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Government Support (government + support)
Selected AbstractsCAPITALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT IN AGRICULTURAL LAND PRICES: WHAT DO WE KNOW?JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, Issue 4 2009Laure Latruffe Abstract The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature, both theoretically and empirically, on the extent to which agricultural subsidies do translate into higher land values and rents and finally benefit landowners instead of agricultural producers. Our review shows that agricultural support policy instruments contribute to increasing the rental price of farmland, and that the extent of this increase closely depends on the level of the supply price elasticity of farmland relative to those of other factors/inputs on the one hand, and on the range of the possibilities of factor/input substitution in agricultural production on the other hand. The empirical literature shows that land prices and rents have in general a significant positive and inelastic response to government support. Such inelastic response is thought to reflect the uncertain future of the farm programmes. And in general, studies have indicated that land prices are more responsive to government-based returns than to market-based returns. [source] CAN A NEW NUCLEAR PROGRAMME BE JUSTIFIED?ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, Issue 2 2006Colin Robinson The moratorium on the building of new nuclear power stations in the UK that has existed since the 1980s may be ended as a result of government concerns about the security of energy provision and the environmental impact of fossil-fuel-based energy supply. This viewpoint argues that the case for nuclear power on both counts is unproven. Moreover, renewed government support for a civil nuclear power programme may be a case of government attempting to pick winners, when the evidence suggests that such decisions are best taken by energy suppliers, producers and consumers. [source] The Effect of R&D Subsidies on Private R&DECONOMICA, Issue 294 2007HOLGER GÖRG This paper investigates the relationship between government support for R&D and R&D expenditure financed privately by firms using a comprehensive plant level data set for the manufacturing sector in the Republic of Ireland. We find that for domestic plants small grants serve to increase private R&D spending, while too large a grant may crowd out private financing of R&D. In contrast, evidence for foreign establishments suggests that grant provision causes neither additionality nor crowding out effects of private R&D financing, regardless of the size of the subsidy. [source] THE COMBINED EFFECT OF DONATION PRICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE INEFFICIENCY ON DONATIONS TO US NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONSFINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY & MANAGEMENT, Issue 1 2009Fred A. Jacobs We examine the effects that two accounting measures of nonprofit organization (NPO) inefficiency, administrative inefficiency and donation price, have on donations to US NPOs using a better-specified model and industry-specific samples. Although numerous studies examine the effect that donation price has on donations (e.g., Marudas and Jacobs, 2006; Marudas, 2004; Khanna and Sandler, 2000; and Tinkelman, 1999), only three studies examine the effect of administrative inefficiency on donations (Tinkelman and Mankaney, 2007; Frumkin and Kim, 2001; and Greenlee and Brown, 1999). However, none of these studies tests donation price and administrative inefficiency in one model and only two test industry-specific samples of NPOs. We find that misspecifying the model by including only one of these two inefficiency measures creates substantial bias and the effect of administrative inefficiency on donations varies substantially across industries. Administrative inefficiency has a significantly negative effect on donations to NPOs in the full sample and the philanthropy sample, but no significant effect on donations to NPOs in the arts, education, health, or human services samples. Furthermore, donation price has a significantly negative effect on donations to NPOs in the full sample and the education, health and human services samples, but not in the arts or philanthropy samples. Results are also reported for the other variables in the model , government support, program service revenue, fundraising and organizational age, wealth and size. [source] Narratives of Community and Change in a Contemporary Rural Setting: The Case of Duaringa, QueenslandGEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH, Issue 2 2001Ruth Panelli Contemporary rural communities are being affected by a range of changes and processes in Australia, including major changes in demographic patterns; the organisation and performance of primary industries; levels of government support for economic and social infrastructure; and wider developments in technology and changing socio-cultural values. The impact of these processes has been felt unequally and small communities which have had a traditionally close relationship with agricultural industries are particularly challenged. The current paper reports on one such community and provides the opportunity to analyse both the the substance and cultural understandings of such forms of rural change/uncoupling. The paper presents local narratives of community and change in Duaringa, Central Queensland and responds to recent international literature suggesting that the meanings and politics of rural change are as significant as the economic trends that are occurring. The Duaringa narratives demonstrate both the substance and dynamics of expressions of community (and loss). And the paper