Horizontal Wind (horizontal + wind)

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Selected Abstracts

Evaluation of a wind erosion model in a desert area of northern Asia by eddy covariance

Gerardo Fratini
Abstract For the first time, vertical fluxes of mineral dust measured by Eddy Covariance in two desert sites of Northern Asia have been used to test the performances of a wind erosion model in the field. Soil parameters required by the model were obtained through field and laboratory determinations. Model predictions and direct measurements have been compared. The main finding was that the direction of the horizontal wind relative to the orientation of nebkhas played a crucial role in determining the emission of particles in one of the investigated sites. Being unable to simulate such interaction, the model generally overestimated the actual emission. It provided, instead, reliable predictions (r2 = 0·87) when the wind direction was suitable in detaching loose erodible elements placed on nebkhas thanks to their normal orientation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification.

I: Turbulence, waves
Abstract In this first of a three-part series, we argue that the dynamics of turbulence in a stratified atmosphere should depend on the buoyancy over a wide range of vertical scales and on energy flux over a wide range of horizontal scales; it should be scaling, but anisotropic, not isotropic. We compare the leading statistical theories of atmospheric stratification which are conveniently distinguished by the elliptical dimension Ds which quantifies their degree of spatial stratification. This includes the mainstream isotropic 2-D (large scales), isotropic 3-D (small scales) theory but also the more recent linear gravity wave theories (Ds = 7/3) and the classical fractionally integrated flux (FIF) 23/9-D unified scaling model. In the latter, the horizontal wind has a k,5/3 spectrum as a function of horizontal wavenumber determined by the energy flux and a k,11/5 energy spectrum as a function of vertical wavenumber determined by the buoyancy force variance flux. In this model, the physically important notion of scale is determined by the turbulent dynamics, it is not given a priori (i.e. the by usual Euclidean distance). The 23/9-D FIF model is the most physically and empirically satisfying, being based on turbulent (spectral) fluxes. The FIF model as originally proposed by Schertzer and Lovejoy is actually a vast family of scaling models broadly compatible with turbulent phenomenology and with the classical turbulent laws of Kolmogorov, Corrsin and Obukov. However, until now it has mostly been developed on the basis of structures localized in space,time. In this paper, we show how to construct extreme FIF models with wave-like structures which are localized in space but unlocalized in space,time, as well as a continuous family of intermediate models which are akin to Lumley,Shur models in which some part of the localized turbulent energy ,leaks' into unlocalized waves. The key point is that the FIF requires two propagators (space,time Green's functions) which can be somewhat different. The first determines the space,time structure of the cascade of fluxes; this must be localized in space,time in order to satisfy the usual turbulence phenomenology. In contrast, the second propagator relates the turbulent fluxes to the observables; although the spatial part of the propagator is localized as before, in space,time it can be unlocalized. (It is still localized in space, now in wave packets.) We display numerical simulations which demonstrate the requisite (anisotropic, multifractal) statistical properties as well as wave-like phenomenologies. In parts II and III we will examine the empirical evidence for the spatial and temporal parts, respectively, of the model using state-of-the-art lidar data of aerosol backscatter ratios (which we use as a surrogate for passive scalar concentration). Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification.

II: Spatial stratification, intermittency from lidar data
Abstract We critically re-examine existing empirical studies of vertical and horizontal statistics of the horizontal wind and find that the balance of evidence is in favour of the Kolmogorov kx,5/3 scaling in the horizontal, Bolgiano-Obukov scaling kz,11/5 in the vertical corresponding to a Ds = 23/9 stratified atmosphere in (x, y, z) space. This interpretation is particularly compelling once one recognizes that the 23/9-D turbulence can lead to long-range biases in aircraft trajectories and hence to spurious statistical exponents in wind, temperature and other statistics reported in the literature. Indeed, we show quantitatively that one is easily able to reinterpret the major aircraft-based campaigns (GASP, MOZAIC) in terms of the model. In part I, we have seen that this model is compatible with ,turbulence waves' which can be close to classical linear gravity waves in spite of their very different nonlinear mechanism. We then use state-of-the-art lidar data of atmospheric aerosols (considered as passive tracers) in order to obtain direct estimates of the effective (,elliptical') dimension of the spatial part: Ds = 23/9 = 2.55 ± 0.02. This result essentially rules out the standard 3-D or 2-D isotropic theories or the anisotropic quasi-linear gravity wave theories which have Ds = 3, 2, 7/3 respectively. In this paper we focus on the multifractal (intermittency) statistics showing that there is a very small but apparently real variation in the value of Ds, ranging for the weak and intense structures so that Ds ranges from roughly 2.53 to 2.57. We also show that the passive scalars are well approximated by universal multifractals; we estimate the exponents to be ,h = 1.82 ± 0.05, ,v = 1.83 ± 0.04, C1h = 0.037 ± 0.0061 and C1v = 0.059 ± 0.007 (h for horizontal, v for vertical). Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification.

