Drainage Water (drainage + water)

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Selected Abstracts

Saline Drainage Water, Irrigation Frequency and Crop Species Effects on Some Physical Properties of Soils

Y. A. Al-Nabulsi
This field study evaluated the effects of water quality, irrigation frequency and crop species on some physical properties of soils. The experiment had a split-split-plot design, with three irrigation water qualities (normal water, drainage water and a 1 : 1 mixture of freshwater and drainage water) as the main treatments, two irrigation frequencies (at 7- and 14-day intervals) as the subtreatments and two crops (barley and alfalfa) as the subsubtreatments. The soil infiltration rate was highest in the barley plot receiving freshwater irrigation at weekly intervals. The lowest soil infiltration rate was found in alfalfa plots receiving saline irrigation water at 14-day intervals. Bulk density and proportions of micropores [pore radius (r) < 1.4 µm] were higher and the proportion of macropores (r > 14.4 µm) was lower in barley than in alfalfa. Saline irrigation caused the greatest decrease in total porosity. The soil infiltration rate was higher with more frequent irrigation, and was highest in alfalfa plots receiving freshwater irrigation. The decrease in soil bulk density and infiltration rate was greater with saline drainage water, irrespective of the crop grown and the irrigation frequency. Salzhaltiges Drainagewasser, Bewässerungshäufig-keit und Kulturpflanzenarten mit Wirkung auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften des Bodens Eine Felduntersuchung wurde vorgenommen, um dem Einfluss der Wasserqualität, der Bewässerungshäufigkeit und Kulturpflanzenarten auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Böden zu untersuchen. Die Infiltrationrate mit Frischwasser in wöchentlichen Abständen unter Gerste war hoch. Eine Behandlung mit Salzwasser in 14 tägigen Abständen unter Luzerne zeigte eine geringere Infiltrationsrate des Bodens. Bodendichte und der Anteil der Mikroporen (Poren mit einem Radius von r < 1,4 mm) waren größer und der Anteil der Makroporen (r > 14,4 mm) war unter Gerste geringer. Bewässerung mit Salzwasser verursachte die stärkste Abnahme in der Gesamtporosität. Die Infiltrationsrate des Bodens nahm mit der Häufigkeit der Bewässerung zu und zeigte den höchsten Wert bei Luzerne und einer Frischwasserbewässerung. Die Abnahme in der Bodendichte und der Infiltrationseigenschaften waren bei Salzwasserdrainage unabhängig von der Kulturpflanzenart und der Bewässerungshäufigkeit höher. [source]

Heavy-metal displacement in chelate-treated soil with sludge during phytoremediation

Stanley Liphadzi
Abstract Heavy metals (HMs) in domestic sewage sludge, applied to land, contaminate soils. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to clean-up toxic HMs from soil. Chelating agents are added to soil to solubilize the metals for enhanced uptake. Yet no studies report the displacement of HMs in soil with sludge following solubilization with chelates. The objective of this work was to determine the uptake or leaching of HMs due to a chelate added to a soil from a sludge farm that had received sludge for 25 y. The soil was placed in long columns (105,cm long; , 39,cm) in a greenhouse. Columns either had a plant (hybrid poplar; Populus deltoides Marsh. × P. nigra L.) or no plant. After the poplar seedlings had grown for 144 d, the tetrasodium salt of the chelating agent EDTA was irrigated onto the surface of the soil at a rate of 1 g per,kg of soil. Drainage water, soil, and plants were analyzed for three toxic HMs (Cd, Ni, Pb) and four essential HMs (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn). At harvest, extractable and total concentrations of each HM in the soil with EDTA were similar to those in soil without EDTA. The chelate did not affect the concentrations of HMs in the roots or leaves. With or without plants, EDTA mobilized all seven HMs and increased their concentrations in drainage water. Lower concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn in leachate from columns with EDTA and plants compared to columns with EDTA and no plants showed that poplars can reduce groundwater contamination by intercepting these HMs in the soil. But the poplar plants did not reduce Pb and Mn in the leachate from columns with EDTA. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in the leachate mobilized by EDTA remained above drinking-water standards with or without plants. The results showed that a chelate (EDTA) should not be added to a soil at a sludge farm to enhance phytoremediation. The chelate mobilized HMs that leached to drainage water and contaminated it. [source]

Automatic Voltammetric System for Continuous Trace Metal Monitoring in Various Environmental Samples

