Early Cleavage Stages (early + cleavage_stage)

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Selected Abstracts

Cloning and characterization of cDNA for syndecan core protein in sea urchin embryos

Kazuo Tomita
The cDNA for the core protein of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan, syndecan, of embryos of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina was cloned and characterized. Reverse transcription,polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used with total ribonucleic acid (RNA) from late gastrula stage embryos and degenerate primers for conserved regions of the core protein, to obtain a 0.1 kb PCR product. A late gastrula stage cDNA library was then screened using the PCR product as a probe. The clones obtained contained an open reading frame of 219 amino acid residues. The predicted product was 41.6% identical to mouse syndecan-1 in the region spanning the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains. Northern analysis showed that the transcripts were present in unfertilized eggs and maximum expression was detected at the early gastrula stage. Syndecan mRNA was localized around the nuclei at the early cleavage stage, but was then found in the ectodermal cells of the gastrula embryos. Western blotting analysis using the antibody against the recombinant syndecan showed that the proteoglycan was present at a constant level from the unfertilized egg stage through to the pluteus larval stage. Immunostaining revealed that the protein was expressed on apical and basal surfaces of the epithelial wall in blastulae and gastrulae. [source]

Combinatorial expression patterns of heparan sulfate sulfotransferases in zebrafish: II.

The 6- O -sulfotransferase family
Abstract Heparan sulfate (HS) is an unbranched chain of repetitive disaccharides, which specifically binds ligands when attached to the cell surface or secreted extracellularly. HS chains contain sulfated domains termed the HS fine structure, which gives HS specific binding affinities for extracellular ligands. HS 6- O -sulfotransferases (6-OST) catalyze the transfer of sulfate groups to the 6- O position of glucosamine residues of HS. We report here the characterization and developmental expression analysis of the 6-OST gene family in the zebrafish. The zebrafish 6-OST gene family consists of four conserved vertebrate orthologues, including a gene duplication specific to zebrafish. We examined the mRNA expression patterns in several tissues/organs throughout early zebrafish development, including early cleavage stages, eyes, somites, brain, internal organ primordial, and pectoral fin development. Members of the 6-OST gene family have spatially and temporally distinct restricted expression, suggesting in vivo functional differences exist between members of this family. Developmental Dynamics 235:3432,3437, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Embryonic development of the oligochaete Enchytraeus coronatus: An SEM and histological study of embryogenesis from one-cell stage to hatching

Annette Bergter
Abstract We describe the embryonic development of the soil-living oligochaete Enchytraeus coronatus (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta, Annelida). Enchytraeus coronatus is a direct developer. It follows the typical spiral cleavage mode of development that is highly conserved among annelids and a large number of other lophotrochozoan taxa that are collectively named "Spiralia." Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was combined with light microscopic analysis of wholemounted and sectioned embryos, differentially processed through histological stainings, to reconstruct and document cellular movements and organogenesis from early cleavage stages until hatching. With the help of these data we have established a scheme of morphologically defined stages in order to facilitate future studies on the molecular and histological level that will allow a detailed cross-species comparison among annelids and other phyla. J. Morphol. 261:26,42, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Early ontogeny and placentation of the grey short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica (Didelphidae: Marsupialia): contribution to the reconstruction of the marsupial morphotype

