Different Implant Systems (different + implant_system)

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Selected Abstracts

One-Stage Operative Procedure Using Two Different Implant Systems: A Prospective Study on Implant Overdentures in the Edentulous Mandible

Andrew Tawse-Smith DDS, Cert Perio (Göteborg)
ABSTRACT Background: Evidence-based reports are needed to support the application of a one-stage surgical protocol for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Purpose: To examine the feasibility and success of using two different dental implant systems (originally designed for two-stage operative technique) using a one-stage operative procedure in patients being rehabilitated with implant mandibular overdentures. Materials and Methods: The study sample involved 24 edentulous subjects (aged 55,80 yr) randomly allocated to two different implant systems, one with a machined titanium implant surface (Steri-Oss, Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) and the other with a roughened titanium surface (Southern Implants, Ltd., Irene, South Africa). Two unsplinted implants to support implant overdentures were placed in the anterior mandible of all patients, using a standardized one-stage surgical and prosthodontic procedure. Primary stability and bicortical anchorage of the implants was mandatory before healing abutments were connected at the time of implant placement. Implant overdentures and their respective matrices were inserted following a standard 12-week healing period. Data relating to mobility tests, radiographs, and peri-implant parameters were documented at 12, 16, and 52 weeks after surgery. Results: A success rate of 95.8% for the Steri-Oss and 100% for the Southern Implants was found, without any statistically significant differences in the marginal bone loss. Significant changes in Periotest values were observed for both types between 12 and 52 weeks (p <.001). Minor changes were observed in the peri-implant parameters evaluated. Conclusions: These preliminary findings show a successful application of this one-stage approach for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures with Steri-Oss and Southern Implant Systems. [source]

Early Functional Loading of Unsplinted Roughened Surface Implants with Mandibular Overdentures 2 Weeks after Surgery

Alan G.T. Payne BDS, FCD (SA), MDent
ABSTRACT Background: Before early functional loading of unsplinted implants with mandibular overdentures can become widespread, more clinical studies are needed to investigate the success of the approach. Purpose: To evaluate the success rates of two types of roughened titanium surface implants with early 2-week functional loading of paired mandibular interforaminal implants with overdentures. Materials and Methods: Random allocation divided 24 strictly selected edentulous participants into two groups, with each group to receive a different implant system (ITI Dental Implant System, Straumann AG, Waldenburg, Switzerland; or Southern Implant System, Southern Implants, Irene, South Africa). Two implants were placed in the anterior mandible of all participants using one-stage standardized surgical procedures. Previously constructed conventional mandibular dentures (opposing maxillary complete dentures) were temporarily relined and worn by the participants for the first 2 weeks; participants used a soft diet. Two weeks after implant surgery and following some mucosal healing, the mandibular dentures had the tissue conditioner removed and the appropriate matrices included for an unsplinted prosthodontic design. Results: No implant from either group was lost. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) indicated higher primary stability at surgery for the Southern group than for the ITI group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups throughout the study period. The drop in RF values between surgery and 6 weeks was significant and was greater for the Southern group. RFA also indicated stabilized osseointegration between 6 to 12 and 12 to 52 weeks, with no participant showing any decrease in those values over time. Participants with type 3 bone showed a significant improvement in RF values between 12 and 52 weeks, eventually matching those of participants with type 2 bone. There were no significant differences in marginal bone loss, periimplant parameters, or prosthodontic maintenance between the groups over the study period. Conclusions: Using only strict patient selection criteria, 1-year follow-up data indicate that early functional loading of ITI and Southern implants with mandibular two-implant overdentures is possible as early as 2 weeks after implant surgery. [source]

Immediate implants at fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog comparing four different implant systems.

