GH Deficiency (gh + deficiency)

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Selected Abstracts

Combined pituitary hormone deficiency in Australian children: clinical and genetic correlates

Kim McLennan
Summary objective Mutations in the gene for the POU domain transcription factor POU1F1 (human Pit-1) have been reported in patients with GH, TSH and PRL deficiencies. PROP1 (Prophet of Pit-1) gene mutations also cause gonadotrophin deficiencies and in some cases partial ACTH deficiency. This study analyses the POU1F1 and PROP1 genes in a cohort of Australian children with combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) and correlates results with patient phenotype. patients and design Genomic analysis was carried out on 33 patients with CPHD referred from centres around Australia. Clinical data were collected from medical records and referring physicans. resultsPOU1F1 mutations were identified in two of four patients with a suggestive phenotype. In a female patient, novel compound heterozygous POU1F1 mutations were identified: Arg143Leu in exon 3 and Leu194Gln in exon 4. This patient presented with failure to thrive at 6 weeks of age and has deficiencies of TSH and GH. A previously described heterozygous Arg271Trp mutation in exon 6 of the POU1F1 gene was identified in a female infant who presented with growth failure and was diagnosed with TSH then GH deficiencies. No PROP1 mutations were identified; however, we describe a number of previously unreported PROP1 polymorphisms. No patients presenting with deficiencies of all anterior pituitary hormones early in life had POU1F1 or PROP1 gene mutations. conclusions In 33 Australian children with CPHD we have identified POU1F1 mutations in two patients and no PROP1 mutations. We speculate that in the majority of children other genes must be responsible for the CPHD phenotype. [source]

Orexins (hypocretins) actions on the GHRH/somatostatin-GH axis

M. López
Abstract The secretion of growth hormone (GH) is regulated through a complex neuroendocrine control system that includes two major hypothalamic regulators, namely GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SST) that stimulate and inhibit, respectively, GH release. Classical experiments involving damage and electrical stimulation suggested that the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) modulated the somatotropic axis, but the responsible molecular mechanisms were unclear. Evidence obtained during the last decade has demonstrated that orexins/hypocretins, a family of peptides expressed in the LHA controlling feeding and sleep, play an important regulatory role on GH, by inhibiting its secretion modulating GHRH and SST neurones. Considering that GH release is closely linked to the sleep,wake cycle and feeding state, understanding orexin/hypocretin physiology could open new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of sleep, energy homeostasis and GH-related pathologies, such as GH deficiency. [source]

Is treatment with growth hormone effective in children with cerebral palsy?

Melanie L Shim MD
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often have poor linear growth during childhood, resulting in a diminished final adult height. Here we report a female with CP and short stature but without growth hormone (GH) deficiency who exhibited increased growth during treatment with GH. We also report two other children with CP who were treated with GH: one female with a history of leukemia, and a male with Klinefelter syndrome. These two children were both found to be GH-deficient by insulin provocative GH testing and responded to treatment with increased growth rate. Growth improved to a greater extent in the two children with apparent GH deficiency. In summary, it is felt that GH therapy might be beneficial for children with CP and warrants further investigation. [source]

Therapeutic aspects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I treatment on visceral fat and insulin sensitivity in adults

K. C. J. Yuen
Growth hormone (GH) is generally considered to exert anti-insulin actions, whereas insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) has insulin-like properties. Paradoxically, GH deficient adults and those with acromegaly are both predisposed to insulin resistance, but one cannot extrapolate from these pathological conditions to determine the normal metabolic roles of GH and IGF-I on glucose homeostasis. High doses of GH treatment have major effects on lipolysis, which plays a crucial role in promoting its anti-insulin effects, whereas IGF-I acts as an insulin sensitizer that does not exert any direct effect on lipolysis or lipogenesis. Under physiological conditions, the insulin-sensitizing effect of IGF-I is only evident after feeding when the bioavailability of circulating IGF-I is increased. In contrast, many studies in GH deficient adults have consistently shown that GH replacement improves the body composition profile although these studies differ considerably in terms of age, the presence or absence of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency, and whether GH deficiency was childhood or adult-onset. However, the improvement in body composition does not necessarily translate into improvements in insulin sensitivity presumably due to the anti-insulin effects of high doses of GH therapy. More recently, we have found that a very low dose GH therapy (0.1 mg/day) improved insulin sensitivity without affecting body composition in GH-deficient adults and in subjects with metabolic syndrome, and we postulate that these effects are mediated by its ability to increase free ,bioavailable' IGF-I without the induction of lipolysis. These results raise the possibility that this low GH dose may play a role in preventing the decline of ,-cell function and the development of type 2 diabetes in these "high risk" subjects. [source]

Chronic cognitive sequelae after traumatic brain injury are not related to growth hormone deficiency in adults

D. Pavlovic
Objective:, The objective of the study was to asses the possible influence of hypothalamo,pituitary deficiencies, and growth hormone (GH) deficiency in particular, on cognition in adult patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is a recently identified risk factor for cognitive deficits and hypopituitarism. Even the patients with favorable outcome after TBI may present with persistent bodily, psychosocial, and cognitive impairments, resembling patients with untreated partial or complete pituitary insufficiency. Design:, We performed retrospective and cross-sectional study of endocrine and cognitive function in TBI in 61 patients (aged 37.7 ± 1.7 years) of both sexes (44 m,17 f), at least 1 year after TBI (3.9 ± 0.6 years). Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I), thyroxin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone (in men), prolactin, and cortisol were measured, and GH secretion was assessed by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) + growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) test. Cognitive function was assessed by using a standard neuropsychological battery. Results:, GH deficiency (GHD) and GH insufficiency (GHI) were found in 20 patients (32.8%). After adjustment for confounders [age, body mass index (BMI), education level, time elapsed from TBI], there were no significant differences in results of neuropsychological tests between patients with TBI with GHD, GHI, and normal GH secretion. There were no correlations of neuropsychological variables with stimulated peak GH secretion or IGF-I level. Conclusions:, GHD persists long after the TBI, independently of trauma severity and age at traumatic event. GH secretion is more sensitive to TBI than other pituitary hormones. No evidence is found for an association of cognitive function impairment and somatotropic axis impairment in adult patients tested more than 1 year after the TBI. [source]

