimes. 4. Restoring connectivity, especially longitudinal connectivity, has been a major restoration goal. In restoring lateral connectivity there has been an increasing awareness of the riparian zone as a critical transition zone between streams and their catchments. 5. Increased knowledge of food web structure , bottom-up versus top-down control, trophic cascades and subsidies , are yet to be applied to stream restoration efforts. 6. In restoration, species are drawn from the regional species pool. Having overcome dispersal and environmental constraints (filters), species persistence may be governed by local internal dynamics, which are referred to as assembly rules. 7. While restoration projects often define goals and endpoints, the succession pathways and mechanisms (e.g. facilitation) by which these may be achieved are rarely considered. This occurs in spite of a large of body of general theory on which to draw. 8. Stream restoration has neglected ecosystem processes. The concept that increasing biodiversity increases ecosystem functioning is very relevant to stream restoration. Whether biodiversity affects ecosystem processes, such as decomposition, in streams is equivocal. 9. Considering the spatial scale of restoration projects is critical to success. Success is more likely with large-scale projects, but they will often be infeasible in terms of the available resources and conflicts of interest. Small-scale restoration may remedy specific problems. In general, restoration should occur at the appropriate spatial scale such that restoration is not reversed by the prevailing disturbance regime. 10. The effectiveness and predictability of stream ecosystem restoration will improve with an increased understanding of the processes by which ecosystems develop and are maintained. Ideas from general ecological theory can clearly be better incorporated into stream restoration projects. This will provide a twofold benefit in providing an opportunity both to improve restoration outcomes and to test ecological theory. [source]

Hypoxia in head and neck cancer: How much, how important?

H. L. Janssen MD
Abstract Background. Hypoxia develops in tumors because of a less ordered, often chaotic, and leaky vascular supply compared with that in normal tissues. In preclinical models, hypoxia has been shown to be associated with treatment resistance and increased malignant potential. In the clinic, several reports show the presence and extent of tumor hypoxia as a negative prognostic indicator. This article reviews the biology and importance of hypoxia in head and neck cancer. Methods. A review of literature was carried out and combined with our own experience on hypoxia measurements using exogenous and endogenous markers. Results. Hypoxia can increase resistance to radiation and cytotoxic drugs and lead to malignant progression, affecting all treatment modalities, including surgery. Hypoxia measurements using electrodes, exogenous bioreductive markers, or endogenous markers show the presence of hypoxia in most head and neck cancers, and correlations with outcome, although limited, consistently indicate hypoxia as an important negative factor. Each hypoxia measurement method has disadvantages, and no "gold standard" yet exists. Distinctions among chronic, acute, and intermediate hypoxia need to be made, because their biology and relevance to treatment resistance differ. Reliable methods for measuring these different forms in the clinic are still lacking. Several methods to overcome hypoxia have been tested clinically, with radiosensitizers (nimorazole), hypoxic cytotoxins (tirapazamine), and carbogen showing some success. New treatments such as hypoxia-mediated gene therapy await proper clinical testing. Conclusions. The hypoxia problem in head and neck cancer needs to be addressed if improvements in current treatments are to be made. Increased knowledge of the molecular biology of intermediate, severe, and intermittent hypoxia is needed to assess their relevance and indicate strategies for overcoming their negative influence. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck27: XXX,XXX, 2005 [source]