Soft tissue findings
de Sanctis M, Vignoletti F, Discepoli N, Muñoz F, Sanz M. Immediate implants at fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog comparing four different implant systems. Soft tissue findings. J Clin Periodontol 2010; 37: 769-776 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01570.x. Abstract Objectives: To evaluate whether different implants placed immediately upon tooth extraction may affect the dimension and composition of the peri-implant soft tissues. Material and Methods: Eight beagle dogs received implants randomly installed into the distal socket of 3P3 and 4P4. Four commercially available implant systems were evaluated: 3i Osseotite Certain straight; Astra MicroThreadÔ -OsseoSpeedÔ; Thommen SPI Element®; and Straumann ITI standard. Each animal provided four test implant sites. All animals were sacrificed 6 weeks after implant placement, providing specimens for the evaluation of the soft tissue dimensions by histometric analysis. Results: The biological width at 6 weeks after implant placement consisted of a junctional epithelium measuring between 2 and 2.7 mm and a connective tissue component between 1 and 1.8 mm with no statistical differences among the four implant systems. Conclusion: This study failed to demonstrate differences in the soft tissue healing outcome when placing four different implant systems into fresh extraction sockets. Nevertheless, the length of the epithelium achieved with the four implant systems is longer than what has been reported when placing implants in healed-ridge experimental models. [source]

Immediate implants at fresh extraction sockets: bone healing in four different implant systems

Massimo De Sanctis
Abstract Objectives: To describe the differences in bone healing, when placing four different implant systems in fresh extraction sockets. Material and Methods: Eight beagle dogs received implants randomly installed into the distal socket of three P3 and four P4. Four-implant systems were evaluated. Each animal provided four test implant sites. All animals were sacrificed at 6 weeks after implant placement, providing specimens for histo-morphometric analysis of bone to implant contact (BIC), bone area, new bone formation, as well as histometric measurements of the ridge alterations. Results: No statistically significant difference was observed among the four-implant systems. The mean BIC % ranged between 58.5% and 72.1%. Bone modelling of the buccal plate was marked and amounted approximately to 2.5 mm, independently of the system used. Conclusion: This study failed to demonstrate differences in the healing pattern after 6 weeks when placing four different implant systems in fresh extraction sockets. In spite of achieving predictable osteointegration with the four implants studied, the occurrence of buccal bone resorption may limit the use of this surgical approach. [source]

Relative effectiveness of powered and manual toothbrushes in elderly patients with implant-supported mandibular overdentures