The Structural and Hormonal Basis of Sex Differences in Peak Appendicular Bone Strength in Rats,,

Bom-Taeck Kim
Abstract To identify the structural and hormonal basis for the lower incidence of fractures in males than females, sex differences in femoral mid-shaft geometry and breaking strength were studied in growth hormone (GH)-replete and -deficient male and female rats. Sexual dimorphism appeared during growth. Cortical thickening occurred almost entirely by acquisition of bone on the outer (periosteal) surface in males and mainly on the inner (endocortical) surface in females. By 8 months of age, males had 22% greater bone width and 33% greater breaking strength than females. Gonadectomy (Gx) at 6 weeks reduced sex differences in bone width to 7% and strength to 21% by halving periosteal bone formation in males and doubling it in females. Gx had no net effect on the endocortical surface in males but abolished endocortical bone acquisition in females. GH deficiency halved periosteal bone formation and had no net effect on the endocortical surface in males, but abolished bone acquisition on both surfaces in females, leaving males with 17% greater bone width and 44% greater breaking strength than females. Sex hormone deficiency produces greater bone fragility in males than females by removing a stimulator of periosteal growth in males and removing an inhibitor of periosteal growth in females. GH deficiency produces less bone fragility in males than females because males retain androgen-dependent periosteal bone formation while bone acquisition on both surfaces is abolished in females. Thus, periosteal growth is independently and additively stimulated by androgens and GH in males, inhibited by estrogen, and stimulated by GH in females. The hormonal regulation of bone surfaces establishes the amount and spatial distribution of bone and so the sexual dimorphism in its strength. [source]

Hypothalamic Expression of Human Growth Hormone Induces Post-Pubertal Hypergonadotrophism in Male Transgenic Growth Retarded Rats

J. S. Davies
Growth hormone (GH) is known to regulate peripheral components of the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, but it remains unclear whether GH exerts a significant influence on the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary components of the HPG axis. In this study, we investigated the development of HPG axis function in the male transgenic growth retarded (Tgr) rat, a model of moderate systemic GH deficiency caused by hypothalamic expression of human (h)GH. Impaired postnatal somatotroph expansion and moderate GH deficiency in male Tgr rats were accompanied by a two- to three-fold increase in pituitary gonadotrophin content, but without a significant change in the pituitary gonadotroph population. A three- to nine-fold elevation in basal circulating luteinising hormone concentration was seen in postpubertal Tgr rats, with a smaller increase in follicle-stimulating hormone. Despite this hypergonadotrophism, there was no corresponding increase in steroidogenic (circulating testosterone and seminal vesicle weights) or gametogenic (spermatozoa counts in seminiferous tubules) activity in the postpubertal Tgr testis. Following puberty, the plasma leptin concentration also became progressively elevated in Tgr males. Circulating gonadotrophin and leptin levels were normalised in Tgr rats by peripheral physiological replacement of rat GH, but plasma testosterone concentration was unaffected. These results confirm that hGH exerts a positive influence on the central control of gonadotrophin secretion in the Tgr rat, but the absence of a corresponding elevation in the steroidogenic or gametogenic function of the Tgr testis implies that the peripheral GH/insulin-like growth factor I axis may also exert a permissive influence on testicular function. The relative contribution of somatogenic and lactogenic mechanisms and the potential influence of elevated leptin and decreased sensitivity to androgen feedback to the development of postpubertal hypergonadotrophism in Tgr males remain to be determined. [source]

Increased melatonin concentrations in children with growth hormone deficiency

Michal Karasek
Abstract:, A relationship between melatonin and growth hormone (GH) is poorly understood. We compare circadian melatonin rhythms in short children with normal and decreased GH secretion. The analysis included 22 children (20 boys and 2 girls) aged 11.1,16.9 yr (mean ± S.E.M. = 14.1 ± 0.3 yr) with short stature (height SDS below ,2.0). Based on the GH peak in stimulation tests patients were divided into two groups: idiopathic short stature (ISS, n = 11; GH peak , 10 ng/mL) and GH deficiency (GHD, n = 11; GH peak < 10 ng/mL). In all patients the circadian melatonin rhythm was assessed on the basis of nine blood samples, collected in 4-hr intervals during the daytime and 2-hr intervals at night, with dark period lasting from 22:00 to 06:00 hr. Magnetic resonance imaging examination excluded organic abnormalities in central nervous system in all patients. Melatonin concentration at 24:00, 02:00 and 04:00 hr as well as the area under curve of melatonin concentrations (AUC) were significantly higher in the patients with GHD than in individuals with ISS. Significant correlations between GH secretion and melatonin concentrations at 24:00, 02:00 and 04:00 hr, and AUC were also observed. On the basis of these data it seems that the assessment of nocturnal melatonin secretion might be a valuable diagnostic tool used for the improvement of the difficult diagnosis of short stature in children. [source]

Obesity and metabolic changes are common in young childhood brain tumor survivors

Sari Pietilä MD
Abstract Background A population based cross-sectional study was used to examine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in childhood brain tumor survivors. Procedure Fifty-two survivors were examined at a mean age of 14.4 years (range 3.8,28.7). Lipid and glucose metabolism, thyroid function, and plasma uric acid were evaluated. Fat mass and fat percentage were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Metabolic syndrome was defined on International Diabetes Federation criteria. Results Ten (19%) patients were overweight and four (8%) were obese. According to DXA, 16/46 (35%) patients were obese. Central obesity was found in 11 (21%) patients. Cranial irradiation, hypothalamic/hypophyseal damage, growth hormone (GH) deficiency and impaired mobility were associated with overweight/obesity and central obesity. Thirteen (25%) subjects had hypercholesterolemia, 14 (27%) had raised low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), 12 (23%) had raised blood pressure, four (8%) had metabolic syndrome, two (4%) had hyperinsulinemia and five (10%) had hyperuricemia. Cranial irradiation was associated with hypercholesterolemia (P,=,0.019), raised LDL-C (P,=,0.028), raised blood pressure (P,=,0.040), and metabolic syndrome (P,=,0.018). Impaired mobility was associated with hypercholesterolemia (P,=,0.034). Hypothalamic/hypophyseal damage was associated with metabolic syndrome (P,=,0.003) and hyperuricemia (P,=,0.011) as was GH deficiency (P,=,0.034 and P,=,0.008). GH supplementation alleviated adverse metabolic outcomes among brain tumor survivors with GH deficiency. Conclusions Obesity/overweight, dyslipidemia, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and hyperuricemia were common in young childhood brain tumor survivors. Cranial irradiation, hypothalamic/hypophyseal damage, growth hormone deficiency, and/or impaired mobility were associated with higher risk for obesity and metabolic changes among these patients. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2009;52:853,859. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Arginine test is not reliable for diagnosing cerebellar multiple system atrophy