ELECTROANALYSIS, Issue 19-20 2007
Øyvind Mikkelsen
Abstract Some recent developments and results in the field of automatic monitoring of electrolabile concentration of zinc and iron in the low ,g/L range in river water, drainage water, and waste water by use of solid dental amalgam electrode (DAM) as a working electrode are reviewed for three different geographical sites representing the mentioned matrixes. At all sites, voltammetric measurements were carried out continuously every 30 or 60,minutes for periods up to 4,months, and compared with total amounts of the metals found by ICP-MS on manually collected samples. In total, the observed concentration ranges analyzed was in the ranges of sub-,g/L to approximately 30,,g/L for zinc, and from approximately 1,,g/L to 150,,g/L. for iron. Results shows good calibration curves for the metals in the different matrixes (r2avg=0.99) with standard deviation within 5%. The voltammetric system showed good stability and gave reliable results which were in a reasonable agreement with ICP-MS measurements for all analyses when comparing the concentration trends. The frequency of maintenance varied from once a week in waste water samples to once a month in river water. [source]

Cadmium leaching from some New Zealand pasture soils

C. W. Gray
Summary Cadmium (Cd) inputs and losses from agricultural soils are of great importance because of the potential adverse effects Cd can pose to food quality, soil health and the environment in general. One important pathway for Cd losses from soil systems is by leaching. We investigated loss of Cd from a range of contrasting New Zealand pasture soils that had received Cd predominantly from repeated applications of phosphate fertilizer. Annual leaching losses of Cd ranged between 0.27 and 0.86 g ha,l, which are less than most losses recorded elsewhere. These losses equate to between 5 and 15% of the Cd added to soil through a typical annual application of single superphosphate, which in New Zealand contains on average 280 mg Cd kg,1 P. It appears that Cd added to soil from phosphate fertilizer is fairly immobile and Cd tends to accumulate in the topsoil. The pH of the leachate and the total volume of drainage to some extent control the amount of Cd leached. Additional factors, such as the soil sorption capacity, are also important in controlling Cd movement in these pasture soils. The prediction of the amount of Cd leached using the measured concentrations of Cd in the soil solution and rainfall data resulted in an overestimation of Cd losses. Cadmium concentrations in drainage water are substantially less than the current maximum acceptable value of 3 µg l,1 for drinking water in New Zealand set by the Ministry of Health. [source]

Transformations of runoff chemistry in the Arctic tundra, Northwest Territories, Canada

W. L. Quinton
Abstract The transformation of snowmelt water chemical composition during melt, elution and runoff in an Arctic tundra basin is investigated. The chemistry of the water flowing along pathways from the surface of melting snow to the 95·5 ha basin outlet is related to relevant hydrological processes. In so doing, this paper offers physically based explanations for the transformation of major ion concentrations and loads of runoff water associated with snowmelt and rainfall along hydrological pathways to the stream outlet. Late-lying snowdrifts were found to influence the ion chemistry in adjacent reaches of the stream channel greatly. As the initial pulse of ion-rich melt water drained from the snowdrift and was conveyed through hillslope flowpaths, the concentrations of most ions increased, and the duration of the peak ionic pulse lengthened. Over the first 3 m of overland flow, the concentrations of all ions except for NO increased by one to two orders of magnitude, with the largest increase for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. This was roughly equivalent to the concentration increase that resulted from percolation of relatively dilute water through 0·25 m of unsaturated soil. The Na+ and Cl, were the dominant ions in snowmelt water, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ dominated the hillslope runoff. On slopes below a large melting snowdrift, ion concentrations of melt water flowing in the saturated layer of the soil were very similar to the relatively dilute concentrations found in surface runoff. However, once the snowdrift ablated, ion concentrations of subsurface flow increased above parent melt-water concentrations. Three seasonally characteristic hydrochemical regimes were identified in a stream reach adjacent to late-lying snowdrifts. In the first two stages, the water chemistry in the stream channel strongly resembled the hillslope drainage water. In the third stage, in-stream geochemical processes, including the weathering/ion exchange of Ca2+ and Mg2+, were the main control of streamwater chemistry. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Seven Decades of Change in the Zooplankton (s.l.) of the Nile Delta Lakes (Egypt), with Particular Reference to Lake Borullus

