EEG Findings (eeg + finding)

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Selected Abstracts

Slow Repetitive TMS for Drug-resistant Epilepsy: Clinical and EEG Findings of a Placebo-controlled Trial

EPILEPSIA, Issue 2 2007
Roberto Cantello
Summary:,Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of slow repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as an adjunctive treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy. Methods: Forty-three patients with drug-resistant epilepsy from eight Italian Centers underwent a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover study on the clinical and EEG effects of slow rTMS. The stimulus frequency was 0.3 Hz. One thousand stimuli per day were given at the resting motor threshold intensity for 5 consecutive days, with a round coil at the vertex. Results:"Active" rTMS was no better than placebo for seizure reduction. However, it decreased interictal EEG epileptiform abnormalities significantly (p < 0.05) in one-third of the patients, which supports a detectable biologic effect. No correlation linked the rTMS effects on seizure frequency to syndrome or anatomic classification, seizure type, EEG changes, or resting motor threshold (an index of motor cortex excitability). Conclusions: Although the antiepileptic action was not significant (p > 0.05), the individual EEG reactivity to "active" rTMS may be encouraging for the development of more-powerful, noninvasive neuromodulatory strategies. [source]

Epilepsy in fragile X syndrome

Elizabeth Berry-Kravis MD PhD
Epilepsy is reported to occur in 10 to 20% of individuals with fragile X syndrome (FXS). A frequent seizure/EEG pattern in FXS appears to resemble that of benign focal epilepsy of childhood (BFEC, benign rolandic epilepsy). To evaluate seizure frequency and type in a Chicago FXS cohort, data regarding potential seizure history were reviewed for 136 individuals with FXS (age range 2 to 51 years: 113 males and 23 females). Seizures occurred in 15 males (13.3%) and one female (4.3%): of these, 12 had partial seizures. EEG findings were available for 35 individuals (13 of 16 with seizures and 22 of 120 without seizures) and showed an epileptiform abnormality in 10 (77%) individuals with seizures and five (23%) individuals without seizures - the most common epileptiform pattern being centrotemporal spikes. Seizures were easily controlled in 14 of the 16 individuals with seizures. Many individuals, including all with centrotemporal spikes, had remission of seizures in childhood. The most common seizure syndrome resembled BFEC and this pattern had the best prognosis for epilepsy remission. Deficiency of FMRP (fragile X mental retardation protein) appears to lead to increased neuronal excitability and susceptibility to epilepsy, but particularly seems to facilitate mechanisms leading to the BFEC pattern. [source]

Interobserver agreement in neonatal seizure identification

EPILEPSIA, Issue 9 2009
Aileen Malone
Summary Objectives:, Accurate diagnosis of neonatal seizures is critically important and is often made clinically, without EEG (electroencephalography) monitoring. This observational study aimed to determine the accuracy and interobserver reliability of healthcare professionals in distinguishing clinically manifested seizures from other neonatal movements, when presented with clinical histories and digital video recordings only. Methods:, Twenty digital video recordings of paroxysmal movements in term and preterm infants were selected from a video-EEG database. The movements were categorized as seizure and nonseizure using EEG. Health care professionals (n = 137) from eight neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) were shown the video recordings with additional relevant clinical data, excluding EEG findings. The observers were asked to indicate which movements they considered to be seizure or nonseizure. A multirater Kappa statistic was used to assess agreement between observers and with the true diagnosis. Results:, Twenty video clips (11 seizure, 9 nonseizure) were evaluated by 91 doctors and 46 other professionals. The average number of correctly identified events was 10/20. Clonic seizures were correctly identified most frequently (range 36.5,95.6% of observers). Subtle seizures were poorly identified (range 20.4,49.6% of observers). The interobserver agreement (Kappa) for doctors and other health care professionals was poor at 0.21 and 0.29, respectively. Agreement with the correct diagnosis was also poor at 0.09 for doctors and ,0.02 for other healthcare professionals. Discussion:, It is often impossible to accurately differentiate between seizure-related and nonseizure movements in infants using clinical evaluation alone. In addition, doctors do not have a higher capacity for discriminating between neonatal paroxysmal events than other health care professionals. Until reliable continuous neurologic monitoring of newborn babies is available, it is likely that some babies with seizures will remain undetected and others with nonseizure movements will continue to be treated with potentially harmful anticonvulsants. [source]

Outcome after hemispherectomy in hemiplegic adult patients with refractory epilepsy associated with early middle cerebral artery infarcts