A. Tawse-Smith
Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of a powered toothbrush (Braun Oral-B Plaque Remover 3-D) and a manual soft toothbrush (Oral-B Squish-grip brush) for the control of supragingival plaque and soft tissue inflammation around implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Material and methods: The study sample involved 40 edentulous subjects, aged 55,80 years, having 2 unsplinted mandibular implants supporting a complete removable overdenture opposed by a maxillary complete denture. In this single-blinded, randomised, cross-over clinical trial, two 6-week experimental phases were separated by a 2-week wash-out period. 2 weeks prior to each experimental phase (pre-entry visits), implant abutments were polished to remove all plaque and a standardised instruction in the use of the toothbrush was given. Modified plaque and bleeding indices were recorded at the start and end of each experimental period. Mean index scores at each phase were analysed using paired t -test, and the mean number of sites showing a change in plaque or mucositis were compared using the Mann-Whitney U -test. Combined data from 2 different implant systems were considered after controlling for implant type. Results: Only minor changes in plaque and bleeding scores were observed following the two test periods. There were no statistically significant differences between the manual and powered toothbrushes. Conclusion: Manual and powered brushes were found to be of comparable efficacy with regard to improvement in peri-implant bleeding and plaque indices. Zusammenfassung Zielsetzung: Untersuchung der klinischen Effektivität einer elektrischen Zahnbürste (Braun Oral-B Plaque Remover 3-D) im Vergleich zu einer weichen Handzahnbürste (Oral-B Squish-grip brush) zur Kontrolle supragingivaler Plaque und Weichgewebsentzündung an Implantaten, die Unterkiefer-Totalprothesen tragen. Material und Methoden: Das Untersuchungskollektiv bestand aus 40 zahnlosen Patienten im Alter zwischen 55 und 80 Jahren, die 2 unverblockte Unterkiefer-Implantate zur Unterstützung einer Totalprothese aufwiesen. Der Oberkiefer war jeweils mit einer total schleimhautgetragenen Prothese versorgt. In dieser einfach verblindeten, randomisierten klinischen Cross-over-Studie wurden 2 6-wöchige experimentelle Phasen von einer 2-wöchigen Auswaschperiode unterbrochen. 2 Wochen vor jeder experimentellen Phase wurden die supragingivalen Implantatflächen von sämtlicher Plaque gereinigt und die Patienten erhielten eine Instruktion im Gebrauch der Zahnbürsten. Modifizierte Plaque- und Blutungsindizes wurden zu Beginn und am Ende jeder experimentellen Phase erhoben. Die Mittelwerte für die Indizes wurden mittels des paarigen t -Tests und die Zahl der Stellen, die eine Veränderung in Plaque und Mucositis aufwiesen, wurden durch den Mann-Whitney U -Test verglichen. Die Daten für 2 Implantatsysteme wurden zusammengefasst, nachdem der Einfluss des Implantatsystems überprüft worden war. Ergebnisse: Es wurden nur geringe Veränderungen der Plaque- und Blutungsindizes am Ende beider Testphasen beobachtet. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied zwischen elektrischer und Handzahnbürste konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Hand- und elektrische Zahnbürsten erwiesen sich als gleich effektiv für die Verbesserung periimplantärer Plaque- und Blutungsindizes. Résumé But: Le but de cette étude était de comparer l'efficacité clinique d'une brosse à dent électrique (Plaque remover 3D de Braun Oral B) et une brosse souple manuelle (squish grip d'oral B) pour le contrôle de la plaque supra-gingivale et l'inflammation des tissus mous autour d'implants supportant des overdentures mandibulaires. Matériaux et méthodes: L'échantillon étudié comprenait 40 sujets édentés, âgés de 55 à 80 ans, ayant 2 implants mandibulaires non reliés supportant une overdenture amovible complète et une prothèse maxillaire antagoniste complète. Dans cet essai clinique croisé en aveugle simple, randomisée, 2 phases expérimentales de 6 semaines encadraient une période d'arrêt de 2 semaines. 2 semaines avant chaque phase expérimentale, (visite de pré-entrée), les piliers implantaires étaient polis afin d'éliminer toute la plaque et des instructions standardisées d'utilisation de la brosse étaient données. On notait les indices, de saignement et de plaque modifié, au début et à la fin de chaque période expérimentale. Les notes d'indices moyens à chaque phase étaient analysées par le test t apparié et le nombre moyen de sites présentant une modification de la plaque ou de la mucosite était comparé par le test U de Mann Whitney. Les données combinées des 2 systèmes implantaires étaient considérées après cotrôle pour chaque type d'implant Résultats: De minimes modifications des notes de plaque et de saignement étaient observées après les deux périodes de test. Il n'y avait pas de différences statistiques significatives entre les brosses manuelles et électriques. Conclusion: Les brosses manuelles et électriques ont une efficacité comparable du point de vue de l'amélioration des indices de saignement et de plaque peri-implantaires. [source]

A Three-Year Follow-Up Report of a Comparative Study of ITI Dental Implants® and Brånemark System® Implants in the Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Maxilla