Henri J. Dumont
Abstract Around the 1930s, the zooplankton (and benthos) of the Nile delta lakes, and Lake Borullus in particular, had a mixed, eutrophic facies, with marine and mesohaline elements dominant for about eight months per year, and freshwater species taking over during the four months of the Nile flood. After the Aswan dam became operational, this regime changed: a steady supply of agricultural drainage water of Nilotic origin consistently freshened the delta. Thus, except in the immediate vicinity of their outlet to the sea, the lakes became almost fresh. Only during the rare and short-lived (one-three weeks) occasions when Aswan closes in winter, marine water is sucked in, and along with it, a saline fauna temporarily becomes re-established in the east and centre of lake Borullus, and presumably of the other delta lakes as well. This marine fauna remained the same over 70+ years of observations. The freshwater component, in contrast, partly nilotic, partly mediterranean, changed deeply over time. First, the fraction of species from temporary waters disappeared, as well as (among copepods and cladocerans) all large-bodied species. Several cladocerans and copepods with a euro-mediterranean range appeared and diluted the pre-existing Afrotropical fauna. The abundance of small cladocerans and, especially, rotifers increased by a factor ten or more. This latter change is believed to reflect two pressures. In a first phase, a re-arrangement of the lake's fish fauna (a top down force) occurred. Freshwater fish replaced marine diadromic species, and their predation pressure on the zooplankton preferentially removed large-bodied prey. In a second phase, increased agricultural drainage caused eutrophication (a bottom-up force) and larger filtrators (cladocerans, some copepods) began to be replaced by small filtrators (rotifers). (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Brackish water subirrigation for vegetables,

R. M. Patel
eaux saumâtres; irrigation souterraine; poivron vert; pommes de terre Abstract As freshwater resources for irrigation are being depleted rapidly, recent emphasis has been on the development of nonconventional water sources: reuse of agricultural drainage water, use of industrial or municipal wastewater, and use of brackish water for irrigation. Experiments conducted in field lysimeters over three seasons sought to investigate the feasibility of using brackish water for growing moderately sensitive crops. Brackish waters, with salinity levels of 1, 5 and 9 dS m,1, were used. In 1993 the effects of a factorial combination of three subirrigation water salinity levels, two water table depths and four NPK fertilizer combinations on salt buildup in an initially nonsaline soil and on green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) performance were assessed. A gradual increase in soil solution salinity (ECsw) from the water table to the soil surface was evident; however, throughout the growing season, the ECsw did not reach a level that could seriously damage the crop. There was no significant difference in pepper yields due to either salinity of subirrigation water or water table depth. In 1994, two potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars were grown in the soil, which was salinized with 3.5 dS m,1 water before planting tubers. The salt buildup pattern was similar to that observed in 1993; however, the ECsw levels were higher in 1994 due to the higher initial soil salinity. Moreover, a decrease in ECsw was observed near the water table in lysimeters subirrigated with 1 dS m,1 water. For both cultivars, no significant difference in tuber yield was observed due to either water table depth or subirrigation water salinity. In 1995, three potato cultivars were grown in a nonsaline soil as well as a soil presalinized with 2 dS m,1 water. In the topsoil layer, higher rate of increase in ECsw was observed in the saline soil compared to the nonsaline soil. No significant difference in total tuber yield was observed due to either the initial soil salinity levels or subirrigation water salinity levels. Brackish water with salinity levels of up to 9 dS m,1, when applied through subirrigation, could be used to successfully produce green peppers and potatoes under semiarid to arid conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. RÉSUMÉ Comme les ressources en eau douce utilisées poor l'irrigation s'épuisent rapidement, les récentes recherches tentent de mettre l'emphase sur le développement de sources d'eau non-conventionnelles: la réutilisation de l'eau de drainage agricole, l'utilisation des eaux usées municipales et des eaux saumâtres pour l'irrigation des cultures. Lors de pénuries d'eau douce les eaux saumâtres ont été utilisées pour l'irrigation souterraine de maïs, mais la salinité de la couche supérieur du sol a été réduite en raison de la pluie. Dans les régions arides et semi-arides cette méthode s'est limitée à quelques essais seulement. En raison des quantités limitées d'eau de bonne qualité, on ne peut irriguer de vastes étendues agricoles en régions arides. Or, si l'utilisation des eaux saumâtres s'avérait un succès il serait possible d'améliorer les rendements agricoles. Il est donc nécessaire d'évaluer l'utilisation des eaux saumâtres dans les systèmes d'irrigation souterrains en milieu aride. Des expériences en lysimètres au cours de trois saisons, dans le but d'étudier la faisabilité d'utiliser des eaux saumâtres pour l'irrigation souterraine de cultures moyennement sensibles, furent entreprises en 1993 et 1994. Des eaux saumâtres avec des niveaux de salinité de 1, 5 et 9 dS m,1, furent utilisés. En 1993, les effets d'une combinaison factorielle de trois niveaux de salinité, deux profondeurs de nappe phréatique et quatre combinaisons de fertilisation NPK ont servi à évaluer l'accumulation de sel dans un sol initialement non-salin où le poivron vert (Capsicum annuum L.) a été cultivé. Une augmentation graduelle de la salinité de la solution du sol, de la nappe d'eau souterraine jusqu'à la surface, fut évidente. Bien que durant la saison de croissance, la conductivité électrique de la solution du sol (ECsw) n'ait pas atteint un niveau qui aurait pu endommager sérieusement la culture. Ni les différents niveaux de salinité ni la profondeur de la nappe d'eau souterraine n'ont affecté de façon significative les rendements de poivrons. En 1994, deux cultivars de pommes de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) furent cultivés dans un sol rendu salin, après avoir été irrigué avec une eau d'un niveau de salinité de 3.5 dS m,1, préalablement à la plantation des tubercules. L'accumulation de sel suivit une tendance semblable à celle observée en 1993. Cependant, les niveaux de ECsw enregistrés en 1994 furent plus élevés en raison du taux de salinité initial plus élevé. De plus, une baisse de ECsw fut observée près de la nappe d'eau souterraine dans les lysimètres irrigués avec une eau d'un niveau de salinité de 1 dS m,1. Ni les différents niveaux de salinité ni la profondeur de la nappe d'eau souterraine n'ont affecté de façon significative le rendement de pommes de terre de chacun des cultivars. En 1995, trois cultivars de pommes de terre ont été cultivés dans un soil non salin ainsi que dans un sol rendu salin au moyen d'une eau avec une conductivité électrique de 2 dS m,1. Dans la couche supérieure du sol, un plus important taux d'augmentation de conductivité électrique a été observé dans le sol salin que dans le sol non salin. Il n'y a pas eu de différence significative observée en raison des taux initiaux de salinité ou encore en raison des taux de salinité de l'eau dans le système d'irrigation souterrain. Cette étude suggère que les eaux saumâtres d'un niveau de salinité jusqu'à 9 dS m,1 pourraient être utilisées dans les systèmes d'irrigation souterrains pour la culture du poivron vert et de la pomme de terre en régions semi-arides et arides. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Controlled drainage effects on water quality under semi-arid conditions in the western delta of Egypt