Raquel C. Gardner MD
We evaluated the arginine growth hormone (GH) stimulation test for the diagnosis of cerebellar-type multiple system atrophy (MSAc) in patients with ataxia. Fourteen subjects with MSAc, 11 with idiopathic late-onset cerebellar ataxia (ILOCA), 10 with familial ataxia, and 10 healthy controls were tested. After pituitary GH deficiency was excluded, subjects underwent arginine testing. Peak serum GH response was analyzed. No significant differences in peak GH response were found between subject populations. Thirty-three percent of MSAc subjects mounted responses >10,g/l GH. Thirty-six percent of ILOCA subjects and 40 percent of healthy controls mounted responses <4,g/l GH. Arginine thus appears to be unreliable for the diagnosis of MSAc. ANN NEUROL 2010;67:404,408 [source]

Central corneal thickness in children with growth hormone deficiency

Fulvio Parentin
Acta Ophthalmol. 2010: 88: 692,694 Abstract. Purpose:, To evaluate central corneal thickness (CCT), intraocular pressure (IOP) and eye refraction in patients with congenital growth hormone (GH) deficiency. Methods:, Retrospective case series. Forty-five patients with growth defect treated with recombinant GH and 45 healthy children underwent ophthalmological examination, including CCT measurements, applanation tonometry and cycloplaegic refraction. Results:, The average CCT in the GH deficiency group was 570.6 ,m [standard deviation (SD) 37.4]. In the control group, it was 546.0 (SD 24.9). The average IOP in the GH deficiency group was 18.2 mmHg (SD 3.4). In the control group, it was 14.6 (SD 2.0). The mean refractive error (spherical equivalent) in the GH deficiency group was 0.59 D (SD 1.9). In the control group, it was 0.11 (SD 2.1). Conclusion:, GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 are involved in ocular growth by influencing the synthesis of the extracellular matrix of the sclera. Children with congenital GH deficiency or insensitivity have a mean hyperopic defect related to a shorter axial length. A number of studies have demonstrated that CCT in newborns is significantly greater than in adults; a decrease in CCT is closely correlated with an increase in corneal diameter. This finding suggests that the growth of the eye, with possible remodelling and stretching of collagen fibres, may play an important role in the reduction of corneal thickness in the first years of life. Therefore, we conclude that a greater CCT can represent a sign of a delayed growth of the eye in patients with GH deficiency. Finally, our study confirms the influence of corneal thickness on IOP measures, and the prevalence of hyperopia among children with growth defect. [source]

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Metabolic outcome of GH treatment in prepubertal short children with and without classical GH deficiency

Ralph Decker
Summary Context, Few studies have evaluated the metabolic outcomes of growth hormone (GH) treatment in idiopathic short stature (ISS). Moreover, children with ISS appear to need higher GH doses than children with GH deficiency (GHD) to achieve the same amount of growth and may therefore be at increased risk of adverse events during treatment. The individualized approach using prediction models for estimation of GH responsiveness, on the other hand, has the advantage of narrowing the range of growth response, avoiding too low or high GH doses. Design, Short prepubertal children with either isolated GHD (39) or ISS (89) participated in a 2-year randomized trial of either individualized GH treatment with six different GH doses (range, 17,100 ,g/kg/day) or a standard dose (43 ,g/kg/day). Objective, To evaluate if individualized GH treatment reduced the variance of the metabolic measures as shown for growth response and to compare changes in metabolic variables in children with ISS and GHD. Hypothesis, Individualized GH dose reduces the range of metabolic outcomes, and metabolic outcomes are similar in children with ISS and GHD. Results, We observed a narrower variation for fasting insulin (,34·2%) and for homoeostasis model assessment (HOMA) (,38·9%) after 2 years of individualized GH treatment in comparison with standard GH dose treatment. Similar metabolic changes were seen in ISS and GHD. Delta (,) height SDS correlated with ,insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), ,leptin and ,body composition. Principal component analysis identified an anabolic and a lipolytic component. Anabolic variables [,lean body mass (LBM) SDS and ,IGF-I SDS] clustered together and correlated strongly with ,height SDS and GH dose, whereas lipolytic variables [,fat mass (FM) SDS and ,leptin] were clustered separately from anabolic variables. Regression analysis showed GH dose dependency in ISS, and to a lesser degree in GHD, for ,LBM SDS and ,height SDS, but not for changes in FM. Conclusions, Individualized GH dosing during catch-up growth reduces the variance in insulin and HOMA and results in equal metabolic responses irrespective of the diagnosis of GHD or ISS. [source]

The continuum of growth hormone,IGF-I axis defects causing short stature: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges

Martin O. Savage
Summary The growth hormone (GH),IGF-I axis is essential for normal foetal and childhood growth. Defects at different sites in the axis frequently result in short stature which may compromise adult height. We describe a continuum of clinically relevant abnormalities from GH deficiency through to GH resistance and discuss the implementation and interpretation of investigations. We consider appropriate therapy for patients with abnormal auxology and subnormal adult height prognosis, highlighting new data to clarify therapeutic choices leading to optimal clinical outcome. [source]

