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DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM (dental + implant_system)
Kinds of DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM Selected AbstractsThe development of the ITI® DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEMCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, Issue 2000Part 1: A review of the literature In a short trip through more than twenty years, the development of the ITI® DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM is described. The systematic unfolding and continuous advancement of the system, permanently supported and accompanied by scientific work in clinical and general practice, is outlined in short paragraphs. Some major milestones are emphasized and characterized. [source] Early Functional Loading of Unsplinted Roughened Surface Implants with Mandibular Overdentures 2 Weeks after SurgeryCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 3 2003Alan G.T. Payne BDS, FCD (SA), MDent ABSTRACT Background: Before early functional loading of unsplinted implants with mandibular overdentures can become widespread, more clinical studies are needed to investigate the success of the approach. Purpose: To evaluate the success rates of two types of roughened titanium surface implants with early 2-week functional loading of paired mandibular interforaminal implants with overdentures. Materials and Methods: Random allocation divided 24 strictly selected edentulous participants into two groups, with each group to receive a different implant system (ITI Dental Implant System, Straumann AG, Waldenburg, Switzerland; or Southern Implant System, Southern Implants, Irene, South Africa). Two implants were placed in the anterior mandible of all participants using one-stage standardized surgical procedures. Previously constructed conventional mandibular dentures (opposing maxillary complete dentures) were temporarily relined and worn by the participants for the first 2 weeks; participants used a soft diet. Two weeks after implant surgery and following some mucosal healing, the mandibular dentures had the tissue conditioner removed and the appropriate matrices included for an unsplinted prosthodontic design. Results: No implant from either group was lost. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) indicated higher primary stability at surgery for the Southern group than for the ITI group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups throughout the study period. The drop in RF values between surgery and 6 weeks was significant and was greater for the Southern group. RFA also indicated stabilized osseointegration between 6 to 12 and 12 to 52 weeks, with no participant showing any decrease in those values over time. Participants with type 3 bone showed a significant improvement in RF values between 12 and 52 weeks, eventually matching those of participants with type 2 bone. There were no significant differences in marginal bone loss, periimplant parameters, or prosthodontic maintenance between the groups over the study period. Conclusions: Using only strict patient selection criteria, 1-year follow-up data indicate that early functional loading of ITI and Southern implants with mandibular two-implant overdentures is possible as early as 2 weeks after implant surgery. [source] Effect of implant design on survival and success rates of titanium oral implants: a 10-year prospective cohort study of the ITI® Dental Implant SystemCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, Issue 1 2004Ioannis K. Karoussis Abstract Aim: The aim of this 10-year study (observation time 8,12 years, mean: 10 years) was to compare the survival rates, success rates and incidences of biological complications using three different implant designs of the ITI® Dental Implant System. Material and methods: In 89 dental patients treated comprehensively, a total of 112 hollow screw (HS), 49 hollow cylinder (HC) and 18 angulated hollow cylinder (AHC) implants were installed depending on the available bone volume and according to prosthetic needs. One and 10 years after surgical placement, clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed. The incidences of peri-implantitis according to various thresholds were registered over 10 years of maintenance. Results: Success criteria at 10 years were set at: pocket probing depth (PPD)5 mm, bleeding on probing (BoP),, bone loss < 0.2 mm annually. The survival rate for HS was 95.4%, for HC 85.7% and for AHC 91.7%. Ninety percent of all the HS, 71% of the HC and 88% of the AHC did not present with an incidence of peri-implantitis over the 10 years, HC having significantly higher incidence of peri-implantitis than HS (P< 0.004). With the success criteria set above, a success rate for HS of 74%, for HC of 63% and for AHC of 61% was identified at 10 years. However, including a definition of PPD6 mm, BoP , and bone loss < 0.2 mm annually for success, the