Clinical use of physical activity measures

CRNP (Associate Professor), Lorraine M Reiser PhD
Abstract Purpose:, To provide a review of physical activity measures and subjective and objective methods of its measurement. Considerations for the use of these measurements in research and practice will be discussed. Data sources:, The PubMed, CINAHL, and Health and Psychosocial Instruments databases, and the Centers for Disease Control Web site were searched using the search term "Physical Activity Measurement." Conclusions:, Physical activity is a lifestyle factor that is a key focus in chronic disease,related research, prevention, and interventions. Healthy People 2010 set goals of decreasing the prevalence of preventable diseases by encouraging healthier lifestyle patterns. Shifts toward more sedentary lifestyles have resulted in increases in life-limiting disease states, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Physical activity measurements have been used widely in research studies but are less commonly used in primary care. Measuring individuals' physical activity levels as part of the health assessment will enhance the provider's ability to engage in health promotion and suggest health protection interventions. The strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications to practice of physical activity measures are summarized in an effort to familiarize nurse practitioners (NPs) with commonly used tools and encourage integration of physical activity assessment into their current practice. Implications for practice:, NPs are in an ideal position to promote health by encouraging appropriate amounts of physical activity. Screening, health promotion, and disease prevention are part of the core competencies of NP practice established by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. Increased knowledge of physical activity measures will enhance the NP's ability to evaluate relevant physical activity research for use in evidence-based practice. Incorporation of simple yet appropriate physical activity measurements into practice will expand the NP's ability to identify and thus address sedentary lifestyles in their clientele. [source]

Regulation of Mineral and Trace Elements in Human Milk: Exogenous and Endogenous Factors

Bo Lönnerdal Ph.D.
Breast-fed infants are dependent on an adequate supply of minerals and trace elements for normal growth and development. For most of these elements, the mammary gland appears to have developed mechanisms to regulate their concentrations, even when the maternal diet varies considerably or maternal conditions are affected by different challenges. For some elements, however, there appears to be little or no such regulation. Increased knowledge about these mechanisms, or their absence, and to what extent they may compensate for adverse maternal conditions, including poor nutrition, will help identify infants and women at risk for deficiencies of these nutrients. [source]

Adolescent Health Behaviors and Related Factors: A Review

Hila J. Spear R.N., Ph.D.
This review examined research relevant to adolescent health behavior in order to identify key behaviors and factors related to behaviors for targeting health-promoting interventions. The 34 studies reviewed sampled mainly Caucasian subjects ranging in age from 12 to 24 years. The majority of the studies were descriptive and cross-sectional, and they dealt with a specific health behavior or group of behaviors such as eating, sleeping, and exercise. Primary factors related to health behavior included gender, family structure, ethnicity, knowledge, and attitudes. Increased knowledge of factors that impact adolescent health behaviors is essential so that public health nurses (PHNs) and other health professionals can be more responsive to developmental and lifestyle factors influencing the health of youth within families and communities. [source]

Benthic macroinvertebrates in Swedish streams: community structure, taxon richness, and environmental relations

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2003
Leonard Sandin
Spatial scale, e.g. from the stream channel, riparian zone, and catchment to the regional and global scale is currently an important topic in running water management and bioassessment. An increased knowledge of how the biota is affected by human alterations and management measures taken at different spatial scales is critical for improving the ecological quality of running waters. However, more knowledge is needed to better understand the relationship between environmental factors at different spatial scales, assemblage structure and taxon richness of running water organisms. In this study, benthic macroinvertebrate data from 628 randomly selected streams were analysed for geographical and environmental relationships. The dataset also included 100 environmental variables, from local measures such as in-stream substratum and vegetation type, catchment vegetation and land-use, and regional variables such as latitude and longitude. Cluster analysis of the macroinvertebrate data showed a continuous gradient in taxonomic composition among the cluster groups from north to south. Both locally measured variables (e.g. water chemistry, substratum composition) and regional factors (e.g. latitude, longitude, and an ecoregional delineation) were important for explaining the variation in assemblage structure and taxon richness for stream benthic macroinvertebrates. This result is of importance when planning conservation and management measurements, implementing large-scale biomonitoring programs, and predicting how human alterations (e.g. global warming) will affect running water ecosystems. [source]

The promise and the potential consequences of the global transport of mycorrhizal fungal inoculum