Congenital hypopituitarism: clinical, molecular and neuroradiological correlates

Ameeta Mehta
Summary Objective, Recent studies have suggested that mutations in genes encoding several hypothalamo,pituitary (H,P) transcription factors result in hypopituitarism [isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) and combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD)], which may in turn be related to the neuroanatomy revealed by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Although studies have focused on patients with either optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) or isolated hypopituitarism with normal optic nerves, few studies have compared the two groups. We aimed to relate the clinical phenotype of a large cohort (n = 170) of children with congenital hypopituitarism including septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) attending a single centre to the neuroradiological and genetic findings. Design, Clinical, biochemical, MR imaging and molecular data were analysed retrospectively in 170 patients with or ,at-risk' (with ONH) of hypopituitarism to determine predictors of hypopituitarism. Results, The presence of ONH was significantly associated with an absent septum pellucidum [odds ratio (OR) 31·5, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 7·3,136·6, P < 0·001], an abnormal corpus callosum (OR 10·5, 95% CI 3·8,28·6, P < 0·001) and stalk abnormalities (OR 2·3, 95% CI 1·2,4·2, P = 0·009). The risk of hypopituitarism was 27·2 times greater in patients with an undescended posterior pituitary (95% CI 3·6,205·1, P < 0·001). Anterior pituitary hypoplasia (OR 3·1, 95% CI 1·3,7·0, P = 0·006) and an absent pituitary stalk (P < 0·001) were also significantly associated with hypopituitarism. With respect to the type or severity of hypopituitarism, CPHD was more often associated with an abnormal corpus callosum (OR 6·1, 95% CI 1·4,27·4, P = 0·008) and stalk abnormalities (OR 2·8, 95% CI 1·3,6·1, P = 0·006). Male to female ratio was significantly greater in patients with normal optic nerves (3·3:1) as compared with those with ONH (1·2:1). The prevalence of diabetes insipidus, thyrotrophin and ACTH deficiencies was significantly greater in patients with ONH as compared with ,idiopathic' hypopituitarism. Mutations in pituitary transcription factors and genes regulating GH secretion were rare (5/170) in this cohort of patients with sporadic hypopituitarism. Conclusion, Our data suggest that individuals presenting with ONH are at high risk for neuroradiologic and endocrine abnormalities. The neuroradiologic features are predictive not only of the presence, but also of the type, of hypopituitarism. The association of midline abnormalities with hypopituitarism in this cohort suggests a common developmental origin for these features, the aetiology of which remains unidentified in the majority of cases. [source]

Likelihood of persistent GH deficiency into late adolescence: relationship to the presence of an ectopic or normally sited posterior pituitary gland

P.G. Murray
Summary Objectives, The presence of an ectopic posterior pituitary gland (EPP) in childhood is associated with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) and multiple pituitary hormone deficiency. GHD in late adolescence has been defined as a peak GH level <5 ,g/l. The aim of this study was to identify the likelihood of persistent GHD in late adolescence in patients with an EPP compared with those with a normally sited posterior pituitary (NPP). Methods, In 18 patients with an EPP and 15 patients with an NPP, clinical, biochemical and radiographic data were collected. Results, In the EPP vs. the NPP group, the change in peak GH levels at the end of growth was less (+0·4[95% confidence interval (CI) - 0·8 to 2·7] vs. +4·1[95%CI + 0·4 to +10·5] ,g/l, P -value for ancova = 0·03, after adjustment for age and sex). Using a peak GH level of <5 ,g/l as a cut-off for GHD, 66% of EPP subjects compared with 40% of NPP subjects had GHD (P = 0·3). Hundred per cent of EPP subjects had a peak GH level on retesting <10 ,g/l, compared with 40% of NPP subjects (P < 0·001). Conclusion, It is important to document GH status at the end of growth, even if there is a structural abnormality of the hypothalamic,pituitary axis. The presence of an EPP compared to an NPP increases the likelihood of persistent GHD by 26%. As all EPP patients had a peak GH level of <10 ,g/l, the cut-off for persistent GHD in late adolescence may need to be revised. [source]

The GH,IGF-I axis and the cardiovascular system: clinical implications

Annamaria Colao
Summary Background, GH and IGF-I affect cardiac structure and performance. In the general population, low IGF-I has been associated with higher prevalence of ischaemic heart disease and mortality. Both in GH deficiency (GHD) and excess life expectancy has been reported to be reduced because of cardiovascular disease. Objective, To review the role of the GH,IGF-I system on the cardiovascular system. Results, Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that serum IGF-I levels in the low-normal range are associated with increased risk of acute myocardial infarction, ischaemic heart disease, coronary and carotid artery atherosclerosis and stroke. This confirms previous findings in patients with acromegaly or with GH-deficiency showing cardiovascular impairment. Patients with either childhood- or adulthood-onset GHD have cardiovascular abnormalities such as reduced cardiac mass, diastolic filling and left ventricular response at peak exercise, increased intima-media thickness and endothelial dysfunction. These abnormalities can be reversed, at least partially, after GH replacement therapy. In contrast, in acromegaly chronic GH and IGF-I excess causes a specific cardiomyopathy: concentric cardiac hypertrophy (in more than two-thirds of the patients at diagnosis) associated to diastolic dysfunction is the most common finding. In later stages, impaired systolic function ending in heart failure can occur, if GH/IGF-I excess is not controlled. Abnormalities of cardiac rhythm and of cardiac valves can also occur. Successful control of acromegaly is accompanied by decrease of the left ventricular mass and improvement of cardiac function. Conclusion, The cardiovascular system is a target organ for GH and IGF-I. Subtle dysfunction in the GH,IGF-I axis are correlated with increased prevalence of ischaemic heart disease. Acromegaly and GHD are associated with several abnormalities of the cardiovascular system and control of GH/IGF-I secretion reverses (or at least stops) cardiovascular abnormalities. [source]

Growth hormone (GH) replacement in hypopituitary adults with GH deficiency evaluated by a utility-weighted quality of life index: a precursor to cost,utility analysis

Maria Ko, towska-Häggström
Summary Objectives To examine quality of life (QoL) measured by a utility-weighted index in GH-deficient adults on GH replacement and analyse the impact of demographic and clinical characteristics on changes in utilities during treatment. Design Utilities for items in the QoL-Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (QoL-AGHDAutility) were estimated based on data obtained from the general population in England and Wales (E&W). These estimates were used to calculate QoL changes in GH-treated patients and compare these with normative population values. Patients A total of 894 KIMS patients (53% women) from E&W were followed for 1 to 6 years. Measurements QoL-AGHDAutility at baseline and at the last reported visit, total QoL-AGHDAutility gain and QoL-AGHDAutility gain per year of follow-up. Results QoL-AGHDAutility in patients before GH treatment differed from the expected population values [0·67 (SD 0·174) vs. 0·85 (SD 0·038), P < 0·0001], constituting a mean deficit of ,0·19 (SD 0·168). There was a difference in the mean QoL-AGHDAutility deficit for men [,0·16 (SD 0·170)] and women [,0·21 (SD 0·162)] (P < 0·001). The main improvement occurred during the first year of treatment [reduction of a deficit to ,0·07 (SD 0·163) (P < 0·001) in the total cohort]; however, patients' utilities remained lower than those recorded for the general population during subsequent follow-up (P < 0·001). Despite an observed impact of age, primary aetiology, disease onset and comorbidities on QoL-AGHDAutility, all patients showed a similar beneficial response to treatment. Conclusions QoL-AGHDAutility efficiently monitors treatment effects in patients with GHD. The study confirmed the QoL-AGHDAutility deficit before treatment and a similar QoL-AGHDAutility gain observed after commencement of GH replacement in all patients. [source]