Per Åstrand DDS
ABSTRACT Background: Many longitudinal studies of different implant systems have been published but few controlled randomized investigations have been reported. A 1-year report of a comparative study of ITI Dental Implant System® implants (Straumann AG, Waldenburg, Switzerland) and Brånemark System® implants (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) has been published by the present authors. This paper is a 3-year follow-up of that randomized study. Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare the outcome of fixed partial prostheses supported by ITI or Branemark implants. The outcome was evaluated primarily in terms of survival rates and changes in marginal bone level. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 28 patients with anterior residual dentition in the maxilla. The patients were provided with two to four implants on each side of the dentition and were randomly allocated to Brånemark implants or ITI implants; 77 ITI implants and 73 Brånemark implants were inserted. After 6 months abutment connections were made to both ITI and Brånemark implants. All patients were provided with fked partial prostheses of gold-ceramic. The patients were followed up annually with clinical and radiographic examinations for 3 years. Results: Two Brånemark implants and two ITI implants were lost. The Brånemark implants were lost before loading whereas the ITI implants were lost because of periimplantitis. The survival rate for both groups was 97.3%. The mean marginal bone level of the Brånemark implants was situated 1.8 mm from the reference point at both the baseline and the 3-year examinations. The corresponding values for the ITI implants were 1.4 mm at baseline and 1.3 mm after 3 years. There was no significant difference between the implant systems with regard to bone level or bone level change. A steady state of the marginal bone level was calculated to have been reached after 3 years for 95.5% of the Brånemark implants and 87.1% of the ITI implants. Periimplantitis (infection including pus and bone loss) was observed with seven ITI implants but with none of the Brånemark implants. This difference was statistically significant. Conclusions: No statistically significant differences were found between the implants studied, except for the frequency of periimplantitis, which was higher for the ITI implants. The survival rates were high, and the marginal bone loss was small for both systems. [source]

One-Stage Operative Procedure Using Two Different Implant Systems: A Prospective Study on Implant Overdentures in the Edentulous Mandible

Andrew Tawse-Smith DDS, Cert Perio (Göteborg)
ABSTRACT Background: Evidence-based reports are needed to support the application of a one-stage surgical protocol for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Purpose: To examine the feasibility and success of using two different dental implant systems (originally designed for two-stage operative technique) using a one-stage operative procedure in patients being rehabilitated with implant mandibular overdentures. Materials and Methods: The study sample involved 24 edentulous subjects (aged 55,80 yr) randomly allocated to two different implant systems, one with a machined titanium implant surface (Steri-Oss, Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) and the other with a roughened titanium surface (Southern Implants, Ltd., Irene, South Africa). Two unsplinted implants to support implant overdentures were placed in the anterior mandible of all patients, using a standardized one-stage surgical and prosthodontic procedure. Primary stability and bicortical anchorage of the implants was mandatory before healing abutments were connected at the time of implant placement. Implant overdentures and their respective matrices were inserted following a standard 12-week healing period. Data relating to mobility tests, radiographs, and peri-implant parameters were documented at 12, 16, and 52 weeks after surgery. Results: A success rate of 95.8% for the Steri-Oss and 100% for the Southern Implants was found, without any statistically significant differences in the marginal bone loss. Significant changes in Periotest values were observed for both types between 12 and 52 weeks (p <.001). Minor changes were observed in the peri-implant parameters evaluated. Conclusions: These preliminary findings show a successful application of this one-stage approach for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures with Steri-Oss and Southern Implant Systems. [source]

A Clinical, Radiographic, and Microbiologic Comparison of Astra Tech and Brånemark Single Tooth Implants

Lorena Puchades-Roman BDS, M Clin Dent
ABSTRACT Background: The soft tissues around single tooth implants differ fundamentally from the gingiva around natural teeth. There are very limited data comparing soft tissues around different implant systems. Aim: To assess whether the design characteristics of dental implants, particularly the implant-abutment junction, may affect the dimensions and health of the peri-implant soft tissues and radiographic bone levels. Subjects and Method: Fifteen Astra Tech and 15 Brånemark single tooth implants that had been in function for a minimum of 2 years in 30 partially dentate subjects were examined for plaque accumulation, probing depth, and bleeding on probing and compared to contralateral healthy teeth. Standardized radiographs were taken to measure the most coronal bone to implant contact on the mesial and distal surfaces. In addition, samples of subgingival plaque were taken on paper points and examined by darkfield microscopy. Results: Significantly higher mean probing depths (p < .001) and higher mean percentage of spirochetes (p= .003) were found at implants compared to teeth. In this sample, the Brånemark implants had significantly higher probing depths than the Astra Tech implants (median and interquartile range: Astra Tech 2.7 mm [2,3], Brånemark 3.3 mm [3,3.7] p= .026) and the most coronal bone to implant contact was closer to the implant,abutment junction in the Astra Tech implants (Astra Tech 0.6 mm [0.2,0.9], Brånemark 1.6 mm [1.4,2.0]. p < .001). Conclusion: Although there were statistically significant differences between the two implant systems, the clinical differences were small and probably reflect differences in the biologic width in relation to the location and design of the implant-abutment junction. [source]