This study provides new findings on the placenta of Monodelphis domestica and a reconstruction of the marsupial morphotype. To achieve this, early ontogeny and placentation of the grey short-tailed opossum, M. domestica, from 3 h after copulation until birth (day 15), were studied and compared with other mammals. Both the ultrastructure and histochemistry of egg membranes, foetal membranes, oviduct and uterus were examined. The results of this study provide the first detailed ultrastructural description of a trophoblastic syncytium in a marsupial. In addition, this is the first original documentation of an invasive trophectoderm and an inflammatory reaction at parturition in M. domestica. These findings were compared with literature data and included into the reconstruction of the marsupial morphotype. Based on marsupial phylogeny as proposed by Luckett (J. Mammal. Evol. 2, 255,283, 1994), characters that are consistent at least within didelphids and dasyurids were determined to be characters of the marsupial morphotype. These characters are a central yolk separated from the peripheral yolk-poor cytoplasm in the unfertilized oocyte, the presence of a zona pellucida, a mucoid coat and a shell coat, the absence of a corona radiata, oviductal mucoid secretion, no shell secretion distal to the isthmus of the oviduct, uterine shell secretion, a short tubal passage (1 day at maximum), the apposition of blastomeres to the zona pellucida prior to intercellular association, the absence of a morula stage, the polarity of the zygotic yolk, the localized segmentation of deutoplasm (yolk) during the first cleavage and subsequent extrusion of yolk vesicles during the first two cleavage stages. With regard to the marsupial morphotype, the non-polarized yolk distribution in the zygote [Hartman (J. Morphol. 27, 1,84, 1916); McCrady (Am. Anat. Mem. 16, 1,233, 1938)] is a derived character of Didelphis virginiana. Didelphis virginiana [Hartman (J. Morphol. 27, 1,84, 1916); Hartman (J. Morphol. 32, 1,139, 1919); McCrady (Am. Anat. Mem. 16, 1,233, 1938)] and Didelphis marsupialis (Hill, Q. J. Micr. Sci. 63, 91,139, 1918) share the synapomorphous reduction of deutoplasmolysis to a generalized extrusion of vesicles. The absence of separated yolk and consequently a cleavage without yolk extrusion (Renfree and Lewis, Reprod. Fert. Dev. 8, 725,742, 1996) are apomorphies of macropodids. This is possibly correlated with the association of blastomeres in early cleavage stages (Renfree and Lewis, Reprod. Fert. Dev. 8, 725,742, 1996). A yolk sac placenta and a vascularized allantochorion can be assumed for part of the ontogeny in the marsupial morphotype, irrespective of the formation of an allantoic placenta at near term stages. The character polarization of the mode of placentation and parturition needs further investigation. Frühe Ontogenie und Plazentation der grauen Hausspitzmausbeutelratte, Monodelphis domestica (Didelphidae: Marsupialia): Ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion des Grundplans der Marsupialia Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die frühe Ontogenese und Plazentation von 3 Stunden nach der Kopulation bis zur Geburt der Beutelratte Monodelphis domestica. Es wird die Ultrastruktur und Histochemie der Eihäute, der Fetalmembranen, des Oviductes und des Uterus beschrieben. Erstmalig wird die Ultrastruktur eines trophoblastischen Syncytiums bei einem Beuteltier beschrieben. Weiterhin wird ein invasives Trophektoderm und eine Entzündungsreaktion zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt bei M. domestica festgestellt. Die Befunde dieser Studie und Literaturdaten werden verglichen und in eine Grundplanrekonstruktion integriert. Merkmale, die mindestens zwischen Vertretern der Didelphidae und Dasyuridae übereinstimmen, werden basierend auf dem phylogenetischen System der Marsupialia nach Luckett, J. Mammal. Evol. 2, 255,283, 1994, für den Grundplan der Marsupialia angenommen. Diese Merkmale sind zentral separierter Dotter und peripheres dotterarmes Zytoplasma in der unbefruchteten Eizelle, das Vorhandensein von Zona pellucida, Mucoidschicht und Schalenhaut, das Fehlen einer Corona radiata, die Mucoidsekretion durch den Oviduct, die Schalensekretion durch den Uterus und nicht distal der Isthmusregion des Oviductes, eine kurze Tubenwanderung (maximal einen Tag), die Anlagerung der Blastomeren an die Zona pellucida vor der interzellulären Verbindung, das Fehlen eines Morulastadiums, die Dotterpolarität in der Zygote, die lokale Dotterabtrennung bei der ersten Teilung und die anschließende Dotterextrusion während der ersten beiden Teilungen. In Bezug auf den Grundplan der Marsupialia ist die unpolare Dotterverteilung in der Zygote ein abgeleitetes Merkmal von Didelphis virginiana. Didelphis virginiana und Didelphis marsupialis teilen als Synapomorphie die Reduktion der Deutoplasmolyse auf eine generelle Vesikelextrusion. Das Fehlen separierten Dotters in der Oocyte und die resultierende Furchung ohne Dotterextrusion [Renfree and Lewis, Reprod. Fert. Dev. 8, 725,742, 1996] ist eine Apomorphie der Macropodidae. Hiermit hängt möglicherweise die frühe Zusammenlagerung der Blastomeren zusammen [Renfree and Lewis, Reprod. Fert. Dev. 8, 725,742, 1996]. Ein vaskularisiertes Allantochorion und eine Dottersackplazenta können für einen Teil der Ontogenese im Grundplan der Marsupialia angenommen werden. Ob das Allantochorion neben der Respiration auch dem Stoffaustausch diente ist unklar. Die Lesrichtung für den Modus der Plazentation und der Geburt bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen. [source]

Precambrian animal life: Taphonomy of phosphatized metazoan embryos from southwest China

LETHAIA, Issue 2 2005
Phosphatized fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation have provided valuable insight into the early evolution of metazoans, but the preservation of these spectacular fossils is not yet fully understood. This research begins to address this issue by performing a detailed specimen-based taphonomic analysis of the Doushantuo Formation phosphatized metazoan embryos. A total of 206 embryos in 65 thin sections from the Weng'an Phosphorite Member of the Doushantuo Formation were examined and their levels of pre-phosphatization decay estimated. The data produced from this examination reveal a strong taphonomic bias toward earlier (2-cell and 4-cell) cleavage stages, which tend to be well-preserved, and away from later (8-cell and 16-cell) cleavage stages, which tend to exhibit evidence for slight to intense levels of organic decay. In addition, the natural abundances of these embryos tend to decrease with advancement in cleavage stage, and no evidence of more advanced (beyond 16-cell) cleavage stages or eventual adult forms were found in this study. One possible explanation for this taphonomic bias toward early cleavage stages is that later cleavage stages and adult forms were more physically delicate, allowing them to be more easily damaged during burial and reworking, allowing for more rapid decay. The spectacular preservation of these embryos was probably aided by their likely internal enrichment in phosphate-rich yolk, which would have caused their internal dissolved phosphate levels to reach critical levels with only miniscule organic decay, thereby hastening phosphatization. If internal sources of phosphate did indeed play a role in the phosphatization of these embryos, it may explain their prolific abundance in these rocks compared to other phosphatized fossils as well as indicating that metazoans lacking such internal phosphate sources were likely much more difficult to preserve. The phosphatic fossils of the Doushantuo Formation, therefore, provide an indispensable, yet restricted, window into Neoproterozoic life and metazoan origins. [source]