Thyroid hormone levels in children with Prader,Willi syndrome before and during growth hormone treatment

D. A. M. Festen
Summary Background, Prader,Willi syndrome (PWS) is a neurogenetic disorder characterized by muscular hypotonia, psychomotor delay, obesity and short stature. Several endocrine abnormalities have been described, including GH deficiency and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Published data on thyroid hormone levels in PWS children are very limited. Objective, To evaluate thyroid function in children with PWS, before and during GH treatment. Design/patients, At baseline, serum levels of T4, free T4 (fT4), T3, reverse T3 (rT3) and TSH were assessed in 75 PWS children. After 1 year, assessments were repeated in 57 of the them. These children participated in a randomized study with two groups: group A (n = 34) treated with 1 mg GH/m2/day and group B (n = 23) as controls. Results, Median age (interquartile range, IQR) of the total group at baseline was 4·7 (2·7,7·6) years. Median (IQR) TSH level was ,0·1 SDS (,0·5 to 0·5), T4 level ,0·6 SDS (,1·7 to 0·0) and fT4 level ,0·8 SDS (,1·3 to ,0·3), the latter two being significantly lower than 0 SDS. T3 level, at 0·3 SDS (,0·3 to 0·9), was significantly higher than 0 SDS. After 1 year of GH treatment, fT4 decreased significantly from ,0·8 SDS (,1·5 to ,0·2) to ,1·4 SDS (,1·6 to ,0·7), compared to no change in untreated PWS children. However, T3 did not change, at 0·3 SDS (,0·1 to 0·8). Conclusions We found normal fT4 levels in most PWS children. During GH treatment, fT4 decreased significantly to low-normal levels. TSH levels remained normal. T3 levels were relatively high or normal, both before and during GH treatment, indicating that PWS children have increased T4 to T3 conversion. [source]

GH responsiveness in a large multinational cohort of SGA children with short stature (NESTEGG) is related to the exon 3 GHR polymorphism

M. Tauber
Summary Objective, The polymorphic deletion of exon 3 of the GH receptor (d3-GHR) has recently been linked to the magnitude of growth response to recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy in short children with or without GH deficiency. We investigated this association in a large multinational cohort from the Network of European Studies of Genes in Growth (NESTEGG), comprising short children born small for gestational age (SGA). Design, The study included short prepubertal SGA children treated with rhGH for 1 or 2 years. Population, Two hundred and forty white Caucasian SGA children (138 male, 102 female) aged 6·6 ± 2·3 years with a height at ,3·0 ± 0·7 SDS at start of rhGH treatment; 193 ethnically matched controls. Methods, The GHR polymorphism (fl/fl, fl/d3 or d3/d3) was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplex assay. Growth velocity (G/V) in cm/year and changes in GV during the first and second year of rhGH treatment were evaluated. Results, The change in GV was significantly greater in SGA children carrying one or two copies of the d3-GHR allele (P = 0·038 for the first year and P = 0·041 for the second year of GH treatment), but the change in height was not significantly different. Birthweight was significantly lower in SGA children with the d3/d3 genotype than in SGA children with the fl/fl genotype (P = 0·034) and in those with the fl/d3 genotype (P = 0·016). Conclusion, Our data, based on a large cohort, showed that the exon 3 GHR polymorphism is associated with responsiveness to rhGH treatment in SGA children with short stature. [source]

Unmasking of central hypothyroidism following growth hormone replacement in adult hypopituitary patients

Amar Agha
Summary Background, The effect of GH replacement on thyroid function in hypopituitary patients has hitherto been studied in small groups of children and adults with conflicting results. Objective, We aimed to define the effect and clinical significance of adult GH replacement on thyroid status in a large cohort of GH-deficient patients. Patients and method, We studied 243 patients with severe GH deficiency due to various hypothalamo-pituitary disorders. Before GH treatment, 159 patients had treated central hypothyroidism (treated group) while 84 patients were considered euthyroid (untreated group). GH dose was titrated over 3 months to achieve serum IGF-1 concentration in the upper half of the age-adjusted normal range. Serial measurements of serum T4, T3, TSH and quality of life were made at baseline and at 3 and 6 months after commencing GH replacement. Results, In the untreated group, we observed a significant reduction in serum T4 concentration without a significant increase in serum T3 or TSH concentration; 30/84 patients (36%) became hypothyroid and needed initiation of T4 therapy. Similar but lesser changes were seen in the treated group, 25 of whom (16%) required an increase in T4 dose. Patients who became hypothyroid after GH replacement had lower baseline serum T4 concentration, were more likely to have multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies and showed less improvement in quality of life compared with patients who remained euthyroid. Conclusion, GH deficiency masks central hypothyroidism in a significant proportion of hypopituitary patients and this is exposed after GH replacement. We recommend that hypopituitary patients with GH deficiency and low normal serum T4 concentration should be considered for T4 replacement prior to commencement of GH in order to provide a robust baseline from which to judge the clinical effects of GH replacement. [source]

Ghrelin does not regulate the GH response to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in children but could be involved in the regulation of cortisol secretion

