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Selected AbstractsDelocation and European integration: is structural spending justified?ECONOMIC POLICY, Issue 35 2002Karen Helene Midelfart-Knarvik SUMMARY How is European integration changing the location of industry? And what part are national and EU aids to industry playing in this process? We show that states and regions are becoming more specialized within the EU, but this process is very slow. While there is no evidence of polarization occurring at the national level, some regions are losing out. National state aids to industry appear to have little effect for either good or ill, since their effectiveness at attracting economic activity and employment is limited. European Structural Funds expenditure, by contrast, does have an effect on the location of industry, notably by attracting industries that are intensive in research and development. However, this effect has mostly been acting counter to states' comparative advantage , R&D-intensive industries have been encouraged by these aids to locate in countries and regions that have low endowments of skilled labour. Only in Ireland, where Structural Funds reinforced rather than offset comparative advantage, have poor regions been enabled systematically to catch up with the EU average. [source] Eine Gabe an St. Nimmerlein?, Zur zeitlichen Dimension der SchuldenbremsePERSPEKTIVEN DER WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIK, Issue 3 2010Friedrich Heinemann We consider two scenarios: a proportional income shock and a shock on employment which increases the rate of unemployment. We find that automatic stabilizers absorb 38 per cent of a proportional income shock in the EU, compared to 32 per cent in the US. In the case of an unemployment shock 48 per cent of the shock is absorbed in the EU, compared to 34 per cent in the US. Under the assumption that only credit constrained households adjust current spending on consumption goods to current disposable income, the cushioning of disposable income leads to a demand stabilization of 26 to 35 per cent in the EU and 19 per cent in the US. There is large heterogeneity within the EU. Automatic stabilizers in Eastern and Southern Europe are much lower than in Central and Northern European countries. With respect to income stabilization, Germany is above the European average for both scenarios. Demand stabilization in Germany is weaker because the number of liquidity constrained households is below the EU average. [source] Wie wirken die automatischen Stabilisatoren in der Wirtschaftskrise?PERSPEKTIVEN DER WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIK, Issue 2 2010Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen EU-Staaten und den USA We consider two scenarios: a proportional income shock and a shock on employment which increases the rate of unemployment. We find that automatic stabilizers absorb 38 percent of a proportional income shock in the EU, compared to 32 percent in the US. In the case of an unemployment shock 48 percent of the shock is absorbed in the EU, compared to 34 percent in the US. Under the assumption that only credit constrained households adjust current spending on consumption goods to current disposable income, the cushioning of disposable income leads to a demand stabilization of 26 to 35 percent in the EU and 19 percent in the US. There is large heterogeneity within the EU. Automatic stabilizers in Eastern and Southern Europe are much lower than in Central and Northern European countries. With respect to income stabilization, Germany is above the European average for both scenarios. Demand stabilization in Germany is weaker because the number of liquidity constrained households is below the EU average. [source] Schools as Socialisation Contexts: Understanding the Impact of School Climate Factors on Students' Sense of School BelongingAPPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 2 2010Zeynep Cemalcilar Education is a top priority of the European Union (EU). The EU Education Council has declared that to be the world leader in terms of the quality of education and training systems by 2010, fundamental transformations in education should be carried out in each country according to its national context and traditions. As a candidate country, Turkey shares this common objective. Yet, the mean school attainment and net education enrollment rates in Turkey are still behind the EU averages. The education literature indicates students' sense of school belonging as an important predictor of school attainment. This study aims to identify the policy manipulable social aspects of schools that can be instrumental in increasing students' sense of school belonging in a sample of 799 middle school students attending public schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The conceptual model posits that students' satisfaction with both the social relationships in the school and the school environment has consequences for their sense of school belonging. The results of the structural equation model analysis revealed a plausible model. Satisfaction with social relationships emerged as a stronger predictor of sense of school belonging than satisfaction with the school environment. Further comparisons of the same conceptual model for schools with low and high socioeconomic conditions yielded different associations among the study variables. The findings are discussed in terms of their relevance to the education system in Turkey and other less affluent societies with similar social, cultural, and economic conditions. L'éducation est une priorité majeure de l'Union Européenne (UE). Le Conseil de l'Education de l'UE a déclaré que pour devenir le leader mondial de la qualité de l'éducation et de la formation en 2010, il fallait opérer des réformes d'importance dans le système d'éducation de chacun des pays dans le respect de leurs traditions et de leur contexte national. En tant que candidate pour intégrer l'Union, la Turquie partage cet objectif commun. Pourtant, les performances scolaires moyennes et le taux de scolarisation sont en Turquie toujours en-dessous des moyennes européennes. La littérature concernée montre que la conviction de l'élève d'être intégréà l'école est un prédicteur important de ses résultats scolaires. Cette étude cherche à définir les possibilités d'action politique sur les variables sociales scolaires susceptibles d'améliorer le sentiment d'appartenance à l'école, cela sur un échantillon de 799 élèves de collège fréquentant des établissements publics d'Istanbul. Le modèle pose que la satisfaction des élèves relative aux relations sociales à l'école et à l'environnement scolaire est en relation avec leur sentiment d'intégration à l'établissement. Les résultats de l'analyse en modèle d'équation structurale fournissent une structure plausible. La satisfaction liée aux relations sociales ressort comme un prédicteur du sentiment d'appartenance plus puissant que la satisfaction relative à l'environnement scolaire. Des manipulations complémentaires de ce même modèle à partir de conditions socio-économiques élevées ou basses débouchèrent sur de nouvelles associations entre les différentes variables. Ces résultats sont évalués sur la base de leur pertinence pour le système scolaire turque et celui d'autres pays moins prospères présentant des conditions économiques, sociales et culturelles analogues. [source] |