Mark W. Schwartz
Abstract Advances in ecology during the past decade have led to a much more detailed understanding of the potential negative consequences of species' introductions. Moreover, recent studies of mycorrhizal symbionts have led to an increased knowledge of the potential utility of fungal inoculations in agricultural, horticultural and ecological management. The intentional movement of mycorrhizal fungal species is growing, but the concomitant potential for negative ecological consequences of invasions by mycorrhizal fungi is poorly understood. We assess the degree to which introductions of mycorrhizal fungi may lead to unintended negative, and potentially costly, consequences. Our purpose is to make recommendations regarding appropriate management guidelines and highlight top priority research needs. Given the difficulty in discerning invasive species problems associated with mycorrhizal inoculations, we recommend the following. First, careful assessment documenting the need for inoculation, and the likelihood of success, should be conducted prior to inoculation because inoculations are not universally beneficial. Second, invasive species problems are costly and often impossible to control by the time they are recognized. We recommend using local inoculum sources whenever possible. Third, non-sterile cultures of inoculum can result in the movement of saprobes and pathogens as well as mutualists. We recommend using material that has been produced through sterile culture when local inoculum is not available. Finally, life-history characteristics of inoculated fungi may provide general guidelines relative to the likelihood of establishment and spread. We recommend that, when using non-local fungi, managers choose fungal taxa that carry life-history traits that may minimize the likelihood of deleterious invasive species problems. Additional research is needed on the potential of mycorrhizal fungi to spread to non-target areas and cause ecological damage. [source]

Allocating treatment options to patient profiles: clinical art or science?

ADDICTION, Issue 5 2006
Gerhard Bühringer
ABSTRACT Background For many researchers, the disappointing results of Project MATCH were the death blow for any further activities in the field of patient,treatment interactions. On the other hand, we have an increased knowledge of patient heterogeneity and a greater variety of treatment options than before, and allocation guidelines for an ongoing process of patient-placement decisions are of high practical relevance. Aims To analyse deficits in the current research and to provide suggestions for future action. Findings It is argued that (1) certain major design aspects of Project MATCH and other research studies,such as stringent patient exclusion criteria and low treatment ,dosage',minimize the chances of detecting possible patient,treatment interactions and (2) Project MATCH obscures our view of previous treatment-allocation research findings., Conclusions Several research strategies and specific research topics are suggested for (1) improving the theoretical and methodological basis for detecting possible patient,treatment interactions and (2) stimulating research on major treatment decision needs, such as site, setting, time in treatment (extensiveness and intensity), service components and specific treatment modules. More international research cooperation is needed to clarify the inconsistent findings. [source]

How does intergroup contact reduce prejudice?

Meta-analytic tests of three mediators
Recent years have witnessed a renewal of interest in intergroup contact theory. A meta-analysis of more than 500 studies established the theory's basic contention that intergroup contact typically reduces prejudices of many types. This paper addresses the issue of process: just how does contact diminish prejudice? We test meta-analytically the three most studied mediators: contact reduces prejudice by (1) enhancing knowledge about the outgroup, (2) reducing anxiety about intergroup contact, and (3) increasing empathy and perspective taking. Our tests reveal mediational effects for all three of these mediators. However, the mediational value of increased knowledge appears less strong than anxiety reduction and empathy. Limitations of the study and implications of the results are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]


Dori CohenArticle first published online: 11 SEP 200
Divorce proceedings have had a negative reputation due to their adversarial nature. Litigation in the family law field has exacerbated an already emotionally charged atmosphere. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has grown in importance over the past three decades and has helped to alleviate some of the animosity which accompanies divorce and child custody matters. Parents in particular are aided by the benefits of options such as mediation and collaborative divorce, obtaining increased control over their agreements in situations where the relationships will be continuous due to shared parenting responsibilities. However, much more could be done to increase the use of ADR in family law proceedings. Current family law practitioners could fill many roles, including mediator, advocate during mediation, collaborative negotiator, arbitrator, and counselor regarding which process to implement. Knowledge about these different roles, with their attendant skills and ethical issues, has become imperative. This Note will advocate for a mandatory continuing legal education requirement in ADR for matrimonial attorneys, as well as for the inclusion of ADR as a topic on state bar examinations. An increased knowledge of ADR will benefit divorcing parents and their children, ease an overcrowded court system, and lead to greater personal and professional satisfaction for the family law practitioner. [source]