J. Huber
Summary Objective, Ghrelin activates the growth hormone secretagogue receptor GHS-R. It strongly stimulates GH secretion and has a role in energy homeostasis. The relationship between plasma ghrelin and cortisol levels during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in prepubertal and pubertal children has not yet been investigated. The aim of the present study was to establish whether insulin-induced hypoglycaemia stimulates ghrelin secretion and whether changes in ghrelin concentrations are related to changes in GH and cortisol in children. Design and patients, We studied a group of 20 children and adolescents (five girls, 15 boys, mean age 10·8 ± 3·7 years) undergoing insulin tolerance tests (ITTs) for clinical investigation of GH deficiency. Measurements, Stimulation tests were performed to investigate the relationship between ghrelin, GH, cortisol and glucose levels according to age and pubertal stage by determining the ghrelin profiles during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (at 0, 60 and 120 min). Results, Ghrelin was significantly and inversely related to body weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and age of children (P < 0·05). Significant changes in ghrelin levels (P = 0·00013) were found after the insulin bolus, with a decline at 60 min and an increase to baseline values at 120 min. Changes in cortisol levels were negatively correlated with changes in ghrelin at 60 min (r = ,0·59, P = 0·004) and at 120 min (r = ,0·605, P = 0·003). Conclusions, This study shows that ghrelin might not regulate the GH response to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in prepubertal and pubertal children. A role for ghrelin in the regulation of cortisol secretion can be hypothesized concerning the negative correlation between changes in ghrelin and cortisol. Furthermore, the results imply that ghrelin secretion is age dependent and is a function of growth. [source]

Modulation of growth hormone action by sex steroids

Udo J. Meinhardt
Summary Growth hormone (GH) is a major regulator of growth, somatic development and body composition. Sex steroids can act centrally by regulating GH secretion and peripherally modulating GH responsiveness. This review addresses data of potential clinical relevance on how sex steroids modulate GH secretion and action, aiming to increase the understanding of sex steroid/GH interactions and leading to improved management of patients. Sex steroids regulate GH secretion directly as well as indirectly through IGF-I modulation. Testosterone stimulates GH secretion centrally, an effect dependent on prior aromatization to oestrogen. Oestrogen stimulates GH secretion indirectly by reducing IGF-I feedback inhibition. Whether oestrogen stimulates GH secretion centrally in females is unresolved. Gonadal steroids modify the metabolic effects of GH. Testosterone amplifies GH stimulation of IGF-I, sodium retention, substrate metabolism and protein anabolism while exhibiting similar but independent actions of its own. Oestrogen attenuates GH action by inhibiting GH-regulated endocrine function of the liver. This is a concentration-dependent phenomenon that arises invariably from oral administration of therapeutic doses of oestrogen, an effect that can be avoided by using a parenteral route. This strong modulatory effect of gonadal steroids on GH responsiveness provides insights into the biological basis of sexual dimorphism in growth, development and body composition and practical information for the clinical endocrinologist. It calls for an appraisal of the diagnostic criteria for GH deficiency of GH stimulation tests, which currently are based on arbitrary cut-offs that do not take into account the shifting baseline from the changing gonadal steroid milieu. In the management of GH deficiency in the hypopituitary female, oestrogen should be administered by a nonoral route. In hypopituitary men, androgens should be replaced concurrently to maximize the benefits of GH. In the general population, the metabolic consequences of long-term treatment of women with oral oestrogen compounds, including selective oestrogen receptor modulators, are largely unknown and warrant study. [source]

PROP1 gene analysis in Portuguese patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiency

Manuel C. Lemos
Summary Objective, Mutations of the PROP1 gene lead to combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD), which is characterized by a deficiency of GH, TSH, LH/FSH, PRL and, less frequently, ACTH. This study was undertaken to investigate the molecular defect in a cohort of patients with CPHD. Design, patients and measurements, A multicentric study involving 46 cases of CPHD (17 familial cases belonging to seven kindreds and 29 sporadic cases) selected on the basis of clinical and hormonal evidence of GH deficiency, central hypothyroidism and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, in the absence of an identified cause of hypopituitarism. Mutations of PROP1 were investigated by DNA sequencing. Clinical, hormonal and neuroradiological data were collected at each centre. Results,PROP1 mutations were identified in all familial cases: five kindreds presented a c. 301,302delAG mutation, one kindred presented a c. 358C , T (R120C) mutation and one presented a previously unreported initiation codon mutation, c. 2T , C. Of the 29 sporadic cases, only two (6·9%) presented PROP1 germline mutations (c. 301,302delAG, in both). Phenotypic variability was observed among patients with the same mutations, particularly the presence and age of onset of hypocortisolism, the levels of PRL and the results of pituitary imaging. One patient presented a sellar mass that persisted into adulthood. Conclusions, This is the first report of a mutation in the initiation codon of the PROP1 gene and this further expands the spectrum of known mutations responsible for CPHD. The low mutation frequency observed in sporadic cases may be due to the involvement of other unidentified acquired or genetic causes. [source]

Effect of obesity and morbid obesity on the growth hormone (GH) secretion elicited by the combined GHRH + GHRP-6 test

Fahrettin Kelestimur
Summary Objective, Obesity is characterized by low basal levels of growth hormone (GH) and impeded GH release. However, the main problem arises in the diagnosis of GH deficiency in adults, as all accepted cut-offs in the diagnostic tests of GH reserve are no longer valid in obese subjects. In this work, the role of obesity in the GH response elicited by the GHRH + GHRP-6 test was assessed in a large population of obese and nonobese subjects. Patients, GHRH + GHRP-6-induced GH peaks were evaluated in 542 subjects. One hundred and five were healthy obese, 50 were morbid obese, and 261 were nonobese (both normal weight and overweight). One hundred and seventy-six GH-deficient patients (obese and nonobese) were also studied. Results, A regression analysis of the 366 subjects with normal pituitary function indicated that adiposity had a negative effect on the elicited GH peak (r = ,0·503, P < 0·0001). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that in subjects with a BMI 35, the currently accepted cut-offs of the GHRH + GHRP-6 test (GH peaks 20 µg/l: normal secretion; GH peaks 10 µg/l: GH deficiency), were fully operative. However, in subjects with a BMI > 35, normality was indicated by GH peaks 15 µg/l and GH deficiency by peaks 5 µg/l (1 µg/l = 2·6 mU/l). Conclusions, This study confirms: (a) that the combined provocative test is adequate to separate normal and GH-deficient subjects; (b) the negative effect of obesity on GH secretion; (c) that obesity accounts for 25% of the reduction of GH release; and (d) that present cut-off values are applicable to normal weight, overweight and grade I obesity subjects, whereas in obese subjects with a BMI exceeding 35, all the normative limits of the GHRH-GHRP +6 test must be reduced by 5 µg/l. [source]

Does growth hormone cause cancer?