rates for HS were 78%, for HC 65% and for AHC 67%, respectively. Basing success criteria purely on clinical parameters (without radiographic analysis), such as: PPD5 mm and BoP,, the success rates increased to 90%, 76% and 89%, respectively. With PPD6 mm and BoP , as success criteria chosen, the respective rates were 94%, 82% and 94% for HS, HC and AHC implants, respectively. Conclusions: A significantly higher survival rate as well as a significantly lower incidence of peri-implantitis was identified for hollow screw design ITI® Dental Implants after 10 years of service when compared to hollow cylinder design ITI® Dental Implants (95.4% vs. 85.7%; 10% vs. 29%). Depending on the setting of the threshold criteria for success, success rates are highly variable and hence, reporting of success rates with elaboration on the criteria set appears crucial for comparison of different studies. Résumé Le but de ce suivi d'une décennie a été de comparer les taux de survie, les taux de succès et les incidences des complications biologiques de l'utilisation de trois modèles implantaires différents du système ITI® Dental Implant. Chez 89 patients, 112 vis creuses (HS), 49 cylindres creux (HC) et 18 cylindres creux angulés (AHC) ont été placés suivant le volume osseux disponible et les nécessités prothétiques. Une et dix années après leur placement, des paramètres cliniques et radiographiques ont été définis. Les incidences de paroïmplantite relatives aux différents seuils ont été enregistrées durant ces dix années de maintenance. Les succès des critères à dix ans étaient placés à : PPD5 mm, BoP-, perte osseuse <0,2 mm/an. Le taux de survie pour HS était de 95,4%, pour HC de 86% et pour AHC de 92%. Nonante pour cent de tous les HS, 71% des HC et 88% des AHC ne présentaient pas d'incidences de paroïmplantite durant ces dix années, HC ayant une plus importante incidence de paroïmplantite que HS (p<0,004). Grace aux critères de succès indiqués, un taux de succès de 74% pour HS, de 63% pour HC et de 61% pour AHC a été identifié après dix ans. Cependant, en définissant le succès avec PPD6mm, BoP- et perte osseuse <0,2mm/an, les taux étaient de 78% pour HS, de 65% pour HC et de 67% pour AHC. En basant les taux de succès uniquement sur les paramètres cliniques (sans l'analyse radiographique) tels que PPD5 mm et BoP-, les taux de succès augmentaient respectivement à 90, 76 et 89%. Avec PPD6mm et BoP- comme critères de succès, les taux s'élevaient respectivement à 94, 82 et 94%. Un taux de survie significativement plus important ainsi qu'une incidence significativement plus faible de paroïmplantite étaient constatés au niveau des implants vis creuses après dix ans de mise en fonction comparés aux cylindres creux. Suivant l'établissement du seuil pour les critères du succès, les taux de ce succès sont extrêmement variables et rapporter les taux de succès suivant l'élaboration des critères est donc crucial pour comparer différentes études. Zusammenfassung Ziel: Das Ziel dieser 10-Jahresstudie (Beobachtungszeit 8,12 Jahre, Mittelwert: 10 Jahre) war es, bei ITI® -Implantaten mit drei verschiedenen Designs, die Erfolgs- und Überlebensrate zu vergleichen, und das Auftreten von biologischen Zwischenfällen zu untersuchen. Material und Methode: Bei 89 synoptisch behandelten Patienten implantierte man in Abhängigkeit des vorhandenen Knochenvolumens und der prothetischen Anforderungen insgesamt 112 Hohlschraubenimplantate (HS), 49 Hohlzylinderimplantate (HC) und 18 abgewinkelte Hohlzylinderimplantate (AHC). Ein und zehn Jahre nach der Implantation nahm man die klinischen und radiologischen Parameter auf. Eine Periimplantitis registrierte während der 10-jährigen Erhaltungsphase anhand verschiedener Grenzwerte. Resultate: Die Kriterien für einen Erfolg nach 10 Jahren legte man bei den folgenden Werten fest: PPD <5mm, BOP-, jährlicher Knochenverlust <0.2mm. Die Überlebensrate für ein HS lag bei 95.4%, für ein HC bei 85.7% und für ein AHC bei 91.7%. 90% aller HS, 71% aller HC und 88% aller AHC zeigte während den 10 Jahren nie Anzeichen einer Periimplantitis, wobei die HC signifikant häufiger Periimplantitis hatten, als die HS (p<0.004). Mit den oben festgelegten Erfolgskriterien ergab sich nach 10 Jahren für die HS eine Erfolgsrate von 74%, für die HC eine von 63% und für die AHC eine von 61%. Veränderte man die Definition auf "PPD<6mm, BOP -, jährlicher Kochenverlust <0.2mm", so betrugen die Erfolgsraten für die HS 78%, für die HC 65% und für die AHC 67%. Basierten die Erfolgskriterien rein auf klinischen Parametern (PPD <5mm, BOP-, keine röntgenologische Anlyse), so stiegen die Erfolgsraten auf 90%, 76% und 89% an. Wählte man die Erfolgskriterien "PPD <6mm und BOP -", so betrugen die Erfolgsraten für die HS 94%, für die HC 82% und für die AHC 94%. Zusammenfassung: Verglich man nach 10-jähriger Funktion die Hohlschrauben des ITI® -Implantat-Systems mit den Hohlzylindern desselben Systems, so ergab sich für die