M.A.S. Wahba
le drainage contrôlé; le drainage conventionnel; la gestion de la liste de l'eau; la qualité de l'eau de drainage Abstract Field experiments were conducted for two years in the Western Delta of Egypt to investigate the effects of controlled drainage on the quality of subsurface drainage outflows. Two water table management methods were applied in the 2.54 ha experimental field: free conventional subsurface drainage and controlled drainage. Controlled drainage was applied at 60 cm depth during both seasons. Drain discharge volumes and nitrate-N and orthophosphate-phosphorus concentrations were monitored during the growing seasons. The controlled drainage (CD) treatment significantly reduced the total drainage outflow by 68% during the summer season and by 28% during the winter of 1999,2000 at 99% confidence level, compared to free conventional drainage (FD) treatment. The CD also reduced the total nitrate-N in drainage water by 73%, and 32% during the summer and the winter seasons respectively, compared to the FD treatment. The CD treatment reduced the total orthophosphate-phosphorus losses by 77% during summer of 1999 and by 30% during winter of 1999,2000 compared to the FD treatment; however, in general the total mass loss was low in both treatments. The results of the experiment showed the potential environmental and economic benefits with the application of controlled drainage in semi-arid regions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Les expériences sur les domaines étaient dirigées pour deux ans dans le delta de l'ouest de l'Egypte, pour étudier les effets du drainage contrôlé sur la qualité de l'écoulement du drainage sous-surface. Deux méthodes du direction de table de l'eau ont été appliquées sur environ 2.54 ha domaines d'expériences, du drainage conventionnel sous-surface libre, et du drainage contrôlé. Le drainage contrôlé était appliqué a 60 cm de profondeur durant les deux saisons, les concentrations des volumes du drain déchargé et du nitrate-N, et les orthophosphate-phosphours étaient surveillées durant les saisons nouvelles. Le drainage contrôlé (DC) traitement a diminué considérablement le total de charge du drainage par taux de 68% durant l'été et par 28% pendant l'hiver de 1999,2000 par 99%, le niveau de confiance en comparaison au traitement du drainage conventionnel libre (DL). Le drainage contrôlé a diminué le taux total du nitrate-N dans l'eau de drainage par taux de 73% pendant l'été et 32% pendant l'hiver comparé avec le traitement du drainage libre. Le drainage contrôlé du taux total d'orthophosphate-phosphours perdu a diminué par 77% pendant l'été 1999, et 30% pendant l'hiver de 1999,2000 comparé avec le traitement du drainage libre, mais en général la masse totale perdue a diminué. Les résultats ont présenté le potentiel environnemental et les bénéfits économiques de l'application du drainage contrôlé dans les régions semi-arides. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Saline Drainage Water, Irrigation Frequency and Crop Species Effects on Some Physical Properties of Soils

