Group Formation (group + formation)

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Selected Abstracts

Implications of Endogenous Group Formation for Efficient Risk-Sharing

Tessa Bold
The existing literature on sub-game perfect risk-sharing suffers from a basic inconsistency. While a group of size n is able to coordinate on a risk-sharing outcome, it is assumed that deviating subgroups cannot. I relax this assumption and characterise the optimal contract among all coalition-proof history-dependent contracts. This alters the predictions of the standard dynamic limited commitment model. I show that the consumption of constrained agents depends on both the history of shocks and its interaction with the current income of other constrained agents. From this, I derive a formal test for the presence of endogenous group formation under limited commitment. [source]

Peer Group Formation in an Adverse Selection Model

Beatriz Armendariz De Aghion
This paper develops an adverse selection model where peer group systems are shown to trigger lower interest rates and remove credit rationing in the case where borrowers are uninformed about their potential partners and ex post state verification (or auditing) by banks is costly. Peer group formation reduces interest rates due to a ,collateral effect', namely, cross subsidisation amongst borrowers acts as collateral behind a loan. By uncovering such a collateral effect, this paper shows that peer group systems can be viewed as an effective risk pooling mechanism, and thus enhance efficiency, not just in the full information set up. [source]

Business Group Affiliation, Firm Governance, and Firm Performance: Evidence from China and India

Deeksha A. Singh
ABSTRACT Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: This study seeks to understand how business group affiliation, within firm governance and external governance environment affect firm performance in emerging economies. We examine two aspects of within firm governance , ownership concentration and board independence. Research Findings/Insights: Using archival data on the top 500 Indian and Chinese firms from multiple data sources for 2007, we found that group affiliated firms performed worse than unaffiliated firms, and the negative relationship was stronger in the case of Indian firms than for Chinese firms. We also found that ownership concentration had a positive effect on firm performance, while board independence had a negative effect on firm performance. Further, we found that group affiliation , firm performance relationship in a given country context was moderated by ownership concentration. Theoretical/Academic Implications: This study utilizes an integration of agency theory with an institutional perspective, providing a more comprehensive framework to analyze the CG problems, particularly in the emerging economy firms. Empirically, our findings support, as well as contradict, some of the conventional wisdom, and suggest useful avenues for future research. Practitioner/Policy Implications: This study shows that reforms in general and CG reforms in particular are effective in emerging economies, which is an encouraging sign for policy makers. However, our research also suggests that it may be time for India and China to stop the encouragement for the empire building through group formation in the corporate world. For practioners, our findings suggest that firms need to balance the need for oversight with the need for advice, while selecting independent directors. [source]

Using Buyer,Supplier Performance Frontiers to Manage Relationship Performance,

Anthony D. Ross
ABSTRACT This article presents a consensus-building methodology to implement dyadic performance measurement. It focuses on transmuting supplier performance and buyer performance metrics on several important attributes into actionable relationship management plans using Clark's (1996) theory of performance frontiers. Access to the supplier performance management program of a Fortune 100 corporation was granted to the research team. Direct observation of practice and in-depth discussions with several managers provided a roadmap for investigating both the literature on quantitative evaluation methods and the empirically derived theory on buyer,supplier relationships from several perspectives. This study describes a multiphase, iterative framework that uses current methods and theory on dyadic buyer,supplier evaluation to consider: (i) evaluation criteria and their importance; (ii) whether the improvement focus should be on strengths, weaknesses, or both; and (iii) whether the referent role supplier should be the ideal supplier, best supplier, or best-in-strategic-group supplier in the focal supply base. We illustrate a unifying approach by reporting results from a large buyer and 35 of its key suppliers. This research makes the case for managing supplier relationships through the dyadic performance lens. The outputs from this framework provide individual supplier improvement paths which are actionable prescriptions for each buyer,supplier dyad, as well as recommendations for strategic group formation. [source]

Social Behavior of Larvae of the Neotropical Processionary Weevil Phelypera distigma (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Hyperinae)

ETHOLOGY, Issue 7 2004
James T. Costa
Socially gregarious behavior among free-living leaf-eating insect larvae occurs mostly among Lepidoptera, Symphyta, and a few Chyrsomelidae (Coleoptera). However, the Neotropical hyperine curculionid Phelypera distigma has also evolved this lifestyle, exhibiting a suite of social behaviors unique among beetles. The larvae are nomadic processionary foragers that punctuate foraging bouts with rosette-shaped resting formations (cycloalexy). Larvae also vibrate or bob their heads rapidly when moving, especially when in contact with conspecifics, and this suggests acoustic or vibrational communication. In this study we used observational and experimental approaches to investigate the basis of processionary, cycloalexic,and head-vibration behavior of this species. Larvae used both trail pheromones and thigmotactic signals to organize themselves into head-to-tail processionary columns. The trail pheromone, produced from the center of the abdomen, remains active for up to 4 h. Processions are not consistently led by particular individuals, but dynamically change over time and often temporarily break into two or more subprocessions. Subprocessions reunite through use of the trail pheromone. We found no evidence that head-bobbing generates attraction through substrate-borne or acoustic signals, but this behavior functions in direct contact to excite group activity. Time-lapse videography used to analyze cycloalexic group formation showed that larvae transition from feeding in a line along the leaf margin to cycloalexic formations on the upper leaf surface via a coordinated back-up movement that brings the posterior tip of their abdomens into contact. We identify three phases of cycloalexic formation: line-up, back-up, and an adjustment phase. Complete assembly can be achieved in as little as 5 s, but often the two phases establishing the basic rosette lasts 5,10 min, while the adjustment phase slowly tightens the group over a period of up to an hour. Collectively these studies present the first documented case of chemical trail marking in a beetle, and provide insight into a remarkable social-behavioral repertoire convergent in key respects with the better-studied social caterpillars and sawflies. [source]