HS sowohl eine signifikant höher Überlebensrate, wie auch ein selteneres Auftreten von Periimplantitis (95.4% vs. 85.7%; 10% vs. 29%). Die Erfolgsraten variieren in Abhängigkeit der in der Definition eines Erfolges festgelegten Grenzwerten enorm stark. Dies erweist sich im Vergleich von verschiedenen Studien als hinderlich, weil die Definition der Erfolgsraten meist auf verschiedenen Kriterien beruhen. Resumen Intención: La intención de este estudio de 10 años (tiempo de observación 8,12, media: 10 años) fue comparar los índices de supervivencia, índices de éxito e índices de complicaciones biológicas usando tres diferentes diseños de implantes del Sistema de Implantes Dentales ITI®. Material y Métodos: Se instalaron en 89 pacientes dentales tratados completamente un total de 112 tornillos huecos (HS), 49 cilindros huecos (HC) y 18 cilindros huecos angulados (AHC) dependiendo de la disponibilidad de volumen óseo y de acuerdo con las necesidades protésicas. Se valoraron parámetros clínicos y radiográficos uno y diez años tras la colocación quirúrgica. Se registraron las incidencias de periimplantitis de acuerdo con varios umbrales a lo largo de 10 años de mantenimiento. Resultados: Los criterios de éxito a los 10 años se situaron en PPD5mm, BoP-, pérdida ósea < 0.2mm por año. El índice de supervivencia para los HS fue del 95.4%, para los HC del 85.7% y para los AHC del 91.7%. El 90% de los HS, el 71% de los HC y el 88% de los AHC no presentaron ninguna incidencia de periimplantitis a lo largo de los 10 años, HC tuvo una significativamente mayor incidencia de periimplantitis que HS (p< 0.004). Con los criterios de éxito antes mencionados, se identificó un índice de éxito para HS del 74%, para HC del 63% y para AHC del 61% a los 10 años. De todos modos, incluyendo una definición de PPD6mm, BoP, y pérdida ósea <0.2mm al año para tener éxito, los índices para HS fueron del 78%, para HC 65% y para AHC 67%, respectivamente. Basando los criterios de éxito puramente en parámetros clínicos (sin análisis radiográficos), tales como: PPD5mm y BoP-, los índices de éxito subieron hasta el 90%, 76% y 89%, respectivamente. Con el PPD6mm y BoP , como criterios de éxito elegidos, los índices respectivos fueron del 94%,82% y 94% para implantes HS, HC y AHC, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se identificó un significativamente mayor índice de supervivencia al igual que una menor incidencia de periimplantitis para el diseño de tornillo hueco Implante Dental ITI®. (95.4% vs. 85.7; 10% vs. 29%). Dependiendo de la definición del criterio del umbral de éxito, los índices de éxito son altamente variables y por tanto, los informes de los índices de éxito con elaboración de la definición de criterios parece ser crucial para la comparación de los diferentes estudios. [source] One-Stage Operative Procedure Using Two Different Implant Systems: A Prospective Study on Implant Overdentures in the Edentulous MandibleCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Issue 4 2001Andrew Tawse-Smith DDS, Cert Perio (Göteborg) ABSTRACT Background: Evidence-based reports are needed to support the application of a one-stage surgical protocol for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Purpose: To examine the feasibility and success of using two different dental implant systems (originally designed for two-stage operative technique) using a one-stage operative procedure in patients being rehabilitated with implant mandibular overdentures. Materials and Methods: The study sample involved 24 edentulous subjects (aged 55,80 yr) randomly allocated to two different implant systems, one with a machined titanium implant surface (Steri-Oss, Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) and the other with a roughened titanium surface (Southern Implants, Ltd., Irene, South Africa). Two unsplinted implants to support implant overdentures were placed in the anterior mandible of all patients, using a standardized one-stage surgical and prosthodontic procedure. Primary stability and bicortical anchorage of the implants was mandatory before healing abutments were connected at the time of implant placement. Implant overdentures and their respective matrices were inserted following a standard 12-week healing period. Data relating to mobility tests, radiographs, and peri-implant parameters were documented at 12, 16, and 52 weeks after surgery. Results: A success rate of 95.8% for the Steri-Oss and 100% for the Southern Implants was found, without any statistically significant differences in the marginal bone loss. Significant changes in Periotest values were observed for both types between 12 and 52 weeks (p <.001). Minor changes were observed in the peri-implant parameters evaluated. Conclusions: These preliminary findings show a successful application of this one-stage approach for unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures with Steri-Oss and Southern Implant Systems. [source] |