concludes that these meanings are also influenced by wider processes including consumption-oriented lifestyles and national interests in South East Asian relations. [source] Don't Leave Me Hanging on the Anglophone: The Potential for Online Distance Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific RegionHIGHER EDUCATION QUARTERLY, Issue 2-3 2004Simon MarginsonArticle first published online: 9 DEC 200 Abstract In the last decade there have been many attempts to mount online distance higher education programs on a global scale, led by the e-learning industry and university companies and consortia, some with government support: e.g. Universitas21 Global, Cardean University, Fathom, NYUOnline and the UKe-University. A primary commercial objective has been student markets in the Asia-Pacific nations, especially China, given unmet domestic demand and the growth of cross-border education. However while for-profit providers such as the University of Phoenix Online have shown mass online programs are viable in targeted markets, albeit more expensive than face-to-face programs, would-be global ventures have faltered or collapsed. The paper reviews the failure of English language global e-learning in the light of industry marketing strategies, the economics of online education, and the specifics of Asia-Pacific nations including unmet demand for education. It argues that for exporter universities, the potential of cross-border online education can only be realised if communications capacity in the Asia-Pacific nations is enhanced; and online programs are teaching-intensive, and customised for cultural and linguistic variations. Long-term equal partnerships with local and system providers are essential. For policy makers, the implosion of global e-learning points to the need to use expert judgment in relation to the different options for enhancing the capacity of higher education at home and abroad. It also suggests the need for greater scepticism about commercially driven scenarios and claims of company prospectuses, and about the viability of market-controlled paths of development. [source] A zoological perspective on payments for ecosystem servicesINTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY (ELECTRONIC), Issue 2 2007Jeffrey A. McNEELY Abstract The concept of payments for ecosystem services is being developed as an important means of providing a more diverse flow of benefits to people living in and around habitats valuable for conservation. The Kyoto Protocol, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, includes a Clean Development Mechanism to provide for payments for certain forms of carbon sequestration that may benefit animal species (at least as an incidental benefit). Other market-based approaches for paying for carbon sequestration services outside the Kyoto framework are being promoted in various parts of the world. Another common form of payment for ecosystem services is compensating upstream landowners for managing their land in ways that maintain downstream water quality; this can include habitat management that benefits wild animal species. While biodiversity itself is difficult to value, it can be linked to other markets, such as certification in the case of sustainably-produced forest products. This paper expands on some of the markets for ecosystem services that also benefit wildlife, identifies relevant sources of information, and highlights some of the initiatives linking such markets to poverty alleviation. Making markets work for ecosystem services requires an appropriate policy framework, government support, operational institutional support, and innovation at scales from the site level to the national level. Zoologists have much to contribute to all of these steps. [source] A sustainability assessment of a health equity fund initiative in CambodiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, Issue 3 2007Bart Jacobs Abstract All but one of the health equity funds (HEFs) currently operating in Cambodia, introduced to address the adverse effects of low user fee exemption rates, rely heavily on external funding and have high administrative overheads. This article reports on a study of one type of HEF, based in Kirivong Operational Health District (KOD) and operated through local pagoda structures, which demonstrates minimal reliance on external funding and low administrative overheads. We utilize an adapted sustainability assessment framework to assess the ability of pagoda structures to enable financial access for the poorest to public sector health services. We further analyse the strengths and limitations of the pagoda-managed equity fund initiative, with a view to assessing not only its sustainability but its potential for replication in other settings. Our study shows that, against key sustainability indicators (health service utilization and health outcomes; management capacity and financial viability; community mobilization and government support), the pagoda-managed equity fund initiative scores well. However, it is evident that some external financial support is needed to allow the HEFs to function effectively. We conclude with recommendations for replicating the initiative, which include working innovatively with indigenous grassroots organizations to enhance community HEF ownership and to keep administrative overheads low. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Provision and financial burden of TB services in a financially decentralized system: a case study from Shandong, ChinaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, Issue S1 2004Qingyue Meng Abstract Both challenges and opportunities have been created by health sector reforms for TB control programmes in developing countries. China has initiated radical economic and health reforms since the late 1970s and is among the highest TB endemic countries in the world. This paper examines the operation of TB control programmes in a decentralized financial system. A case study was conducted in four counties of Shandong Province and data were collected from document reviews, and key informant and TB patient interviews. The main findings include: direct government support to TB control weakened in poorer counties after its decentralization to township and county governments; DOTS programmes in poorer counties was not implemented as well as in more affluent ones; and TB patients, especially the low-income patients, suffered heavy financial burdens. Financial decentralization negatively affects the public health programmes and may have contributed to the more rapid increase in the number of TB cases seen over the past decade in the poorer areas of China compared with the richer ones. Establishing a financial transfer system at central and provincial levels, correcting financial incentives for health providers, and initiating pro-poor projects for the TB patients, are recommended. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Relationships among levels of government support, marketing activities, and financial health of nonprofit performing arts organizationsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONPROFIT & VOLUNTARY SECTOR MARKETING, Issue 2 2007Theresa A. Kirchner This exploratory study researches and analyzes the empirical effects of financial levels of government support and marketing practices on the financial health of nonprofit performing arts organizations. Declining government subsidies and increasing competition from non-traditional sources have presented these organizations with unique opportunities and challenges that call for a market-centered, as well as an art-centered approach. Financial health is critical for the long-term success of a nonprofit performing arts organization. Few empirical studies have examined the interrelationships between these key variables. This study analyzes a sample of 63 American professional symphony orchestras employing 20 years of data. The correlations among financial levels of government support and marketing activities were positive and significant, the correlations among levels of government support and financial health were negative and significant, and the correlations between levels of marketing activity and financial health were negative and varied in significance. Causal analyses were less conclusive, but significant causal relationships were found for large symphony orchestras, indicating that segmentation research may be warranted. Implications and opportunities for future research are presented which have potential application for government agencies, academic researchers, and arts organization managers, boards of directors, and donors. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Growing cohesive communities one favour at a time: social exclusion, active citizenship and time banksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, Issue 3 2003Gill Seyfang Community currencies have been put forward as a grassroots tool to promote social inclusion through community self-help and active citizenship. ,Time banks' are a new form of community currency in the UK which are receiving government support. Time credits are earned for each hour of voluntary service given, and can be used to purchase services from other members in return. This article discusses new findings from the first national study of time banks to assess their impacts and potential. An evaluative framework is employed which describes social inclusion as comprising effective economic, social and political citizenship rights. Evidence is presented from a national survey of time banks and from an in-depth case study of Rushey Green Time Bank, situated in a health care setting in a deprived area of south London. Time banks are found to be successful at engaging socially excluded and vulnerable groups of people in community activities , many for the first time , boosting their confidence, social networks, skills and well-being, as well as opening up possibilities for challenging inequitable social institutions and creating spaces where different values prevail. Their potential as tools for democratic renewal, promoting civic engagement and active citizenship is discussed. Les ,unités de valeur' communautaires sont considérées comme des outils essentiels pour encourager l'inclusion sociale grâce à une entraide communautaire et une citoyenneté active. Les ,banques de temps' constituent une nouvelle forme d'unité de valeur communautaire au Royaume-Uni, avec le soutien du gouvernement. Des crédits de temps, acquis pour chaque heure de bénévolat donnée, peuvent servir à acheter en retour des prestations auprès d'autres membres. L'article examine les résultats de la première étude nationale sur les banques de temps afin d'en estimer l'impact et le potentiel. Un cadre d'évaluation est appliqué, définissant l'inclusion sociale comme un ensemble de droits effectifs, à la fois économiques, sociaux et de citoyenneté politique. Des indications sont fournies par une enquête nationale sur les banques de temps, et par une étude de cas approfondie de la Rushey Green Time Bank portant sur les services médicaux dans une zone défavorisée du sud de Londres. Ces banques réussissent à impliquer dans des activités communautaires des groupes de population , souvent pour la première fois , socialement exclus et vulnérables, renforçant leurs réseaux sociaux, confiance, compétences et bien-être, tout en leur offrant des possibilités d'affronter des institutions sociales inéquitables et en créant des espaces où prévalent d'autres valeurs. L'article traite aussi du potentiel des banques de temps comme