EPILEPSIA, Issue 6 2009
Arthur Cukiert
Summary Purpose:, To study the outcome after hemispherectomy (HP) in a homogeneous adult patient population with refractory hemispheric epilepsy. Methods:, Fourteen adult patients submitted to HP were studied. Patients had to be at least 18 years old, and have refractory epilepsy, clearly focal lateralized seizures and unilateral porencephalus consistent with early middle cerebral artery infarct on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All patients were submitted to functional hemispherectomy. We analyzed age of seizure onset, age by the time of surgery, gender, seizure type and frequency, interictal and ictal electroencephalography (EEG) findings, MRI and IQ scores preoperatively; seizure frequency, drug regimen, and IQ outcome were studied postoperatively. Results:, Mean follow-up was 64 months. All patients had frequent daily seizures preoperatively. All patients had unilateral simple partial motor seizures (SPS); 11 patients had secondarily generalized tonic,clonic (GTC) seizures and five patients had complex partial seizures (CPS), preoperatively. All patients had hemiplegia and hemianopsia. Twelve patients had unilateral EEG findings, and in two epileptic discharges were seen exclusively over the apparently normal hemisphere. Twelve patients were seizure-free after surgery and two patients had at least 90% improvement in seizure frequency. Pre- and postoperative mean general IQ was 84 and 88, respectively. Five of the twelve Engel I patients were receiving no drugs at last follow-up. There was no mortality or major morbidity. Conclusions:, Our results suggest that well-selected adult patients might also get good results after HP. Although good results were obtained in our adult series, the same procedure yielded a much more striking result if performed earlier in life. [source]

Prevalence of Childhood Epilepsy and Distribution of Epileptic Syndromes: A Population-based Survey in Okayama, Japan

EPILEPSIA, Issue 3 2006
Eiji Oka
Summary:,Methods: Information on patients younger than 13 years with active epilepsy was collected from medical records. Patients diagnosed with epilepsy according to clinical and EEG findings were put on the list even if those patients had had a single seizure or seizures occurring during febrile episodes. Results: In total, 2,220 cases were identified from a background population of 250,997. The prevalence rate was 8.8 per 1,000. If we exclude patients who had experienced a single seizure or seizures occurring during febrile episodes to compare our results with previous reports, the prevalence rate was 5.3 per 1,000. Of the 2,220 cases, 2,030 (91.4%) were classified into three major categories by ILAE classification. They consisted of 1,556 (76.7%) with localization-related epilepsy, 453 (22.3%) with generalized epilepsy, and 21 (1.0%) with undetermined epilepsy. Of the 2,030 cases, 309 (15.2%) were classified into epileptic syndrome categories, and 84.8% of the total were nonspecific types of epilepsy. Conclusions: The prevalence rate of childhood epilepsy was distributed from 5.3 to 8.8 per 1,000. The appearance rate of various types of epileptic syndromes was low. Most cases could not be classified into the detailed categories of the International Classification (ILAE, 1989). [source]

Epileptogenicity of Supratentorial Medullary Venous Malformation

EPILEPSIA, Issue 2 2006
Takato Morioka
Summary:,Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the epileptogenicity of supratentorial medullary venous malformation (MVM). Special consideration was given to any associations with intracerebral hemorrhage with or without other vascular malformations, including cavernous angioma (CA). Methods: In total, 10 patients with angiographically or histologically verified MVMs were examined. The patients were divided into two groups with or without intracerebral hemorrhage, and their clinical, neuroradiologic, and interictal and ictal EEG findings were reviewed retrospectively. Results: Although three of five patients in the nonhemorrhagic group had epilepsy, no topographic concordance was found between the MVM location and the EEG focus. On the contrary, in four of five patients in the hemorrhagic group, epilepsy developed, and topographic concordance between the hemorrhagic MVM location and the EEG focus was noted. One patient with a hemorrhagic MVM and an associated CA in the hippocampus had electroclinical pictures of intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy on this side. Conclusions: Although a supratentorial MVM itself is not epileptogenic, the development of an intracerebral hemorrhage may cause epilepsy. In particular, an associated CA may be highly epileptogenic. [source]

Symptomatic Epilepsies Imitating Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies

EPILEPSIA, Issue 2005
Hirokazu Oguni
Summary:, The diagnosis of idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGEs) is not generally difficult if one follows the clinical and electroencephalogram (EEG) definitions of each subsyndrome that constitutes IGEs. In contrast, symptomatic epilepsies develop based on organic brain lesions and are easily diagnosed by the presence of developmental delay, neurologic abnormalities, and a characteristic seizure and EEG pattern. However, in clinical practice, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate IGEs from symptomatic epilepsies, especially when the clinical course from the onset of epilepsy is too short to exhibit typical clinical and EEG findings of either epilepsy type, or when patients with symptomatic epilepsies have atypical features that imitate the clinical characteristics of IGEs. The neurodegenerative or metabolic disorders at times start during the clinical course with epileptic seizures and later show typical neurologic abnormalities. The newly recognized metabolic disorder of glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome (Glut-1 DS) may start with myoclonic seizures at an age of less than 1 year and imitate benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy early in the clinical course. Progressive myoclonus epilepsies (PMEs) that develop at 1,4 years of age at times imitate epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures with respect to the presence of astatic seizures and an epileptic encephalopathic EEG pattern. In addition, young children with focal cortical dysplasia may also have similar clinical and EEG patterns, although the latter may become localized after treatment. Approximately 15% of patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) are resistant to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and may require extensive study to make a differential diagnosis from symptomatic epilepsies. PMEs that develop during adolescence may imitate JME early in the clinical course; however, a detailed history and the differentiation between myoclonic seizures and myoclonus would help to distinguish both conditions. The diagnosis of IGEs is very demanding for patients with atypical features with regard to seizure type, EEG findings, and response to appropriate AEDs. [source]

The Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery: Recruitment and Selection for Surgery

EPILEPSIA, Issue 11 2003
Anne T. Berg
Summary:,Purpose: Multiple studies have examined predictors of seizure outcomes after epilepsy surgery. Most are single-center series with limited sample size. Little information is available about the selection process for surgery and, in particular, the proportion of patients who ultimately have surgery and the characteristics that identify those who do versus those who do not. Such information is necessary for providing the epidemiologic and clinical context in which epilepsy surgery is currently performed in the United States and in other developed countries. Methods: An observational cohort of 565 surgical candidates was prospectively recruited from June 1996 through January 2001 at six Northeastern and one Midwestern surgical centers. Standardized eligibility criteria and protocol for presurgical evaluations were used at all seven sites. Results: Three hundred ninety-six (70%) study subjects had resective surgery. Clinical factors such as a well-localized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormality and consistently localized EEG findings were most strongly associated with having surgery. Of those who underwent intracranial monitoring (189, 34%), 85% went on to have surgery. Race/ethnicity and marital status were marginally associated with having surgery. Age, education, and employment status were not. Demographic factors had little influence over the surgical decision. More than half of the patients had intractable epilepsy for ,10 years and five or more drugs had failed by the time they initiated their surgical evaluation. During the recruitment period, eight new antiepileptic drugs were approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States and came into increasing use in this study's surgical candidates. Despite the increased availability of new therapeutic options, the proportion that had surgery each year did not fluctuate significantly from year to year. This suggests that, in this group of patients, the new drugs did not provide a substantial therapeutic benefit. Conclusions: Up to 30% of patients who undergo presurgical evaluations for resective epilepsy surgery ultimately do not have this form of surgery. This is a group whose needs are not currently met by available therapies and procedures. Lack of clear localizing evidence appears to be the main reason for not having surgery. To the extent that these data can address the question, they suggest that repeated attempts to control intractable epilepsy with new drugs will not result in sustained seizure control, and eligible patients will proceed to surgery eventually. This is consistent with recent arguments to consider surgery earlier rather than later in the course of epilepsy. Postsurgical follow-up of this group will permit a detailed analysis of presurgical factors that predict the best and worst seizure outcomes. [source]

A Study of 43 Patients with Panayiotopoulos Syndrome, a Common and Benign Childhood Seizure Susceptibility