III: Space, time stratification of passive scalars from lidar data
Abstract In this third and final part of the series, we concentrate on the temporal behaviour of atmospheric passive scalars. We first recall that,although the full (x, y, z, t) turbulent processes respect an anisotropic scale invariance,that due to advection,the generator will generally not be a diagonal matrix. This implies that the scaling of (1-D) temporal series will generally involve three exponents in real space: 1/3, 1/2, 3/5, for spectra ,, = 5/3, 2, 11/5, with the first and last corresponding to domination by advection (horizontal and vertical respectively), and the second to pure temporal development (no advection). We survey the literature and find that almost all the empirical ,, values are indeed in the range 5/3 to 2. We then use meteorological analyses to argue that, although pure temporal development is unlikely to be dominant for time-scales less than the eddy turnover time of the largest structures (about 2 weeks), an intermittent vertical velocity could quite easily explain the occasionally observed ,, , 2 spectra. We then use state-of-the-art vertically pointing lidar data of backscatter ratios from both aerosols and cirrus clouds yielding several (z, t) vertical space,time cross-sections with resolution of 3.75 m in the vertical, 0.5,30 s in time and spanning 3,4 orders of magnitude in temporal scale. We first test the predictions of the anisotropic, multifractal extension of the Corrsin-Obukhov law in the vertical and in time, separately finding that the cirrus and aerosol backscatters both followed the theoretical (anisotropic) scalings accurately; three of the six cases show dominance by the horizontal wind, the others by the vertical wind. In order to test the theory in arbitrary directions in this (z, t) space, and in order to get more complete information about the underlying physical scale, we develop and apply a new Anisotropic Scaling Analysis Technique (ASAT) which is based on a nonlinear space,time coordinate transformation. This transforms the original differential scaling into standard self-similar scaling; there remains only a ,trivial' anisotropy. This method is used in real space on 2-D structure functions. It is applied to both the new (z, t) data as well as the (x, z) data discussed in part II. Using ASAT, we verify the theory to within about 10% over more than three orders of magnitude of space,time scales in arbitrary directions in (x, z) and (z, t) spaces. By considering the high- (and low-) order structure functions, we verify the theory for both weak and strong structures; as predicted, their average anisotropies are apparently the same. Putting together the results for (x, z) and (z, t), and assuming that there is no overall stratification in the horizontal (x, y) plane, we find that the overall (x, y, z, t) space is found to have an effective ,elliptical dimension' characterizing the overall space,time stratification equal to Deff, st = 3.21 ± 0.05. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Influence of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the ECMWF model short-range-forecast errors in the tropical stratosphere

Nedjeljka, agar
Abstract This paper addresses the impact of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) on the background-error covariances in the tropical atmosphere of the ECMWF model. The tropical short-range-forecast-error covariances are represented in terms of equatorial waves coupled to convection. By comparing the forecast-error proxy data from two different phases of the QBO, it is shown that the phase of the QBO has an effect on the distribution of tropical forecast-error variances between various equatorial waves. The influence of the QBO is limited to the stratospheric levels between 50 hPa and 5 hPa. In the easterly QBO phase, the percentage of error variance in Kelvin waves is significantly greater than in the westerly phase. In the westerly phase, westward-propagating inertio-gravity waves become more important, at the expense of Kelvin modes, eastward-propagating mixed Rossby-gravity waves and inertio-gravity modes. Comparison of datasets from two easterly phases shows that the maxima of stratospheric error variance in various equatorial modes follow the theory of the interaction of waves with descending shear zones of the horizontal wind. Single-observation experiments illustrate an impact of the phase of the QBO on stratospheric analysis increments, which is mostly seen in the balanced geopotential field. Idealized 3D-Var assimilation experiments suggest that background-error statistics from the easterly QBO period are on average more useful for the multivariate variational assimilation, as a consequence of a stronger mass-wind coupling due to increased impact of Kelvin waves in the easterly phase. By comparing the tropical forecast errors in two operational versions of the model a few years apart, it is shown here that recent model improvements, primarily in the model physics, have substantially reduced the errors in both wind and geopotential throughout the tropical atmosphere. In particular, increased wind-field errors associated with the intertropical convergence zone have been removed. Consequently, the ability of the applied background-error model to represent the error fields has improved. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

On the accuracy of retrieved wind information from Doppler lidar observations

F. Davies
Abstract A single pulsed Doppler lidar was successfully deployed to measure air flow and turbulence over the Malvern hills, Worcester, UK. The DERA Malvern lidar used was a pulsed Doppler lidar. The lidar pulse repetition rate was 120 Hz and had a pulse duration of . The system was set up to have 41 range gates with range resolution of 112 m. This gave a theoretical maximum range of approximately 4.6 km. The lidar site was 2 km east of the Malvern hill ridge which runs in a north,south direction and is approximately 6 km long. The maximum height of the ridge is 430 m. Two elevation scans (Range,Height Indicators) were carried out parallel and perpendicular to the mean surface flow. Since the surface wind was primarily westerly the scans were carried out perpendicular and parallel to the ridge of the Malvern hills. The data were analysed and horizontal winds, vertical winds and turbulent fluxes were calculated for profiles throughout the boundary layer. As an aid to evaluating the errors associated with the derivation of velocity and turbulence profiles, data from a simple idealized profile was also analysed using the same method. The error analysis shows that wind velocity profiles can be derived to an accuracy of 0.24 m s,1 in the horizontal and 0.3 m s,1 in the vertical up to a height of 2500 m. The potential for lidars to make turbulence measurements, over a wide area, through the whole depth of the planetary boundary layer and over durations from seconds to hours is discussed. Copyright © 2003 Royal Meteorological Society [source]