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Selected Abstracts

Reciprocal insights into adaptation from agricultural and evolutionary studies in tomato

Leonie C. Moyle
Abstract Although traditionally separated by different aims and methodologies, research on agricultural and evolutionary problems shares a common goal of understanding the mechanisms underlying functionally important traits. As such, research in both fields offers potential complementary and reciprocal insights. Here, we discuss adaptive stress responses (specifically to water stress) as an example of potentially fruitful research reciprocity, where agricultural research has clearly produced advances that could benefit evolutionary studies, while evolutionary studies offer approaches and insights underexplored in crop studies. We focus on research on Solanum species that include the domesticated tomato and its wild relatives. Integrated approaches to understanding ecological adaptation are particularly attractive in tomato and its wild relatives: many presumptively adaptive phenotypic differences characterize wild species, and the physiological and mechanistic basis of many relevant traits and environmental responses has already been examined in the context of cultivated tomato and some wild species. We highlight four specific instances where these reciprocal insights can be combined to better address questions that are fundamental both to agriculture and evolution. [source]

A quarter century of declining suspended sediment fluxes in the Mississippi River and the effect of the 1993 flood,

Arthur J. Horowitz
Abstract Annual fluxes, flow-weighted concentrations and linear least squares trendline calculations for a number of long-term Mississippi River Basin (MRB) sampling sites covering 1981 through 2007, whilst somewhat ,noisy', display long-term patterns of decline. Annual flow-weighted concentration plots display the same long-term patterns of decline, but are less noisy because they reduce/eliminate variations due to interannual discharge differences. The declines appear greatest in the middle MRB, but also are evident elsewhere. The pattern for the lower Ohio River differs and may reflect ongoing construction at the Olmsted lock and dam that began in 1993 and currently is ongoing. The ,Great Flood of 1993' appears to have superimposed a step function (a sharp drop) on the long-term rate of decline in suspended sediment concentrations (SSC), annual fluxes and flow-weighted concentrations in the middle MRB at St Louis and Thebes, Missouri and Vicksburg, Mississippi, and in the lower MRB at St Francisville, Louisiana. Evidence for a step function at other sites is less substantial, but may have occurred. The step function appears to have resulted from losses in available (erodible) sediment, rather than to a reduction in discharge; hence, the MRB appears to be supply limited rather than discharge limited. These evaluations support the need for daily discharge and SSC data collections in the MRB to better address questions regarding long-term trends in sediment-related issues. This is apparent when the results for the Mississippi River at Thebes and St Louis sites are compared with those from other MRB sites where intensive (daily) data collections are lacking. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Evaluation of the evidential value of physicochemical data by a Bayesian network approach

Grzegorz Zadora
Abstract The growing interest in applications of Bayesian networks (BNs) in forensic science raises the question of whether BN could be used in forensic practice for the evaluation of results from physicochemical analysis of a limited number of observations from flammable liquids (weathered kerosene and diesel fuel) by automated thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (ATD-GC/MS), car paints by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and fibres by microspectrophotometry (MSP) in the visible (VIS) range. Therefore, various simple BN models, which allow the evaluation of both discrete and continuous types of data, were studied in order to address questions raised by the representatives of the administration of justice, concerning the identification and classification of objects into certain categories and/or the association between two items. The results of the evaluation performed by BN models were expressed in the form of a likelihood ratio, which is a well-documented measure of evidential value in the forensic field. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that BN models seem to be promising tool for evaluating physicochemical data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Habitat use, abundance, and persistence of Neotropical migrant birds in a habitat matrix in northeast Belize

Camila Gómez-Montes
ABSTRACT To ensure adequate protection of nonbreeding habitats used by Neotropical migratory landbirds, we must first address questions about habitat use and quality. On the Yucatan peninsula, migrants use many habitats, several of which remain unstudied, and methodological differences preclude interhabitat comparisons based on studies to date. We used distance sampling along line transects in six habitats in northeast Belize to examine use of previously unstudied habitats (e.g., salt marsh) by Neotropical migrants and to permit comparison across habitats. We calculated unadjusted and adjusted (for detectability) density estimates for individual migrant species and for all species combined to generate hypotheses about habitat quality based on the assumption that density and quality are positively correlated. Adjusted density estimates for all migrants were highest in black mangrove habitat (1799 ± 110 ind/km2), intermediate in three forest types and milpa (range 598,802 ind/km2), and lowest in salt marsh (207 ± 32.3 ind/km2). By combining density estimates with habitat availability in our study region, we estimated that evergreen forest and black mangrove supported 70% and 9% of the region's migrant population, respectively. At the species level, five of the 10 most common species had habitat preferences (>50% detections in one habitat). Given the diversity of habitat preferences among species and apparent seasonal movements, our results indicate that Neotropical migrants in northeast Belize are dependent on a matrix of interconnected habitats. RESUMEN Para asegurar la protección adecuada del hábitat no- reproductivo utilizado por aves migratorias Neotropicales terrestres, debemos responder preguntas sobre el uso y la calidad del hábitat. En la península de Yucatán, lasaves migratorias utilizan muchos hábitats, varios de los cuales aún continúan sin ser estudiados. Además las diferencias metodológicas evitan hacer comparaciones inter-hábitat basadas en los estudios que se han hecho hasta ahora. Utilizamos unmuestreo a lo largo de transectos de distancia variable, en seis hábitats, algunos previamente no estudiados (ej. ciénagas salobres), en el noreste de Belize para examinar y comparar el uso por parte de las migratorias Neotropicales, Calculamos estimados de densidad, ajustados y no ajustados (para detectabilidad), para especies particulares de migratorias y para todas las especies combinadas para generar una hipótesis sobre la calidad del hábitat basándonos en la presunción que la densidad estaría positivamente correlacionada con la calidad del hábitat. Los estimados de densidad ajustados para todos los migratorios fueron más altos en mangle negro (1799 ± 100 ind/km2), intermedios en tres tipos de bosque y milpa rango 598,802 ind/km2) y menores en ciénagas salobres (207 ± 32.3 ind/km2). Combinando los estimados de densidad con la disponibilidad de hábitats en nuestra región de estudio, estimamos que el bosque siempreverde y el mangle negro sostienen el 70% y 9% de los migratorios en la región, respectivamente. A nivel de especies, cinco de las 10 especies más comunes tienen preferencias de hábitat (>50% de las detecciones en un hábitat). Dada la diversidad de preferencias de hábitat entre especies y el aparente movimiento estacional, nuestros resultados indican que las aves migratorias Neotropicales en el noreste de Belize dependen de una matriz de hábitats interconectados. [source]