Still crazy after all these years: "the paranoid style in American politics"

Victor Wolfenstein
Abstract In the US, the 9/11 attacks resulted in the instantaneous crystallization of a paranoid group formation, functioning as defense , not against the real dangers of the situation , but rather against an underlying, identity-shattering state of psychotic panic. This regressed collective emotional state was exploited by the Bush regime to initiate the war in Iraq, a war that plays out internationally the Ur-Fascistic tendencies that late capitalistic systems have difficulty containing. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Spatial organization, group living and ecological correlates in low-density populations of Eurasian badgers, Meles meles

Eloy Revilla
Summary 1,Territoriality and group living are described in a low-density population of Eurasian badgers, Meles meles L., by studying the patterns of spatial grouping and territory marking, as well as the differences between individuals in some of their characteristics (body condition and dispersal) and in their space use (seasonally, periods of activity and interaction between pairs of individuals) under strong seasonal fluctuations in the availability of the key resource (young rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus L.). Finally, the role of the spatial distribution of the main prey (young rabbits) in the development of sociality was also studied in order to test some of the assumptions and predictions of the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH). 2,Badgers were territorial, showing a flexible system of territory marking, which includes the marking of the most used areas (sett-latrines at the centres of activity) and additionally, at the smaller territories, a system of border-latrines in the areas of contact between territories. The maximum use of border-latrines was associated with the reproductive season, and that of sett-latrines with the season of food scarcity. 3,In the study area where badgers had rabbits as main prey, territories were occupied by small groups of animals, formed by one adult female who reproduced, one adult male who also showed signs of reproductive activity, the cubs of the year (if there was reproduction) and some animals born during previous years, which remained in their natal territory until their dispersal (normally during the mating season of their third or fourth year of life). This system was not strictly fixed as males, given the opportunity, expanded their territories to encompass additional females. Territories in another study site were occupied by one adult female (marked), plus the cubs of the year and another adult individual (unmarked). 4,In winter and spring dominant females and subordinates used only a small fraction of their territories, moved short distances, at a low speed and covering small areas per night. These seasons corresponded with the reproduction of rabbits (highest food availability). Dominant females were the only individuals using all the territory available in the summer (lowest food availability), when badgers had the worst body condition. Food availability increased again in autumn, as did body condition, while range sizes were again reduced. Dominant males used the same proportion of their territories over all seasons. However, in winter (reproductive season) they moved faster, over longer distances, and covered larger areas per period of activity. These results indicate that use of space by dominant males was affected by different factors from that of dominant females and subordinates. 5,RDH does not seem to explain group living in our populations because: (a) territoriality in each pair of primary animals was driven by different factors (trophic resources for females and females for males); (b) dominant males acted as expansionists; and (c) territory size was related to its richness and not to patch dispersion. 6,We propose an integrative hypothesis to explain not only group formation but also interpopulation variability in the social organization of badgers within ecological, demographic and behavioural constraints and in the light of current theory on delayed dispersal. [source]

Social structure of a polygynous tent-making bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Megachiroptera)

Jay F. Storz
Abstract The social structure of an Old World tent-making bat Cynopterus sphinx (Megachiroptera), was investigated in western India. A combination of census and mark,recapture data over 2 years (1996,98) was used to infer the form of the mating system, compositional stability of social groups and mode of new social group formation. The breeding population of C. sphinx was subdivided into diurnal roosting colonies, each of which contained one to five discrete roosting groups and often one or more solitary bats in adjacent roosts. Bats most frequently roosted in stem tents constructed in the flower/fruit clusters of the kitul palm Caryota urens. Temporal variation in social structure was assessed using visual census data for a subset of the study population over 3 years (1995,98) spanning six consecutive reproductive periods. The sex and age composition of diurnal roosting groups indicated a polygynous harem-forming mode of social organization, as groups invariably contained a single adult male, 1,37 reproductive females and their dependent young (n= 33 harems). Harem size averaged 6.1 adults in the wet season (n= 19, sd= 3.5) and 13.6 adults in the dry season (n= 14, sd= 8.5). The same harem social configuration was maintained year-round, despite a high degree of synchrony and seasonality in the timing of reproduction. Juveniles of both sexes dispersed after weaning and sexually immature bats were never present in harems at the time of parturition. Adult females often remained associated as roostmates from one parturition period to the next, and group cohesion was unaffected by turnover of harem males. Adult females frequently transferred among roosts within the same colony, and harems underwent periodic fissions and fusions. The founding of new harems most often resulted from the fissioning of previously cohesive harems within the same colony. However, some harems contained disproportionate numbers of yearling females, indicating that new groups are also founded by nulliparous females of the same age cohort. A significant degree of heterogeneity in age composition among harems was revealed in the 1998 dry season, but was unrelated to age-stratification of tent roosts. Although formation of new harems may be non-random with respect to age composition of the founders, founding events are not restricted to newly created tents and often involve recolonization of previously occupied roosts. [source]