Y. A. Al-Nabulsi
This field study evaluated the effects of water quality, irrigation frequency and crop species on some physical properties of soils. The experiment had a split-split-plot design, with three irrigation water qualities (normal water, drainage water and a 1 : 1 mixture of freshwater and drainage water) as the main treatments, two irrigation frequencies (at 7- and 14-day intervals) as the subtreatments and two crops (barley and alfalfa) as the subsubtreatments. The soil infiltration rate was highest in the barley plot receiving freshwater irrigation at weekly intervals. The lowest soil infiltration rate was found in alfalfa plots receiving saline irrigation water at 14-day intervals. Bulk density and proportions of micropores [pore radius (r) < 1.4 µm] were higher and the proportion of macropores (r > 14.4 µm) was lower in barley than in alfalfa. Saline irrigation caused the greatest decrease in total porosity. The soil infiltration rate was higher with more frequent irrigation, and was highest in alfalfa plots receiving freshwater irrigation. The decrease in soil bulk density and infiltration rate was greater with saline drainage water, irrespective of the crop grown and the irrigation frequency. Salzhaltiges Drainagewasser, Bewässerungshäufig-keit und Kulturpflanzenarten mit Wirkung auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften des Bodens Eine Felduntersuchung wurde vorgenommen, um dem Einfluss der Wasserqualität, der Bewässerungshäufigkeit und Kulturpflanzenarten auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Böden zu untersuchen. Die Infiltrationrate mit Frischwasser in wöchentlichen Abständen unter Gerste war hoch. Eine Behandlung mit Salzwasser in 14 tägigen Abständen unter Luzerne zeigte eine geringere Infiltrationsrate des Bodens. Bodendichte und der Anteil der Mikroporen (Poren mit einem Radius von r < 1,4 mm) waren größer und der Anteil der Makroporen (r > 14,4 mm) war unter Gerste geringer. Bewässerung mit Salzwasser verursachte die stärkste Abnahme in der Gesamtporosität. Die Infiltrationsrate des Bodens nahm mit der Häufigkeit der Bewässerung zu und zeigte den höchsten Wert bei Luzerne und einer Frischwasserbewässerung. Die Abnahme in der Bodendichte und der Infiltrationseigenschaften waren bei Salzwasserdrainage unabhängig von der Kulturpflanzenart und der Bewässerungshäufigkeit höher. [source]

Transmission of Pepino mosaic virus by the Fungal Vector Olpidium virulentus

Ana Alfaro-Fernández
Abstract Transmission of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) by the fungal vector Olpidium virulentus was studied in two experiments. Two characterized cultures of the fungus were used as stock cultures for the assay: culture A was from lettuce roots collected in Castellón (Spain), and culture B was from tomato roots collected in Murcia (Spain). These fungal cultures were maintained in their original host and irrigated with sterile water. The drainage water collected from irrigating these stock cultures was used for watering PepMV-infected and non-infected tomato plants to constitute the acquisition,source plants of the assay, which were divided into six different plots: plants containing fungal culture A (non-infected and PepMV-infected); plants containing fungal culture B (non-infected and PepMV-infected); PepMV-infected plants without the fungus; and plants non-infected either with PepMV and the fungus. Thirty-six healthy plants grouped into six plots, which constituted the virus acquisition,transmission plants of the assay, were irrigated with different drainage waters obtained by watering the different plots of the acquisition,source plants. PepMV was only transmitted to plants irrigated with the drainage water collected from PepMV-infected plants whose roots contained the fungal culture B from tomato with a transmission rate of 8%. No infection was detected in plants irrigated with the drainage water collected from plots with only a fungus or virus infection. Both the virus and fungus were detected in water samples collected from the drainage water of the acquisition,source plants of the assay. These transmission assays demonstrated the possibility of PepMV transmission by O. virulentus collected from tomato crops. [source]

