Fuse Nucleus (fuse + nucleus)

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Selected Abstracts

Learning to breathe: control of the inspiratory,expiratory phase transition shifts from sensory- to central-dominated during postnatal development in rats

Mathias Dutschmann
The hallmark of the dynamic regulation of the transitions between inspiration and expiration is the timing of the inspiratory off-switch (IOS) mechanisms. IOS is mediated by pulmonary vagal afferent feedback (Breuer,Hering reflex) and by central interactions involving the Kölliker,Fuse nuclei (KFn). We hypothesized that the balance between these two mechanisms controlling IOS may change during postnatal development. We tested this hypothesis by comparing neural responses to repetitive rhythmic vagal stimulation, at a stimulation frequency that paces baseline breathing, using in situ perfused brainstem preparations of rats at different postnatal ages. At ages < P15 (P, postnatal days), phrenic nerve activity (PNA) was immediately paced and entrained to the afferent input and this pattern remained unchanged by repetitive stimulations, indicating that vagal input stereotypically dominated the control of IOS. In contrast, PNA entrainment at > P15 was initially insignificant, but increased after repetitive vagal stimulation or lung inflation. This progressive adaption of PNA to the pattern of the sensory input was accompanied by the emergence of anticipatory centrally mediated IOS preceding the stimulus trains. The anticipatory IOS was blocked by bilateral microinjections of NMDA receptor antagonists into the KFn and PNA was immediately paced and entrained, as it was seen at ages < P15. We conclude that as postnatal maturation advances, synaptic mechanisms involving NMDA receptors in the KFn can override the vagally evoked IOS after ,training' using repetitive stimulation trials. The anticipatory IOS may imply a hitherto undescribed form of pattern learning and recall in convergent sensory and central synaptic pathways that mediate IOS. [source]

Developmental changes in the BDNF-induced modulation of inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Kölliker,Fuse nucleus of rat

Miriam Kron
Abstract The Kölliker,Fuse nucleus (KF), part of the pontine respiratory group, is involved in the control of respiratory phase duration, and receives both excitatory and inhibitory afferent input from various other brain regions. There is evidence for developmental changes in the modulation of excitatory inputs to the KF by the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). In the present study we investigated if BDNF exerts developmental effects on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the KF. Recordings of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in KF neurons in a pontine slice preparation revealed general developmental changes. Recording of spontaneous and evoked IPSCs (sIPSCs, eIPSCS) revealed that neonatally the ,-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic fraction of IPSCs was predominant, while in later developmental stages glycinergic neurotransmission significantly increased. Bath-application of BDNF significantly reduced sIPSC frequency in all developmental stages, while BDNF-mediated modulation on eIPSCs showed developmental differences. The eIPSCs mean amplitude was uniformly and significantly reduced following BDNF application only in neurons from rats younger than postnatal day 10. At later postnatal stages the response pattern became heterogeneous, and both augmentations and reductions of eIPSC amplitudes occurred. All BDNF effects on eIPSCs and sIPSCs were reversed with the tyrosine kinase receptor-B inhibitor K252a. We conclude that developmental changes in inhibitory neurotransmission, including the BDNF-mediated modulation of eIPSCs, relate to the postnatal maturation of the KF. The changes in BDNF-mediated modulation of IPSCs in the KF may have strong implications for developmental changes in synaptic plasticity and the adaptation of the breathing pattern to afferent inputs. [source]

Brainstem respiratory control: Substrates of respiratory failure of multiple system atrophy

Eduardo E. Benarroch MD
Abstract Multiple system atrophy may manifest with severe respiratory disorders, including sleep apnea and laryngeal stridor, which reflect a failure of automatic control of respiration. This function depends on a pontomedullary network of interconnected neurons located in the parabrachial/Kölliker Fuse nucleus in the pons, nucleus of the solitary tract, and ventrolateral medulla. Neurons in the preBötzinger complex expressing neurokinin-1 receptors are critically involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis, whereas serotonergic neurons in the medullary raphe and glutamatergic neurons located close to the ventral medullary surface are involved in central chemosensitivity to hypercapnia, hypoxia, or both. Pathological studies using selective neurochemical markers indicate that these neuronal groups are affected in multiple system atrophy. This finding may provide potential anatomical substrates for the respiratory manifestations of the disease. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society [source]