Cultural World (cultural + world)

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Selected Abstracts

Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity: The Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas , Edited by Jon Ma Asgeirsson, April D. DeConick, and Risto Uro

Birger A. Pearson
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Personal Meaning, Self-Representation, and Agency in Some Recent Works

Mark A. Cravalho
Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of. Three-Year-Old. Jean L. Briggs. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. 275 pp. The Power of Feelings: Personal Meaning in Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Culture. Nancy J. Chodorow. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999. 320 pp. Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds. Dorothy Holland. William Lachicotte Jr. Debra Skinner. and Carol Cain. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998. 349 pp. [source]

Implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research related to non-Western populations

Louise Racine
Implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research related to non-Western populations In this article, I argue that implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research transcends the limitations of modern cultural theories in exploring the health problems of non-Western populations. Providing nursing care in pluralist countries like Canada remains a challenge for nurses. First, nurses must reflect on their ethnic background and stereotypes that may impinge on the understanding of cultural differences. Second, dominant health ideologies that underpin nurses' everyday practice and the structural barriers that may constrain the utilization of public healthcare services by non-Western populations must be further examined. Postcolonial feminism is aimed at addressing health inequities stemming from social discriminative practices. I will draw on extant literature and data of an ongoing ethnography exploring the Haitian caregivers' ways of caring for ageing relatives at home to unveil how the larger social and cultural world has an impact on caregivers' everyday lives. Marginalized locations represent privileged sites from which health problems, intersecting with power, race, gender, and social classes, can be addressed. Postcolonial feminism provides the analytic lens to look at the impact of these factors in shaping health experiences. It also suggests redirecting nursing cultural research and practice to achieve social justice in the healthcare system. [source]

Indigenous Media Gone Global: Strengthening Indigenous Identity On- and Offscreen at the First Nations/First Features Film Showcase

For 12 days in May 2005, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), as well as several other screening venues in Washington, D.C., hosted a group of renowned indigenous filmmakers from around the globe for the groundbreaking film showcase, "First Nations/First Features: A Showcase of World Indigenous Film and Media." This film showcase highlighted the innovative ways in which indigenous filmmakers draw on indigenous storytelling practices to create cinematic visions that honor their long-standing indigenous cultural worlds while reaching local and world audiences. In this essay, I highlight the onscreen impact through an analysis of several films featured in First Nations/First Features, as well as the offscreen impact emphasizing how the indigenous directors used this opportunity to strengthen social networks and share experience in this industry, which may develop into future collaborative film projects. [source]