EPILEPSIA, Issue 1 2003
Christina Lada
Summary: ,Purpose: To determine prevalence, clinical, EEG features, and prognosis of Panayiotopoulos syndrome and to examine the proposition that clinical manifestations are more important than EEG findings. Methods: We analyzed retrospectively the clinical and EEG records of 1,340 children with one or more focal seizures seen in the last 18 years, supplemented with a prospective study from 1998. Panayiotopoulos syndrome was defined by clinical criteria, mainly ictal emesis, irrespective of EEG findings. Results: We analyzed 43 of 90 patients with Panayiotopoulos syndrome who were seizure free >2 years. Girls predominated. Mean age at first seizure was 5 years. Seizures consisted mainly of autonomic manifestations; ictal emesis was often the first symptom, culminating in vomiting in 86%. Of nonautonomic manifestations, lateral eye deviation was the most common; visual symptoms were exceptional. Impairment of consciousness ensued in all seizures, half of which ended with hemi or generalized convulsions. Nearly 46.5% of cases had at least one seizure >30 min, constituting autonomic status epilepticus. Seizures during sleep (84%) were more common than those in wakefulness. EEG showed occipital spikes in 29 patients. Of the other 14 cases, five had extraoccipital abnormalities or brief generalized discharges, and nine had normal awake and sleep EEG. Prognosis was excellent. All 43 children have been free of seizures for ,2 years, 53% having a single seizure, and 47%, an average two to three seizures. Conclusions: Panayiotopoulos syndrome is common and needs wider recognition. EEG shows occipital or extraoccipital abnormalities, is normal in one third of patients, and does not determine clinical manifestations or prognosis, which is excellent despite the high prevalence of lengthy seizures. [source]

Ictal EEG Patterns in Band Heterotopia

EPILEPSIA, Issue 4 2002
Arthur C. Grant
Summary: Band heterotopia (BH) or "double cortex" syndrome is a neuronal migration disorder resulting in a diffuse band of subcortical grey matter and variable abnormality of the overlying cortex. Patients with BH have a spectrum of psychomotor delay and seizures. Associated epileptic syndromes and interictal EEG findings have been described, but ictal EEG patterns are lacking. Methods: We describe the clinical, interictal, and ictal EEG findings in two girls with BH and intractable seizures. Results: Ictal EEG patterns correlated well with clinical seizure types, and did not have features unique to BH. Similarly, seizure behaviors and interictal EEG findings were typical of those seen in symptomatic generalized epilepsies. Conclusions: Despite evidence implicating the ectopic grey matter in seizure discharges, we conclude that seizure semiology and associated ictal EEG patterns in BH are no different from those seen in other causes of symptomatic generalized epilepsies. [source]

Stereotactic cortical resection in non-lesional extra-temporal partial epilepsy

D. C. Shields
The presentation and treatment of a patient with extra-temporal non-lesional partial epilepsy is discussed herein. His clinical semiology was consistent with supplementary motor area seizures; however, MR imaging did not demonstrate a lesion. A region of stable cortical glucose hypermetabolism in the left frontal region was noted with 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET. This was consistent with the frequent interictal discharges evident over the left fronto-temporal region and the stereotypic high amplitude ictal discharges arising with highest amplitude from the left frontal region. Epileptiform activity evident on an intracranial 64-point subdural recording grid placed over the left dorsolateral frontal cortex confirmed a distribution concordant with FDG-PET findings. The subsequent resection was guided by the PET and EEG findings rather than structural MR imaging, and a limited cortical resection led to an immediate and substantial reduction in seizure frequency. [source]

Electroencephalographic Abnormalities in Aseptic Meningitis and Noninfectious Headache.

HEADACHE, Issue 1 2001
A Comparative Study
Background.,The finding of abnormalities on electroencephalogram (EEG) during the course of aseptic meningitis is often considered to be indicative of parenchymal brain involvement, even in absence of clinical signs of encephalitis. Objective.,To investigate if patients with aseptic nonherpetic meningitis who have abnormal EEG recordings during the acute stage of the disease differ in clinical characteristics or cerebrospinal fluid findings from patients with aseptic meningitis and normal EEG recordings. Methods.,The EEG records of 82 patients with aseptic meningitis were reviewed. A comparative group consisted of 41 age-matched patients with severe headaches without evidence of meningeal inflammation. Results.,Significantly more patients with aseptic meningitis (28%) demonstrated abnormalities on EEG than controls (12%) (P = .048). Patients with aseptic meningitis and abnormal EEG findings (n = 23) did not differ in age, duration of symptoms, clinical course, cerebrospinal fluid cell count, or protein level from those with normal EEG findings (n = 59). However, all patients with aseptic meningitis who were confused (n = 5) also revealed EEG abnormalities (P<.00012). Patients with headache with normal EEG recordings did not differ from those with abnormal EEGs in age, sex, or duration of symptoms. Nevertheless, patients with common migraine (n = 9) showed abnormalities on EEG (P = .06) more frequently. Conclusions.,The finding of an abnormal EEG in patients with aseptic meningitis, clear mental state and absence of focal neurological signs should not be used as proof of encephalitis. Because pathological examination is usually not performed, it remains unclear if EEG abnormalities in patients with aseptic meningitis indicate a silent parenchymal inflammation, or reflect an infectious encephalopathy. [source]