Characterization of 1H NMR detectable mobile lipids in cells from human adenocarcinomas

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 5 2009
Anna Maria Luciani
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies are often carried out to provide metabolic information on tumour cell metabolism, aiming for increased knowledge for use in anti-cancer treatments. Accordingly, the presence of intense lipid signals in tumour cells has been the subject of many studies aiming to obtain further insight on the reaction of cancer cells to external agents that eventually cause cell death. The present study explored the relationship between changes in neutral lipid signals during cell growth and after irradiation with gamma rays to provide arrest in cell cycle and cell death. Two cell lines from human tumours were used that were differently prone to apoptosis following irradiation. A sub-G1 peak was present only in the radiosensitive HeLa cells. Different patterns of neutral lipids changes were observed in spectra from intact cells, either during unperturbed cell growth in culture or after radiation-induced growth arrest. The intensities of triglyceride signals in the spectra from extracted total lipids changed concurrently. The increase in lipid peak intensities did not correlate with the apoptotic fate. Modelling to fit the experimental data revealed a dynamic equilibrium between the production and depletion of neutral lipids. This is observed for the first time in cells that are different from adipocytes. [source]

Approaches to detecting gene × gene interaction in Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 pedigrees

Brion S. Maher
Abstract Whether driven by the general lack of success in finding single-gene contributions to complex disease, by increased knowledge about the potential involvement of specific biological interactions in complex disease, or by recent dramatic increases in computational power, a large number of approaches to detect locus × locus interactions were recently proposed and implemented. The six Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14) papers summarized here each applied either existing or refined approaches with the goal of detecting gene × gene, or locus × locus, interactions in the GAW14 data. Five of six papers analyzed the simulated data; the other analyzed the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism data. The analytic strategies implemented for detecting interactions included multifactor dimensionality reduction, conditional linkage analysis, nonparametric linkage correlation, two-locus parametric linkage analysis, and a joint test of linkage and association. Overall, most of the groups found limited success in consistently detecting all of the simulated interactions due, in large part, to the nature of the generating model. Genet. Epidemiol. 29(Suppl. 1):S116,S119, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on grapevine under climate change

Abstract As climate is a key agro-ecosystem driving force, climate change could have a severe impact on agriculture. Many assessments have been carried out to date on the possible effects of climate change (temperature, precipitation and carbon dioxide concentration changes) on plant physiology. At present however, likely effects on plant pathogens have not been investigated deeply. The aim of this work was to simulate future scenarios of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on grape under climate change, by combining a disease model to output from two general circulation models (GCMs). Model runs corresponding to the SRES-A2 emissions scenario, characterized by high projections of both population and greenhouse gas emissions from present to 2100, were chosen in order to investigate impacts of worst-case scenarios, among those currently available from IPCC. Three future decades were simulated (2030, 2050, 2080), using as baseline historical series of meteorological data collected from 1955 to 2001 in Acqui Terme, an important grape-growing area in the north-west of Italy. Both GCMs predicted increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation in this region. The simulations obtained by combining the disease model to the two GCM outputs predicted an increase of the disease pressure in each decade: more severe epidemics were a direct consequence of more favourable temperature conditions during the months of May and June. These negative effects of increasing temperatures more than counterbalanced the effects of precipitation reductions, which alone would have diminished disease pressure. Results suggested that, as adaptation response to future climate change, more attention would have to be paid in the management of early downy mildew infections; two more fungicide sprays were necessary under the most negative climate scenario, compared with present management regimes. At the same time, increased knowledge on the effects of climate change on host,pathogen interactions will be necessary to improve current predictions. [source]