P. J. Jenkins
Summary The ability of GH, via its mediator peptide IGF-1, to influence regulation of cellular growth has been the focus of much interest in recent years. In this review, we will explore the association between GH and cancer. Available experimental data support the suggestion that GH/IGF-1 status may influence neoplastic tissue growth. Extensive epidemiological data exist that also support a link between GH/IGF-1 status and cancer risk. Epidemiological studies of patients with acromegaly indicate an increased risk of colorectal cancer, although risk of other cancers is unproven, and a long-term follow-up study of children deficient in GH treated with pituitary-derived GH has indicated an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Conversely, extensive studies of the outcome of GH replacement in childhood cancer survivors show no evidence of an excess of de novo cancers, and more recent surveillance of children and adults treated with GH has revealed no increase in observed cancer risk. However, given the experimental evidence that indicates GH/IGF-1 provides an antiapoptotic environment that may favour survival of genetically damaged cells, longer-term surveillance is necessary; over many years, even a subtle alteration in the environmental milieu in this direction, although not inducing cancer, could result in acceleration of carcinogenesis. Finally, even if GH/IGF-1 therapy does result in a small increase in cancer risk compared to untreated patients with GH deficiency, it is likely that the eventual risk will be the same as the general population. Such a restoration to normality will need to be balanced against the known morbidity of untreated GH deficiency. [source]

The impact of idiopathic childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (GHD) on bone mass in subjects without adult GHD

Martin Lange
Summary objective, Despite seemingly adequate growth hormone (GH) treatment during childhood, children with GH deficiency (GHD) have reduced bone mineral density (BMD) at final height. The aim was to evaluate BMD and bone mineral content (BMC) in adults treated for idiopathic childhood-onset (CO) GHD, 18 years after stopping GH treatment. subjects and methods, Twenty-six (11 females) patients with idiopathic CO GHD participated. All patients but two had been treated for isolated GHD in childhood. The childhood diagnosis was established by an insulin tolerance test (ITT) and reassessed in adulthood by an ITT (N = 21) or arginine test (n = 5), revealing that 10 patients had GHD according to adult criteria. Accordingly, the patient group was divided into (1) patients who did not have persistent GHD in adulthood and (2) patients who did have persistent adult GHD. Twenty-six healthy subjects acted as age-, gender- and body mass index (BMI)-matched controls. results, The patients who did not have persistent GHD had significantly lower IGF-I values and whole-body, femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD compared to controls [0·994 ± 0·10 vs. 1·114 ± 0·11 g/cm2 (P = 0·003), 0·842 ± 0·12 vs. 0·962 ± 0·11 g/cm2 (P = 0·006) and 1·026 ± 0·14 vs. 1·127 ± 0·13 g/cm2 (P = 0·004), respectively]. Femoral neck BMD was significantly reduced in the patients who had persistent GHD, compared to controls (0·842 ± 0·09 vs. 0·938 ± 0·11, P = 0·04). Significant correlations were observed between all bone variables and IGF-I in all subjects, whereas no correlations were observed between bone variables and GH peak levels in the 26 patients. conclusion, In conclusion, we found that (1) patients with idiopathic CO GHD, who at retest in adulthood did not have GHD according to adult criteria, had reduced serum IGF-I and BMD/BMC compared to controls. (2) This observation was also made in the patients who did have persistent GHD in adulthood. The findings may reflect the fact that the present diagnostic criteria for adult GHD (i.e. response to the ITT) do not reflect the clinical consequences of disordered GH,IGF axis in CO GHD young adults who were treated with GH in childhood. Alternatively, despite seemingly adequate GH treatment in childhood an optimal peak bone mass in adolescence may never have been reached in either of the groups. (3) IGF-I levels correlated with clinical signs of the adult GHD syndrome. We believe that further studies on the indications and diagnostic procedures for GH treatment after cessation of linear growth are necessary. [source]

Growth hormone, acromegaly, and heart failure: an intricate triangulation

Luigi Saccà
Summary Short-term GH or IGF-I excess provides a model of physiological cardiac growth associated with functional advantage. The physiological nature of cardiac growth is accounted for by the following: (i) the increment in cardiomyocyte size occurs prevalently at expense of the short axis. This is the basis for the concentric pattern of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, with consequent fall in LV wall stress and functional improvement; (ii) cardiomyocyte growth is associated with improved contractility and relaxation, and a favourable energetic setting; (iii) the capillary density of the myocardial tissue is not affected; (iv) there is a balanced growth of cardiomyocytes and nonmyocyte elements, which accounts for the lack of interstitial fibrosis; (v) myocardial energetics and mechanics are not perturbed; and (vi) the growth response is not associated with the gene re-programming that characterizes pathologic cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Overall, the mechanisms activated by GH or IGF-I appear to be entirely different from those of chronic heart failure. Not to be neglected is also the fact that GH, through its nitric oxide (NO)-releasing action, contributes to the maintenance of normal vascular reactivity and peripheral vascular resistance. This particular kind of interaction of GH with the cardiovascular system accounts for: (i) the lack of cardiac impairment in short-term acromegaly; (ii) the beneficial effects of GH and IGF-I in various models of heart failure; (iii) the protective effect of GH and IGF-I against post-infarction ventricular remodelling; (iv) the reversal of endothelial dysfunction in patients with heart failure treated with GH; and (v) the cardiac abnormalities associated with GH deficiency and their correction after GH therapy. If it is clear that GH and IGF-I exert favourable effects on the heart in the short term, it is equally undeniable that GH excess with time causes pathologic cardiac hypertrophy and, if it is not corrected, eventually leads to cardiac failure. Why then, at one point in time in the natural history of acromegaly, does physiological cardiac growth become maladaptive and translate into heart failure? Before this transition takes places, the acromegalic heart shares very few features with other models of chronic heart failure. None of the mechanisms involved in the progression of heart failure is clearly operative in acromegaly, save for the presence of insulin-resistance and mild alterations of lipoproteins and clot factors. Is this enough to account for the development of heart failure? Probably not. On the other hand, it must be stressed that GH and IGF-I activate several mechanisms that play a protective role against the development of heart failure. These include ventricular unloading, deactivation of neurohormonal components, antiapoptotic effect and enhanced vascular reactivity. Ultimately, all data available concur to hypothesize that acromegalic cardiomyopathy represents a progressive model of cardiac hypertrophy in which the cardiotoxic and pro-remodelling effect is intrinsic to the excessive and unrestrained myocardial growth. [source]

Recombinant hGH replacement therapy and the hypothalamus,pituitary,thyroid axis in children with GH deficiency: when should we be concerned about the occurrence of central hypothyroidism?

