Frequent Manifestation (frequent + manifestation)

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Selected Abstracts

Tinea Capitis in Infants Less Than 1 Year of Age

C. Romano MD
Tinea capitis is the most frequent manifestation of dermatophyte infection in children, but because it is rare in the first months of life it is often misdiagnosed. Here we report 15 cases of tinea capitis observed in Italy in infants less than 1 year of age. There were 10 boys and 5 girls (mean age 6 months). Diagnosis was confirmed by mycologic examination. Microsporum canis was isolated in nine cases and Trichophyton mentagrophytes in three. These 12 infants were Italian and animals were the source of infection. Trichophyton erinacei was isolated in one Italian infant, and the source was soil. In the other two cases, Trichophyton tonsurans and Trichophyton violaceum were isolated; these infants were from Central America and India, respectively, and had contracted the infection from humans. All achieved clinical and mycologic recovery after systemic and topical antimycotic therapy. [source]

Child abuse as a result of enuresis

Gamze Can
AbstractBackground: Enuresis is a frequent manifestation with important psychological and social consequences. The aim of the present study was to describe the types of child abuse as a result of enuresis, and to investigate the association of child abuse. Methods: A cross-sectional field study was conducted between March 2001 and August 2001 in the 5,17-year-old age group, to identify risk factors and prevalence of enuresis in the province of Trabzon, Turkey. A face-to-face interview with 889 mothers was carried out. In the questionnaire, the existence, frequency, and risks factors of enuresis were questioned in detail and the parental reactions to the child's enuresis were widely investigated. Results: The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis was 17.9% in the 5,17-year-old age group. It was also found out that of 154 mothers, 86.4% (n = 133) were involved in child abuse of different types. It was found that 40.6% of children who were abused as a result of their enuresis were neglected medically, 42.1% were spanked and 12.8% were beaten. Conclusions: The high prevalence of enuresis among Turkish children leads to a high frequency of neglect. The high frequency of other types of child abuse in Turkey can be taken as being punishment. [source]

Sources of urinary proteins and their analysis by urinary proteomics for the detection of biomarkers of disease

Bruce A. Julian
Abstract Renal disorders account for a substantial fraction of the budget for health care in many countries. Proteinuria is a frequent manifestation in afflicted patients, but the origin of the proteins varies based on the nature of the disorder. The emerging field of urinary proteomics has the potential to replace kidney biopsy as the diagnostic procedure of choice for patients with some glomerular forms of renal disease. To fully realize this potential, it is vital to understand the basis for the urinary excretion of protein in physiological and pathological conditions. In this review, we discuss the structure of the nephron, the functional unit of the kidney, and the process by which proteins/peptides enter the urine. We discuss several aspects of proteinuria that impact the proteomic analysis of urine of patients with renal diseases. [source]

Bilateral testicular tuberculomas: a case detection

ANDROLOGIA, Issue 2 2009
A. Hassan
Summary Genitourinary tuberculosis (TB) is the most frequent manifestation of extrapulmonary TB, where the epididymides, seminal vesicles and prostate are the commonly infected sites, followed by the testes. We report a 29-year-old man who presented with primary infertility since 2 years. He had a history of bilateral painful scrotal swelling with fever since 4 years, diagnosed as pyogenic scrotal abscess, which was managed by incision and drainage. At presentation, fever, weight loss and night sweats were absent. On examination, he had ovoid slightly tender, firm to hard irregular masses in the lower poles of both testes with no line of separation encroaching on both epididymes. Both testes were not felt distinctly and the overlying scrotal skin showed no signs of inflammation. Semen analysis revealed azoospermia. Scrotal colour coded duplex ultrasonography demonstrated moderately enlarged testes having well defined hypoechoic masses with foci of calcifications. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed these findings. Biopsy and histopathology detected the presence of caseating granuloma and Ziehl,Neelsen staining of paraffin sections demonstrated acid-fast bacilli. The patient was treated with combination therapy. Tracing of the condition is discussed. [source]