Development and evaluation of a breast cancer prevention decision aid for higher-risk women

CON(C), Dawn Stacey RN
Abstract Objective, To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a breast cancer prevention decision aid for women aged 50 and older at higher risk of breast cancer. Design, Pre-test,post-test study using decision aid alone and in combination with counselling. Setting, Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Clinic. Participants, Twenty-seven women aged 50,69 with 1.66% or higher 5-year risk of breast cancer. Intervention, Self-administered breast cancer prevention decision aid. Main outcome measures, Acceptability; decisional conflict; knowledge; realistic expectations; choice predisposition; intention to improve life-style practices; psychological distress; and satisfaction with preparation for consultation. Results, The decision aid alone, or in combination with counselling, decreased some dimensions of decisional conflict, increased knowledge (P < 0.01), and created more realistic expectations (P < 0.01). The aid in combination with counselling, significantly reduced decisional conflict (P < 0.01) and psychological distress (P < 0.02), helped the uncertain become certain (P < 0.02), and increased intentions to adopt healthier life-style practices (P < 0.03). Women rated the aid as acceptable, and both women and practitioners were satisfied with the effect it had on the counselling session. Conclusion, The decision aid shows promise as a useful decision support tool. Further research should compare the effect of the decision aid in combination with counselling to counselling alone. [source]

The challenge of caring for patients in pain: from the nurse's perspective

Katrin Blondal
Aim., To increase understanding of what it is like for nurses to care for patients in pain. Background., Hospitalised patients are still suffering from pain despite increased knowledge, new technology and a wealth of research. Since nurses are key figures in successful pain management and research findings indicate that caring for suffering patients is a stressful and demanding experience where conflict often arises in nurses' relations with patients and doctors, it may be fruitful to study nurses' experience of caring for patients in pain to increase understanding of the above problem. Design., A phenomenological study involved 20 dialogues with 10 experienced nurses. Results., The findings indicate that caring for a patient in pain is a ,challenging journey' for the nurse. The nurse seems to have a ,strong motivation to ease the pain' through moral obligation, knowledge, personal experience and conviction. The main challenges that face the nurse are ,reading the patient', ,dealing with inner conflict of moral dilemmas', ,dealing with gatekeepers' (physicians) and ,organisational hindrances'. Depending upon the outcome, pain management can have positive or negative effects on the patient and the nurse. Conclusions., Nurses need various coexisting patterns of knowledge, as well as a favourable organisational environment, if they are to be capable of performing in accord with their moral and professional obligations regarding pain relief. Nurses' knowledge in this respect may hitherto have been too narrowly defined. Relevance to clinical practice., The findings can stimulate nurses to reflect critically on their current pain management practice. By identifying their strengths as well as their limitations, they can improve their knowledge and performance on their own, or else request more education, training and support. Since nurses' clinical decisions are constantly moulded and stimulated by multiple patterns of knowledge, educators in pain management should focus not only on theoretical but also on personal and ethical knowledge. [source]

Investigating factors associated with nurses' attitudes towards perinatal bereavement care: a study in Shandong and Hong Kong