Heavy-metal displacement in chelate-treated soil with sludge during phytoremediation

Stanley Liphadzi
Abstract Heavy metals (HMs) in domestic sewage sludge, applied to land, contaminate soils. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to clean-up toxic HMs from soil. Chelating agents are added to soil to solubilize the metals for enhanced uptake. Yet no studies report the displacement of HMs in soil with sludge following solubilization with chelates. The objective of this work was to determine the uptake or leaching of HMs due to a chelate added to a soil from a sludge farm that had received sludge for 25 y. The soil was placed in long columns (105,cm long; , 39,cm) in a greenhouse. Columns either had a plant (hybrid poplar; Populus deltoides Marsh. × P. nigra L.) or no plant. After the poplar seedlings had grown for 144 d, the tetrasodium salt of the chelating agent EDTA was irrigated onto the surface of the soil at a rate of 1 g per,kg of soil. Drainage water, soil, and plants were analyzed for three toxic HMs (Cd, Ni, Pb) and four essential HMs (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn). At harvest, extractable and total concentrations of each HM in the soil with EDTA were similar to those in soil without EDTA. The chelate did not affect the concentrations of HMs in the roots or leaves. With or without plants, EDTA mobilized all seven HMs and increased their concentrations in drainage water. Lower concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn in leachate from columns with EDTA and plants compared to columns with EDTA and no plants showed that poplars can reduce groundwater contamination by intercepting these HMs in the soil. But the poplar plants did not reduce Pb and Mn in the leachate from columns with EDTA. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in the leachate mobilized by EDTA remained above drinking-water standards with or without plants. The results showed that a chelate (EDTA) should not be added to a soil at a sludge farm to enhance phytoremediation. The chelate mobilized HMs that leached to drainage water and contaminated it. [source]

The phage-driven microbial loop in petroleum bioremediation

Eugene Rosenberg
Summary During the drilling process and transport of crude oil, water mixes with the petroleum. At oil terminals, the water settles to the bottom of storage tanks. This drainage water is contaminated with emulsified oil and water-soluble hydrocarbons and must be treated before it can be released into the environment. In this study, we tested the efficiency of a continuous flow, two-stage bioreactor for treating drainage water from an Israeli oil terminal. The bioreactor removed all of the ammonia, 93% of the sulfide and converted 90% of the total organic carbon (TOC) into carbon dioxide. SYBR Gold staining indicated that reactor 1 contained 1.7 × 108 bacteria and 3.7 × 108 phages per millilitre, and reactor 2 contained 1.3 × 108 bacteria and 1.7 × 109 phages per millilitre. The unexpectedly high mineralization of TOC and high concentration of phage in reactor 2 support the concept of a phage-driven microbial loop in the bioremediation of the drainage water. In general, application of this concept in bioremediation of contaminated water has the potential to increase the efficiency of processes. [source]

Fate of vinclozolin, thiabendazole and dimethomorph during storage, handling and forcing of chicory

Pieter Spanoghe
Abstract BACKGROUND: As part of ongoing research for a sustainable production of Belgian endives, the fate of three fungicides during storage, handling and forcing of witloof chicory roots was investigated. Storage roots are protected against Sclerotinia sp. Fuckel and Phoma exigua var. exigua Desm. by means of vinclozolin and thiabendazole respectively. During hydroponic forcing, the most imminent pathogen is Phytophthora cryptogea Pethybr. & Laff., which is controlled by the use of dimethomorph. RESULTS: Vinclozolin and thiabendazole concentrations on roots remained constant during storage at ,1 °C. Dermal exposure of the workers in hydroponics was exceeded. Vinclozolin and thiabendazole residues were not detected 2 weeks after hydroponic forcing; dimethomorph was still detected at harvest. At harvest, the vinclozolin concentration in the chicory heads was below the maximum residue limit, but the chicory roots contained residues much above the thiabendazole and dimethomorph maximum residue level. CONCLUSION: Vinclozolin and thiabendazole residues applied before storage are still present on the roots at the start of the forcing cycle. During the set-up of chicory roots, preventive measures are recommended, as effects of repeated human exposure to low doses of applied fungicides cannot be excluded. Dimethomorph applied at the start of the hydroponic forcing is the only pesticide detected in the drainage water at harvest. The chicory heads were safe for human consumption. However, more attention should be paid to the residues of fungicides in the roots used for cattle feeding. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

Is tile drainage water representative of root zone leaching of pesticides?