Claudia Giavoli
Summary objective, Recombinant hGH treatment may alter thyroid hormone metabolism and we have recently reported that 50% of patients with GH deficiency (GHD) due to organic lesions, previously not treated with thyroxine, developed hypothyroidism during treatment with recombinant human GH (rhGH). These results prompted us to evaluate the impact of rhGH treatment on thyroid function in children with GHD. design, Open study of GH treatment up to 12 months. Investigations were performed at baseline, and after 6 and 12 months of GH therapy. measurement and study subjects, Serum TSH, FT4, FT3, AbTg and AbTPO, IGF-I, height and weight, were evaluated in 20 euthyroid children (group A) with idiopathic isolated GHD and in six children (group B) with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies (MPHD) due to organic lesions. Among the latter, four already had central hypothyroidism and were on adequate LT4 replacement therapy, while two were euthyroid at the beginning of the study. results, Serum IGF-I levels normalized in all patients. In both groups, a significant reduction in FT4 levels (P < 0·01) occurred during rhGH therapy. No patient in group A had FT4 values into the hypothyroid range, while in four of six patients in group B, fell FT4 levels into the hypothyroid range during rhGH. In particular, the two euthyroid children developed central hypothyroidism during rhGH treatment, and their height velocities did not normalize until the achievement of euthyroidism through appropriate LT4 substitution. No variation in serum FT3 and TSH levels was recorded in either groups. conclusion, Contrary to that observed in patients with MPHD, rhGH replacement therapy does not induce central hypothyroidism in children with idiopathic isolated GHD, further supporting the view that in children with MPHD, as in adults, GHD masks the presence of central hypothyroidism. Slow growth (in spite of adequate rhGH substitution and normal IGF-I levels) is an important clinical marker of central hypothyroidism, therefore a strict monitoring of thyroid function is mandatory in treated children with MPHD. [source]

Impaired GH secretion to provocative stimuli in two families with hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia

Elisabetta Cecconi
Summary objective, To determine whether hypercalcemia per se might be responsible for an impairment in GH secretion. design, Prospective study. patients, Six subjects of two unrelated families with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH), an autosomal dominant disorder due to inactivating mutations in the calcium receptor gene, leading to an increase in serum calcium levels and inappropriately normal serum PTH concentrations. Forty normal subjects, matched for sex and age served as controls. measurements, Serum GH concentrations were measured after GHRH-Arginine (GHRH-Arg) stimulation test; serum IGF-I, ACTH, cortisol, FT4, FT3, TSH, PRL, LH, FSH levels were measured under basal conditions. results, All subjects (two male, four female, age range 24,74 years) had increased serum ionized calcium levels (range 1·36,1·56 mmol/l) and five of six patients had normal PTH levels (range for all patients was 14,68 ng/l). Basal serum GH concentrations ranged from 0·1 to 7·0 µg/l. Mean serum GH secretory peak after GHRH-Arg stimulation test was reduced in five subjects (mean 9·3 ± 3·6 µg/l, P < 0·006 vs. Controls, mean 67·0 ± 44·0 µg/l, cut-off, 16·0 µg/l) and normal in one subject (38·7 µg/l). However, serum IGF-I levels were reduced only in two patients (29 and 57 µg/l) and normal in four subjects (range 127,208 µg/l). The basal secretion of the other anterior pituitary hormones was within their normal ranges. conclusions, The results of the present study support the concept that elevated serum calcium levels impair GH secretion. However, the clinical relevance of GH deficiency in FHH remains to be elucidated. [source]

Assessment of quality of life in adults receiving long-term growth hormone replacement compared to control subjects

I. A. Malik
Summary objective There are few studies of quality of life (QOL) in adults with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) compared to matched control populations without GHD. These have shown impairments in a variety of QOL measures, which improve but do not normalize after short-term replacement with GH. There is little information on QOL in long-term treated GHD patients compared with controls without GHD. patients and methods A total of 120 adults with GHD who had received GH replacement for at least 1 year were identified from the neuroendocrine clinic. Patients were asked to complete eight QOL questionnaires and an Energy Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results were compared with 83 control subjects without GHD from the local population who agreed to complete seven of the QOL questionnaires (excluding Disease Impact scale) and the energy VAS. The eight questionnaires were a combination of generic and disease-specific questionnaires used to assess health related QOL, namely: Short Form-36 (SF-36), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Disease Impact, Life Fulfilment and Satisfaction scales, Mental Fatigue Questionnaire (MFQ) and Self Esteem scale, Hospital Anxiety Depression (HAD) scale and QOL-AGHDA (assessment of GHD in adults). results Eighty-nine patients returned questionnaires and 85 (71%) had complete data for analysis. The mean (SD) duration of GH replacement was 36·0 ± 26·4 (range 13,159) months. Mean age was 43·9 ± 15·8 years (37 males) in treated GHD patients compared to a mean age 41·7 ± 10·5 years (32 males) in the controls. Mean IGF-1 levels were 22·5 ± 13·6 nmol/l in the GHD patients and the mean dose of GH replacement was 1·2 ± 0·4 IU daily. Analysis of the QOL questionnaires from the GH treated patients revealed highly significant impairments in all measures (most P , 0·0001, except life fulfilment-material, P = 0·33) compared to the control population. conclusions This large population with treated GH deficiency have significant impairments in multiple aspects of QOL despite replacement with GH and other pituitary hormones for at least 1 year (mean 3 years). It is likely therefore that other factors in addition to GH deficiency must influence QOL in these patients. Further strategies to improve QOL in these individuals should therefore be considered, e.g. psychological support and treatments and physical treatments (such as exercise programmes). [source]