Moon Fai Chan
Aims., To explore nurses' attitudes towards perinatal bereavement care and to identify factors associated with these attitudes. Background., It is likely that the attitude of nursing staff can influence recovery from a pregnancy loss and that nurses with positive attitudes to bereavement care can help bereaved parents to cope during their grieving period. Design., Survey. Method., Data were collected through a structured questionnaire; 657 nurses were recruited from Obstetrics and Gynaecology units in Hong Kong and Shandong during 2006. Outcome measures included attitudes towards perinatal bereavement care, importance of hospital policy and training support for bereavement care. Results., The majority of nurses in this study had a positive attitude to bereavement care. Results show that only 21·6% (n = 141) of the nurses surveyed had bereavement-related training. In contrast, about 89·8% (n = 300) believed they needed to be equipped with relevant knowledge, skills and understanding in the care and support of bereaved parents and more than 88·5% (n = 592) would share their experiences with their colleagues and seek support when feeling under stress. A regression model showed that age, past experience in handling grieving parents, recent ranking and nurses' perceived attitudes to hospital policy and training provided for bereavement care were the factors associated with nurses' attitudes to perinatal bereavement care. Conclusions., Nurses in both cities emphasised their need for increased knowledge and experience, improved communication skills and greater support from team members and the hospital for perinatal bereavement care. Relevance to clinical practice., These findings may be used by nursing educators to educate their students on issues related to delivery of sensitive bereavement care in perinatal settings and to enhance nursing school curricula. [source]

Advances in understanding and treatment of immune-mediated disorders of the peripheral nervous system

MUSCLE AND NERVE, Issue 2 2004
Bernd C. Kieseier MD
Abstract During recent years, novel insights in basic immunology and advances in biotechnology have contributed to an increased understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms of immune-mediated disorders of the peripheral nervous system. This increased knowledge has an impact on the management of patients with this class of disorders. Current advances are outlined and their implication for therapeutic approaches addressed. As a prototypic immune-mediated neuropathy, special emphasis is placed on the pathogenesis and treatment of the Guillain,Barré syndrome and its variants. Moreover, neuropathies of the chronic inflammatory demyelinating, multifocal motor, and nonsystemic vasculitic types are discussed. This review summarizes recent progress with currently available therapies and,on the basis of present immunopathogenetic concepts,outlines future treatment strategies. Muscle Nerve 30: 131,136, 2004 [source]

Approaches to the identification of susceptibility genes

SUMMARY Although previous studies have revealed a great deal about the genetic basis of susceptibility and resistance to parasite infection, there is now an opportunity to considerably enhance understanding through genome-wide association mapping. The application of association mapping to complex inheritance has recently become achievable given reduced costs, sophisticated genotyping platforms and powerful statistical methods which build upon increased knowledge of the linkage disequilibrium structure of the human genome. Linkage mapping and related approaches remain useful for the localization of the rarer genetic variants and candidate region association studies can be a very cost-effective route to progress. However, genome-wide association offers the greatest promise, despite the challenges posed by phenotype complexity, ensuring genotype coverage/quality and robust statistical analysis. The available approaches for mapping genes underlying susceptibility are reviewed here, emphasizing their relative merits and drawbacks and highlighting specific software tools and resources that enable successful mapping. [source]

Assessment of teacher and school psychologist knowledge of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Lisa L. Weyandt
The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher and school psychologists' knowledge of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). One hundred thirty-two kindergarten through 12th-grade general education teachers, special education teachers, and school psychologists responded to a 24-item questionnaire concerning treatment and possible causes of ADHD. The results supported the hypothesis that school psychologists' knowledge level of ADHD would be significantly greater than the knowledge level of special and general education teachers, but did not support the hypothesis that the knowledge level of special education teachers would be significantly greater than the knowledge level of general education teachers. Increased years of professional experience was negatively associated with increased knowledge about ADHD. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]

Piloting a psycho-education program for parents of pediatric cancer patients in Malaysia

Azizah Othman
Abstract Objective: To evaluate a psycho-educational program (PeP) for parents of children with cancer (PoCwC) in Malaysia. Methods: Seventy-nine parents were invited to be either in an intervention (n=41) or a control group (n=38). Baseline assessment took place upon agreement of participation. Short-term effects were measured four weeks after the intervention. Control parents received standard care. Intervention parents received, in addition to standard care, 4×50,min sessions of information on childhood cancer and coping strategies. Results: Repeated measures of ANOVAs revealed increased knowledge about cancer (p=0.01) in the intervention parents compared with standard care. Intervention parents reported reduced anxiety and increased activities with children after the program; however, differences were not significant. Conclusions: This PeP, the first of its kind in Malaysia, has significantly increased levels of knowledge among parents of seriously ill children which may point towards the potential for these services to increase coping in Malaysian PoCwC. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Standardizing evaluation of on-line continuing medical education: Physician knowledge, attitudes, and reflection on practice

