Hexagonal Columnar Phase (hexagonal + columnar_phase)

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Selected Abstracts

Mixed f-d Metallomesogens with an Extended Rigid Core

Koen Binnemans
Abstract The liquid-crystalline behaviour of copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes of a mesogenic Schiff-base ligand derived from N,N' -disalicylidene-1,2-phenylenediamine (salophenH2) and of the corresponding trinuclear mixed copper(II)/lanthanum(III) and nickel(II)/lanthanum(III) complexes was investigated. High-temperature X-ray diffraction studies revealed that both the parent transition metal complexes and the mixed f-d complexes exhibit a hexagonal columnar phase (Colh) over an extended temperature range. Complex formation with lanthanum(III) nitrate resulted in an increase of the transition temperatures. The geometrical parameters (lattice parameters and column cross-section) of all the metal complexes are very similar, which indicates that the local organisation in the mesophase is the same despite their structural differences. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005) [source]

Planar Alignment of Columnar Discotic Liquid Crystals by Isotropic Phase Dewetting on Chemically Patterned Surfaces

Jonathan P. Bramble
Abstract A novel method of creating planar aligned columnar discotic liquid crystals (cDLCs) on surfaces, which also gives control over the azimuthal angle, is presented. Surfaces are chemically patterned with stripes via microcontact printing of organothiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold, or via deep UV patterning of organosilane SAMs on silicon. These are then used to isolate long droplets of cDLCs by dewetting in the isotropic phase. Upon cooling from the isotropic into the hexagonal columnar phase, polarizing microscopy reveals that the cDLC aligns in a planar orientation. Results for three triphenylene derivatives (HAT-6, HHTT, H7T) and for a phthalocyanine derivative (8H2Pc) are presented. H7T and HAT-6 are found to align with the director perpendicular to the stripe direction, but HHTT and 8H2Pc align parallel to the stripe direction. This relatively simple new method for creating planar aligned columnar phases of DLCs gives control over the azimuthal angle: a condition required for organic field-effect transistor applications of cDLCs. [source]

Distinct Columnar and Lamellar Liquid Crystalline Phases Formed by New Bolaamphiphiles with Linear and Branched Lateral Hydrocarbon Chains

Marko Prehm Dr.
Abstract A universal building block for the convergent synthesis of a wide variety of different T-shaped ternary amphiphiles was developed and used for the synthesis of a series of new liquid-crystalline materials composed of a rigid biphenyl core with polar glycerol groups at both ends and linear or branched alkyl chains in a lateral position. In addition, compounds with bulky achiral (2,4,6-trimethylphenoxy, adamantane-1-carboxylate, benzoate) or chiral (menthyl or cholesteryl) substituents attached to the end of the lateral alkyl chain were also investigated. In all cases the lateral chains were connected to the aromatic core by an ether linkage. The effect of the ether linking unit on mesophase stability and mesophase type is discussed with respect to conformational effects. The liquid-crystalline phases were investigated by polarizing microscopy, calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction of surface aligned samples. Upon enlarging the lateral chains a series of different polygonal cylinder phases was observed, which were replaced by lamellar phases and a non-cylinder hexagonal columnar phase by further increasing the size of these substituents. Remarkably, only pentagonal, hexagonal, and giant hexagonal cylinder phases could be observed, whereas mesophases composed of cylinders with a smaller number of sides are missing. No distinct chirality effects were observed for the menthyl- and cholesteryl-substituted compounds. However, the rodlike shape of the polycyclic cholesteryl core leads to a unique phase structure combining an organization of the alicyclic cholesteryl cores perpendicular to the layer planes and the aromatic biphenyl cores parallel to the layer planes. [source]

Star-Shaped Oligobenzoates: Non-conventional Mesogens Forming Columnar Helical Mesophases

Matthias Lehmann Dr.
Abstract Star-shaped mesogens with a phloroglucinol or a trimesic acid core and oligobenzoate arms with up to five repeating units have been synthesised. These non-conventional mesogens form various columnar mesophases over a broad temperature range. The liquid-crystal phases were characterised by optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, dilatometry and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. In addition to the high-temperature hexagonal columnar phases, the columnar self-assemblies undulate upon cooling and consequently form higher-ordered body-centred orthorhombic columnar 3D structures. A model of E -shaped folded conformers helically displaced along the columns is proposed. Helical preorganisation in the hexagonal phase precedes the transition to the low-temperature phases. Space filling and nano-segregation compete in the self-organisation process, thus aliphatic chains and the polar oligobenzoate scaffold are not perfectly separated in these star-shaped mesogens. [source]