Focal Cortical Dysplasia: Improving Diagnosis and Localization With Magnetic Resonance Imaging Multiplanar and Curvilinear Reconstruction

Maria Augusta Montenegro MD
ABSTRACT Objective. To establish the contribution of multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) and curvilinear reformatting (CR) to the MRI investigation of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). Methods. From a group of patients with intractable frontal lobe epilepsy, we selected patients with neuroimaging diagnosis of FCD. The diagnosis of FCD was based on the neuroimaging findings after a three step evaluation, always in the same order: (a) plain MRI films, (b) MPR, and (c) CR. After the selection of patients, the process of reviewing all the images in the three stages described above was performed by one of us, who did not take part on the selection of patients nor on the initial evaluation, and who was blind to the clinical and EEG findings of the patients. For data analysis, we first assessed the contribution of the additional findings of MPR analysis compared to the results of the evaluation using only plain MRI films, as is usually done in routine practice. Second, we assessed the contribution of CR to the findings of plain MRI films plus MPR. After completing the multistep evaluation, we all went back to review the plain MRI films with knowledge of lesion topography, in order to identify possible subtle features associated with FCD. Results. Seventeen patients met the inclusion criteria. Twelve had imaging diagnosis of FCD and were included in the second step of this project. Plain films of high resolution MRI showed the lesion in 6 (50%) of the 12 patients. By adding MPR to the plain MRI films, we identified lesions in all 12 patients. Furthermore, we found that MPR provided a better lesion localization and ascertainment of its relationship to other cerebral structures in 5 of 6 (83%) patients who had a lesion identified on plain films. By adding CR to the plain MRI films plus MPR analysis, we observed that (a) CR also allowed the identification of the dysplastic lesion in all patients, (b) CR improved lesion localization in one patient, and (c) CR provided a better visualization of the lesion extent in 4 patients (33%), showed a larger lesion in 3, and demonstrated that part of the area suspected as abnormal was more likely volume averaging in 2. Conclusion. MPR and CR analysis add to the neuroimaging evaluation of FCD by improving the lesion diagnosis and localization. CR helps to establish the extent of the lesion more precisely, allowing the visualization of some areas not shown on high resolution MRI and MPR. These techniques are complementary and do not replace the conventional wisdom of MRI analysis. [source]

Update on the clinical features and natural history of Wolf,Hirschhorn (4p-) syndrome: Experience with 87 patients and recommendations for routine health supervision,

Agatino Battaglia
Abstract Wolf,Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is a well-known multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndrome, firstly described in 1961 by Cooper and Hirschhorn. Its frequency is estimated as 1/50,000,1/20,000 births, with a female predilection of 2:1. The disorder is caused by partial loss of material from the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p16.3), and is considered a contiguous gene syndrome. No single gene deletions or intragenic mutations have been shown to confer the full WHS phenotype. Since the disorder was brought to the attention of geneticists, many additional cases have been published. Only in 1999, however, were the first data on the natural history brought to the attention of the medical community. The purpose of the present study is to help delineate in more detail and over a longer period of time, the natural history of WHS, in order to establish appropriate health supervision and anticipatory guidance for individuals with this disorder. We have collected information on 87 patients diagnosed with WHS (54 females and 33 males) both in USA and Italy. Age at first observation ranged between newborn and 17 years. Twenty patients have been followed from 4 months to 23 years. The deletion proximal breakpoint varied from 4p15.32 to 4p16.3, and, by FISH, was terminal and included both WHSCR. Deletion was detected by standard cytogenetics in 44/87 (50.5%) patients, whereas FISH was necessary in the other 43 (49.5%). Array-CGH analysis at 1 Mb resolution was performed in 34/87 patients, and, in 15/34 (44%), showed an unbalanced translocation leading to both a 4p monosomy and a partial trisomy for another chromosome arm. Six more patients had been previously shown to have an unbalanced translocation by karyotype analysis or FISH with a WHS-specific probe. Sixty-five of 87 patients had an apparent pure, de novo, terminal deletion; and 1/87 a tandem duplication of 4p16.1p16.3 associated with 4p16.3pter deletion. Age at diagnosis varied between 7 months gestation and 16 years. Ninety-three percent had a seizure disorder with a good outcome; 80% had prenatal onset growth deficiency followed by short stature and slow weight gain; 60% had skeletal anomalies; 50% had heart lesions; 50% had abnormal tooth development; and 40% had hearing loss. Distinctive EEG findings were seen in 90%. Structural CNS anomalies were detected in 80%. Global developmental delay of varying degrees was present in all patients. Almost 50% was able to walk either alone or with support. Hypotonia was present in virtually all patients. A global improvement was observed in all individuals, over time. Our survey has also shown how the characteristic facial phenotype tends to be less pronounced in those patients with a smaller deletion, and microcephaly is not observed in the patients with certain cryptic unbalanced translocations. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Acute hyperglycemia produces transient improvement in glucose transporter type 1 deficiency