Associate Director, Dr. Linda Casebeer PhD Associate Professor
Abstract Introduction: Physicians increasingly earn continuing medical education (CME) credits through on-line courses, but there have been few rigorous evaluations to determine their effects. The present study explores the feasibility of implementing standardized evaluation templates and tests them to evaluate 30 on-line CME courses. Methods: A time series design was used to compare the knowledge, attitudes, and reported changes in practice of physician participants who completed any of 30 on-line CME courses that were hosted on an academic CME Web site and a CME Web portal during the period from August 1, 2002, through March 31, 2003. Data were collected at baseline, at course completion, and 4 weeks later. Paired t tests were used to compare the means of responses across time. Results: U.S. physicians completed 720 post-tests. Quality of content was the characteristic of most importance to participants; too little interaction was the largest source of dissatis-faction. Overall mean knowledge scores increased from 58.1% to 75.6% at post-test and then decreased to 68.2% at 4 weeks following the course. Effect sizes of increased knowledge immediately following the course were larger for case-based than for text-based courses. Nearly all physicians reported making changes in practice following course completion, although reported changes differed from expected changes. Conclusions: Increases in physician knowledge and knowledge retention were demonstrated following participation in on-line CME courses. The implementation of standardized evaluation tests proved to be feasible and allowed longitudinal evaluation analyses across CME providers and content areas. [source]

A Model of Supplier Integration into New Product Development*

Kenneth J. Petersen
In many industries, firms are looking for ways to cut concept-to-customer development time, to improve quality, and to reduce the cost of new products. One approach shown to be successful in Japanese organizations involves the integration of material suppliers early in the new product development cycle. This involvement may range from simple consultation with suppliers on design ideas to making suppliers fully responsible for the design of components or systems they will supply. While prior research shows the benefit of using this approach, execution remains a problem. The processes for identifying and integrating suppliers into the new product development (NPD) process in North American organizations are not understood well. This problem is compounded by the fact that design team members often are reluctant to listen to the technology and cost ideas made by suppliers in new product development efforts. We suggest a model of the key activities required for successful supplier integration into NPD projects, based on case studies with 17 Japanese and American manufacturing organizations. The model is validated using data from a survey of purchasing executives in global corporations with at least one successful and one unsuccessful supplier integration experience. The results suggest that (1) increased knowledge of a supplier is more likely to result in greater information sharing and involvement of the supplier in the product development process; (2) sharing of technology information results in higher levels of supplier involvement and improved outcomes; (3) supplier involvement on teams generally results in a higher achievement of NPD team goals; (4) in cases when technology uncertainty is present, suppliers and buyers are more likely to share information on NPD teams; and (5) the problems associated with technology uncertainty can be mitigated by greater use of technology sharing and direct supplier participation on new product development teams. A supplier's participation as a true member of a new product development team seems to result in the highest level of benefits, especially in cases when a technology is in its formative stages. [source]

Important antinutrients in plant feedstuffs for aquaculture: an update on recent findings regarding responses in salmonids

Åshild Krogdahl
Abstract This review presents an overview of antinutritive factors (ANFs) relevant for fish nutrition. The sources of ANFs and the possibilities of reducing the impact of ANFs are briefly mentioned. Proteinase inhibitors, lectins, saponins and oligosaccharides are given a more thorough presentation regarding mechanisms of action and the state of knowledge regarding effects on gut function in fish and upper safe dietary levels. Thereafter, selected results from recent works addressing the involvement of T cells and proteinase-activated receptors in soybean-induced enteritis are summarized. Our conclusions are as follows: we are only beginning to understand effects of ANFs in fish; strengthening of the knowledge base is urgently needed to understand the effects and to find the means to overcome or modify these effects; interactions between the effects of ANFs appear to be very important; the microbiota may modify the effects of ANFs; not only salmonids are affected; not only soybeans contain ANFs of biological importance in fish; and with increased knowledge, we can develop better diets for optimal nutrition, health and economy in aquaculture. [source]

