Additional Food Source (additional + food_source)

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Selected Abstracts

Extrafloral nectar from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) as a food source for parasitic wasps

Summary 1For many adult nectar-feeding parasitoids food and moisture are essential for survival in the field. Early in the season, when floral nectar is not yet available in cotton, extrafloral nectar (EFN) is already present on young cotton plants. 2The parasitoid Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) can use EFN cotton plants as an only food source. The longevity and reproduction of EFN-fed female wasps was comparable to wasps fed with honey and water provided on nectariless (NL) cotton plants, and was significantly higher compared with wasps kept on NL plants with no additional food source. 3Wasps that were given preflight experiences on EFN cotton plants choose EFN cotton over NL cotton plants in two choice experiments in the flight tunnel. The parasitoids are more willing to search on an EFN plant at their second and third encounter with a plant previously visited, compared with an NL cotton plant. 4Wasps can locate EFN from short distances by its odour alone, and find it almost as fast as honey, but much faster than odourless sucrose, which is only found randomly. Experience with EFN increased the retention ability of parasitoids on a flower model. [source]

How different provisioning strategies result in equal rates of food delivery: an experimental study of blue tits Parus caeruleus

Fabrizio Grieco
Food provisioning in birds requires a considerable amount of time and usually has to be traded-off against other parental and non-parental activities. I investigated experimentally the rate at which blue tit Parus caeruleus parents deliver food to their brood after a change in food availability. The main argument behind this study is that parents enjoying an additional food source may use less time for self-feeding and therefore use more time for food provisioning. This could increase the rate at which food is brought to the nest. However, a prey choice model that takes the energetic needs of the parent into account allows for the possibility that the food-supplemented parents would deliver the same amount of food by increasing prey size (through an increase in prey selectivity) and reducing visit rate. The field data indicate that the parents changed provisioning strategy when food-supplemented: they fed the chicks natural food less frequently, but brought larger larvae. On the whole, delivery rate of natural food was the same or lower than in controls. The results suggest that food-supplemented parents used the time saved to increase their degree of food selectivity. When the gains from an increased delivery rate are not worth the increased costs (mainly resulting from an increased visiting rate), the parent with low energetic need may increase selectivity to provide the same amount of food to the brood as the unmanipulated parent, but at a lower cost. [source]

Effects of Artificial Substrate and Stocking Density on the Nursery Production of Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

Komarey R. K. Moss
Nursery production may be enhanced by the addition of artificial substrate to increase the surface area upon which shrimp graze and to serve as refuge. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of the artificial substrate, AquaMatsTM, on the performance of postlarval Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei stocked at three densities. Eighteen 230-L tanks were stocked with 10-d postlarvae (mean weight < 0.01 g). Six treatments were evaluated and consisted of shrimp stocked at three densities (778 shrimp/m2, 1,167 shrimp/ m2, and 1,556 shrimp/m2) with and without access to artificial substrate. Shrimp in all treatments received a commercial diet ad libitum. After 6 wk, shrimp were harvested from each nursery tank, counted, and batch weighed. Mean final weight, survival, production, feed conversion ratio, and water quality parameters were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA. There were highly significant (P < 0.001) density and substrate effects on final weight, but there was no significant interaction effect. Final weight was 26.0, 17.4, and 34.5% greater in treatments with substrate than without substrate when stocked at 778, 1,167, and 1,556 shrimp/m2, respectively. There was no significant density, substrate, or interaction effect on survival or water quality. Mean survival was ± 89.1% for all treatments. Increased shrimp growth in the presence of added substrate was likely due to the availability of attached particulate organic matter on the AquaMatsTM that served as an additional food source. Results from this study indicate that artificial substrate can be used to mitigate the potential negative effects of high stocking density on growth of L. vannamei in nursery systems. [source]

Nursery rearing of the Asian catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Günther), at different stocking densities in cages suspended in tanks and ponds

Ruby F Bombeo
Abstract Growth and survival of hatchery-bred Asian catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Günther), fry reared at different stocking densities in net cages suspended in tanks and ponds were measured. The stocking densities used were 285, 571 and 1143 fry m,3 in tanks and 114, 228 and 457 fry m,3 in ponds. Fish were fed a formulated diet throughout the 28-day rearing period. Generally, fish reared in cages in ponds grew faster, with a specific growth rate (SGR) range of 10.3,14.6% day,1, than those in cages suspended in tanks (SGR range 9,11.3% day,1). This could be attributed to the presence of natural zooplankton (copepods and cladocerans) in the pond throughout the culture period, which served as additional food sources for catfish juveniles. In both scenarios, the fish reared at lower densities had significantly higher SGR than fish reared at higher densities. In the pond, the SGR of fish held at 228 and 457 m,3 were similar to each other but were significantly lower than those of fish held at 114 m,3. The zooplankton in ponds consisted mostly of copepods and cladocerans, in contrast to tanks, in which rotifers were more predominant. Per cent survival ranged from 85% to 89% in tanks and from 78% to 87% in ponds and did not differ significantly among stocking densities and between rearing systems. In conclusion, catfish nursery in cages suspended in tanks and ponds is density dependent. Catfish fry reared at 285 m,3 in tanks and at 114 m,3 in ponds had significantly faster growth rates than fish reared at higher densities. However, the desired fingerling size of 3,4 cm total length for stocking in grow-out culture can still be attained at stocking densities of 457 m,3 in nursery pond and 571 m,3 in tanks. [source]