Cigdem I. Akman MD
Objective Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1-DS) is characterized clinically by acquired microcephaly, infantile-onset seizures, psychomotor retardation, choreoathetosis, dystonia, and ataxia. The laboratory signature is hypoglycorrhachia. The 5-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed to assess cerebral function and systemic carbohydrate homeostasis during acute hyperglycemia, in the knowledge that GLUT1 is constitutively expressed ubiquitously and upregulated in the brain. Methods Thirteen Glut1-DS patients completed a 5-hour OGTT. Six patients had prolonged electroencephalographic (EEG)/video monitoring, 10 patients had plasma glucose and serum insulin measurements, and 5 patients had repeated measures of attention, memory, fine motor coordination, and well-being. All patients had a full neuropsychological battery prior to OGTT. Results The glycemic profile and insulin response during the OGTT were normal. Following the glucose load, transient improvement of clinical seizures and EEG findings were observed, with the most significant improvement beginning within the first 30 minutes and continuing for 180 minutes. Thereafter, clinical seizures returned, and EEG findings worsened. Additionally, transient improvement in attention, fine motor coordination, and reported well-being were observed without any change in memory performance. Interpretation This study documents transient neurological improvement in Glut1-DS patients following acute hyperglycemia, associated with improved fine motor coordination and attention. Also, systemic carbohydrate homeostasis was normal, despite GLUT1 haploinsufficiency, confirming the specific role of GLUT1 as the transporter of metabolic fuel across the blood-brain barrier. The transient improvement in brain function underscores the rate-limiting role of glucose transport and the critical minute-to-minute dependence of cerebral function on fuel availability for energy metabolism. ANN NEUROL 2010;67:31,40 [source]

Comparison of cerebral magnetic resonance and electroencephalogram findings in pre-eclamptic and eclamptic women

Mehmet A. OSMANA
Abstract Objective:, To compare the cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) and electroencephalogram (EEG) findings in pre-eclamptic and eclamptic pregnant women. Methods:, A total of 38 pregnant women with mild pre-eclampsia (n = 15), severe pre-eclampsia (n = 11) and eclampsia (n = 12) were included in this study. Cranial MR without contrast and EEG were performed in these women on admission or within 3 days of onset. Follow-up control MR or EEG evaluations were performed 4,6 weeks postpartum in women with MR or EEG abnormalities in the initial examination. To compare differences, X2 test, Fisher exact or Mann,Whitney U -tests were used. Results:, Abnormal cranial MR findings were found in one (6%) pre-eclamptic woman, in four (36%) severe pre-eclamptic women, and in 11 (92%) eclamptic women. Cranial MR findings were consistent with ischaemia in 15 (39%) patients and haemorrhage in one (3%) case. Two (5%) severe pre-eclamptic women showed cerebral infarction during the follow-up period. MR and EEG abnormalities were totally resolved in 88% of cases. The MR findings of 12 (71%) patients were located in the occipital lobes followed by the parietal lobes in six (40%) cases. Three (20%) mild pre-eclamptic women, four (36%) severe pre-eclamptic women and 10 (83%) eclamptic women had abnormal EEGs. The EEG changes were totally resolved in 13 of 14 (93%) patients after the first month. In one patient with cerebral haemorrhage, the EEG changes lasted for a duration of 6 months. Conclusions:, A correlation between EEG abnormalities and MR findings was found in this study. The combined use of MR and EEG may help to determine the prognosis for these patients, but the interictal EEG findings recorded in eclampsia were non-specific. [source]