Ole H Jacobsen
Abstract Given the methods presently available, determination of flux-averaged concentrations of pesticides in structured soils is always a compromise. Most of the available methods entail major uncertainties and limitations. Tile drainage monitoring has several advantages, but the extent to which it is representative of overall leaching has been questioned because it comprises a mixture of water of different origins. This literature review evaluates whether drainage water pesticide concentrations are representative of root zone leaching of pesticides. As there are no reports quantifying the extent to which the flux-averaged concentration of pesticides in drainage water differs from that found between the drains, evidence-based conclusions cannot be drawn. Nevertheless, the existing literature does suggest that the concentration in drainage water does not always correspond to the concentration at drain depth between the drains; depending on the conditions pertaining, the concentrations may be higher or lower. As to whether the flux-averaged concentration of pesticides in drainage water is representative of the interdrain concentration at drain depth it is concluded that (1) the representativeness of drainage water concentrations can be questioned on very well-drained soils and on poorly drained soils with little capacity for lateral transport beneath the plough layer, (2) the conditions provided by relatively porous soils and moderate climatic conditions are conducive to the drainage water concentration being representative and (3) drainage water will be more representative in the case of weakly sorbed pesticides than for strongly sorbed pesticides. Used critically, it is thus believed that drainage water concentrations can serve to characterize the flux-averaged concentration of pesticides at drain depth. However, the use of drainage water for determining average concentrations necessitates thorough investigation and interpretation of precipitation, percolation, drain outflow and concentration dynamics. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

The hydrological response of heavy clay grassland soils to rainfall in south-west England using ,2H,

Steven J. Granger
Stable isotopes of water have been previously used in catchment studies to separate rain-event water from pre-event groundwater. However, there are a lack of studies at the smaller scale looking at the separation of event water from pre-event water. This is particularly relevant for heavy clay soil systems through which the movement of water is uncertain but is thought to be rainwater-dominated. The data presented here were collected at a rural site in the south-west of England. The historic rainfall at the site was isotopically varied but similar to the global meteoric water line, with annual weighted means of ,37, for ,2H and ,5.7, for ,18O and with no seasonal variation. Drainage was sampled from the inter-flow (surface runoff,+,lateral through-flow) and drain-flow (55,cm deep mole drains) pathways of two 1,ha lysimeters during two rainfall events, which had ,2H values of ,68, and ,92,, respectively. The ,2H values of the lysimeter drainage water suggest that there was no contribution of event water during the first, small discharge (Q) event; however, the second larger event did show isotopic variation in ,2H values negatively related to Q indicating that rainwater was contributing to Q. A hydrograph separation indicated that only 49,58% of the inter-flow and 18,25% of the drain-flow consisted of event water. This was surprising given that these soil types are considered retentive of soil water. More work is needed on heavy clay soils to understand better the nature of water movement from these systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Oxidation of ferrous iron by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in a full-scale rotating biological contactor

L. Nikolov
The performance of a full-scale rotating biological contactor used for the oxidation of ferrous iron by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in drainage waters was studied. It has been shown that high volumetric rates, up to 2.5 g/Lh can be obtained. We also examined the effects of input ferrous iron concentration and liquid retention time on reactor performance. It has been shown that when the input iron concentration increased, volumetric reaction rate increased while substrate conversion decreased. In general, the rotating biological contractor is a promising tool for the biological treatment of acid mine drainage containing ferrous iron. [source]

Transmission of Pepino mosaic virus by the Fungal Vector Olpidium virulentus

Ana Alfaro-Fernández
Abstract Transmission of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) by the fungal vector Olpidium virulentus was studied in two experiments. Two characterized cultures of the fungus were used as stock cultures for the assay: culture A was from lettuce roots collected in Castellón (Spain), and culture B was from tomato roots collected in Murcia (Spain). These fungal cultures were maintained in their original host and irrigated with sterile water. The drainage water collected from irrigating these stock cultures was used for watering PepMV-infected and non-infected tomato plants to constitute the acquisition,source plants of the assay, which were divided into six different plots: plants containing fungal culture A (non-infected and PepMV-infected); plants containing fungal culture B (non-infected and PepMV-infected); PepMV-infected plants without the fungus; and plants non-infected either with PepMV and the fungus. Thirty-six healthy plants grouped into six plots, which constituted the virus acquisition,transmission plants of the assay, were irrigated with different drainage waters obtained by watering the different plots of the acquisition,source plants. PepMV was only transmitted to plants irrigated with the drainage water collected from PepMV-infected plants whose roots contained the fungal culture B from tomato with a transmission rate of 8%. No infection was detected in plants irrigated with the drainage water collected from plots with only a fungus or virus infection. Both the virus and fungus were detected in water samples collected from the drainage water of the acquisition,source plants of the assay. These transmission assays demonstrated the possibility of PepMV transmission by O. virulentus collected from tomato crops. [source]