outil de renouveau démocratique, stimulant engagement civique et citoyenneté active. [source] CAPITALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT IN AGRICULTURAL LAND PRICES: WHAT DO WE KNOW?JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, Issue 4 2009Laure Latruffe Abstract The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature, both theoretically and empirically, on the extent to which agricultural subsidies do translate into higher land values and rents and finally benefit landowners instead of agricultural producers. Our review shows that agricultural support policy instruments contribute to increasing the rental price of farmland, and that the extent of this increase closely depends on the level of the supply price elasticity of farmland relative to those of other factors/inputs on the one hand, and on the range of the possibilities of factor/input substitution in agricultural production on the other hand. The empirical literature shows that land prices and rents have in general a significant positive and inelastic response to government support. Such inelastic response is thought to reflect the uncertain future of the farm programmes. And in general, studies have indicated that land prices are more responsive to government-based returns than to market-based returns. [source] Fragile Convergence: Understanding Variation in the Enforcement of China's Industrial Pollution LawLAW & POLICY, Issue 1 2010BENJAMIN VAN ROOIJ Official statistics and independent survey data show that in the last decade China has witnessed a remarkable change in its enforcement of environmental pollution violations, moving toward more formalistic and coercive law enforcement with more enforcement cases as well as higher fines. The data also show that there is considerable regional variation with coastal areas having more and higher punishments than those inland. This article explores these findings, seeking to understand the explanation and meaning of these temporal and regional variation patterns. The study shows how enforcement varies when there is a convergence of governmental, social, and economic institutional forces. The article argues that the basis for such convergence has been fragile, as national pressures have lacked consistency and local community and government support evaporates when dominant sources of income are at stake. [source] Small firms and information and communication technologies (ICTs): toward a typology of ICTs usageNEW TECHNOLOGY, WORK AND EMPLOYMENT, Issue 2 2000Alan Southern Despite government support for a number of initiatives to encourage more small firms to adopt information and communication technologies (ICTs) implementation of ICTs has been a slow and very diverse development. This article examines the relationship between small firms and ICTs and highlights a number of typical, but often negated, characteristics that show how small firms use the technology. [source] Diversifying revenue sources in Canada: Are women's voluntary organizations different?NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP, Issue 1 2005Mary K. Foster Government policies in Canada have taken a hard right turn, and tax cuts now have priority over investing in social programming. Both federal and provincial governments have been withdrawing from direct service provision, with the expectation that the voluntary sector will fill the gap. At the same time, traditional government support for the voluntary sector has declined, which limits the ability of organizations to meet their current service demands. Using a sample of 645 organizations from across Canada, this article explores the use of revenue diversification as a response to policy changes. The findings indicate that the factors related to voluntary organizations' in Canada embracing revenue diversification to support program delivery differ for organizations run by women and nongendered organizations. [source] From citadels to clusters: the evolution of regional innovation policies in AustraliaR & D MANAGEMENT, Issue 1 2004Sam Garrett-jones In Australia, the federal (central) and State (regional) governments share constitutional responsibility for aspects of science and innovation policy. In practice, the federal government has tended to overshadow the States both in funding and policy for research and innovation. It can be argued that we are now seeing the strong rebirth of regionalism (at least at the State level) as far as government support for science, technology and knowledge-based industries is concerned. The paper traces the growth of regional innovation policies through examples of initiatives from South Australia and other regions and examines the respective contributions of the State and federal governments. The character of State government support has evolved over the last 15 years, from sponsoring grand ,technology citadels' to today's strategies that take a more bottom-up approach to building intense innovation environments, local clusters and knowledge hubs. Some of these trends reflect the influence of the global knowledge economy on regional industries, while others (notably the relative decline of the federal government as an R&D performer) are peculiarities of the Australian innovation system. The outcome is a significant evolution in Australia's innovation system, one which parallels responses to globalisation in other countries and suggests a different , but not diminished , role for public sector innovation policy. [source] Banks' Advantage in Hedging Liquidity Risk: Theory and Evidence from the Commercial Paper MarketTHE JOURNAL OF FINANCE, Issue 2 2006EVAN GATEV ABSTRACT Banks have a unique ability to hedge against market-wide liquidity shocks. Deposit inflows provide funding for loan demand shocks that follow declines in