The objects of evidence

Matthew Engelke
By and large, anthropology's reflections on the concept of evidence have been couched within other discussions , on truth, knowledge, and related concerns. This essay, which introduces the special issue, makes the case that evidence deserves more considered attention in its own right. Drawing on the small but growing body of literature in social and cultural anthropology that does address questions of evidence, I situate the articles here in relation to several anthropological conversations, suggesting in the process how an exploration of evidence can shed light on three key issues: anthropology's standards of judgement, the potentials within interdisciplinary collaboration, and the benefits of a public anthropology. Résumé De manière générale, les réflexions de l'anthropologie sur le concept de preuve ont été imbriquées dans d'autres discussions concernant la vérité, la connaissance et d'autres questions connexes. En ouverture de ce numéro spécial, le présent essai avance que la preuve mériterait une attention plus spécifique pour elle-même. À partir d'un corpus restreint mais grandissant d'études en anthropologie culturelle et sociale consacrées à la question de la preuve, l'auteur situe les articles réunis ici par rapport à plusieurs conversations anthropologiques, en suggérant comment une exploration de la preuve peut faire la lumière sur trois grandes questions : les critères de jugement de l'anthropologie, les possibilités offertes par une collaboration interdisciplinaire et les avantages d'une anthropologie publique. [source]

The structure of PhaZ7 at atomic (1.2,Å) resolution reveals details of the active site and suggests a substrate-binding mode

Sachin Wakadkar
Poly-(R)-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial polyesters that are degraded by a group of enzymes known as PHA depolymerases. Paucimonas lemoignei PhaZ7 depolymerase is the only extracellular depolymerase that has been described as being active towards amorphous PHAs. A previously determined crystal structure of PhaZ7 revealed an ,/,-hydrolase fold and a Ser-His-Asp catalytic triad. In order to address questions regarding the catalytic mechanism and substrate binding, the atomic resolution structure of PhaZ7 was determined after cocrystallization with the protease inhibitor PMSF. The reported structure has the highest resolution (1.2,Å) of currently known depolymerase structures and shows a sulfur dioxide molecule covalently attached to the active-site residue Ser136. Structural comparison with the free PhaZ7 structure (1.45,Å resolution) revealed no major changes in the active site, suggesting a preformed catalytic triad. The oxyanion hole was found to be formed by the amide groups of Met137 and Asn49. Nine well ordered water molecules were located in the active site. Manual docking of a substrate trimer showed that the positions of these water molecules coincide well with the substrate atoms. It is proposed that these water molecules are displaced upon binding of the substrate. Furthermore, conformational changes were identified after comparison with a previously determined PhaZ7 dimer structure in a different space group. The changes were located in surface loops involved in dimer formation, indicating some flexibility of these loops and their possible involvement in polyester binding. [source]

Was lehrt uns die Empirie in Sachen Rentenreform?

Axel Börsch-Supan
Almost all OECD countries have pension reform at the top of their social policy agendas. This paper explores where empirical analysis might help to shed light on the central questions concerning pension reform. The first part of the paper addresses modifications of the current pay-as-you-go systems: How do we regulate the retirement age? Do we need a system of transparent notional accounts? The second part concerns a (partial) transition from a pay-as-you-go to a fully funded system: What does empirical analysis have to say about a Pareto-improving transition? Which distortions can be reduced? What do we know about the effects on saving, productivity and economic growth? Finally, the third part addresses questions about the design of funded pension systems: How expensive is their administration? Are tax incentives sufficient or do we need mandatory savings programmes in order to guarantee sufficient pension levels? [source]

An analysis of capital expenses and performance trade-offs among IMS CSCF deployment options

Anne Lee
Service providers around the world are deploying or planning to deploy the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in their core networks. IMS allows the delivery of new multimedia applications that can enhance the user's experience and bring in new revenue for the operators. These operators are now faced with deciding how to best deploy the various IMS functional elements in their networks. In this paper, the authors provide a survey of the various options available to the operators and present an analysis of some of those deployment options. In particular, the paper addresses questions around the advantages and disadvantages of centralizing or distributing control functions such as the call session control function (CSCF) in terms of capital expenditure (CAPEX) costs and latency trade-offs. Without the proper deployment strategy, there can be major differences in the overall cost of the network and therefore it is important to perform such an analysis. Initial recommendations and general observations are given that can assist network planners and operators to more efficiently develop an IMS deployment strategy. Further analysis and study that includes operational expenditure (OPEX) costs should also be factored into the final decision. © 2008 Alcatel-Lucent. [source]