A 10-year retrospective analysis of radiographic bone-level changes of implants supporting single-unit crowns in periodontally compromised vs. periodontally healthy patients

Sergio Matarasso
Abstract Aim: To compare the 10-year peri-implant bone loss (BL) rate in periodontally compromised (PCP) and periodontally healthy patients (PHP) around two different implant systems supporting single-unit crowns. Materials and methods: In this retrospective, controlled study, the mean BL (mBL) rate around dental implants placed in four groups of 20 non-smokers was evaluated after a follow-up of 10 years. Two groups of patients treated for periodontitis (PCP) and two groups of PHP were created. For each category (PCP and PHP), two different types of implant had been selected. The mBL was calculated by subtracting the radiographic bone levels at the time of crown cementation from the bone levels at the 10-year follow-up. Results: The mean age, mean full-mouth plaque and full-mouth bleeding scores and implant location were similar between the four groups. Implant survival rates ranged between 85% and 95%, without statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between groups. For both implant systems, PCP showed statistically significantly higher mBL rates and number of sites with BL,3 mm compared with PHP (P<0.0001). Conclusions: After 10 years, implants in PCP yielded lower survival rates and higher mean marginal BL rates compared with those of implants placed in PHP. These results were independent of the implant system used or the healing modality applied. To cite this article: Matarasso S, Rasperini G, Iorio Siciliano V, Salvi GE, Lang NP, Aglietta M. A 10-year retrospective analysis of radiographic bone-level changes of implants supporting single-unit crowns in periodontally compromised vs. periodontally healthy patients. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 898,903. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01945.x [source]

Clinical and microbiological analysis of subjects treated with Brånemark or AstraTech implants: a 7-year follow-up study

S. Renvert
Abstract Aims: To assess the impact of different implant systems on the clinical conditions and the microbiota at implants, and whether the presence of bacteria at tooth sites was predictive of the presence at implant sites. Materials and methods: Subjects with either AstraTech or Brånemark in function for 7 years were enrolled. Sub-gingival bacterial samples at tooth and implant sites were collected with sterile endodontic paper points, and analyzed by the checkerboard DNA,DNA hybridization method (40 species). Results: Fifty-four subjects, 27 supplied with AstraTech (n=132 implants) and 27 with Brånemark (n=102) implants, were studied. Test tooth sites had significantly less evidence of bleeding on probing (P<0.001) and presence of plaque (P<0.001) than implant test sites. Implant sites presented with deeper probing pocket depth than tooth sites (mean difference: 1.1 mm, standard error of differences: 0.08, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.9,1.3, P<0.001). Tannerella forsythia (P<0.05), Capnocytophaga sputigena (P<0.05), Actinomyces israelii (P<0.05) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (P<0.05) were found at higher levels at tooth surfaces. No differences in bacterial load for any species were found between the two implant systems. The odds of being present/absent at tooth and implants sites were only significant for Staphylococcus aureus [odds ratio (OR): 5.2 : 1, 95% CI: 1.4,18.9, P<0.01]. Conclusions: After 7 years in function, implants presented with deeper probing depths than teeth. S. aureus was commonly present at both teeth and implants sites. S. aureus at tooth sites was predictive of also being present at implant sites. [source]