market liquidity. Consequently, banks can insure firms against systematic declines in liquidity at lower cost than other institutions. We provide evidence that when liquidity dries up and commercial paper spreads widen, banks experience funding inflows. These flows allow banks to meet loan demand from borrowers drawing funds from commercial paper backup lines without running down their holdings of liquid assets. We also provide evidence that implicit government support for banks during crises explains these funding flows. [source] Governance in Government: A Modest ProposalTHE POLITICAL QUARTERLY, Issue 2 2005NICK MONCK This article recalls evidence in the Hutton and Butler reports about changes in decision-making procedures in government, including the role of Cabinet and of the Cabinet Office in supporting collective decisions; and the failure to circulate papers on Iraq to Cabinet or to use a cabinet committee. The government`s response has been largely intelligence-specific and evades the wider criticisms. This article makes the modest proposal that Parliament should impose standards of governance on governments that broadly match those already imposed, with government support, on the boards of private sector companies (based on the Combined Code of Corporate Governance and the Companies Act 1985). It would make sense for the Select Committee on Public Administration to work out and publish a specific proposal. The government would be asked to report after a year on action taken to improve governance standards. This proposal should be pursued after the election. [source] Independence and self-provision in old age: how realistic are these goals?AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING, Issue 3 2004Rob Ranzijn Objectives:,The aim of the present paper was to examine the relationship between perceived choices in work and retirement in middle age and financial security and confidence about the future in old age. Methods:,A qualitative study of 30 middle-aged adults in Adelaide and Whyalla in South Australia, either presently employed, unemployed or retired, were interviewed about their work histories, the factors in their work changes, their perceived options concerning future work and retirement, and their anticipated financial security and sources of income in retirement. Results:,In general, participants with a history of continuous stable employment believed they were in a good financial situation and were confident about their future, but many of the participants had a history of precarious employment, no financial security, and expected to rely primarily on government support in their old age. Conclusion:,A substantial proportion of older adults may not be able to provide for themselves in later life without public policies which are more interventionist. [source] A conceptual framework for siting biorefineries in the Canadian PrairiesBIOFUELS, BIOPRODUCTS AND BIOREFINING, Issue 4 2010Jason Luk Abstract Ethanol is increasingly used as a means to reduce gasoline consumption. As a result, it has also attracted analysis of its economic, social, and environmental merit. In order for the ethanol production industry to continue to expand, these issues must be confronted in future development. Although technological development is often relied upon, carefully considered ethanol refinery siting also mitigates some of these concerns. Five alternative siting locations were selected in the western Canadian Prairies. These were evaluated using 12 criteria which represent regional resources, economic conditions, government support, or social indicators. The criteria were weighted to represent the perspectives of two stakeholders. The Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment and Evaluations (PROMETHEE) method was applied to this data, ranking the alternative sites. Several future scenarios were created to analyze the sensitivity of the results to both statistical data and subjective inputs. The rankings proved to be robust, and varied little in the different scenarios. Southern Alberta had an advantage with a high ethanol byproduct demand, education level, and ethanol demand. Southern Manitoba benefitted from the lowest labor and miscellaneous costs, due to higher unemployment. Saskatchewan suffers from low byproduct demand and a decrease in water availability while having a heated economy which increases costs. In addition, Saskatchewan as a whole is currently the leader in ethanol production, resulting in less net demand, reduced access to government incentives, and more local competition. Southern Alberta and Southern Manitoba are the optimal regions for future ethanol biorefinery, where as the Saskatchewan locations are the least attractive. © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd [source] Invisible Borders: Economic Liberalization and National IdentityINTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, Issue 4 2000Patricia M. Goff Various developments in the post,WWII global economy have led many scholars of international relations to contend that borders are eroding. My argument takes issue with this, suggesting that borders are not becoming increasingly meaningless; instead, some states are working to endow them with meaning in innovative ways. Specifically, I examine the trade disputes over culture industries during recent GATT and NAFTA talks to demonstrate that some states are shifting their attention from territorial borders to conceptual or invisible borders. Many governments support the removal of borders that serve as barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital, information, and, in some cases, people. Nevertheless, these same governments resist the increasing permeability of borders that provide the boundaries of political community. [source] |