It Takes Two to Tango: Lobbies and the Political Business Cycle

Daniel Horgos
SUMMARY Merging the impacts of interest groups on economic growth with governments' interest in unemployment and inflation, there should be a link between political business cycles and interest group formation. Interpreting Olson's Law in a short-run perspective and integrating it with political business cycles, this contribution examines the link. We illustrate how such a model could look like, before investigating the relationship of lobbies, governments and voters empirically. As the time-series-analysis based on the German lobby-list shows, lobbies strategically organize their activity to foster reelection of the governments: It takes two to tango. [source]

Key Factors of Joint-Liability Loan Contracts: An Empirical Analysis

Alexander S. Kritikos
Summary This paper provides an empirical analysis of joint-liability micro-lending contracts. Using our data set, we examine the efficacy of various incentives set by this contract such as joint-liability between groups of borrowers or group access to future and to larger loans. As proposed by theory, we find that joint liability induces a group formation of low risk borrowers. After the loan disbursement, the incentive system leads to peer monitoring, peer support and peer pressure between the borrowers, thus helping the lending institution to address the moral hazard and enforcement problem. This paper also demonstrates that the mechanism realizes repayment rates of nearly 100% if the loan officers fulfill their complementary duties in the screening and enforcement process. Finally, we make clear that dynamic incentives, in contrast to theory, have to be restricted if the two long-term problems of the joint-liability approach, i.e. its mismatching problem and the domino effect, are to be tackled notably. [source]

New Institutional Economics' contribution to strategic groups analysis

Stephane Tywoniak
Rather than consider the two broad strands of strategic group research,performance-based and behavior-based studies,as competing approaches, we argue that they relate to complementary levels of analysis. We present a four-level framework for analyzing structures within industries drawn from New Institutional Economics (NIE) which covers different approaches to strategic group formation from institutional isomorphism and embeddedness through to the firm-level effects of certain resource deployments. We apply an institutional approach to a case study of the Australian banking industry and supplement this with a quantitative approach based around key strategic variables. This analysis suggests that distinct groups have emerged due to the institutional environment and the different regulatory environments experienced by various banks in the industry. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Max Weber on ,ethnic communities': a critique

ABSTRACT. An untitled draft found among Weber's posthumous papers was published. In English translation it was given the title `Ethnic Groups'. In the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe it is titled `Ethnic Communities'. In this manuscript, Weber treated the feeling of belonging together because of shared ethnic origin as a social construct, underlain by a desire to monopolise power and status. Subsequently, Weber determined to put an end to the use of collectivist concepts, but at the time of writing he treated groups as real entities, instead of using the concept of group as an aid in the explanation of behaviour. The causal connections in ethnic group formation and maintenance have been more closely identified in subsequent sociological analysis. [source]

Implications of Endogenous Group Formation for Efficient Risk-Sharing

Tessa Bold
The existing literature on sub-game perfect risk-sharing suffers from a basic inconsistency. While a group of size n is able to coordinate on a risk-sharing outcome, it is assumed that deviating subgroups cannot. I relax this assumption and characterise the optimal contract among all coalition-proof history-dependent contracts. This alters the predictions of the standard dynamic limited commitment model. I show that the consumption of constrained agents depends on both the history of shocks and its interaction with the current income of other constrained agents. From this, I derive a formal test for the presence of endogenous group formation under limited commitment. [source]

Voluntary Association in Public Goods Experiments: Reciprocity, Mimicry and Efficiency,

Talbot Page
We find that a process of voluntary association where individuals express a preference about whom they want to be associated with can create strong incentives to increase efficiency and contributions in provision of a public good. This process of endogenous group formation perfectly sorted contributions by the order of group formation. Comparison of middle and last period behaviour suggests that a majority of the subject population are conditional cooperators, with a minority of monetary payoff maximisers. The experiment illustrates that under favourable conditions, where the opportunities of entry and exit are symmetrically balanced, a process of voluntary association can mitigate the free-rider problem. [source]

Peer Group Formation in an Adverse Selection Model

Beatriz Armendariz De Aghion
This paper develops an adverse selection model where peer group systems are shown to trigger lower interest rates and remove credit rationing in the case where borrowers are uninformed about their potential partners and ex post state verification (or auditing) by banks is costly. Peer group formation reduces interest rates due to a ,collateral effect', namely, cross subsidisation amongst borrowers acts as collateral behind a loan. By uncovering such a collateral effect, this paper shows that peer group systems can be viewed as an effective risk pooling mechanism, and thus enhance efficiency, not just in the full information set up. [source]