Sources and bioavailability of phosphorus fractions in freshwaters: a British perspective

ABSTRACT This paper seeks a perspective on the forms of phosphorus which promote aquatic eutrophication, with the particular quest of establishing their sources. A short background traces the development of understanding of nutrient enrichment and the suppositions about the relative contributions of agriculture, sewage and detergent residues. Most aquatic systems, and their primary producers, are naturally deficient in biologically-available phosphorus. Aquatic plants have evolved very efficient phosphorus uptake mechanisms. The biomass responses to an increase in the supply of phosphorus are stoichiometrically predictable. The most bioavailable forms of phosphorus are in solution, as orthophosphate ions, or are readily soluble or elutable from loose combinations. Ready bioavailability coincides well with what is measurable as molybdate-reactive (MRP) or soluble-reactive phosphorus (SRP). Most other forms, including phosphates of the alkaline earth metals, aluminium and iron are scarcely available at all. Orthophosphate ions sorbed to metal oxides and hydroxides are normally not biologically available either, except through weak dissociation (,desorption'). The production of alkaline phosphatase provides organisms with an additional mechanism for accelerating the sequestration of phosphate from organic compounds. Bioavailable phosphate is liberated when redox- or alkali-sensitive metal hydroxides dissolve but these processes are minor contributors to the biological responses to nutrient enrichment. Most of the familiar eutrophication is attributable to the widespread application of secondary sewage treatment methods to the wastes emanating from a burgeoning and increasingly urbanised human population. The use of polyphosphate-based detergents, now in decline, has contributed to the problem. In aquatic systems, the additional phosphorus raises the biological supportive capacity, sometimes to the capacity of the next limiting factor (carbon, light, hydraulic retention or of another nutrient). At high orthophosphate loadings, the straight stoichiometric yield relationship between biomass yield and phosphorus availability is lost. Movements of phosphorus and its recycling within aquatic systems do not prevent the slow gravitation of phosphorus to the bottom substrata. The phosphorus retentivity of sediments depends upon their chemical composition. While oxide-hydroxide binding capacity in the surface sediments persists, they act as a sink for phosphorus and a control on further cycling. Iron-rich and clay-rich sediments perform best in these conditions; calcareous sediments least so. Eutrophication may lead to the exhaustion of sediment P-binding capacity. Non-sorbed phosphate is readily recyclable if primary producers have access to it. Recycling is most rapid in shallow waters (where sediment disturbance, by flow, by wind action and through bioturbation, is frequent) and least in deep ventilated sediments. The contributions of phosphorus from catchments are assessed. The slow rate of weathering of (mostly apatitic) minerals, the role of chemical binding in soils and the incorporation and retentivity by forested terrestrial ecosystems each contribute to the minimisation of phosphorus leakage to drainage waters. Palaeolimnological and experimental evidence confirms that clearance of land and ploughing its surface weakens the phosphorus retentivity of catchments. The phosphorus transferred from arable land to drainage remains dominated by sorbed fractions which are scarcely bioavailable. Some forms of intensive market gardening or concentrated stock rearing may mobilise phosphates to drainage but it is deduced that drainage from agricultural land is not commonly a major source of readily bioavailable phosphorus in water. Careful budgeting of the phosphates in run-off from over-fertilised soils may nevertheless show that a proportionately small loss of bioavailable phosphorus can still be highly significant in promoting aquatic plant production. The bioavailable-phosphorus (BAP) load achieving the OECD threshold of lake eutrophy (35 mg P m,3) is calculated to be equivalent to a terrestrial loss rate of approximately 17.5 kg BAP km,2 year,1), or only 1,2% of a typical fertiliser application. The output is shown to be comparable with the P yield from secondary treatment of the sewage produced by a resident population of 30,44 persons km,2. With tertiary treatment, the equivalence is with approximately 200 persons km,2. [source]