Amelioration of collagen-induced arthritis and immune-associated bone loss through signaling via estrogen receptor ,, and not estrogen receptor , or G protein,coupled receptor 30

Cecilia Engdahl
Objective The effects of estrogen may be exerted via the nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs) ER, or ER, or via the recently proposed transmembrane estrogen receptor G protein,coupled receptor 30 (GPR-30). The purpose of this study was to elucidate the ER specificity for the ameliorating effects of estrogen on arthritis and bone loss in a model of postmenopausal rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Female DBA/1 mice underwent ovariectomy or sham operation, and type II collagen,induced arthritis was induced. Mice were treated subcutaneously 5 days/week with the specific agonists propylpyrazoletriol (PPT; for ER,), diarylpropionitrile (DPN; for ER,), G1 (for GPR-30), or with a physiologic dose of estradiol. Clinical arthritis scores were determined continuously. At termination of the study, bone mineral density (BMD) was analyzed, paws were collected for histologic assessment, serum was analyzed for cytokines and markers of bone and cartilage turnover, and bone marrow was subjected to fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Results Treatment with PPT as well as estradiol dramatically decreased the frequency and severity of arthritis. Furthermore, estradiol and PPT treatment resulted in preservation of bone and cartilage, as demonstrated by increased BMD and decreased serum levels of bone resorption markers and cartilage degradation markers, whereas no effect was seen after DPN or G1 treatment. Conclusion In a well-established model of postmenopausal RA, ER,, but not ER, or GPR-30 signaling, was shown to ameliorate the disease and the associated development of osteoporosis. Since long-term treatment with estrogen has been associated with significant side effects, increased knowledge about the mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of estrogen is useful in the search for novel treatments of postmenopausal RA. [source]

Evaluation of the rural South Australian Tri-division Adolescent Health Project

Lucio Naccarella
ABSTRACT:The Adolescent Health Project (AHP) was a rural pilot project aimed at strengthening the relationship between general practitioners (GPs) and adolescents within three Divisions of general practice. The evaluation assessed the implementation of the AHP model and strategies and their impact. The AHP used a centralised management/support and local delivery model. The AHP improved GP relationships and comfort with dealing with young people, and improved GP relationships with school counsellors. Divisional relationships with local schools improved. Students reported increased knowledge about GPs, increased confidence and comfort with accessing GPs. The AHP delivered a popular project to GPs, GP clinics, schools, school counsellors and students, which built the capacity of divisions, GPs, and schools to improve adolescent health care provision. Further research questions have emerged: What are the patterns of relationships between GPs and adolescents, and between GPs and school counsellors, and what strategies work best to sustain such relationships? [source]


Lucio Naccarella
ABSTRACT: The Adolescent Health Project (AHP) was a rural pilot project aimed at strengthening the relationship between general practitioners (GPs) and adolescents within three Divisions of general practice. The evaluation assessed the implementation of the AHP model and strategies and their impact. The AHP used a centralised management/support and local delivery model. The AHP improved GP relationships and comfort with dealing with young people, and improved GP relationships with school counsellors. Divisional relationships with local schools improved. Students reported increased knowledge about GPs, increased confidence and comfort with accessing GPs. The AHP delivered a popular project to GPs, GP clinics, schools, school counsellors and students, which built the capacity of divisions, GPs, and schools to improve adolescent health care provision. Further research questions have emerged: What are the patterns of relationships between GPs and adolescents, and between GPs and school counsellors, and what strategies work best to sustain such relationships? [source]